--- - hosts: makemake vars: makemake_secret: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 37343337323036656636353033626634316239353366313330373938323031323430316463373566 6631376663363136306230336334653261386230333665630a623432643034366637626138303735 62313134653363386536633534656636643232613964666637323961353932306465623738323762 3930383063343266620a643736653063666532353334643937633566373735333166626537643638 39656363613936373436356431323234376432666365333236326634663337316566386338643831 3530303362316262303230653664636333636637383131653865 tasks: - name: A user for makemake user: name: makemake - name: Clone makemake become: true become_user: makemake git: repo: https://framagit.org/makemake/makemake dest: /home/makemake/src/ - name: Clone makemake themes become: true become_user: makemake git: repo: https://framagit.org/makemake/makemake-themes dest: /home/makemake/themes/ - name: Copy AFPy theme command: cp -a /home/makemake/themes/afpy /home/makemake/src/themes/ - name: install makemake requirements become: true become_user: makemake pip: requirements: /home/makemake/src/requirements.txt virtualenv_command: /usr/bin/python3 -m venv virtualenv: /home/makemake/venv/ - name: makemake nginx include_role: name=nginx vars: nginx_owner: makemake nginx_domain: planet.afpy.org nginx_certificates: [planet.afpy.org] nginx_conf: | server { listen [::]:80; listen 80; server_name planet.afpy.org; access_log /var/log/nginx/planet.afpy.org-access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/planet.afpy.org-error.log; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } server { listen [::]:443 ssl http2; listen 443 ssl http2; server_name planet.afpy.org; access_log /var/log/nginx/planet.afpy.org-access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/planet.afpy.org-error.log; include snippets/letsencrypt-planet.afpy.org.conf; root /home/makemake/www/; } - name: Configure feeds copy: content: | --- - name: "AFPy discuss" url: https://discuss.afpy.org/latest.rss link: https://discuss.afpy.org avatar: https://www.afpy.org/static/images/logo.svg - name: "AFPy - Mastodon" url: "https://mamot.fr/@AFPy.rss" link: "https://www.afpy.org/" - name: "ascendances" url: https://ascendances.wordpress.com/feed/ link: https://ascendances.wordpress.com/ - name: "Bearstech" url: "https://bearstech.com/atom_feed.xml" link: "https://bearstech.com/societe/blog/" - name: "Human coders" url: "https://news.humancoders.com/t/python/items/feed" link: "https://news.humancoders.com/t/python" - name: "Le blog de Dim'" url: "https://dmerej.info/blog/fr/index.xml" link: "https://dmerej.info/blog/fr" - name: "Linuxfr.org" url: "https://linuxfr.org/tags/python/public.atom" link: "https://linuxfr.org/tags/python/public" - name: "Olivier Pons" url: "https://www.olivierpons.fr/feed" link: "https://www.olivierpons.fr/" - name: "Stella blog" url: "https://ww.stella.coop/blog.rss" link: "https://www.stella.coop/blog-articles" - name: "Yaal" url: https://www.yaal.fr/blog/feeds/all.atom.xml link: https://www.yaal.fr/blog/index.html - name: "Zeste de savoir - Articles" url: "https://zestedesavoir.com/articles/flux/rss/?tag=python" link: "https://zestedesavoir.com/bibliotheque/?tag=python" - name: "Zeste de savoir - Billets" url: "https://zestedesavoir.com/billets/flux/rss/?tag=python" link: "https://zestedesavoir.com/bibliotheque/?tag=python" - name: "Zeste de savoir - Tutoriels" url: "https://zestedesavoir.com/tutoriels/flux/rss/?tag=python" link: "https://zestedesavoir.com/bibliotheque/?tag=python" dest: /home/makemake/src/datas/sources.yml - name: Configure makemake copy: dest: /home/makemake/src/config-production.py content: | # encoding: utf-8 SECRET_KEY = "{{ makemake_secret }}" JINJA_ENV = { "TRIM_BLOCKS": True, "LSTRIP_BLOCKS": True, } # Planet website configuration # Title MAKEMAKE_TITLE = "AFPy's Planet" # Link to itself MAKEMAKE_LINK = "https://planet.afpy.org/" # Logo MAKEMAKE_LOGO = "https://framagit.org/makemake/makemake/-/raw/main/makemake-logo.png" # Favicon - if None, logo will be used in place MAKEMAKE_FAVICON = None # Description MAKEMAKE_DESCRIPTION = "MakeMake The Dwarf Planet is a feed agregator." # Themes # Theme to use; should be present in themes/ folder MAKEMAKE_THEME = "afpy" # Not used for now, list all themes availables in themes/ folder MAKEMAKE_DISCOVER_THEMES = False # Not used for now, default list of themes MAKEMAKE_THEMES = ["afpy"] # Pagination # Use pagination MAKEMAKE_PAGINATION = False # If pagination used, how many articles to display MAKEMAKE_PAGINATION_SIZE = 10 # Boolean used in themes to display (or not) sources used MAKEMAKE_DISPLAY_SOURCES = True # Boolean used in themes to export subscriptions list (OPML format) MAKEMAKE_EXPORT_SOURCES = True # List of Planet feeds to generate (actualy, only RSS and ATOM are available) MAKEMAKE_FEEDS = ["RSS", "ATOM"] # Deleting old articles (in days) MAKEMAKE_DELETE_OLDER = None # Miscellaneous information that can be used by themes, you can specify whatever you # want in there but it have to be used by the theme MAKEMAKE_MISC = { # Those values are specified only for testing purpose "presentation": { "title": "AFPy's MakeMake", "text": """

MakeMake is a planet software making it simple to agregate multiple feeds.

You can contribute to MakeMake by opening issues on our issue tracker or contacting us via IRC.

""", }, "related": [ { "name": "MakeMake Source code", "link": "https://framagit.org/makemake/makemake", }, { "name": "IRC Contact", "link": "https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.geeknode.org/makemake", }, ], } - name: makemake output directory file: state: directory path: /home/makemake/www/ owner: makemake group: makemake mode: 0755 - name: makemake cron errors to email ansible.builtin.cron: name: MAILTO env: yes user: makemake job: admin@afpy.org - name: makemake cron ansible.builtin.cron: name: makemake minute: "40" user: makemake job: "cd /home/makemake/src/; /home/makemake/venv/bin/python /home/makemake/src/update.py --static /home/makemake/www/" - name: run makemake once become: true become_user: makemake shell: "cd /home/makemake/src/; /home/makemake/venv/bin/python /home/makemake/src/update.py --static /home/makemake/www/"