Installation guide ================== Typography ---------- Commands starting with ``#`` must be run as ``root`` user. Commands starting with ``$`` must be run as ``ponyconf`` user. Requirements ------------ PonyConf have been tested with python 3.5 and 3.6. Preparation ----------- Create a user ``ponyconf``:: # useradd -r -m -d /srv/www/ponyconf ponyconf The directory ``/srv/www`` must exist before. An other base directory is fine. The following commands are run as ``ponyconf`` user:: # su - ponyconf Create ``log`` and ``webdir`` directories:: $ mkdir log webdir Clone the repository in the ``app`` directory:: $ git clone app Configuration ------------- Copy the example configuration file:: $ cp app/ponyconf/ app/ponyconf/ Set the ``SECRET_KEY`` value. You can generate a secret key with ``openssl``:: $ openssl rand -base64 32 Verify emails related settings values. Set your timezone and language code. If you want to use another database than the default one (SQLite), set ``DATABASES``. You can find the syntax in the `django documentation`_. .. _django documentation: