# Helloasso to Discourse This works in two distinct steps: first fetch HelloAsso data, then sync with Discourse. ## Installing pip install . ## Using ### 1 — Fetch HelloAsso data Use the `fetch` subcommand, I use it as is: $ helloasso-to-discourse fetch "$(pass helloasso-clientid)" "$(pass helloasso-clientsecret)" afpy this fetches the data of the given organization, here named `afpy`, it creates an `./afpy` file. ### 2 — Choose what to sync The goal is to sync an HelloAsso event (they call it `forms`) to a Discourse Badge. First let's discover which HelloAsso 'forms' we can use: $ helloasso-to-discourse list-forms afpy Then let's discover which Discourse badges we can use: $ helloasso-to-discourse list-badges https://discuss.afpy.org "$(pass afpy/discuss.afpy.org-api-key)" ### 3 — Sync This step actually assigns badges to Discourse users: As an example to assign badge "membre" to HelloAsso users having paid for the form named `adhesion-2023-a-l-afpy`: $ helloasso-to-discourse sync https://discuss.afpy.org "$(pass afpy/discuss.afpy.org-api-key)" afpy adhesion-2024-a-l-afpy adherant-afpy And an exemple to assign Discourse badge `pyconfr-2023` to members having registered for the `pyconfr-2023` event on HelloAsso: $ helloasso-to-discourse sync https://discuss.afpy.org "$(pass afpy/discuss.afpy.org-api-key)" afpy pyconfr-2023 pyconfr-2023