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# Copyright (C) 2001-2018, Python Software Foundation
# For licence information, see README file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Python 3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-03-23 18:39+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-12-11 22:46+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Antoine Wecxsteen\n"
"Language-Team: FRENCH <>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.6\n"
#: library/operator.rst:2
msgid ":mod:`operator` --- Standard operators as functions"
msgstr ":mod:`operator` — Opérateurs standards en tant que fonctions"
#: library/operator.rst:9
msgid "**Source code:** :source:`Lib/`"
msgstr "**Code source :** :source:`Lib/`"
#: library/operator.rst:18
msgid ""
"The :mod:`operator` module exports a set of efficient functions "
"corresponding to the intrinsic operators of Python. For example, ``operator."
"add(x, y)`` is equivalent to the expression ``x+y``. Many function names are "
"those used for special methods, without the double underscores. For "
"backward compatibility, many of these have a variant with the double "
"underscores kept. The variants without the double underscores are preferred "
"for clarity."
msgstr ""
"Le module :mod:`operator` fournit un ensemble de fonctions correspondant aux "
"opérateurs natifs de Python. Par exemple, ``operator.add(x, y)`` correspond "
"à l'expression ``x+y``. Les noms de la plupart de ces fonctions sont ceux "
"utilisés par les méthodes spéciales, sans les doubles tirets bas. Pour "
"assurer la rétrocompatibilité, la plupart de ces noms ont une variante "
"*avec* les doubles tirets bas ; la forme simple est cependant à privilégier "
"pour des raisons de clarté."
#: library/operator.rst:25
msgid ""
"The functions fall into categories that perform object comparisons, logical "
"operations, mathematical operations and sequence operations."
msgstr ""
"Les fonctions sont divisées en différentes catégories selon l'opération "
"effectuée : comparaison entre objets, opérations logiques, opérations "
"mathématiques ou opérations sur séquences."
#: library/operator.rst:28
msgid ""
"The object comparison functions are useful for all objects, and are named "
"after the rich comparison operators they support:"
msgstr ""
"Les fonctions de comparaison s'appliquent à tous les objets, et leur nom "
"vient des opérateurs de comparaison qu'elles implémentent :"
#: library/operator.rst:45
msgid ""
"Perform \"rich comparisons\" between *a* and *b*. Specifically, ``lt(a, b)`` "
"is equivalent to ``a < b``, ``le(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a <= b``, "
"``eq(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a == b``, ``ne(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a !"
"= b``, ``gt(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a > b`` and ``ge(a, b)`` is "
"equivalent to ``a >= b``. Note that these functions can return any value, "
"which may or may not be interpretable as a Boolean value. See :ref:"
"`comparisons` for more information about rich comparisons."
msgstr ""
"Effectue une « comparaison riche » entre *a* et *b*. Plus précisément, "
"``lt(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a < b``, ``le(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a <= b``, "
"``eq(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a == b``, ``ne(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a != b``, "
"``gt(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a > b`` et ``ge(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a >= b``. "
"Notez que ces fonctions peuvent renvoyer n'importe quelle valeur, "
"convertible ou non en booléen. Voir :ref:`comparisons` pour plus "
"d'informations sur les méthodes de comparaison riches."
#: library/operator.rst:54
msgid ""
"The logical operations are also generally applicable to all objects, and "
"support truth tests, identity tests, and boolean operations:"
msgstr ""
"En général, les opérations logiques s'appliquent aussi à tous les objets et "
"implémentent les tests de vérité, d'identité et les opérations booléennes :"
#: library/operator.rst:61
msgid ""
"Return the outcome of :keyword:`not` *obj*. (Note that there is no :meth:"
"`__not__` method for object instances; only the interpreter core defines "
"this operation. The result is affected by the :meth:`__bool__` and :meth:"
"`__len__` methods.)"
msgstr ""
"Renvoie le résultat de :keyword:`not` *obj*. (Notez qu'il n'existe pas de "
"méthode :meth:`__not__` pour les instances d'objet; seul le cœur de "
"l'interpréteur définit cette opération. Le résultat dépend des méthodes :"
"meth:`__bool__` et :meth:`__len__`.)"
#: library/operator.rst:69
msgid ""
"Return :const:`True` if *obj* is true, and :const:`False` otherwise. This "
"is equivalent to using the :class:`bool` constructor."
msgstr ""
"Renvoie :const:`True` si *obj* est vrai, et :const:`False` dans le cas "
"contraire. Équivaut à utiliser le constructeur de :class:`bool`."
#: library/operator.rst:75
msgid "Return ``a is b``. Tests object identity."
msgstr ""
"Renvoie ``a is b``. Vérifie si les deux paramètres sont le même objet."
#: library/operator.rst:80
msgid "Return ``a is not b``. Tests object identity."
msgstr ""
"Renvoie ``a is not b``. Vérifie si les deux paramètres sont deux objets "
#: library/operator.rst:83
msgid "The mathematical and bitwise operations are the most numerous:"
msgstr "Les opérations mathématiques ou bit à bit sont les plus nombreuses :"
#: library/operator.rst:89
msgid "Return the absolute value of *obj*."
msgstr "Renvoie la valeur absolue de *obj*."
#: library/operator.rst:95
msgid "Return ``a + b``, for *a* and *b* numbers."
msgstr "Renvoie ``a + b`` où *a* et *b* sont des nombres."
#: library/operator.rst:101
msgid "Return the bitwise and of *a* and *b*."
msgstr "Renvoie le *et* bit à bit de *a* et *b*."
#: library/operator.rst:107
msgid "Return ``a // b``."
msgstr "Renvoie ``a // b``."
#: library/operator.rst:113
msgid "Return *a* converted to an integer. Equivalent to ``a.__index__()``."
msgstr "Renvoie *a* converti en entier. Équivaut à ``a.__index__()``."
#: library/operator.rst:115
msgid ""
"The result always has exact type :class:`int`. Previously, the result could "
"have been an instance of a subclass of ``int``."
msgstr ""
#: library/operator.rst:125
msgid ""
"Return the bitwise inverse of the number *obj*. This is equivalent to "
msgstr "Renvoie l'inverse bit à bit du nombre *obj*. Équivaut à ``~obj``."
#: library/operator.rst:131
msgid "Return *a* shifted left by *b*."
msgstr "Renvoie le décalage de *b* bits vers la gauche de *a*."
#: library/operator.rst:137
msgid "Return ``a % b``."
msgstr "Renvoie ``a % b``."
#: library/operator.rst:143
msgid "Return ``a * b``, for *a* and *b* numbers."
msgstr "Renvoie ``a * b`` où *a* et *b* sont des nombres."
#: library/operator.rst:149
msgid "Return ``a @ b``."
msgstr "Renvoie ``a @ b``."
#: library/operator.rst:157
msgid "Return *obj* negated (``-obj``)."
msgstr "Renvoie l'opposé de *obj* (``-obj``)."
#: library/operator.rst:163
msgid "Return the bitwise or of *a* and *b*."
msgstr "Renvoie le *ou* bit à bit de *a* et *b*."
#: library/operator.rst:169
msgid "Return *obj* positive (``+obj``)."
msgstr "Renvoie la valeur positive de *obj* (``+obj``)."
#: library/operator.rst:175
msgid "Return ``a ** b``, for *a* and *b* numbers."
msgstr "Renvoie ``a ** b`` où *a* et *b* sont des nombres."
#: library/operator.rst:181
msgid "Return *a* shifted right by *b*."
msgstr "Renvoie le décalage de *b* bits vers la droite de *a*."
#: library/operator.rst:187
msgid "Return ``a - b``."
msgstr "Renvoie ``a - b``."
#: library/operator.rst:193
msgid ""
"Return ``a / b`` where 2/3 is .66 rather than 0. This is also known as "
"\"true\" division."
msgstr ""
"Renvoie ``a / b`` où 2/3 est 0.66 et non 0. Appelée aussi division "
 réelle »."
#: library/operator.rst:200
msgid "Return the bitwise exclusive or of *a* and *b*."
msgstr "Renvoie le ou exclusif bit à bit de *a* et *b*."
#: library/operator.rst:203
msgid ""
"Operations which work with sequences (some of them with mappings too) "
msgstr ""
"Les opérations sur séquences (et pour certaines, sur correspondances) sont :"
#: library/operator.rst:208
msgid "Return ``a + b`` for *a* and *b* sequences."
msgstr "Renvoie ``a + b`` où *a* et *b* sont des séquences."
#: library/operator.rst:214
msgid "Return the outcome of the test ``b in a``. Note the reversed operands."
msgstr ""
"Renvoie le résultat du test ``b in a``. Notez que les opérandes sont "
#: library/operator.rst:219
msgid "Return the number of occurrences of *b* in *a*."
msgstr "Renvoie le nombre doccurrences de *b* dans *a*."
#: library/operator.rst:225
msgid "Remove the value of *a* at index *b*."
msgstr "Renvoie la valeur de *a* à l'indice *b*."
#: library/operator.rst:231
msgid "Return the value of *a* at index *b*."
msgstr "Renvoie la valeur de *a* à l'indice *b*."
#: library/operator.rst:236
msgid "Return the index of the first of occurrence of *b* in *a*."
msgstr "Renvoie l'indice de la première occurrence de *b* dans *a*."
#: library/operator.rst:242
msgid "Set the value of *a* at index *b* to *c*."
msgstr "Affecte *c* dans *a* à l'indice *b*."
#: library/operator.rst:247
msgid ""
"Return an estimated length for the object *o*. First try to return its "
"actual length, then an estimate using :meth:`object.__length_hint__`, and "
"finally return the default value."
msgstr ""
"Renvoie une estimation de la taille de l'objet *o*. Tente d'abord de "
"renvoyer la taille réelle, puis une estimation en appelant :meth:`object."
"__length_hint__`, ou sinon la valeur par défaut."
#: library/operator.rst:254
msgid "The following operation works with callables:"
msgstr ""
#: library/operator.rst:259
msgid "Return ``obj(*args, **kwargs)``."
msgstr ""
#: library/operator.rst:264
msgid ""
"The :mod:`operator` module also defines tools for generalized attribute and "
"item lookups. These are useful for making fast field extractors as "
"arguments for :func:`map`, :func:`sorted`, :meth:`itertools.groupby`, or "
"other functions that expect a function argument."
msgstr ""
"Le module :mod:`operator` définit aussi des fonctions pour la recherche "
"générique d'attributs ou d'objets. Elles sont particulièrement utiles pour "
"construire rapidement des accesseurs d'attributs à passer en paramètre à :"
"func:`map`, :func:`sorted`, :meth:`itertools.groupby` ou à toute autre "
"fonction prenant une fonction en paramètre."
#: library/operator.rst:273
msgid ""
"Return a callable object that fetches *attr* from its operand. If more than "
"one attribute is requested, returns a tuple of attributes. The attribute "
"names can also contain dots. For example:"
msgstr ""
"Renvoie un objet appelable qui récupère *attr* de son opérande. Si plus d'un "
"attribut est demandé, renvoie un *n*-uplet d'attributs. Les noms des "
"attributs peuvent aussi comporter des points. Par exemple :"
#: library/operator.rst:277
msgid "After ``f = attrgetter('name')``, the call ``f(b)`` returns ````."
msgstr "Avec ``f = attrgetter('name')``, l'appel ``f(b)`` renvoie ````."
#: library/operator.rst:279
msgid ""
"After ``f = attrgetter('name', 'date')``, the call ``f(b)`` returns ``(b."
msgstr ""
"Avec ``f = attrgetter('name', 'date')``, l'appel ``f(b)`` renvoie ``(, "
#: library/operator.rst:282
msgid ""
"After ``f = attrgetter('name.first', 'name.last')``, the call ``f(b)`` "
"returns ``(,``."
msgstr ""
"Après ``f = attrgetter('name.first', 'name.last')``, l'appel ``f(b)`` "
"renvoie ``(,``."
#: library/operator.rst:317 library/operator.rst:365
msgid "Equivalent to::"
msgstr "Équivalent à ::"
#: library/operator.rst:308
msgid ""
"Return a callable object that fetches *item* from its operand using the "
"operand's :meth:`__getitem__` method. If multiple items are specified, "
"returns a tuple of lookup values. For example:"
msgstr ""
"Renvoie un objet appelable qui récupère *item* de l'opérande en utilisant la "
"méthode :meth:`__getitem__`. Si plusieurs *item* sont passés en paramètre, "
"renvoie un *n*-uplet des valeurs récupérées. Par exemple :"
#: library/operator.rst:312
msgid "After ``f = itemgetter(2)``, the call ``f(r)`` returns ``r[2]``."
msgstr "Avec ``f = itemgetter(2)``, ``f(r)`` renvoie ``r[2]``."
#: library/operator.rst:314
msgid ""
"After ``g = itemgetter(2, 5, 3)``, the call ``g(r)`` returns ``(r[2], r[5], "
msgstr ""
"Avec ``g = itemgetter(2, 5, 3)``, ``g(r)`` renvoie ``(r[2], r[5], r[3])``."
#: library/operator.rst:329
msgid ""
"The items can be any type accepted by the operand's :meth:`__getitem__` "
"method. Dictionaries accept any hashable value. Lists, tuples, and strings "
"accept an index or a slice:"
msgstr ""
"Les *items* en entrée peuvent être de n'importe quel type tant que celui-ci "
"est géré par la méthode :meth:`__getitem__` de l'opérande. Les dictionnaires "
"acceptent toute valeur hachable. Les listes, *n*-uplets et chaînes de "
"caractères acceptent un index ou une tranche :"
#: library/operator.rst:343
msgid ""
"Example of using :func:`itemgetter` to retrieve specific fields from a tuple "
msgstr ""
"Exemple d'utilisation de :func:`itemgetter` pour récupérer des champs "
"spécifiques d'un *n*-uplet :"
#: library/operator.rst:356
msgid ""
"Return a callable object that calls the method *name* on its operand. If "
"additional arguments and/or keyword arguments are given, they will be given "
"to the method as well. For example:"
msgstr ""
"Renvoie un objet appelable qui appelle la méthode *name* de son opérande. Si "
"des paramètres supplémentaires et/ou des paramètres nommés sont donnés, ils "
"seront aussi passés à la méthode. Par exemple :"
#: library/operator.rst:360
msgid ""
"After ``f = methodcaller('name')``, the call ``f(b)`` returns ````."
msgstr "Avec ``f = methodcaller('name')``, ``f(b)`` renvoie ````."
#: library/operator.rst:362
msgid ""
"After ``f = methodcaller('name', 'foo', bar=1)``, the call ``f(b)`` returns "
"``'foo', bar=1)``."
msgstr ""
"Avec ``f = methodcaller('name', 'foo', bar=1)``, ``f(b)`` renvoie ``b."
"name('foo', bar=1)``."
#: library/operator.rst:376
msgid "Mapping Operators to Functions"
msgstr "Correspondances entre opérateurs et fonctions"
#: library/operator.rst:378
msgid ""
"This table shows how abstract operations correspond to operator symbols in "
"the Python syntax and the functions in the :mod:`operator` module."
msgstr ""
"Le tableau montre la correspondance entre les symboles des opérateurs Python "
"et les fonctions du module :mod:`operator`."
#: library/operator.rst:382
msgid "Operation"
msgstr "Opération"
#: library/operator.rst:382
msgid "Syntax"
msgstr "Syntaxe"
#: library/operator.rst:382
msgid "Function"
msgstr "Fonction"
#: library/operator.rst:384
msgid "Addition"
msgstr "Addition"
#: library/operator.rst:384
msgid "``a + b``"
msgstr "``a + b``"
#: library/operator.rst:384
msgid "``add(a, b)``"
msgstr "``add(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:386
msgid "Concatenation"
msgstr "Concaténation"
#: library/operator.rst:386
msgid "``seq1 + seq2``"
msgstr "``seq1 + seq2``"
#: library/operator.rst:386
msgid "``concat(seq1, seq2)``"
msgstr "``concat(seq1, seq2)``"
#: library/operator.rst:388
msgid "Containment Test"
msgstr "Test d'inclusion"
#: library/operator.rst:388
msgid "``obj in seq``"
msgstr "``obj in seq``"
#: library/operator.rst:388
msgid "``contains(seq, obj)``"
msgstr "``contains(seq, obj)``"
#: library/operator.rst:392
msgid "Division"
msgstr "Division"
#: library/operator.rst:390
msgid "``a / b``"
msgstr "``a / b``"
#: library/operator.rst:390
msgid "``truediv(a, b)``"
msgstr "``truediv(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:392
msgid "``a // b``"
msgstr "``a // b``"
#: library/operator.rst:392
msgid "``floordiv(a, b)``"
msgstr "``floordiv(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:394
msgid "Bitwise And"
msgstr "*Et* bit à bit"
#: library/operator.rst:394
msgid "``a & b``"
msgstr "``a & b``"
#: library/operator.rst:394
msgid "``and_(a, b)``"
msgstr "``and_(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:396
msgid "Bitwise Exclusive Or"
msgstr "*Ou exclusif* bit à bit"
#: library/operator.rst:396
msgid "``a ^ b``"
msgstr "``a ^ b``"
#: library/operator.rst:396
msgid "``xor(a, b)``"
msgstr "``xor(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:398
msgid "Bitwise Inversion"
msgstr "Inversion bit à bit"
#: library/operator.rst:398
msgid "``~ a``"
msgstr "``~ a``"
#: library/operator.rst:398
msgid "``invert(a)``"
msgstr "``invert(a)``"
#: library/operator.rst:400
msgid "Bitwise Or"
msgstr "*Ou* bit à bit"
#: library/operator.rst:400
msgid "``a | b``"
msgstr "``a | b``"
#: library/operator.rst:400
msgid "``or_(a, b)``"
msgstr "``or_(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:402
msgid "Exponentiation"
msgstr "Exponentiation"
#: library/operator.rst:402
msgid "``a ** b``"
msgstr "``a ** b``"
#: library/operator.rst:402
msgid "``pow(a, b)``"
msgstr "``pow(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:406
msgid "Identity"
msgstr "Identité"
#: library/operator.rst:404
msgid "``a is b``"
msgstr "``a is b``"
#: library/operator.rst:404
msgid "``is_(a, b)``"
msgstr "``is_(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:406
msgid "``a is not b``"
msgstr "``a is not b``"
#: library/operator.rst:406
msgid "``is_not(a, b)``"
msgstr "``is_not(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:408
msgid "Indexed Assignment"
msgstr "Affectation par index"
#: library/operator.rst:408
msgid "``obj[k] = v``"
msgstr "``obj[k] = v``"
#: library/operator.rst:408
msgid "``setitem(obj, k, v)``"
msgstr "``setitem(obj, k, v)``"
#: library/operator.rst:410
msgid "Indexed Deletion"
msgstr "Suppression par index"
#: library/operator.rst:410
msgid "``del obj[k]``"
msgstr "``del obj[k]``"
#: library/operator.rst:410
msgid "``delitem(obj, k)``"
msgstr "``delitem(obj, k)``"
#: library/operator.rst:412
msgid "Indexing"
msgstr "Indexation"
#: library/operator.rst:412
msgid "``obj[k]``"
msgstr "``obj[k]``"
#: library/operator.rst:412
msgid "``getitem(obj, k)``"
msgstr "``getitem(obj, k)``"
#: library/operator.rst:414
msgid "Left Shift"
msgstr "Décalage bit à bit gauche"
#: library/operator.rst:414
msgid "``a << b``"
msgstr "``a << b``"
#: library/operator.rst:414
msgid "``lshift(a, b)``"
msgstr "``lshift(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:416
msgid "Modulo"
msgstr "Modulo"
#: library/operator.rst:416
msgid "``a % b``"
msgstr "``a % b``"
#: library/operator.rst:416
msgid "``mod(a, b)``"
msgstr "``mod(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:418
msgid "Multiplication"
msgstr "Multiplication"
#: library/operator.rst:418
msgid "``a * b``"
msgstr "``a * b``"
#: library/operator.rst:418
msgid "``mul(a, b)``"
msgstr "``mul(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:420
msgid "Matrix Multiplication"
msgstr "Multiplication matricielle"
#: library/operator.rst:420
msgid "``a @ b``"
msgstr "``a @ b``"
#: library/operator.rst:420
msgid "``matmul(a, b)``"
msgstr "``matmul(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:422
msgid "Negation (Arithmetic)"
msgstr "Opposé"
#: library/operator.rst:422
msgid "``- a``"
msgstr "``- a``"
#: library/operator.rst:422
msgid "``neg(a)``"
msgstr "``neg(a)``"
#: library/operator.rst:424
msgid "Negation (Logical)"
msgstr "Négation (logique)"
#: library/operator.rst:424
msgid "``not a``"
msgstr "``not a``"
#: library/operator.rst:424
msgid "``not_(a)``"
msgstr "``not_(a)``"
#: library/operator.rst:426
msgid "Positive"
msgstr "Valeur positive"
#: library/operator.rst:426
msgid "``+ a``"
msgstr "``+ a``"
#: library/operator.rst:426
msgid "``pos(a)``"
msgstr "``pos(a)``"
#: library/operator.rst:428
msgid "Right Shift"
msgstr "Décalage bit à bit droite"
#: library/operator.rst:428
msgid "``a >> b``"
msgstr "``a >> b``"
#: library/operator.rst:428
msgid "``rshift(a, b)``"
msgstr "``rshift(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:430
msgid "Slice Assignment"
msgstr "Affectation par tranche"
#: library/operator.rst:430
msgid "``seq[i:j] = values``"
msgstr "``seq[i:j] = values``"
#: library/operator.rst:430
msgid "``setitem(seq, slice(i, j), values)``"
msgstr "``setitem(seq, slice(i, j), values)``"
#: library/operator.rst:432
msgid "Slice Deletion"
msgstr "Suppression par tranche"
#: library/operator.rst:432
msgid "``del seq[i:j]``"
msgstr "``del seq[i:j]``"
#: library/operator.rst:432
msgid "``delitem(seq, slice(i, j))``"
msgstr "``delitem(seq, slice(i, j))``"
#: library/operator.rst:434
msgid "Slicing"
msgstr "Tranche"
#: library/operator.rst:434
msgid "``seq[i:j]``"
msgstr "``seq[i:j]``"
#: library/operator.rst:434
msgid "``getitem(seq, slice(i, j))``"
msgstr "``getitem(seq, slice(i, j))``"
#: library/operator.rst:436
msgid "String Formatting"
msgstr "Formatage de chaînes de caractères"
#: library/operator.rst:436
msgid "``s % obj``"
msgstr "``s % obj``"
#: library/operator.rst:436
msgid "``mod(s, obj)``"
msgstr "``mod(s, obj)``"
#: library/operator.rst:438
msgid "Subtraction"
msgstr "Soustraction"
#: library/operator.rst:438
msgid "``a - b``"
msgstr "``a - b``"
#: library/operator.rst:438
msgid "``sub(a, b)``"
msgstr "``sub(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:440
msgid "Truth Test"
msgstr "Test de véracité"
#: library/operator.rst:440
msgid "``obj``"
msgstr "``obj``"
#: library/operator.rst:440
msgid "``truth(obj)``"
msgstr "``truth(obj)``"
#: library/operator.rst:444 library/operator.rst:452
msgid "Ordering"
msgstr "Ordre"
#: library/operator.rst:442
msgid "``a < b``"
msgstr "``a < b``"
#: library/operator.rst:442
msgid "``lt(a, b)``"
msgstr "``lt(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:444
msgid "``a <= b``"
msgstr "``a <= b``"
#: library/operator.rst:444
msgid "``le(a, b)``"
msgstr "``le(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:446
msgid "Equality"
msgstr "Égalité"
#: library/operator.rst:446
msgid "``a == b``"
msgstr "``a == b``"
#: library/operator.rst:446
msgid "``eq(a, b)``"
msgstr "``eq(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:448
msgid "Difference"
msgstr "Inégalité"
#: library/operator.rst:448
msgid "``a != b``"
msgstr "``a != b``"
#: library/operator.rst:448
msgid "``ne(a, b)``"
msgstr "``ne(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:450
msgid "``a >= b``"
msgstr "``a >= b``"
#: library/operator.rst:450
msgid "``ge(a, b)``"
msgstr "``ge(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:452
msgid "``a > b``"
msgstr "``a > b``"
#: library/operator.rst:452
msgid "``gt(a, b)``"
msgstr "``gt(a, b)``"
#: library/operator.rst:456
msgid "In-place Operators"
msgstr "Opérateurs en-place"
#: library/operator.rst:458
msgid ""
"Many operations have an \"in-place\" version. Listed below are functions "
"providing a more primitive access to in-place operators than the usual "
"syntax does; for example, the :term:`statement` ``x += y`` is equivalent to "
"``x = operator.iadd(x, y)``. Another way to put it is to say that ``z = "
"operator.iadd(x, y)`` is equivalent to the compound statement ``z = x; z += "
msgstr ""
"Beaucoup d'opérations ont une version travaillant « en-place ». Les "
"fonctions listées ci-dessous fournissent un accès plus direct aux opérateurs "
"en-place que la syntaxe Python habituelle ; par exemple, l'expression :term:"
"`statement` ``x += y`` équivaut à ``x = operator.iadd(x, y)``. Autrement "
"dit, l'expression ``z = operator.iadd(x, y)`` équivaut à l'expression "
"composée ``z = x; z += y``."
#: library/operator.rst:465
msgid ""
"In those examples, note that when an in-place method is called, the "
"computation and assignment are performed in two separate steps. The in-"
"place functions listed below only do the first step, calling the in-place "
"method. The second step, assignment, is not handled."
msgstr ""
"Dans ces exemples, notez que lorsqu'une méthode en-place est appelée, le "
"calcul et l'affectation sont effectués en deux étapes distinctes. Les "
"fonctions en-place de la liste ci-dessous ne font que la première, en "
"appelant la méthode en-place. La seconde étape, l'affectation, n'est pas "
#: library/operator.rst:470
msgid ""
"For immutable targets such as strings, numbers, and tuples, the updated "
"value is computed, but not assigned back to the input variable:"
msgstr ""
"Pour des paramètres non-mutables comme les chaînes de caractères, les "
"nombres et les *n*-uplets, la nouvelle valeur est calculée, mais pas "
"affectée à la variable d'entrée :"
#: library/operator.rst:479
msgid ""
"For mutable targets such as lists and dictionaries, the in-place method will "
"perform the update, so no subsequent assignment is necessary:"
msgstr ""
"Pour des paramètres mutables comme les listes et les dictionnaires, la "
"méthode en-place modifiera la valeur, aucune affectation ultérieure n'est "
"nécessaire :"
#: library/operator.rst:491
msgid "``a = iadd(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a += b``."
msgstr "``a = iadd(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a += b``."
#: library/operator.rst:497
msgid "``a = iand(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a &= b``."
msgstr "``a = iand(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a &= b``."
#: library/operator.rst:503
msgid ""
"``a = iconcat(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a += b`` for *a* and *b* sequences."
msgstr ""
"``a = iconcat(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a += b`` où *a* et *b* sont des séquences."
#: library/operator.rst:509
msgid "``a = ifloordiv(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a //= b``."
msgstr "``a = ifloordiv(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a //= b``."
#: library/operator.rst:515
msgid "``a = ilshift(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a <<= b``."
msgstr "``a = ilshift(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a <<= b``."
#: library/operator.rst:521
msgid "``a = imod(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a %= b``."
msgstr "``a = imod(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a %= b``."
#: library/operator.rst:527
msgid "``a = imul(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a *= b``."
msgstr "``a = imul(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a *= b``."
#: library/operator.rst:533
msgid "``a = imatmul(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a @= b``."
msgstr "``a = imatmul(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a @= b``."
#: library/operator.rst:541
msgid "``a = ior(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a |= b``."
msgstr "``a = ior(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a |= b``."
#: library/operator.rst:547
msgid "``a = ipow(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a **= b``."
msgstr "``a = ipow(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a **= b``."
#: library/operator.rst:553
msgid "``a = irshift(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a >>= b``."
msgstr "``a = irshift(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a >>= b``."
#: library/operator.rst:559
msgid "``a = isub(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a -= b``."
msgstr "``a = isub(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a -= b``."
#: library/operator.rst:565
msgid "``a = itruediv(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a /= b``."
msgstr "``a = itruediv(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a /= b``."
#: library/operator.rst:571
msgid "``a = ixor(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a ^= b``."
msgstr "``a = ixor(a, b)`` équivaut à ``a ^= b``."