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2017-08-11 21:34:12 +00:00
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.test import TestCase, override_settings
from django.core import mail
from django.conf import settings
from .models import Message, MessageThread, MessageCorrespondent
#class MailingTests(TestCase):
# def setUp(self):
# a, b, c, d = (User.objects.create_user(guy, email='%s@example.org' % guy, password=guy) for guy in 'abcd')
# d.is_superuser = True
# d.save()
# pa, _ = Participation.objects.get_or_create(user=a, site=Site.objects.first())
# conversation, _ = ConversationWithParticipant.objects.get_or_create(participation=pa)
# Message.objects.create(content='allo', conversation=conversation, author=b)
# Message.objects.create(content='aluil', conversation=conversation, author=a)
# site = Site.objects.first()
# Talk.objects.get_or_create(site=site, proposer=a, title='a talk', description='yay', event=Event.objects.get(site=site, name='other'))
# def test_models(self):
# talk, participant, message = (model.objects.first() for model in
# (ConversationAboutTalk, ConversationWithParticipant, Message))
# self.assertEqual(str(talk), 'Conversation about a talk')
# self.assertEqual(str(participant), 'Conversation with a')
# self.assertEqual(str(message), 'Message from b')
# self.assertEqual(message.get_absolute_url(), '/conversations/with/a/')
# self.assertEqual(talk.get_absolute_url(), '/talk/details/a-talk')
# def test_views(self):
# url = ConversationWithParticipant.objects.first().get_absolute_url()
# self.assertEqual(self.client.get(url).status_code, 302)
# self.client.login(username='c', password='c')
# self.assertEqual(self.client.get(url).status_code, 403)
# self.assertEqual(self.client.get(reverse('list-correspondents')).status_code, 403) # c is not staff
# self.assertEqual(self.client.get(reverse('inbox')).status_code, 200)
# self.client.post(reverse('inbox'), {'content': 'coucou'})
# self.client.login(username='d', password='d')
# self.client.post(url, {'content': 'im superuser'})
# self.assertEqual(Message.objects.last().content, 'im superuser')
# self.client.login(username='d', password='d')
# self.assertEqual(self.client.get(reverse('list-correspondents')).status_code, 200)
# REPLY_EMAIL='reply@example.org',
# REPLY_KEY='secret')
#class EmailTests(TestCase):
# def setUp(self):
# for guy in 'abcd':
# setattr(self, guy, User.objects.create_user(guy, email='%s@example.org' % guy, password=guy))
# a_p = Participation(user=self.a, site=Site.objects.first())
# a_p.orga = True
# a_p.save()
# t = Topic(name='Topic 1', site=Site.objects.first())
# t.save()
# t.reviewers.add(self.b)
# def test_talk_notification(self):
# self.client.login(username='c', password='c')
# # Check that login create participation
# self.assertTrue(Participation.objects.filter(user=self.c, site=Site.objects.first()).exists())
# # Propose new talk
# topic = Topic.objects.get(name='Topic 1')
# response = self.client.post(reverse('add-talk'), {
# 'title': 'Talk 1',
# 'description': 'This is the first talk',
# 'topics': (topic.pk,),
# 'event': 1,
# 'speakers': (self.c.pk, self.d.pk),
# }, follow=True)
# self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
# self.assertContains(response, 'Talk proposed') # check messages notification
# talk = Talk.objects.get(site=Site.objects.first(), title='Talk 1')
# conv = ConversationAboutTalk.objects.get(talk=talk)
# # Orga and reviewer should have been subscribed to the conversation about the talk
# self.assertEqual(set([self.a, self.b]), set(conv.subscribers.all()))
# # Both should have received an email notification
# self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 2)
# for m in mail.outbox:
# self.assertEqual(m.from_email, '%s <%s>' % (self.c.profile, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL))
# self.assertTrue('Talk: %s' % talk.title)
# self.assertTrue(len(m.to), 1)
# self.assertTrue(m.to[0] in [ self.a.email, self.b.email ])
# # Both should have been subscribed to conversations with each speakers
# for user in [self.c, self.d]:
# # Participation should have been created as the user is a speaker
# p = Participation.objects.get(user=user, site=Site.objects.first())
# conv = ConversationWithParticipant.objects.get(participation=p)
# self.assertEqual(set([self.a, self.b]), set(conv.subscribers.all()))