import argparse import json import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from pathlib import Path import simplelogging # log = simplelogging.get_logger(console_level=simplelogging.DEBUG) log = simplelogging.get_logger() class PoItem: def __init__(self, path, lineno): self.path = path[3:] self.lineno = lineno self.parsing_msgid = None self.msgid = [] self.msgstr = [] self.fuzzy = False self.warnings = [] def append_line(self, line): if line.startswith("msgid"): self.parsing_msgid = True self.msgid.append(line[7:-2]) elif line.startswith("msgstr"): self.parsing_msgid = False self.msgstr.append(line[8:-2]) elif line.startswith("#, fuzzy"): self.fuzzy = True elif line.startswith('"'): if self.parsing_msgid: self.msgid.append(line[1:-2]) elif not self.parsing_msgid is None: self.msgstr.append(line[1:-2]) def __str__(self): return ( f" - {self.msgid_full_content}\n" f" => {self.msgstr_full_content}\n" f" => {self.msgstr_rst2txt}\n" ) @property def msgid_full_content(self): return "".join(self.msgid) @property def msgstr_full_content(self): return "".join(self.msgstr) @property def msgid_rst2txt(self): return self.rst2txt(self.msgid_full_content) @property def msgstr_rst2txt(self): return self.rst2txt(self.msgstr_full_content) @staticmethod def rst2txt(text): text = re.sub(r"::", r":", text) text = re.sub(r"``(.*?)``", r"« \1 »", text) text = re.sub(r":pep:`(.*?)`", r"PEP \1", text) for term in ( "attr", "class", "const", "data", "dfn", "exc", "file", "func", "keyword", "meth", "mod", "ref", "source", "term", ): text = re.sub(rf":{term}:`(.*?)`", r"« \1 »", text) text = re.sub(r"\*\*(.*?)\*\*", r"« \1 »", text) text = re.sub( r"\*(.*?)\*", r"« \1 »", text ) # TODO sauf si déjà entre «» return text def add_warning(self, checker_name: str, text: str) -> None: self.warnings.append(Warning(checker_name, text)) def add_error(self, checker_name: str, text: str) -> None: self.warnings.append(Error(checker_name, text)) class PoFile: def __init__(self, path=None): self.content = [] self.path = path if path: self.parse_file(path) def parse_file(self, path): # TODO assert path is a file, not a dir item = None with open(path, encoding="utf8") as f: for lineno, line in enumerate(f): if line.startswith("#: "): if item: self.content.append(item) item = PoItem(line, lineno + 1) elif item: item.append_line(line) if item: self.content.append(item) def __str__(self): ret = f"Po file: {self.path}\n" ret += "\n".join(str(item) for item in self.content) return ret def rst2txt(self): return "\n\n".join(item.msgstr_rst2txt for item in self.content) def display_warnings(self): any_error = False for item in self.content: prefix = f"{self.path}:{item.lineno:-4} %s" log.debug(prefix, "") for message in item.warnings: if isinstance(message, Error): log.error(prefix, message) any_error = True elif isinstance(message, Warning): log.warning(prefix, message) return any_error class Message: def __init__(self, checker_name: str, text: str): self.checker_name = checker_name self.text = text def __str__(self): return f"[{self.checker_name:^14}] {self.text}" class Warning(Message): pass class Error(Message): pass class Checker(ABC): def __init__(self, name): = name def check_file(self, pofile: PoFile): if not isinstance(pofile, PoFile): log.error("%s is not an instance of PoFile", str(pofile)) for item in pofile.content: self.check_item(item) @abstractmethod def check_item(self, item: PoItem): pass class DoubleSpaceChecker(Checker): def __init__(self): super().__init__(name="Double space") def check_item(self, item: PoItem): for match in re.finditer( r"(.{0,30})\s\s(.{0,30})", item.msgstr_full_content ): item.add_warning(, f"Double spaces detected between ###{}### and ###{}###", ) class LineLengthChecker(Checker): def __init__(self): super().__init__(name="Line length") def check_item(self, item: PoItem): for line in item.msgstr: if len(line) > 77: # 77 + 2 ("") item.add_error(, f"Line too long ({len(line) + 2} > 79): {line}" ) class FuzzyChecker(Checker): def __init__(self): super().__init__(name="Fuzzy") def check_item(self, item: PoItem): if item.fuzzy: item.add_warning(, "This entry is tagged as fuzzy.") class EmptyChecker(Checker): def __init__(self): super().__init__(name="Empty") def check_item(self, item: PoItem): if not item.msgstr_full_content and item.msgid_full_content: item.add_warning(, "This entry is not translated yet.") def replace_quotes(match): length = len( - 4 return "« " + length * "x" + " »" class NonBreakableSpaceChecker(Checker): def __init__(self): super().__init__(name="NBSP") def check_item(self, item: PoItem): text = item.msgstr_rst2txt for match in re.finditer(r"(.{0,30})(«[^ ])(.{0,30})", text): self.__add_message(item, *match.groups()) for match in re.finditer(r"(.{0,30})([^ ][»])(.{0,30})", text): self.__add_message(item, *match.groups()) text = re.sub(r"«\s(.*?)\s»", replace_quotes, text) text = re.sub(r"http://", "http-//", text) text = re.sub(r"https://", "https-//", text) for sign in "?!:;": regex = r"(.{0,30})([^ ][" + sign + r"])(.{0,30})" for match in re.finditer(regex, text): prefix = item.msgstr_rst2txt[match.start(1) : match.end(1)] suffix = item.msgstr_rst2txt[match.start(3) : match.end(3)] match = item.msgstr_rst2txt[match.start(2) : match.end(2)] self.__add_message_space_before(item, prefix, match, suffix) def __add_message(self, item, prefix, match, suffix): item.add_error(, f'Space should be replaced with a non-breakable space in "{match}": between ###{prefix}### and ###{suffix}###', ) def __add_message_space_before(self, item, prefix, match, suffix): item.add_error(, f'There should be a non-breakable space before "{match[1:]}": between ###{prefix}### and ###{match[1:]}{suffix}###', ) class GrammalecteChecker(Checker): def __init__(self): super().__init__(name="Grammalecte") self.dir = None def check_file(self, pofile: PoFile): if not isinstance(pofile, PoFile): log.error("%s is not an instance of PoFile", str(pofile)) fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".txt", prefix="padpo_", text=True) with open(name, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: text = pofile.rst2txt() text = re.sub(r"«\s(.*?)\s»", replace_quotes, text) f.write(text) result = [ "", "-f", name, "-off", "apos", "--json", "--only_when_errors", ], capture_output=True, text=True, ) if result.stdout: warnings = json.loads(result.stdout) for warning in warnings["data"]: for error in warning["lGrammarErrors"]: if self.filter_out(error): continue item_index = int(warning["iParagraph"]) // 2 item = pofile.content[item_index] start = max(0, int(error["nStart"]) - 40) end = max(0, int(error["nEnd"]) + 10) item.add_warning(, # + " " + error["sRuleId"], # TODO error["sMessage"] + " => ###" + item.msgstr_rst2txt[start:end] + "###", ) def check_item(self, item: PoItem): pass def filter_out(self, error): msg = error["sRuleId"] if msg == "esp_milieu_ligne": return True # double space if msg == "nbsp_avant_deux_points": return True if msg == "nbsp_avant_double_ponctuation": return True return False checkers = [ DoubleSpaceChecker(), LineLengthChecker(), FuzzyChecker(), EmptyChecker(), NonBreakableSpaceChecker(), GrammalecteChecker(), ] def check_file(path): file = PoFile(path) for checker in checkers: checker.check_file(file) return file.display_warnings() def check_directory(path): path = Path(path) any_error = False for file in path.rglob("*.po"): any_error = check_file(file) or any_error return any_error def check_path(path): path = Path(path) if path.is_dir(): return check_directory(path) else: return check_file(path) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Linter for *.po files.") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0) parser.add_argument( "path", metavar="PATH", type=str, help="path of the file or directory to check", ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose < 1: log.reduced_logging() elif args.verbose < 2: log.normal_logging() else: log.full_logging() any_error = check_path(args.path) if any_error: sys.exit(1)