from xml.sax.saxutils import escape from doc_utils.metadata import parse_metadata, MetaData, Directive, TextBlock from markdown import markdown from collections import OrderedDict from functools import partial import doc_utils.api_tools as api_tools import doc_utils.doc_tools as doc_tools import os gen_online_doc = False def convert_markdown(text): md = markdown(text, extensions=['markdown.extensions.extra', 'markdown.extensions.codehilite', 'toc']) return '
\n' + md + '
\n' def get_thesaurus(letters): html = '

' letter_links = ' - '.join(['%s' % (letter, letter.upper()) for letter in letters]) html += letter_links html += '

\n' return html def gen_class_index(uid, link_formatter): class_uid = doc_tools.get_all_classes() letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' # classes by letter def uid_startswith(uid, l): if uid.startswith('man.'): uid = uid[4:] elif uid.startswith('gen.'): uid = uid[4:] return uid[:1].lower() == l classes_by_letter = {} for l in letters: classes_by_letter[l] = [uid for uid in class_uid if uid_startswith(uid, l)] # build a list of letters with elements letters = [l for l in letters if len(classes_by_letter[l]) > 0] # output thesaurus body = get_thesaurus(letters) # output index body += '\n' # allow markdown parsing of the table links for i in range(0, len(letters), 4): row_count = 0 for l in letters[i:i+4]: if len(classes_by_letter[l]) > row_count: row_count = len(classes_by_letter[l]) if row_count > 0: body += '' for l in letters[i:i+4]: body += '' % (l, l.upper()) body += '\n' for row in range(row_count): body += "\n" for l in letters[i:i+4]: if row < len(classes_by_letter[l]): body += '\n' % classes_by_letter[l][row] else: body += '\n' body += "\n" body += "
\n" return body def gen_tutorial_index(uid, link_formatter): # parse all tutorial tags tutorials_group = {} for uid, content in tutorial_directive_start = content.find(".tutorial") if tutorial_directive_start == -1: continue # page is not a tutorial tutorial_directive_end = content.find(")", tutorial_directive_start) if tutorial_directive_end == -1: continue # page is not a tutorial tutorial_directive = parse_metadata(content[tutorial_directive_start:tutorial_directive_end+1]) parse_out = parse_tutorial_directive(tutorial_directive[0]) if parse_out is None: print("Failed to parse .tutorial directive in %s" % uid) continue group = parse_out['group'] if group not in tutorials_group: tutorials_group[group] = {} tutorials_group[group][uid] = parse_out # output index body = '' for group, tutorials in tutorials_group.items(): body += '### ' + group + '\n' body += '\n' # allow markdown parsing of the table links body += '\n' body += '\n' for uid, parse_out in tutorials.items(): body += '' body += '' % (uid, parse_out['goal'], parse_out['level'], parse_out['duration'], parse_out['lang']) body += '\n' body += "
[%s]%s%s%s min%s
\n" return body def is_class_abstract(uid): class_tag = api_tools.api[uid][0] # class tag (should be) if class_tag.tag != "class": return False return class_tag.get("base_type", "0") == "1" def gen_class_info(uid, link_formatter): inheritance = doc_tools.build_class_inheritance() related_classes, related_functions = gather_uids_related_to(uid) is_abstract = is_class_abstract(uid) inherits = ['[%s]' % i for i in inheritance[uid]] inherited_by = ['[%s]' % nu for nu, nh in inheritance.items() if uid in nh] related_to = ['[%s]' % c for c in related_classes] body = '\n' if len(inherits) > 0: body += '' body += '' body += '' body += '\n' if len(inherited_by) > 0: body += '' body += '' body += '' body += '\n' if len(related_classes) > 0: body += '' body += '' body += '' body += '\n' if is_abstract: body += '' body += '' body += '' body += '
Inherits:' + doc_tools.list_to_natural_string(sorted(inherits), "and") + '
Inherited by:' + doc_tools.list_to_natural_string(sorted(inherited_by), "and") + '
Used by:' + doc_tools.list_to_natural_string(sorted(related_to), "and") + '
This base type cannot be instantiated directly.
\n' return body def output_functions_index(funcs, href_prefix=""): body = '\n' for fn_uid, tags in sorted(funcs.items()): body += '' rvalues, protos = [], [] if fn_uid in api_tools.blacklist: continue for fn_tag in tags: rvalues.append(doc_tools.format_function_proto_rvalue(fn_tag)) proto_parms = doc_tools.format_function_proto_parms(fn_tag) if fn_uid in doc_tools.doc: protos.append('%s%s' % (href_prefix, fn_uid, fn_tag.get('name'), proto_parms)) else: protos.append('%s%s' % (fn_tag.get('name'), proto_parms)) body += '' % '
'.join(rvalues) body += '' % '
'.join(protos) body += '\n' body += '
\n' return body def gen_class_content_index(uid, link_formatter): member_functions, static_member_functions = OrderedDict(), OrderedDict() class_tag = api_tools.api[uid][0] # there is only one class for a given uid body = str() # output all enumerations enum_tags = list(class_tag.iter('enum')) if len(enum_tags) > 0: body += '## Enumerations ##\n' body += '\n' for enum_tag in enum_tags: body += '' enum_uid = enum_tag.get('uid') name = enum_tag.get('name') entries = ["**%s**" % tag.get('name') for tag in enum_tag.iter('entry')] body += '' % (enum_uid, name) body += '' body += '\n' body += '
%s' body += doc_tools.list_to_natural_string(entries, "or") body += '
\n' # output all variables var_tags = list(class_tag.iter('variable')) if len(var_tags) > 0: body += '## Variables ##\n' body += '\n' for var_tag in var_tags: body += '' type = doc_tools.format_uid_link(var_tag.get('type')) if var_tag.get("static") == "1": type = "static " + type body += '' % type body += '' % var_tag.get('name') body += '\n' body += '
\n' # gather all class function tags for fn_tag in class_tag.iter('function'): fn_uid = fn_tag.get('uid') if fn_tag.get('static') == '1': static_member_functions[fn_uid] = static_member_functions.get(fn_uid, []) + [fn_tag] else: member_functions[fn_uid] = member_functions.get(fn_uid, []) + [fn_tag] # related_classes, related_functions = gather_uids_related_to(uid) if len(member_functions) > 0: body += '## Member Functions ##\n' body += output_functions_index(member_functions) if len(static_member_functions) > 0: body += '## Static Member Functions ##\n' body += output_functions_index(static_member_functions) if len(related_functions) > 0: body += '## Related Functions ##\n' body += output_functions_index(related_functions, "man.Functions.html") return body def output_function_documentation(uid, tags, link_formatter): body = '
' % uid # function div # output all prototypes protos = [] for fn_tag in tags: rvalue = doc_tools.format_function_proto_rvalue(fn_tag) proto_parms = doc_tools.format_function_proto_parms(fn_tag) protos.append('%s %s%s' % (rvalue, fn_tag.get('name'), proto_parms)) body += '
' % '
'.join(protos) # output function documentation body += '
' if uid in doc_tools.doc: body += doc_tools.doc[uid] body += '\n' # prevent last markdown tag from being corrupted body += '
' body += '
' return body def output_functions_documentation(funcs, link_formatter): body = str() for fn_uid, tags in sorted(funcs.items()): body += output_function_documentation(fn_uid, tags, link_formatter) return body def gen_class_content_documentation(uid, link_formatter): member_functions_, static_member_functions_ = OrderedDict(), OrderedDict() class_tag = api_tools.api[uid][0] # there is only one class for a given uid # gather all class function tags for fn_tag in class_tag.iter('function'): fn_uid = fn_tag.get('uid') if fn_tag.get('static') == '1': static_member_functions_[fn_uid] = static_member_functions_.get(fn_uid, []) + [fn_tag] else: member_functions_[fn_uid] = member_functions_.get(fn_uid, []) + [fn_tag] related_classes, related_functions_ = gather_uids_related_to(uid) # remove undocumented uids member_functions, static_member_functions, related_functions = OrderedDict(), OrderedDict(), {} for uid, tags in member_functions_.items(): if uid in doc_tools.doc: member_functions[uid] = tags for uid, tags in static_member_functions_.items(): if uid in doc_tools.doc: static_member_functions[uid] = tags for uid, tags in related_functions_.items(): if uid in doc_tools.doc: related_functions[uid] = tags # output documentation body = str() if len(member_functions) > 0: body += "## Member Function Documentation ##\n" body += output_functions_documentation(member_functions, link_formatter) body += "\n" if len(static_member_functions) > 0: body += "## Static Member Function Documentation ##\n" body += output_functions_documentation(static_member_functions, link_formatter) body += "\n" return body def output_enum_documentation(uid): enum_tag = api_tools.api[uid][0] body = "### %s ###\n" % uid for entry in list(enum_tag): name, value = entry.get("name"), entry.get("value") if name: body += "- " + name if value: body += " = `%s`" % value body += "\n" related_classes, related_functions = gather_uids_related_to(uid) related_to = ['[%s]' % fn for fn in related_functions] + ['[%s]' % fn for fn in related_classes] if len(related_to) > 0: body += "\n\nUsed by " + doc_tools.list_to_natural_string(sorted(related_to), "and") + "." return body def output_constant_documentation(uid): constant_tag = api_tools.api[uid][0] body = "### %s ###\n" % uid for entry in list(constant_tag): name = entry.get("name") if name: body += "- " + name body += "\n" related_classes, related_functions = gather_uids_related_to(uid) related_to = ['[%s]' % fn for fn in related_functions] + ['[%s]' % fn for fn in related_classes] if len(related_to) > 0: body += "\n\nUsed by " + doc_tools.list_to_natural_string(sorted(related_to), "and") + "." return body def gen_enum_content(uid, link_formatter): related_classes, related_functions = gather_uids_related_to(uid) related_to = ['[%s]' % c for c in related_classes] body = '\n' if len(related_to) > 0: body += '' body += '' body += '' body += '\n' body += '
Used by:' + doc_tools.list_to_natural_string(sorted(related_to), "and") + '
\n' body += output_enum_documentation(uid) if len(related_functions) > 0: body += '## Related Functions ##\n' body += output_functions_index(related_functions) return body def is_function_using_uid(fn_tag, uid): if fn_tag.get("returns") == uid: return True for parm in fn_tag: if parm.tag == "parm": if parm.get("type") == uid or parm.get("constants_group") == uid: return True return False def is_class_using_uid(class_tag, uid): for fn_tag in class_tag: if fn_tag.tag == "function" and is_function_using_uid(fn_tag, uid): return True return False related_to_cache = {} def gather_uids_related_to(uid): if uid in related_to_cache: return related_to_cache[uid] classes, functions = [], {} for related_uid, tags in api_tools.api.items(): if related_uid == uid: continue for tag in tags: if tag.tag == "function": # look if a global function is using this uid if tag.get("global") == "1" and is_function_using_uid(tag, uid): functions[related_uid] = functions.get(related_uid, []) + [tag] elif tag.tag == "class": # look if class has a function using this enum if is_class_using_uid(tag, uid): classes.append(related_uid) related_to_cache[uid] = (classes, functions) return classes, functions def uids_to_link(uids): return ['[%s]' % uid for uid in uids] def get_tag_uids(tag_name, globals_only = False): uids = [] for uid_, tags in api_tools.api.items(): if tags[0].tag == tag_name: if globals_only is False or tags[0].get("global") == "1": uids.append(uid_) return uids def group_uids_per_category(tag_name, globals_only=False): cat_uids = {} for uid_, tags in api_tools.api.items(): if tags[0].tag == tag_name: if globals_only is False or tags[0].get("global") == "1": cat = tags[0].get("name")[0:1].upper() if not cat.isalpha(): cat = "_" cat_uids[cat] = cat_uids.get(cat, []) + [uid_] return cat_uids def uid_name(uid): return api_tools.api[uid][0].get("name") # def gen_index(category, globals_only, link_formatter, col_count, sub_col_count): cat_uids = group_uids_per_category(category, globals_only) # output thesaurus letters = '' for cat, uids in sorted(cat_uids.items()): letters += cat.lower() # output categories content body = get_thesaurus(letters) body += '\n' i = iter(sorted(cat_uids.items())) done = False while not done: body += '' for col in range(col_count): try: cat, uids = next(i) if len(uids) == 0: continue body += '\n' % (cat.lower(), cat) # body += '' except StopIteration: done = True body += '' body += '
%s\n' uids = sorted(uids, key=uid_name) sub_col_row_count = (len(uids) + sub_col_count - 1) // sub_col_count sub_col_size = 0 for uid in uids: if sub_col_size == 0: body += '
' % (100 / sub_col_count) body += '[%s]' % uid parent_tag = api_tools.api_parent_map[api_tools.api[uid][0]] parent_name = parent_tag.get("name") if parent_name is not None: body += ' (%s)' % parent_name body += '
' sub_col_size = sub_col_size + 1 if sub_col_size == sub_col_row_count: body += '
\n' sub_col_size = 0 if sub_col_size != 0: body += '\n' body += '
\n' return body def gen_enum_index(globals_only, _, link_formatter): return gen_index('enum', globals_only, link_formatter, 3, 1) def gen_function_index(globals_only, _, link_formatter): return gen_index('function', globals_only, link_formatter, 1, 2) def gen_constants_index(globals_only, _, link_formatter): return gen_index('constants', globals_only, link_formatter, 3, 1) # def gen_function_documentation(uid, link_formatter): cat_uids = group_uids_per_category("function", True) body = str() for cat, uids in sorted(cat_uids.items()): uids_tags = {} for uid in uids: # document all global functions uids_tags[uid] = api_tools.api[uid] if len(uids_tags) > 0: body += "## %s ##\n" % cat body += output_functions_documentation(uids_tags, link_formatter) body += "\n" return body def gen_enum_documentation(uid, link_formatter): cat_uids = group_uids_per_category("enum", True) body = str() for cat, uids in sorted(cat_uids.items()): uids_tags = {} for uid in uids: uids_tags[uid] = api_tools.api[uid] if len(uids_tags) > 0: body += "## %s ##\n" % cat for uid_ in uids_tags: body += "
\n" % uid_ body += output_enum_documentation(uid_) body += "\n
\n" return body def gen_constants_documentation(uid, link_formatter): cat_uids = group_uids_per_category("constants", True) body = str() for cat, uids in sorted(cat_uids.items()): uids_tags = {} for uid in uids: uids_tags[uid] = api_tools.api[uid] if len(uids_tags) > 0: body += "## %s ##\n" % cat for uid_ in uids_tags: body += "
\n" % uid_ body += output_constant_documentation(uid_) body += "\n
\n" return body generated_symbols = { '%ClassIndex%': gen_class_index, '%GlobalFunctionIndex%': partial(gen_function_index, True), '%GlobalFunctionDocumentation%': gen_function_documentation, '%GlobalEnumIndex%': partial(gen_enum_index, True), '%GlobalEnumDocumentation%': gen_enum_documentation, '%GlobalConstantsIndex%': partial(gen_constants_index, True), '%GlobalConstantsDocumentation%': gen_constants_documentation, '%AllFunctionIndex%': partial(gen_function_index, False), '%AllEnumIndex%': partial(gen_enum_index, False), '%ClassInfo%': gen_class_info, '%ClassContentIndex%': gen_class_content_index, '%ClassContentDocumentation%': gen_class_content_documentation, '%EnumConstant%': gen_enum_content, '%TutorialIndex%': gen_tutorial_index, } def default_link_target_formatter(uid, is_img_link=False): # link to a manual page if uid in return "[%s](%s)" % (doc_tools.get_element_title(uid), uid) # link to an API symbol if uid in api_tools.api: tag = api_tools.api[uid][0] parent = api_tools.api_parent_map[tag] if parent.tag == "class": # symbol is a class parent_uid = parent.get("uid") return "%s" % ("%s.html#%s" % (parent_uid, uid), tag.get("name")) # generic link return "%s" % (uid, uid) def title_directive_to_text(o, link_formatter): return "" def section_directive_to_text(o, link_formatter): def get_parm(o_, name_): return o_.parms[name_].value[1:-1] html = '
\n' name, icon = get_parm(o, "name"), get_parm(o, "icon") html += '


\n' % name html += '\n' html += '\n' for r in o.content: if != 'row': continue i = 0 in_tr = False for b in r.content: if != 'block': continue if not in_tr: html += '\n' in_tr = True html += '\n' i += 1 if i == 3: # close row html += '\n' in_tr = False i = 0 html += '\n' html += '
\n' html += '


' % (get_parm(b, 'link'), get_parm(b, 'name')) if gen_online_doc: html += '


' % get_parm(b, 'desc') else: html += '


' % get_parm(b, 'desc') html += '
\n' html += '
\n' return html def img_to_text(o, link_formatter): html = '
\n' % link_formatter(o.parm, True) return html def parse_tutorial_directive(o): try: for key, value in o.parms.items(): if key == 'goal': goal = value.value.strip('"') if key == 'level': level = value.value.strip('"') if key == 'duration': duration = value.value if key == 'lang': lang = str(value.value) if key == 'group': group = str(value.value).strip('"') return {'goal': goal, 'level': level, 'duration': duration, 'lang': lang, 'group': group} except: return None def tutorial_to_text(o, link_formatter): parse_out = parse_tutorial_directive(o) if parse_out is None: return "" html = '' html += '' % parse_out['goal'] html += '' % parse_out['level'] html += '' % parse_out['duration'] html += '' % parse_out['lang'] html += '
Duration:%s minutes
\n' return html directive_to_text = { 'title': title_directive_to_text, 'section': section_directive_to_text, 'img': img_to_text, 'tutorial': tutorial_to_text, } def metadata_object_to_text(o, link_formatter): if isinstance(o, MetaData): text = "" for s in o: text += metadata_object_to_text(s, link_formatter) return text elif isinstance(o, Directive): if in directive_to_text: return directive_to_text[](o, link_formatter) return "** No handler for directive of type '%s' **\n" % elif isinstance(o, TextBlock): return o.content # content is raw string def resolve_internal_links(this_uid, text, link_formatter, explicit_link_only=True, indirect=False): """Replace all API UIDs with link to the documentation""" # uid documentation aliasing (quote documentation from an uid) if api_tools.api is not None: for uid, value in api_tools.api.items(): link_decl = "[%s:doc]" % uid if text.find(link_decl) == -1: continue data = doc_tools.get_content_always(uid) text = text.replace(link_decl, format_page_content(uid, data, default_link_target_formatter, True)) # uid link (for aliased documentation) if not indirect: text = text.replace('[:uid]', this_uid) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_link_decl(uid): return "[%s]" % uid if explicit_link_only else uid # link to api pages if api_tools.api is not None: for uid, value in api_tools.api.items(): link_decl = get_link_decl(uid) if text.find(link_decl) == -1: continue text = text.replace(link_decl, link_formatter(uid)) # link to manual pages for uid, value in text = text.replace(get_link_decl(uid), link_formatter(uid)) return text def resolve_imports(text): """Replace import directives""" pos = 0 while True: pos = text.find("[import:", pos) if pos == -1: break end = text.find("]", pos) if end == -1: break # mangled directive # parse the import directive args = text[pos + 8: end].split(',') filename = args[0] import_content = "" try: with open(args[0], 'r') as file: import_content = ''.join(file.readlines()) except: import_content = "[Import directive failed to load file '%s' (cwd is %s)]" % (args[0], os.getcwd()) text = text[:pos] + import_content + text[end + 1:] pos = end + 1 return text def parse_symbol_parms(text, start): if text[start:start+1] != "(": return None, None, None # no args end = text.find(")", start+1) if end == -1: print("Mangled args in symbol directive") return None, None, None # mangled args args = [arg.strip() for arg in text[start+1:end].split(",")] return args, start, end + 1 def replace_generated_symbols(uid, text, link_formatter): """Replace all generated symbols with their content""" for sym, gen in generated_symbols.items(): while True: # look for a symbol match sym_pos = text.find(sym) if sym_pos == -1: break # no more match # grab optional symbol arguments args, args_start, args_end = parse_symbol_parms(text, sym_pos + len(sym)) # evaluate symbol gen_uid = uid if args is not None and len(args) == 1: if args[0] in api_tools.api: gen_uid = args[0] output = gen(gen_uid, link_formatter) # and perform replace sym_end = args_end if args is not None else sym_pos + len(sym) text = text[:sym_pos] + output + text[sym_end:] return text def format_text(uid, text, link_formatter, indirect): text = replace_generated_symbols(uid, text, link_formatter) text = resolve_internal_links(uid, text, link_formatter, True, indirect) text = resolve_imports(text) return convert_markdown(text) # convert from markdown to HTML def format_page_content(uid, data, link_formatter=default_link_target_formatter, indirect=False): """Format the page content string to HTML""" data = parse_metadata(data) # parse all objects to build the final markdown text text = metadata_object_to_text(data, link_formatter) return format_text(uid, text, link_formatter, indirect) def format_html_link(uid): """Format a link across the documentation from an element UID""" return "%s.html" % uid def get_language_switcher_js(): return\ '\n' def get_language_switcher_div(): return\ '
\n'\ 'Python\n'\ 'Lua\n'\ '
\n' def get_html_header(): html = '\n' html += '\n' html += '\n' html += get_language_switcher_js() html += '\n' return html def clean_visible_string(s): return escape(s)