2019-10-06 22:08:12 +02:00

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from django.db.models import Q, Prefetch
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.utils.timezone import localtime, now
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.urls import reverse
from django.template.loader import get_template
from django.conf import settings
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from itertools import islice
from zlib import adler32
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from icalendar import Calendar as iCalendar, Event as iEvent
from .models import Conference, Talk, Room, Tag
Event = namedtuple('Event', ['talk', 'row', 'rowcount'])
class Program:
def __init__(self, site, pending=False, cache=None, staff=False):
self.site = site
self.pending = pending
if cache is None:
self.cache = not settings.DEBUG
self.cache = cache
self.staff = staff
self.initialized = False
def _lazy_init(self):
self.conference = Conference.objects.get(site=self.site)
self.talks = Talk.objects.\
filter(site=self.site, room__isnull=False, start_date__isnull=False).\
filter(Q(duration__gt=0) | Q(category__duration__gt=0)).\
Prefetch('tags', queryset=Tag.objects.filter(staff=True), to_attr='staff_tags'),
Prefetch('tags', queryset=Tag.objects.filter(public=True), to_attr='public_tags'),
'category', 'speakers', 'track', 'tags', 'room',
if self.pending:
self.talks = self.talks.exclude(accepted=False)
self.talks = self.talks.filter(accepted=True)
self.talks = self.talks.order_by('start_date')
self.rooms = Room.objects.filter(talk__in=self.talks.all()).order_by('name').distinct()
self.days = {}
for talk in self.talks.all():
duration = talk.estimated_duration
dt1 = talk.start_date
d1 = localtime(dt1).date()
if d1 not in self.days.keys():
self.days[d1] = {'timeslots': []}
dt2 = dt1 + timedelta(minutes=duration)
d2 = localtime(dt2).date()
if d2 not in self.days.keys():
self.days[d2] = {'timeslots': []}
if dt1 not in self.days[d1]['timeslots']:
if dt2 not in self.days[d2]['timeslots']:
self.cols = OrderedDict([(room, 1) for room in self.rooms])
for day in self.days.keys():
self.days[day]['timeslots'] = sorted(self.days[day]['timeslots'])
self.days[day]['rows'] = OrderedDict([(timeslot, OrderedDict([(room, []) for room in self.rooms])) for timeslot in self.days[day]['timeslots'][:-1]])
for talk in self.talks.exclude(plenary=True).all():
for talk in self.talks.filter(plenary=True).all():
self.initialized = True
def _add_talk(self, talk):
room = talk.room
dt1 = talk.start_date
d1 = localtime(dt1).date()
dt2 = talk.start_date + timedelta(minutes=talk.estimated_duration)
d2 = localtime(dt2).date()
assert(d1 == d2) # this is a current limitation
dt1 = self.days[d1]['timeslots'].index(dt1)
dt2 = self.days[d1]['timeslots'].index(dt2)
col = None
for row, timeslot in enumerate(islice(self.days[d1]['timeslots'], dt1, dt2)):
if col is None:
col = 0
while col < len(self.days[d1]['rows'][timeslot][room]) and self.days[d1]['rows'][timeslot][room][col]:
col += 1
self.cols[room] = max(self.cols[room], col+1)
event = Event(talk=talk, row=row, rowcount=dt2-dt1)
while len(self.days[d1]['rows'][timeslot][room]) <= col:
self.days[d1]['rows'][timeslot][room][col] = event
def _html_header(self):
output = '<td>Room</td>'
room_cell = '<td%(options)s>%(name)s<br><b>%(label)s</b></td>'
for room, colspan in self.cols.items():
options = ' style="min-width: 100px;" colspan="%d"' % colspan
output += room_cell % {'name': escape(room.name), 'label': escape(room.label), 'options': options}
return '<tr>%s</tr>' % output
def _html_body(self):
output = ''
for day in sorted(self.days.keys()):
output += self._html_day_header(day)
output += self._html_day(day)
return output
def _html_day_header(self, day):
row = '<tr><td colspan="%(colcount)s"><h3>%(day)s</h3></td></tr>'
colcount = 1
for room, col in self.cols.items():
colcount += col
return row % {
'colcount': colcount,
'day': datetime.strftime(day, '%A %d %B'),
def _html_day(self, day):
output = []
rows = self.days[day]['rows']
for ts, rooms in rows.items():
output.append(self._html_row(day, ts, rooms))
return '\n'.join(output)
def _html_row(self, day, ts, rooms):
row = '<tr style="%(style)s">%(timeslot)s%(content)s</tr>'
cell = '<td%(options)s>%(content)s</td>'
content = ''
for room, events in rooms.items():
colspan = 1
for i in range(self.cols[room]):
options = ' colspan="%d"' % colspan
cellcontent = ''
if i < len(events) and events[i]:
event = events[i]
if event.row != 0:
options = ' rowspan="%d" bgcolor="%s"' % (event.rowcount, event.talk.category.color)
cellcontent = escape(str(event.talk)) + '<br><em>' + escape(event.talk.get_speakers_str()) + '</em>'
if self.staff:
tags = event.talk.staff_tags
tags = event.talk.public_tags
for tag in tags:
cellcontent += '<br>' + tag.label
elif (i+1 > len(events) or not events[i+1]) and i+1 < self.cols[room]:
colspan += 1
colspan = 1
content += cell % {'options': options, 'content': mark_safe(cellcontent)}
style, timeslot = self._html_timeslot(day, ts)
return row % {
'style': style,
'timeslot': timeslot,
'content': content,
def _html_timeslot(self, day, ts):
template = '<td>%(content)s</td>'
start = ts
end = self.days[day]['timeslots'][self.days[day]['timeslots'].index(ts)+1]
duration = (end - start).seconds / 60
date_to_string = lambda date: datetime.strftime(localtime(date), '%H:%M')
style = 'height: %dpx;' % int(duration * 1.2)
timeslot = '<td>%s %s</td>' % tuple(map(date_to_string, [start, end]))
return style, timeslot
def _as_html(self):
template = """<table class="table table-bordered text-center">\n%(header)s\n%(body)s\n</table>"""
if not self.initialized:
return template % {
'header': self._html_header(),
'body': self._html_body(),
def _as_xml(self):
if not self.initialized:
schedule = ET.Element('schedule')
conference = ET.SubElement(schedule, 'conference')
elt = ET.SubElement(conference, 'title')
elt.text = self.conference.name
elt = ET.SubElement(conference, 'venue')
elt.text = ', '.join(map(lambda x: x.strip(), self.conference.venue.split('\n')))
elt = ET.SubElement(conference, 'city')
elt.text = self.conference.city
if self.days:
elt = ET.SubElement(conference, 'start_date')
elt.text = sorted(self.days.keys())[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
elt = ET.SubElement(conference, 'end_date')
elt.text = sorted(self.days.keys(), reverse=True)[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
elt = ET.SubElement(conference, 'days_count')
elt.text = str(len(self.days))
for index, day in enumerate(sorted(self.days.keys())):
day_elt = ET.SubElement(schedule, 'day', index=str(index+1), date=day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
for room in self.rooms.all():
room_elt = ET.SubElement(day_elt, 'room', name=room.name)
for talk in self.talks.filter(room=room).order_by('start_date'):
if localtime(talk.start_date).date() != day:
talk_elt = ET.SubElement(day_elt, 'event', id=str(talk.id))
duration = talk.estimated_duration
persons_elt = ET.SubElement(talk_elt, 'persons')
for speaker in talk.speakers.all():
person_elt = ET.SubElement(talk_elt, 'person', id=str(speaker.id))
person_elt.text = str(speaker)
# #if talk.registration_required and self.conference.subscriptions_open:
# # links += mark_safe("""
# # <link tag="registration">%(link)s</link>""" % {
# # 'link': reverse('register-for-a-talk', args=[talk.slug]),
# # })
# # registration = """
# # <attendees_max>%(max)s</attendees_max>
# # <attendees_remain>%(remain)s</attendees_remain>""" % {
# # 'max': talk.attendees_limit,
# # 'remain': talk.remaining_attendees or 0,
# # }
tags_elt = ET.SubElement(talk_elt, 'tags')
for tag in talk.tags.filter(public=True):
tag_elt = ET.SubElement(tags_elt, 'tag', slug=str(tag.slug))
tag_elt.text = tag.name
elt = ET.SubElement(talk_elt, 'start')
elt.text = localtime(talk.start_date).strftime('%H:%M')
elt = ET.SubElement(talk_elt, 'duration')
elt.text = '%02d:%02d' % (talk.estimated_duration / 60, talk.estimated_duration % 60)
elt = ET.SubElement(talk_elt, 'room')
elt.text = room.name
elt = ET.SubElement(talk_elt, 'slug')
elt.text = talk.slug
elt = ET.SubElement(talk_elt, 'title')
elt.text = talk.title
elt = ET.SubElement(talk_elt, 'subtitle')
elt = ET.SubElement(talk_elt, 'track')
elt.text = str(talk.track) if talk.track else ''
elt = ET.SubElement(talk_elt, 'type')
elt.text = talk.category.label
elt = ET.SubElement(talk_elt, 'language')
elt = ET.SubElement(talk_elt, 'description')
elt.text = talk.description
links_elt = ET.SubElement(talk_elt, 'links')
if talk.materials:
elt = ET.SubElement(links_elt, 'link', tag='slides')
elt.text = talk.materials.url
if talk.video and self.conference.videos_available:
elt = ET.SubElement(links_elt, 'link', tag='video')
elt.text = talk.video
return ET.tostring(schedule)
def _as_ics(self, citymeo=False):
if not self.initialized:
cal = iCalendar()
cal.add('prodid', '-//PonyConf.io//PonyConf//FR')
cal.add('version', '2.0')
cal.add('x-wr-calname', self.conference.name)
cal.add('x-wr-timezone', settings.TIME_ZONE)
cal.add('calscale', 'GREGORIAN')
talks = self.talks
if citymeo and talks.exists():
talks = talks.filter(start_date__gte=now()-timedelta(minutes=5))
if talks.exists():
limit = talks.first().start_date.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59)
talks = talks.filter(start_date__lte=limit)
for talk in talks:
event = iEvent()
event.add('dtstart', talk.start_date)
if not talk.end_date:
event.add('dtend', talk.end_date)
event.add('dtstamp', talk.updated)
event.add('summary', talk.title)
if talk.room:
event.add('location', talk.room)
event.add('status', 'CONFIRMED' if talk.accepted else 'TENTATIVE')
if not citymeo:
event.add('description', talk.description)
event.add('uid', '%s/%s' % (self.site.domain, talk.id))
return cal.to_ical()
def render(self, output='html', **kwargs):
if self.cache:
cache_entry = 'ponyconf-%d' % adler32('|'.join(map(str, [self.site.domain, output, self.pending] + list(kwargs.values()))).encode('utf-8'))
result = cache.get(cache_entry)
if not result:
result = getattr(self, '_as_%s' % output)(**kwargs)
cache.set(cache_entry, result, 3 * 60 * 60) # 3H
return result
return getattr(self, '_as_%s' % output)(**kwargs)
def __str__(self):
return self.render()