{% extends 'cfp/staff/base.html' %} {% load bootstrap3 i18n %} {% block talkstab %} class="active"{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if pending_email %}
{% url 'talk-email' as email_url %} {% blocktrans %}You have a pending e-mail. To continue its edition, click here.{% endblocktrans %}
{% endif %}

{% trans "Talks" %}

{% trans "Show filtering options…" %}

{% bootstrap_field filter_form.accepted layout="horizontal" %} {% bootstrap_field filter_form.confirmed layout="horizontal" %} {% bootstrap_field filter_form.category layout="horizontal" %} {% bootstrap_field filter_form.vote layout="horizontal" %} {% bootstrap_field filter_form.scheduled layout="horizontal" %} {% bootstrap_field filter_form.room layout="horizontal" %} {% bootstrap_field filter_form.materials layout="horizontal" %} {% bootstrap_field filter_form.video layout="horizontal" %}
{% bootstrap_field filter_form.tag layout="horizontal" %} {% bootstrap_field filter_form.track layout="horizontal" %}
{% for talk in talk_list %} {% if forloop.first %} {% endif %} {% if forloop.last%} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% trans "Total:" %} {{ talk_list|length }} {% trans "talk" %}{{ talk_list|length|pluralize }}
{% trans "Title" %} {% trans "Intervention kind" %} {% trans "Speakers" %} {% trans "Language" %} {% trans "Track" %} {% trans "Tags" %} {% trans "Status" %} {% trans "Score" %}
{% trans "download as csv" %}
{{ talk.title }} {{ talk.category }} {% for participant in talk.speakers.all %} {{ participant }} {% if forloop.revcounter == 2 %} {% trans "and" %} {% elif not forloop.last %}, {% endif %} {% empty %}– {% endfor %} {{ talk.language }} {{ talk.track|default:"–" }} {{ talk.get_tags_html }} {{ talk.get_status_str }} {{ talk.score }}

{% trans "For selected talks:" %}

{% csrf_token %} {% bootstrap_form_errors action_form %} {% bootstrap_form action_form exclude="talks" %} {% buttons %} {% endbuttons %}
{% endblock %}