from pypeg2 import * # -- number = re.compile(r"-?([0-9]+\.([0-9]+)?f|\.[0-9]+(e[0-9]+)?f?|[0-9]+(e[0-9]+)?f?)") string = re.compile(r"\"[^\"\\\r\n]*(?:\\.[^\"\\\r\n]*)*\"") link = re.compile(r"\[(\w|\.)+\]") # --Sample Text class DirectiveParameter: grammar = name(), optional("=", attr("value", [number, Literal, string, link])) class DirectiveParameters(Namespace): grammar = csl(DirectiveParameter) # -- class DirectiveName(Plain): grammar = contiguous('.', name()) class Directive(Plain): """Recursively parse a single or multi line directive declaration.""" @staticmethod def parse(parser, text, pos): o = Directive() try: text, name = parser.parse(text, DirectiveName) except SyntaxError: return text, parser.generate_syntax_error("expecting DirectiveName", pos) setattr(o, 'name', # short form directives .end is implicit short_form_directives = ['img'] is_short_form = in short_form_directives # grab directive parameters if text[:1] == '(': eop = text.find(')') if eop != -1: try: # multiple parameters t, r = parser.parse(text[1:eop], DirectiveParameters) setattr(o, 'parms', r) text = text[eop+1:] except SyntaxError: # single string parameter if text[1:2] == '"' and text[eop-1:eop] == '"': setattr(o, 'parm', text[2:eop-1]) if is_short_form: result = (text[eop+1:], o) if not is_short_form: # test for multi line directive endmarker = ".end%s" % end = text.find(endmarker) if end == -1: end = text.find('\n') if end == -1: content = text # last single line directive result = ('', o) else: content = text[:end] # single line directive result = (text[end + 1:], o) else: content = text[:end] # multi line directive result = (text[end + len(endmarker):], o) # recursive directive content parse t, content = parser.parse(content, MetaData) setattr(o, 'content', content) # multi line directive return result class TextBlock(Plain): @staticmethod def parse(parser, text, pos): if text == '': return text, parser.generate_syntax_error("end of file!", pos) o = TextBlock() # accept anything until we hit something looking like a directive declaration pos, end = 0, len(text) while pos < end: # skip to end of line endl = text.find('\n', pos) if endl != -1: pos = endl + 1 # skip over the end of line # test directive try: parser.parse(text[pos:], DirectiveName) break # we hit a directive, end block here! except SyntaxError: pass # not a directive, proceed... else: pos = end setattr(o, 'content', text[0:pos]) return text[pos:], o def __str__(self): return self.content # -- class MetaData(List): grammar = maybe_some([Directive, TextBlock]) metadata_parse_cache = {} def parse_metadata(data): if data in metadata_parse_cache: return metadata_parse_cache[data] output = parse(data, MetaData) metadata_parse_cache[data] = output return output