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3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
3e4e631e34 Fix dataset link 2023-11-12 07:58:50 +01:00
f5e2b55117 Refactor update script 2023-11-11 11:30:59 +01:00
a8abf9c0fa Handling of "feed_info" and "transfers" files 2023-11-11 10:15:44 +01:00
3 changed files with 183 additions and 90 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Interface web exploitant le dataset [sncf-ter-gtfs@datasncf](sncf-ter-gtfs@datasncf) (horaires des lignes TER).
Interface web exploitant le dataset [sncf-ter-gtfs@datasncf]( (horaires des lignes TER).
Pour le moment c'est juste une excuse pour découvrir [htmx](

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@ -82,3 +82,15 @@ CREATE INDEX stop_times__by_trip_id
ON stop_times (trip_id);
CREATE INDEX stop_times__by_stop_id
ON stop_times (stop_id);
feed_id INT NOT NULL,
feed_publisher_name TEXT NOT NULL,
feed_publisher_url TEXT NOT NULL,
feed_lang TEXT NOT NULL,
feed_start_date TEXT NOT NULL,
feed_end_date TEXT NOT NULL,
feed_version TEXT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (feed_id)

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import math
import contextlib as ctx
import http.client as http
from typing import Callable, Any, Optional
from typing import Callable
# GTFS reference:
@ -21,50 +21,58 @@ from typing import Callable, Any, Optional
Cell = int | str | float | None
Mapper = Callable[[Any], Cell]
# Dataset datatypes
_Cell = int | str | float | None
# CSV(str) -> SQLite (_Cell) mapper
_Mapper = Callable[[str], _Cell]
# This data set uses large strings as primary/foreign keys that do not carry
# information. In order to save some space in the database and and time during
# requests, we substitute those large IDs with incrementing integers.
# Global register for primary key substitution
PKS: dict[str, dict[str, int]] = {}
# Global register for primary keys substitution
_g_pks: dict[str, dict[str, int]] = {}
# Primary key substitution requester
def primary_key(table: str) -> Mapper:
assert table not in PKS
PKS[table] = {}
def _pk(table: str) -> _Mapper:
# Primary key substitution mapper
assert table not in _g_pks
_g_pks[table] = {}
def map(v: str):
PKS[table][v] = len(PKS[table]) + 1
return len(PKS[table])
_g_pks[table][v] = len(_g_pks[table]) + 1
return len(_g_pks[table])
return map
# Foreign key lookup
def foreign_key(table: str) -> Mapper:
def _fk(table: str) -> _Mapper:
# Foreign key lookup mapper
def map(v: str):
return PKS[table][v]
return _g_pks[table][v]
return map
# A "can be null" mapper wrapper
def optional(f: Mapper) -> Mapper:
def _opt(f: _Mapper) -> _Mapper:
# A "can be null" mapper wrapper
def map(v: str):
return None if v == "" else f(v)
return map
CSV_FIELDS: list[tuple[str, Optional[list[tuple[str, Optional[Mapper]]]]]] = [
def _discarded(v: str):
# No-op mapper for field intentionally not included in the schema
return None
GTFS_SPECS: list[tuple[str, list[tuple[str, _Mapper | None]]]] = [
("agency_id", primary_key("agency")),
("agency_id", _pk("agency")),
("agency_name", str),
("agency_url", str),
("agency_timezone", str),
@ -82,25 +90,25 @@ CSV_FIELDS: list[tuple[str, Optional[list[tuple[str, Optional[Mapper]]]]]] = [
("route_id", primary_key("routes")),
("agency_id", foreign_key("agency")),
("route_id", _pk("routes")),
("agency_id", _fk("agency")),
("route_short_name", str),
("route_long_name", str),
("route_desc", None),
("route_type", int),
("route_url", None),
("route_color", optional(str)),
("route_text_color", optional(str)),
("route_color", _opt(str)),
("route_text_color", _opt(str)),
("route_id", foreign_key("routes")),
("route_id", _fk("routes")),
("service_id", int),
("trip_id", primary_key("trips")),
("trip_id", _pk("trips")),
("trip_headsign", str),
("direction_id", optional(int)),
("direction_id", _opt(int)),
("block_id", int),
("shape_id", None),
@ -108,7 +116,7 @@ CSV_FIELDS: list[tuple[str, Optional[list[tuple[str, Optional[Mapper]]]]]] = [
("stop_id", primary_key("stops")),
("stop_id", _pk("stops")),
("stop_name", str),
("stop_desc", None),
("stop_lat", float),
@ -116,16 +124,16 @@ CSV_FIELDS: list[tuple[str, Optional[list[tuple[str, Optional[Mapper]]]]]] = [
("zone_id", None),
("stop_url", None),
("location_type", int),
("parent_station", optional(foreign_key("stops"))),
("parent_station", _opt(_fk("stops"))),
("trip_id", foreign_key("trips")),
("trip_id", _fk("trips")),
("arrival_time", str),
("departure_time", str),
("stop_id", foreign_key("stops")),
("stop_id", _fk("stops")),
("stop_sequence", int),
("stop_headsign", None),
("pickup_type", int),
@ -133,8 +141,33 @@ CSV_FIELDS: list[tuple[str, Optional[list[tuple[str, Optional[Mapper]]]]]] = [
("shape_dist_traveled", None),
("feed_info.txt", None),
("transfers.txt", None),
("feed_id", int),
("feed_publisher_name", str),
("feed_publisher_url", str),
("feed_lang", str),
("feed_start_date", str),
("feed_end_date", str),
("feed_version", str),
("conv_rev", _discarded), # proprietary, undocumented
("plan_rev", _discarded), # proprietary, undocumented
# We expect that file to have no records.
# All None mappers will fail if it is not the case
('from_stop_id', None),
('to_stop_id', None),
('transfer_type', None),
('min_transfer_time', None),
('from_route_id', None),
('to_route_id', None),
@ -148,47 +181,33 @@ def _get_file_names(etag: str):
def _fetch_dataset(response: http.HTTPResponse, dataset_file: str):
print("Fetching dataset...")
content_length = int(response.getheader("Content-Length"))
with open(dataset_file, "wb") as zip_out:
while True:
bytes =
if not bytes:
progress = math.floor(100 * zip_out.tell() / content_length)
print(f"Fetched: {zip_out.tell()}/{content_length} {progress}%")
def _check_dataset_files(zip_in: zipfile.ZipFile):
csv_files = list(sorted(zip_in.namelist()))
expected = list(sorted(csv_file for csv_file, _ in CSV_FIELDS))
expected = list(sorted(csv_file for csv_file, _ in GTFS_SPECS))
assert len(expected) == len(csv_files), csv_files
assert all(a == b for a, b in zip(csv_files, expected, strict=True)), csv_files
def _check_csv_headers(csv_headers: list[str], fields: list[tuple[str, Any]]):
def _check_dataset_file_headers(
csv_headers: list[str],
fields: list[tuple[str, _Mapper | None]]
expected = list(header for header, _mapper in fields)
assert len(expected) == len(csv_headers), csv_headers
assert all(a == b for a, b in zip(csv_headers, expected)), csv_headers
def _create_schema(db: sqlite3.Connection, schema_file: str):
def _create_database_schema(db: sqlite3.Connection, schema_file: str):
with db:
with open(schema_file) as sql_in:
def _load_data(zip_in: zipfile.ZipFile, db: sqlite3.Connection):
for csv_file, fields in CSV_FIELDS:
if fields is None:
def _load_dataset(zip_in: zipfile.ZipFile, db: sqlite3.Connection):
for csv_file, fields in GTFS_SPECS:
table = csv_file[:-4]
print(f"Loading table {table!r}")
with, "r") as csv_in:
reader = iter(
@ -200,62 +219,124 @@ def _load_data(zip_in: zipfile.ZipFile, db: sqlite3.Connection):
_check_csv_headers(next(reader), fields)
headers = next(reader)
_check_dataset_file_headers(headers, fields)
place_holders = ",".join(
"?" for _field, mapper in fields if mapper is not None
"?" for _field, mapper in fields if mapper not in (None, _discarded)
if not place_holders:
first_row = next(reader)
except StopIteration:
raise NotImplementedError(list(zip(headers, first_row)))
def map_row(row: list[str]):
assert all(
not value
for (_field, mapper), value in zip(fields, row)
if mapper is None
return [
for (_field, mapper), value in zip(fields, row)
if mapper not in (None, _discarded)
with db:
f"INSERT INTO {table} VALUES ({place_holders})",
for (_field, mapper), value in zip(fields, row)
if mapper is not None
for row in reader
(map_row(row) for row in reader),
def _load_database(dataset_file: str, database_tempfile: str, schema_file: str):
print("Loading database...")
with zipfile.ZipFile(dataset_file) as zip_in:
def checkout_latest_dataset():
"""Fetch the ETAG and size of latest dataset."""
with ctx.closing(sqlite3.connect(database_tempfile)) as db:
_create_schema(db, schema_file)
_load_data(zip_in, db)
def main():
print("Checking dataset")
response: http.HTTPResponse = request.urlopen(GTFS_URL)
head_request = request.Request(GTFS_URL, method="HEAD")
response: http.HTTPResponse = request.urlopen(head_request)
with ctx.closing(response):
if response.status != 200:
raise RuntimeError("Could not fetch the dataset")
etag = response.getheader("ETag")[1:-1]
(dataset_file, database_tempfile, schema_file, database_file) = _get_file_names(
if not (etag := response.getheader("ETag")):
raise ValueError
if not (content_length := response.getheader("Content-Length")):
raise ValueError
return etag[1:-1], int(content_length)
def download_dataset(dataset: str, chunk_size: int = 102400):
"""Download dataset to disk.
Yield (downloaded_bytes, total_bytes) until completion.
dataset -- path to the zipped dataset file
response: http.HTTPResponse = request.urlopen(GTFS_URL)
with ctx.closing(response):
if not (content_length := response.getheader("Content-Length")):
raise ValueError
content_length = int(content_length)
with open(dataset, "wb") as zip_out:
while True:
bytes =
if not bytes:
yield (zip_out.tell(), content_length)
def initialize_database(dataset: str, database: str, schema: str):
"""Create and initialize the database from the dataset.
dataset -- path to the zipped dataset file
database -- path to the SQLight database to create
schema -- path to the SQL schema definition file
with zipfile.ZipFile(dataset) as zip_in:
with ctx.closing(sqlite3.connect(database)) as db:
_create_database_schema(db, schema)
_load_dataset(zip_in, db)
def main():
print("Check dataset")
etag, size = checkout_latest_dataset()
(dataset, temp_database, schema, database) = _get_file_names(
if os.path.isfile(dataset_file):
print("Dataset is up to date")
if os.path.isfile(dataset):
print("Dataset is up to date.")
_fetch_dataset(response, dataset_file)
print(f"Download dataset ({size} bytes)...")
for done, total in download_dataset(dataset):
progress = math.floor(100 * done / total)
print(f"Fetched: {done}/{total} {progress}%")
if os.path.isfile(database_tempfile):
_load_database(dataset_file, database_tempfile, schema_file)
if os.path.isfile(temp_database):
if os.path.isfile(database_file):
os.rename(database_tempfile, database_file)
print("Initialize database...")
initialize_database(dataset, temp_database, schema)
if os.path.isfile(database):
os.rename(temp_database, database)
if __name__ == "__main__":