#!/bin/sh _usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-n] PO_FILE" echo "Ease the correction of fuzzies inserted by merge commits" echo echo "-n, --no-edit do not launch po editor" exit } LAUNCH_EDIT=1 if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then if [ "$1" = "-n" ] || [ "$1" = "--no-edit" ]; then LAUNCH_EDIT=0 else _usage fi shift fi if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then _usage fi if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then echo "$1: file not found" _usage fi # Temp directory to filter files before display TMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/fuzzy_diff.XXXXXX || exit 1) trap 'rm --force --recursive "${TMP_DIR}"' EXIT PO_EDITOR=poedit DIFFTOOL=$(which $(git config diff.tool)) if [ ! -x "$DIFFTOOL" ]; then echo "git diff.tool seems not configured" _usage fi PO_FILE=$1 if [ ${LAUNCH_EDIT} -eq 1 ]; then ${PO_EDITOR} "${PO_FILE}" 2>/dev/null & fi while read line ; do gdh=$(date --date=@${line:0:10}) sha=${line:11:40} author=${line:52} echo "Comparing with: ${gdh} - ${author}" # filter files à la mode textconv git show ${sha}^:${PO_FILE} | \ grep --invert-match \ --regexp='^#:' \ --regexp='^"PO' > "${TMP_DIR}/${gdh}.po" # reload current file every time as it may has been modified grep --invert-match \ --regexp='^#:' \ --regexp='^"PO' ${PO_FILE} > ${TMP_DIR}/current.po "${DIFFTOOL}" "${TMP_DIR}/${gdh}.po" ${TMP_DIR}/current.po done <<< $(git blame --line-porcelain ${PO_FILE} | \ awk '/^[0-9a-f]{40} / { sha=$1 } /^author / {$1="" ; author=$0 } /^committer-time / { $1="" ; date=$0 } /\s#, fuzzy/ { printf "%-10s %-40s %s\n", date, sha, author}' | sort --numeric-sort --unique --reverse) # clean up temp directory rm --force --recursive "${TMP_DIR}" trap - EXIT