powrap ====== |pypi| |build| .. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/powrap.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/powrap .. |build| image:: https://woodpecker.afpy.org/api/badges/AFPy/powrap/status.svg :target: https://woodpecker.afpy.org/AFPy/powrap Script to fix indentation of given ``.po`` files. If ``--modified`` is given, it will only fix modified files according to git (useful if your ``.po`` files are versioned). if ``--quiet`` is given, the progress bar will not be shown Powrap is part of poutils! ========================== `Poutils `_ (``.po`` utils) is a metapackage to easily install useful Python tools to use with po files and ``powrap`` is a part of it! Go check out `Poutils `_ to discover the other tools! Dependencies ============ ``powrap`` relies on ``msgcat`` from ``gettext`` so you'll have to install ``gettext`` first, for example on Debian run:: apt install gettext Contributing ============ Start by creating a venv and ``pip install -r requirements-dev.txt`` in it. To run the tests, use ``tox -p auto``. To install ``powrap`` in the current venv run ``pip install -e .``. Dependencies ------------ We're using ``pip-tools`` to pin our dependencies, but in the ``setup.cfg`` our dependencies are *not* pinned, the goal is to ensure ``powrap`` can easily be installed along with other tools. Dependencies pinning is only done to have a reproducible development environment and corresponding env in the CI:: pip-compile setup.py # generates requirements.txt pip-compile requirements-dev.in # generates requirements-dev.txt It's possible to upgrade pinned dependencies with the ``--upgrade`` flag of ``pip-compile``.