{% extends 'cfp/staff/base.html' %} {% load bootstrap3 i18n %} {% block talkstab %} class="active"{% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{ talk.title }}

{% comment %} {% if edit_perm %} {% trans "Edit" %}
{% endif %} {% endcomment %}

{% if talk.abstract %}{{ talk.abstract }}{% else %}{% trans "No abstract provided." %}{% endif %}

{% comment %} {% if moderate_perm %}
{% trans "Format" %}
{{ talk.event }}
{% trans "Topics" %}
{% for topic in talk.topics.all %} {{ topic }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %} {% empty %} {% trans "No topics." %} {% endfor %}
{% trans "Track" %}
{% if talk.track %} {{ talk.track }} {% else %} {% trans "No assigned yet." %} {% endif %}
{% if talk.start_date %} {{ talk.start_date|date:"l d b" }}, {{ talk.start_date|date:"H:i" }} – {% if talk.end_date %}{{ talk.end_date|date:"H:i" }}{% else %}?{% endif %} {% else %}{% trans "not defined" %} {% endif %}
{% if talk.room %} {{ talk.room }} {% else %}{% trans "not defined" %} {% endif %}
{% if talk.registration_required %}
{% trans "Registrations" %}
{% if talk.attendees_limit %}{{ talk.attendees.count }} / {{ talk.attendees_limit }}{% else %}{% trans "required but unlimited" %}{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if talk.materials %}
{% trans "Materials" %}
{{ talk.materials_name }}
{% endif %} {% if talk.video %}
{% trans "Video" %}
{% trans "download" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endcomment %}

{% trans "Category" %}

{{ talk.category }}

{% trans "Description" %}

{% if talk.description %}{{ talk.description|linebreaksbr }}{% else %}{% trans "No description provided." %}{% endif %}

{% trans "Speakers" %}

{% for participant in talk.speakers.all %} {% if forloop.first %}{% endif %} {% empty %} {% trans "No speakers." %} {% endfor %}

{% trans "Track" %}

{% if talk.track %}

{{ talk.track }}

{% else %}

{% trans "No assigned yet." context "session" %}

{% endif %}

{% trans "Notes" %}

{% if talk.notes %}{{ talk.notes|linebreaksbr }}{% else %}{% trans "No notes." %}{% endif %}

{% trans "Moderation" %}

{% trans "Status" %}

{{ talk.accepted|yesno:"Accepted,Declined,Pending decision" }}
{% if talk.accepted == None %}

{% trans "Vote" %}

-2 -1 0 +1 +2

{{ talk.vote_set.count }} {% trans "vote" %}{{ talk.vote_set.count|pluralize }}, {% trans "average:" %} {{ talk.score|floatformat:1 }}

Accept Decline {% endif %} {% comment %} {% if talk.registration_required %}

{% trans "Attendees" %}

{% for attendee in talk.attendees.all %} {% if forloop.first %}
    {% endif %}
  1. {{ attendee.get_name }}
  2. {% if forloop.last %}
{% endif %} {% empty %} {% trans "No attendees yet." %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endcomment %}

{% trans "Messaging" %}

{% include 'mailing/_message_list.html' with messages=talk.conversation.message_set.all %} {% trans "Send a message – this message will be received by the staff team only" as message_form_title %} {% include 'mailing/_message_form.html' %} {% endblock %}