{% extends 'cfp/staff/base.html' %} {% load i18n %} {% block speakerstab %} class="active"{% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{ participant }}

{% trans "Edit" %}

{% trans "Biography" %}

{{ participant.biography|linebreaksbr }}

{% if participant.notes %}

{% trans "Notes" %}

{{ participant.notes|linebreaksbr }}

{% endif %}

{% trans "Informations" %}

{% trans "Talks" %}

{% regroup participant.talk_set.all by category as category_list %} {% for category in category_list %}

{{ category.list.0.category }}

{% empty %}{% trans "No talks" %} {% endfor %}

{% trans "Messaging" %}

{% include 'mailing/_message_list.html' with messages=participant.conversation.message_set.all %} {% trans "Send a message – this message will be received by this participant and all the staff team" as message_form_title %} {% include 'mailing/_message_form.html' %} {% endblock %}