
388 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2001-2016, Python Software Foundation
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Python 3.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-10-30 10:42+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:3
msgid "Extending/Embedding FAQ"
msgstr "FAQ Extension/Intégration"
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:16
msgid "Can I create my own functions in C?"
msgstr "Puis-je créer mes propres fonctions en C ?"
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:18
msgid ""
"Yes, you can create built-in modules containing functions, variables, "
"exceptions and even new types in C. This is explained in the document :ref:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:22
msgid "Most intermediate or advanced Python books will also cover this topic."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:26
msgid "Can I create my own functions in C++?"
msgstr "Puis-je créer mes propres fonctions en C++ ?"
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:28
msgid ""
"Yes, using the C compatibility features found in C++. Place ``extern \"C"
"\" { ... }`` around the Python include files and put ``extern \"C\"`` before "
"each function that is going to be called by the Python interpreter. Global "
"or static C++ objects with constructors are probably not a good idea."
msgstr ""
"Oui, en utilisant les fonctionnalités de compatibilité C existantes en C++. "
"Placez ``extern \"C\" { ... }`` autour des fichiers Python inclus et mettez "
"``extern \"C\"`` avant chaque fonction qui va être appelée par "
"l'interpréteur Python. Les objets C++ globaux ou statiques avec les "
"constructeurs ne sont probablement pas une bonne idée."
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:37
msgid "Writing C is hard; are there any alternatives?"
msgstr "Écrire directement en C est difficile ; existe-t-il des alternatives ?"
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:39
msgid ""
"There are a number of alternatives to writing your own C extensions, "
"depending on what you're trying to do."
msgstr ""
"Il y a un certain nombre de solutions existantes qui vous permettent "
"d'écrire vos propres extensions C, selon ce que vous essayez de faire."
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:44
msgid ""
"`Cython <>`_ and its relative `Pyrex <https://www.cosc."
">`_ are compilers that accept a "
"slightly modified form of Python and generate the corresponding C code. "
"Cython and Pyrex make it possible to write an extension without having to "
"learn Python's C API."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:50
msgid ""
"If you need to interface to some C or C++ library for which no Python "
"extension currently exists, you can try wrapping the library's data types "
"and functions with a tool such as `SWIG <>`_. `SIP "
"<>`__, `CXX <http://cxx."
">`_ `Boost <"
"html>`_, or `Weave <>`_ "
"are also alternatives for wrapping C++ libraries."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:61
msgid "How can I execute arbitrary Python statements from C?"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:63
msgid ""
"The highest-level function to do this is :c:func:`PyRun_SimpleString` which "
"takes a single string argument to be executed in the context of the module "
"``__main__`` and returns 0 for success and -1 when an exception occurred "
"(including ``SyntaxError``). If you want more control, use :c:func:"
"`PyRun_String`; see the source for :c:func:`PyRun_SimpleString` in ``Python/"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:72
msgid "How can I evaluate an arbitrary Python expression from C?"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:74
msgid ""
"Call the function :c:func:`PyRun_String` from the previous question with the "
"start symbol :c:data:`Py_eval_input`; it parses an expression, evaluates it "
"and returns its value."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:80
msgid "How do I extract C values from a Python object?"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:82
msgid ""
"That depends on the object's type. If it's a tuple, :c:func:`PyTuple_Size` "
"returns its length and :c:func:`PyTuple_GetItem` returns the item at a "
"specified index. Lists have similar functions, :c:func:`PyListSize` and :c:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:87
msgid ""
"For bytes, :c:func:`PyBytes_Size` returns its length and :c:func:"
"`PyBytes_AsStringAndSize` provides a pointer to its value and its length. "
"Note that Python bytes objects may contain null bytes so C's :c:func:"
"`strlen` should not be used."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:92
msgid ""
"To test the type of an object, first make sure it isn't *NULL*, and then "
"use :c:func:`PyBytes_Check`, :c:func:`PyTuple_Check`, :c:func:"
"`PyList_Check`, etc."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:95
msgid ""
"There is also a high-level API to Python objects which is provided by the so-"
"called 'abstract' interface -- read ``Include/abstract.h`` for further "
"details. It allows interfacing with any kind of Python sequence using calls "
"like :c:func:`PySequence_Length`, :c:func:`PySequence_GetItem`, etc. as well "
"as many other useful protocols such as numbers (:c:func:`PyNumber_Index` et "
"al.) and mappings in the PyMapping APIs."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:104
msgid "How do I use Py_BuildValue() to create a tuple of arbitrary length?"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:106
msgid "You can't. Use :c:func:`PyTuple_Pack` instead."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:110
msgid "How do I call an object's method from C?"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:112
msgid ""
"The :c:func:`PyObject_CallMethod` function can be used to call an arbitrary "
"method of an object. The parameters are the object, the name of the method "
"to call, a format string like that used with :c:func:`Py_BuildValue`, and "
"the argument values::"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:121
msgid ""
"This works for any object that has methods -- whether built-in or user-"
"defined. You are responsible for eventually :c:func:`Py_DECREF`\\ 'ing the "
"return value."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:124
msgid ""
"To call, e.g., a file object's \"seek\" method with arguments 10, 0 "
"(assuming the file object pointer is \"f\")::"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:135
msgid ""
"Note that since :c:func:`PyObject_CallObject` *always* wants a tuple for the "
"argument list, to call a function without arguments, pass \"()\" for the "
"format, and to call a function with one argument, surround the argument in "
"parentheses, e.g. \"(i)\"."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:142
msgid ""
"How do I catch the output from PyErr_Print() (or anything that prints to "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:144
msgid ""
"In Python code, define an object that supports the ``write()`` method. "
"Assign this object to :data:`sys.stdout` and :data:`sys.stderr`. Call "
"print_error, or just allow the standard traceback mechanism to work. Then, "
"the output will go wherever your ``write()`` method sends it."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:149
msgid "The easiest way to do this is to use the :class:`io.StringIO` class:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:161
msgid "A custom object to do the same would look like this:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:182
msgid "How do I access a module written in Python from C?"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:184
msgid "You can get a pointer to the module object as follows::"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:188
msgid ""
"If the module hasn't been imported yet (i.e. it is not yet present in :data:"
"`sys.modules`), this initializes the module; otherwise it simply returns the "
"value of ``sys.modules[\"<modulename>\"]``. Note that it doesn't enter the "
"module into any namespace -- it only ensures it has been initialized and is "
"stored in :data:`sys.modules`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:194
msgid ""
"You can then access the module's attributes (i.e. any name defined in the "
"module) as follows::"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:199
msgid ""
"Calling :c:func:`PyObject_SetAttrString` to assign to variables in the "
"module also works."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:204
msgid "How do I interface to C++ objects from Python?"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:206
msgid ""
"Depending on your requirements, there are many approaches. To do this "
"manually, begin by reading :ref:`the \"Extending and Embedding\" document "
"<extending-index>`. Realize that for the Python run-time system, there "
"isn't a whole lot of difference between C and C++ -- so the strategy of "
"building a new Python type around a C structure (pointer) type will also "
"work for C++ objects."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:212
msgid "For C++ libraries, see :ref:`c-wrapper-software`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:216
msgid "I added a module using the Setup file and the make fails; why?"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:218
msgid ""
"Setup must end in a newline, if there is no newline there, the build process "
"fails. (Fixing this requires some ugly shell script hackery, and this bug "
"is so minor that it doesn't seem worth the effort.)"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:224
msgid "How do I debug an extension?"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:226
msgid ""
"When using GDB with dynamically loaded extensions, you can't set a "
"breakpoint in your extension until your extension is loaded."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:229
msgid "In your ``.gdbinit`` file (or interactively), add the command:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:235
msgid "Then, when you run GDB:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:247
msgid ""
"I want to compile a Python module on my Linux system, but some files are "
"missing. Why?"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:249
msgid ""
"Most packaged versions of Python don't include the :file:`/usr/lib/python2."
"{x}/config/` directory, which contains various files required for compiling "
"Python extensions."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:253
msgid "For Red Hat, install the python-devel RPM to get the necessary files."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:255
msgid "For Debian, run ``apt-get install python-dev``."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:259
msgid "How do I tell \"incomplete input\" from \"invalid input\"?"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:261
msgid ""
"Sometimes you want to emulate the Python interactive interpreter's behavior, "
"where it gives you a continuation prompt when the input is incomplete (e.g. "
"you typed the start of an \"if\" statement or you didn't close your "
"parentheses or triple string quotes), but it gives you a syntax error "
"message immediately when the input is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:267
msgid ""
"In Python you can use the :mod:`codeop` module, which approximates the "
"parser's behavior sufficiently. IDLE uses this, for example."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:270
msgid ""
"The easiest way to do it in C is to call :c:func:`PyRun_InteractiveLoop` "
"(perhaps in a separate thread) and let the Python interpreter handle the "
"input for you. You can also set the :c:func:`PyOS_ReadlineFunctionPointer` "
"to point at your custom input function. See ``Modules/readline.c`` and "
"``Parser/myreadline.c`` for more hints."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:276
msgid ""
"However sometimes you have to run the embedded Python interpreter in the "
"same thread as your rest application and you can't allow the :c:func:"
"`PyRun_InteractiveLoop` to stop while waiting for user input. The one "
"solution then is to call :c:func:`PyParser_ParseString` and test for ``e."
"error`` equal to ``E_EOF``, which means the input is incomplete). Here's a "
"sample code fragment, untested, inspired by code from Alex Farber::"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:309
msgid ""
"Another solution is trying to compile the received string with :c:func:"
"`Py_CompileString`. If it compiles without errors, try to execute the "
"returned code object by calling :c:func:`PyEval_EvalCode`. Otherwise save "
"the input for later. If the compilation fails, find out if it's an error or "
"just more input is required - by extracting the message string from the "
"exception tuple and comparing it to the string \"unexpected EOF while parsing"
"\". Here is a complete example using the GNU readline library (you may want "
"to ignore **SIGINT** while calling readline())::"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:430
msgid "How do I find undefined g++ symbols __builtin_new or __pure_virtual?"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:432
msgid ""
"To dynamically load g++ extension modules, you must recompile Python, relink "
"it using g++ (change LINKCC in the Python Modules Makefile), and link your "
"extension module using g++ (e.g., ``g++ -shared -o mymodule.o``)."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:438
msgid ""
"Can I create an object class with some methods implemented in C and others "
"in Python (e.g. through inheritance)?"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:440
msgid ""
"Yes, you can inherit from built-in classes such as :class:`int`, :class:"
"`list`, :class:`dict`, etc."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/faq/extending.rst:443
msgid ""
"The Boost Python Library (BPL,"
"html) provides a way of doing this from C++ (i.e. you can inherit from an "
"extension class written in C++ using the BPL)."
msgstr ""