import xml.etree.ElementTree as ETree from collections import OrderedDict escaped_symbol_patterns = OrderedDict([ ('|=', '_ior_op_'), ('&=', '_iand_op_'), ('+=', '_iadd_op_'), ('-=', '_isub_op_'), ('*=', '_imul_op_'), ('/=', '_idiv_op_'), ('::', '_namespace_'), (':', '_col_'), ('<=', '_le_'), ('>=', '_ge_'), ('==', '_eq_'), ('!=', '_neq_'), ('+', '_add_'), ('-', '_sub_'), ('*', '_mul_'), ('/', '_div_'), ('<', '_lt_'), ('>', '_gt_'), ('=', '_copy_'), ('.', '_dot_'), ]) def escape_symbol(symbol): for pattern, escaped in escaped_symbol_patterns.items(): symbol = symbol.replace(pattern, escaped) if symbol.endswith('_'): symbol = symbol[:-1] return symbol # list of UIDs we do not want to include in the documentation # TODO load from a file blacklist = [ 'string', 'SurfaceShader_Create', 'Node_SetUid', ] api_tag_symbols = [ 'class', 'function', 'enum', 'constants' ] api = None api_parent_map = None def load_tag(tag): for child in tag: if child.tag in api_tag_symbols: uid = child.get('uid') if uid and uid not in blacklist: if uid not in api: api[uid] = [] api[uid].append(child) load_tag(child) def load_api(path): with open(path, "r") as file: xml_root = ETree.fromstring( global api api = OrderedDict() load_tag(xml_root) global api_parent_map api_parent_map = {c: p for p in xml_root.iter() for c in p}