{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load i18n crispy_forms_tags %} {% load ponyconf_tags i18n %} {% block proposetab %} class="active"{% endblock %} {% block content %}

{% trans "Status" %}

{% if not conference.disclosed_acceptances or talk.accepted is None %}

{% trans "Reviewing in progress, we will keep you informed by mail." %}

{% elif talk.accepted %}

{% trans "Accepted!" %}

{% if talk.confirmed is None %}

{% trans "Please confirm your participation:" %} {% trans "I will be there!" %} {% trans "Sorry, couldn't make it :-(" %}

{% elif talk.confirmed %}

{% trans "Sorry, I have to cancel." %}

{% else %}

{% trans "Good news, I finally could be there!" %}

{% endif %} {% else %}

{% trans "Sorry, refused :-(" %}

{% endif %}

{% trans "Speakers" %}

{% for spkr in talk.speakers.all %} {% if forloop.first %}

{% endif %} {% endfor %}  {% trans "Add a co-speaker" %}

{% trans "Description" %}

{% if talk.description %} {{ talk.description|linebreaksbr }} {% else %} {% trans "No description provided." %} {% endif %}

{% if talk.materials or talk.video %}

{% trans "Materials and video" %}

{% if talk.materials %}
{% trans "Materials" %}
{{ talk.materials_name }}
{% endif %} {% if talk.video %}
{% trans "Video" %}
{% trans "download" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% trans "Message to organizers" %}

{% if talk.notes %} {{ talk.notes|linebreaksbr }} {% else %} {% trans "No description provided." %} {% endif %}

{% endblock %}