import argparse import datetime as dt import json import re import sys from itertools import count, groupby from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, Set from urllib.parse import urljoin import requests from helloasso_api import HaApiV5 from tabulate import tabulate def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Hello backup to Discourse badge") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="Choose a command") fetch_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "fetch", help="Fetch HelloAsso data from the HelloAsso API to a file." ) fetch_parser.add_argument("client_id") fetch_parser.add_argument("client_secret") fetch_parser.add_argument("org") fetch_parser.set_defaults(func=main_fetch) sync_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "sync", help="Sync the backup file to a given Discourse instance" ) sync_parser.add_argument("discourse_url") sync_parser.add_argument("discourse_api_key") sync_parser.add_argument("org") sync_parser.add_argument( "form_slug", help="See the `list-forms` subcommand to learn which one you can use.", ) sync_parser.add_argument("badge_slug") sync_parser.set_defaults(func=main_sync) list_form_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "list-forms", help="List HelloAsso forms, to use with `sync`" ) list_form_parser.set_defaults(func=main_list_form) list_form_parser.add_argument("org") list_badges_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "list-badges", help="List Discourse badges, to use with `sync`" ) list_badges_parser.set_defaults(func=main_list_badges) list_badges_parser.add_argument("discourse_url") list_badges_parser.add_argument("discourse_api_key") args = parser.parse_args() if not hasattr(args, "func"): parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) return args class Discourse: def __init__(self, url, api_key): self.url = url self.api_key = api_key self.session = None self._email_to_user_map = None def __enter__(self): self.session = requests.Session() self.session.headers.update({"Api-Key": self.api_key, "Api-Username": "system"}) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.session.close() def post(self, url, data=None, json=None, **kwargs): response =, url), data, json, **kwargs) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() def get(self, url, **kwargs): response = self.session.get(urljoin(self.url, url), **kwargs) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() def get_badge(self, badge_id): return self.get(f"/user_badges.json?badge_id={badge_id}") def get_badges(self): badges_info = self.get(f"/badges.json") badge_types = { badge_type["id"]: badge_type for badge_type in badges_info["badge_types"] } badge_groups = { badge_group["id"]: badge_group for badge_group in badges_info["badge_groupings"] } badges = badges_info["badges"] for badge in badges: badge["type"] = badge_types[badge["badge_type_id"]] badge["group"] = badge_groups[badge["badge_grouping_id"]] return {badge["slug"]: badge for badge in badges} def users(self, flag="active"): all_users = [] for page in count(1): users = self.get( f"/admin/users/list/{flag}.json", params={"page": page, "show_emails": "true"}, ) if not users: break all_users.extend(users) return all_users @property def email_to_user_map(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: if self._email_to_user_map: return self._email_to_user_map email_to_user = {} for user in self.users(): email_to_user[remove_email_tag(user["email"])] = user for secondary_email in user["secondary_emails"]: email_to_user[remove_email_tag(secondary_email)] = user self._email_to_user_map = email_to_user return email_to_user def assign_badge(self, badge_id, username): return "/user_badges", data={"badge_id": badge_id, "username": username} ) def remove_email_tag(email): return re.sub(r"\+.*@", "@", email) def main(): args = parse_args() return args.func(args) def main_list_form(args): mtime = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(Path( if - mtime > dt.timedelta(days=100): print("\nBeware, local copy of Helloasso data is outdated, maybe run:") print( """ helloasso-to-discourse fetch "$(pass helloasso-clientid)" """ f""""$(pass helloasso-clientsecret)" {}\n""" ) helloasso_backup = json.loads(Path("UTF-8")) forms = [ (item["order"]["formType"], item["order"]["formSlug"]) for item in helloasso_backup if item["state"] == "Processed" and "payer" in item and "email" in item["payer"] ] table = [key + (len(list(group)),) for key, group in groupby(sorted(forms))] print( "Here are the available HelloAsso forms you can you with the `sync` command ", "to link a form to a badge:\n", sep="\n", ) print(tabulate(table, headers=("Type", "Name", "Members"))) print() print("Use the `name` for the `sync` command, like:") print( f'helloasso-to-discourse sync "$(pass" afpy form-slug badge-slug' ) def main_list_badges(args): discourse = Discourse(args.discourse_url, args.discourse_api_key) table = [] with discourse: for slug, badge in discourse.get_badges().items(): table.append( ( badge["group"]["name"], badge["type"]["name"], slug, badge["grant_count"], ) ) table.sort() print(tabulate(table, headers=("Group", "Type", "Slug", "Grant count"))) print() print("Use the tag `slug` for the `sync` command, like:") print( f'helloasso-to-discourse sync "$(pass" ./afpy form-slug badge-slug' ) def main_sync(args): helloasso_backup = json.loads(Path("UTF-8")) discourse = Discourse(args.discourse_url, args.discourse_api_key) with discourse: from_helloasso = { remove_email_tag(item["payer"]["email"]) for item in helloasso_backup if item["order"]["formSlug"] == args.form_slug and item["state"] == "Processed" and "payer" in item and "email" in item["payer"] } print(f"Found {len(from_helloasso)} emails in HelloAsso") badges = discourse.get_badges() badge = badges[args.badge_slug] badge_users = discourse.get_badge(badges[args.badge_slug]["id"])["users"] already_assigned = {user["username"] for user in badge_users} print(f"Found {len(discourse.email_to_user_map)} emails in Discourse") common_emails = set(discourse.email_to_user_map) & from_helloasso print(f"Found {len(common_emails)} in common") already_assigned_count = 0 for email in common_emails: discourse_user = discourse.email_to_user_map[email] if discourse_user["username"] in already_assigned: already_assigned_count += 1 continue print(f"Assigning {badge['name']!r} to {discourse_user['username']!r}") discourse.assign_badge(badge["id"], discourse_user["username"]) print( f"{already_assigned_count} Discourse users already have the badge {badge['name']!r}" ) def main_fetch(args): api = HaApiV5( api_base="", client_id=args.client_id, client_secret=args.client_secret, timeout=60, ) backup = [] endpoint = f"/v5/organizations/{}/items" params = {"pageSize": 100} items =, params=params).json() while items["data"]: backup.extend(items["data"]) params["continuationToken"] = items["pagination"]["continuationToken"] items =, params=params).json() Path( json.dumps(backup, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False), encoding="UTF-8" ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()