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2016-10-30 09:46:26 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2001-2016, Python Software Foundation
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Python 3.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-10-30 10:40+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:6
msgid "Object Protocol"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:11
msgid ""
"The ``NotImplemented`` singleton, used to signal that an operation is not "
"implemented for the given type combination."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:17
msgid ""
"Properly handle returning :c:data:`Py_NotImplemented` from within a C "
"function (that is, increment the reference count of NotImplemented and "
"return it)."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:24
msgid ""
"Print an object *o*, on file *fp*. Returns ``-1`` on error. The flags "
"argument is used to enable certain printing options. The only option "
"currently supported is :const:`Py_PRINT_RAW`; if given, the :func:`str` of "
"the object is written instead of the :func:`repr`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:32 ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:39
msgid ""
"Returns ``1`` if *o* has the attribute *attr_name*, and ``0`` otherwise. "
"This is equivalent to the Python expression ``hasattr(o, attr_name)``. This "
"function always succeeds."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:46
msgid ""
"Retrieve an attribute named *attr_name* from object *o*. Returns the "
"attribute value on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of "
"the Python expression ``o.attr_name``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:53
msgid ""
"Retrieve an attribute named *attr_name* from object *o*. Returns the "
"attribute value on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of "
"the Python expression ``o.attr_name``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:60
msgid ""
"Generic attribute getter function that is meant to be put into a type "
"object's ``tp_getattro`` slot. It looks for a descriptor in the dictionary "
"of classes in the object's MRO as well as an attribute in the object's :attr:"
"`~object.__dict__` (if present). As outlined in :ref:`descriptors`, data "
"descriptors take preference over instance attributes, while non-data "
"descriptors don't. Otherwise, an :exc:`AttributeError` is raised."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:70 ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:81
msgid ""
"Set the value of the attribute named *attr_name*, for object *o*, to the "
"value *v*. Raise an exception and return ``-1`` on failure; return ``0`` on "
"success. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o.attr_name = v``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:75
msgid ""
"If *v* is *NULL*, the attribute is deleted, however this feature is "
"deprecated in favour of using :c:func:`PyObject_DelAttr`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:86
msgid ""
"If *v* is *NULL*, the attribute is deleted, however this feature is "
"deprecated in favour of using :c:func:`PyObject_DelAttrString`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:92
msgid ""
"Generic attribute setter and deleter function that is meant to be put into a "
"type object's :c:member:`~PyTypeObject.tp_setattro` slot. It looks for a "
"data descriptor in the dictionary of classes in the object's MRO, and if "
"found it takes preference over setting or deleting the attribute in the "
"instance dictionary. Otherwise, the attribute is set or deleted in the "
"object's :attr:`~object.__dict__` (if present). On success, ``0`` is "
"returned, otherwise an :exc:`AttributeError` is raised and ``-1`` is "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:104 ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:110
msgid ""
"Delete attribute named *attr_name*, for object *o*. Returns ``-1`` on "
"failure. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``del o.attr_name``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:116
msgid ""
"A generic implementation for the getter of a ``__dict__`` descriptor. It "
"creates the dictionary if necessary."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:124
msgid ""
"A generic implementation for the setter of a ``__dict__`` descriptor. This "
"implementation does not allow the dictionary to be deleted."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:132
msgid ""
"Compare the values of *o1* and *o2* using the operation specified by *opid*, "
"which must be one of :const:`Py_LT`, :const:`Py_LE`, :const:`Py_EQ`, :const:"
"`Py_NE`, :const:`Py_GT`, or :const:`Py_GE`, corresponding to ``<``, ``<=``, "
"``==``, ``!=``, ``>``, or ``>=`` respectively. This is the equivalent of the "
"Python expression ``o1 op o2``, where ``op`` is the operator corresponding "
"to *opid*. Returns the value of the comparison on success, or *NULL* on "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:142
msgid ""
"Compare the values of *o1* and *o2* using the operation specified by *opid*, "
"which must be one of :const:`Py_LT`, :const:`Py_LE`, :const:`Py_EQ`, :const:"
"`Py_NE`, :const:`Py_GT`, or :const:`Py_GE`, corresponding to ``<``, ``<=``, "
"``==``, ``!=``, ``>``, or ``>=`` respectively. Returns ``-1`` on error, "
"``0`` if the result is false, ``1`` otherwise. This is the equivalent of the "
"Python expression ``o1 op o2``, where ``op`` is the operator corresponding "
"to *opid*."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:151
msgid ""
"If *o1* and *o2* are the same object, :c:func:`PyObject_RichCompareBool` "
"will always return ``1`` for :const:`Py_EQ` and ``0`` for :const:`Py_NE`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:158
msgid ""
"Compute a string representation of object *o*. Returns the string "
"representation on success, *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the "
"Python expression ``repr(o)``. Called by the :func:`repr` built-in function."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:162 ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:186
msgid ""
"This function now includes a debug assertion to help ensure that it does not "
"silently discard an active exception."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:170
msgid ""
"As :c:func:`PyObject_Repr`, compute a string representation of object *o*, "
"but escape the non-ASCII characters in the string returned by :c:func:"
"`PyObject_Repr` with ``\\x``, ``\\u`` or ``\\U`` escapes. This generates a "
"string similar to that returned by :c:func:`PyObject_Repr` in Python 2. "
"Called by the :func:`ascii` built-in function."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:181
msgid ""
"Compute a string representation of object *o*. Returns the string "
"representation on success, *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the "
"Python expression ``str(o)``. Called by the :func:`str` built-in function "
"and, therefore, by the :func:`print` function."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:194
msgid ""
"Compute a bytes representation of object *o*. *NULL* is returned on failure "
"and a bytes object on success. This is equivalent to the Python expression "
"``bytes(o)``, when *o* is not an integer. Unlike ``bytes(o)``, a TypeError "
"is raised when *o* is an integer instead of a zero-initialized bytes object."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:203
msgid ""
"Return ``1`` if the class *derived* is identical to or derived from the "
"class *cls*, otherwise return ``0``. In case of an error, return ``-1``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:206 ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:225
msgid ""
"If *cls* is a tuple, the check will be done against every entry in *cls*. "
"The result will be ``1`` when at least one of the checks returns ``1``, "
"otherwise it will be ``0``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:210
msgid ""
"If *cls* has a :meth:`~class.__subclasscheck__` method, it will be called to "
"determine the subclass status as described in :pep:`3119`. Otherwise, "
"*derived* is a subclass of *cls* if it is a direct or indirect subclass, i."
"e. contained in ``cls.__mro__``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:215
msgid ""
"Normally only class objects, i.e. instances of :class:`type` or a derived "
"class, are considered classes. However, objects can override this by having "
"a :attr:`__bases__` attribute (which must be a tuple of base classes)."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:222
msgid ""
"Return ``1`` if *inst* is an instance of the class *cls* or a subclass of "
"*cls*, or ``0`` if not. On error, returns ``-1`` and sets an exception."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:229
msgid ""
"If *cls* has a :meth:`~class.__instancecheck__` method, it will be called to "
"determine the subclass status as described in :pep:`3119`. Otherwise, "
"*inst* is an instance of *cls* if its class is a subclass of *cls*."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:233
msgid ""
"An instance *inst* can override what is considered its class by having a :"
"attr:`__class__` attribute."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:236
msgid ""
"An object *cls* can override if it is considered a class, and what its base "
"classes are, by having a :attr:`__bases__` attribute (which must be a tuple "
"of base classes)."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:243
msgid ""
"Determine if the object *o* is callable. Return ``1`` if the object is "
"callable and ``0`` otherwise. This function always succeeds."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:249
msgid ""
"Call a callable Python object *callable_object*, with arguments given by the "
"tuple *args*, and named arguments given by the dictionary *kw*. If no named "
"arguments are needed, *kw* may be *NULL*. *args* must not be *NULL*, use an "
"empty tuple if no arguments are needed. Returns the result of the call on "
"success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python "
"expression ``callable_object(*args, **kw)``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:259
msgid ""
"Call a callable Python object *callable_object*, with arguments given by the "
"tuple *args*. If no arguments are needed, then *args* may be *NULL*. "
"Returns the result of the call on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is "
"the equivalent of the Python expression ``callable_object(*args)``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:267
msgid ""
"Call a callable Python object *callable*, with a variable number of C "
"arguments. The C arguments are described using a :c:func:`Py_BuildValue` "
"style format string. The format may be *NULL*, indicating that no arguments "
"are provided. Returns the result of the call on success, or *NULL* on "
"failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression "
"``callable(*args)``. Note that if you only pass :c:type:`PyObject \\*` "
"args, :c:func:`PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs` is a faster alternative."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:275
msgid "The type of *format* was changed from ``char *``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:281
msgid ""
"Call the method named *method* of object *o* with a variable number of C "
"arguments. The C arguments are described by a :c:func:`Py_BuildValue` "
"format string that should produce a tuple. The format may be *NULL*, "
"indicating that no arguments are provided. Returns the result of the call on "
"success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python "
"expression ``o.method(args)``. Note that if you only pass :c:type:`PyObject "
"\\*` args, :c:func:`PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs` is a faster alternative."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:289
msgid "The types of *method* and *format* were changed from ``char *``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:295
msgid ""
"Call a callable Python object *callable*, with a variable number of :c:type:"
"`PyObject\\*` arguments. The arguments are provided as a variable number of "
"parameters followed by *NULL*. Returns the result of the call on success, or "
"*NULL* on failure."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:303
msgid ""
"Calls a method of the object *o*, where the name of the method is given as a "
"Python string object in *name*. It is called with a variable number of :c:"
"type:`PyObject\\*` arguments. The arguments are provided as a variable "
"number of parameters followed by *NULL*. Returns the result of the call on "
"success, or *NULL* on failure."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:314
msgid ""
"Compute and return the hash value of an object *o*. On failure, return "
"``-1``. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``hash(o)``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:317
msgid ""
"The return type is now Py_hash_t. This is a signed integer the same size as "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:324
msgid ""
"Set a :exc:`TypeError` indicating that ``type(o)`` is not hashable and "
"return ``-1``. This function receives special treatment when stored in a "
"``tp_hash`` slot, allowing a type to explicitly indicate to the interpreter "
"that it is not hashable."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:332
msgid ""
"Returns ``1`` if the object *o* is considered to be true, and ``0`` "
"otherwise. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``not not o``. On "
"failure, return ``-1``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:339
msgid ""
"Returns ``0`` if the object *o* is considered to be true, and ``1`` "
"otherwise. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``not o``. On "
"failure, return ``-1``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:348
msgid ""
"When *o* is non-*NULL*, returns a type object corresponding to the object "
"type of object *o*. On failure, raises :exc:`SystemError` and returns "
"*NULL*. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``type(o)``. This "
"function increments the reference count of the return value. There's really "
"no reason to use this function instead of the common expression ``o-"
">ob_type``, which returns a pointer of type :c:type:`PyTypeObject\\*`, "
"except when the incremented reference count is needed."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:359
msgid ""
"Return true if the object *o* is of type *type* or a subtype of *type*. "
"Both parameters must be non-*NULL*."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:368
msgid ""
"Return the length of object *o*. If the object *o* provides either the "
"sequence and mapping protocols, the sequence length is returned. On error, "
"``-1`` is returned. This is the equivalent to the Python expression "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:375
msgid ""
"Return an estimated length for the object *o*. First try to return its "
"actual length, then an estimate using :meth:`~object.__length_hint__`, and "
"finally return the default value. On error return ``-1``. This is the "
"equivalent to the Python expression ``operator.length_hint(o, default)``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:385
msgid ""
"Return element of *o* corresponding to the object *key* or *NULL* on "
"failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o[key]``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:391
msgid ""
"Map the object *key* to the value *v*. Raise an exception and return ``-1`` "
"on failure; return ``0`` on success. This is the equivalent of the Python "
"statement ``o[key] = v``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:398
msgid ""
"Delete the mapping for *key* from *o*. Returns ``-1`` on failure. This is "
"the equivalent of the Python statement ``del o[key]``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:404
msgid ""
"This is equivalent to the Python expression ``dir(o)``, returning a "
"(possibly empty) list of strings appropriate for the object argument, or "
"*NULL* if there was an error. If the argument is *NULL*, this is like the "
"Python ``dir()``, returning the names of the current locals; in this case, "
"if no execution frame is active then *NULL* is returned but :c:func:"
"`PyErr_Occurred` will return false."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/c-api/object.rst:413
msgid ""
"This is equivalent to the Python expression ``iter(o)``. It returns a new "
"iterator for the object argument, or the object itself if the object is "
"already an iterator. Raises :exc:`TypeError` and returns *NULL* if the "
"object cannot be iterated."
msgstr ""