# HARFANG® 3D engine [![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/harfang)](https://pypi.org/project/harfang) [![Downloads](https://pepy.tech/badge/harfang)](https://pepy.tech/project/harfang) [![Downloads](https://pepy.tech/badge/harfang/month)](https://pepy.tech/project/harfang) HARFANG®3D is an all-in-one 3D visualization library usable in C++, Python, Lua and Go. #### Table of contents 1. [About](#section_1) - [Features](#subsection_1a) - [Screenshots](#subsection_1b) 2. [Download](#section_2) 3. [Building the SDK](#section_3) - [Prerequisites](#subsection_3a) - [Building](#subsection_3b) 4. [Using the C++ SDK](#section_4) 5. [Version](#section_5) 6. [License](#section_6) # About HARFANG®3D is an easy-to-adapt, cross-platform, multi-language, powerful and optimized solution to integrate with embedded systems, into existing environments and combining features to meet the industrial standards of real-time 3D imaging. The HARFANG®3D architecture makes it easy to meet the requirements for hardware integration, display performance and security. HARFANG®3D is written in C++ and is based on the open-source bgfx library supporting Vulkan, Metal, DirectX (from 9 to 12), OpenGL and OpenGL ES. It Builds on Windows, Linux, Intel and ARM. ## Features Platforms supported * Win32 and Win64 Intel * Linux 64 Intel * Aarch 64 ARM Scene API * Node & component based * Performance oriented Rendering pipeline * Low-spec PBR rendering pipeline * High-spec 'AAA' rendering pipeline (screen space GI & reflection) * Support of user pipeline shaders VR API * VR support via OpenVR/SteamVR with Eye tracking * Compatible with the HTC Vive/Vive Pro, Valve Index, Lenovo Explorer, Oculus Rift S Physics API * Rigid bodies, collisions, mechanical constraints, ray casting Audio API * Play/stream WAV/OGG formats * 3D audio spatialization Languages supported * C++ * Python _(3.2+)_ * Lua _(5.3)_ * Go _(1+, experimental)_ ## Screenshots The following screenshots were captured on a 1080GTX in 1080P running at 60FPS. ![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/harfang3d/image-storage/main/portfolio/2.0.111/sun_temple_aaa.png) ![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/harfang3d/image-storage/main/portfolio/2.0.111/sun_temple_aaa_2.png) *(Sun Temple, courtesy of the Open Research Content Archive (ORCA))* # Download You can download the HARFANG binaries from the official website: https://dev.harfang3d.com/releases # Build the SDK ## Prerequisites * Git * CMake 3.19+ * CPython 3.2+ * Go 1+ _(for Harfang Go module)_ * Doxygen _(for Harfang C++ SDK documentation)_ * Autodesk FBX SDK _(for FBX Converter)_ ### Windows * Visual Studio 2019 _(C++ compiler and IDE)_ * MinGW _(for Harfang Go module)_ ### Linux * GCC 9 or above * CLang ## Building 1. Clone the `Harfang 3D` repository including its submodules. ``` git clone --recursive -j8 https://github.com/harfang3d/harfang3d.git cd harfang3d ``` 1. Create build directory. Note that the described directory layout is not mandatory. ``` mkdir build cd build ``` 1. Clone Fabgen. ``` git clone https://github.com/ejulien/FABGen.git ``` 1. Download and install Autodesk FBX SDK. 1. Create a directory that will hold the build system generated by CMake. ``` mkdir cmake cd cmake ``` 1. Generate the build system using CMake. For example, on Windows it will be: ``` cmake ../.. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="D:/harfang/build/install" \ -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH="C:/Python36/python.exe" \ -DHG_FABGEN_PATH:PATH="D:/harfang/build/fabgen" \ -DHG_FBX_SDK:PATH="D:/fbx_sdk" ``` * `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` specifies the directory where the Harfang SDK will installed. * `PYTHON_EXECUTABLE` is the path the Python 3 interpreter. * `FABGEN_PATH` is the path to Fabgen binding generator. * `HG_FBX_SDK` is the path to Autodesk FBX SDK.   Here is the list of available CMake options. * __C++ SDK__ * `HG_BUILD_CPP_SDK` : Build C++ SDK (default: __OFF__). * `HG_BUILD_TESTS` : Build C++ SDK unit tests (default: __OFF__). * `HG_BUILD_DOCS` : Build API and C++ SDK documentations (default: __OFF__). * `HG_ENABLE_BULLET3_SCENE_PHYSICS` : Enable Bullet physics API (default: __ON__). * `HG_ENABLE_RECAST_DETOUR_API` : Enable Recast/Detour navigation mesh and path finding API (default: __ON__). * `HG_ENABLE_OPENVR_API` : Enable OpenVR API (default: __OFF__). * `HG_ENABLE_SRANIPAL_API` : Enable VIVE Eye and Facial Tracking SDK (SRanipal) API (default: __OFF__). * __Tools__ * `HG_BUILD_ASSETC` : Build AssetC asset compiler (default: __ON__). * `HG_BUILD_ASSIMP_CONVERTER` : Build Assimp based 3D model converter (default: __ON__). * `HG_BUILD_FBX_CONVERTER` : Build FBX converter (default: __ON__). * `HG_BUILD_GLTF_IMPORTER` : Build GLTF importer (default: __ON__). * `HG_BUILD_GLTF_EXPORTER` : Build GLTF exporter (default: __ON__). * __Bindings__ * `HG_BUILD_HG_LUA` : Build Harfang LUA module (default: __OFF__). * `HG_BUILD_HG_PYTHON` : Build Harfang Python module (wheel) (default: __OFF__). * `HG_BUILD_HG_GO` : Build Harfang GO module (default: __OFF__).   1. Build the SDK. ``` cmake --build . --config Release --target INSTALL ``` _Note: On Linux you will need to explicitly specify the build type with `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release`_ Depending on the set of option passed to CMake the install directory will contain the following subdirectories: * `cppsdk` : Harfang C++ SDK. * `hg_python` : Harfang Python module. * `hg_lua` : Harfang LUA module. * `hg_go` : Harfang Go module. * `assetc` : Asset compiler. * `assimp_converter` : Assimp 3D model converter. * `fbx_converter` : FBX converter. * `gltf_importer` : GLTF importer. * `gltf_exporter` : GLTF exporter. ### Notes on Visual Studio Code 1. Install the CMakeTools extension. 1. Copy the `harfang/.vscode/template_settings.json` file to `harfang/.vscode/settings.json` and edit it to reflect your local installation. 1. Open the `harfang` folder in Visual Studio Code. CMakeTools should succesfully configure the project. # Use the SDK The Harfang C++ SDK directory `cppsdk` contains the following: * `bin` : depending on the configuration used, this directory contains either a `Release` or `Debug` subdirectory with all the shared libraries. * `lib` : like the `bin` directory, it contains a subdirectories named after the configuration used during build (`Release` or `Debug`) with all the generated static libraries. * `include` : contains all the C++ include files of Harfang public API. * `cmake` : contains the CMake configuration files. To add the Harfang C++ SDK to your CMake project, just add the following to the `CMakeLists.txt` file: ```cmake find_package(harfang REQUIRED COMPONENTS cppsdk PATHS ${HG_CPPSDK_PATH} NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) ``` with `HG_CPPSDK_PATH` the path to the `cppsdk` directory. For example, if we follow the directory layout given above, it will be `D:/harfang/build/install/cppsdk`. Targets should link against the following libraries. * `hg::engine` * `hg::foundation` * `hg::platform` * `hg::libluadll` The `install_cppsdk_dependencies` function installs the Harfang C++ SDK shared libraries dependencies. ```cmake install_cppsdk_dependencies(destination component) ``` * `destination` : is the library where the shared libraries will be installed. * `component` : installation component name. # Version Harfang follows the Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer) (http://semver.org). Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the: * MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes, * MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and * PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes. # License Harfang is licensed under the GPLv3, LGPLv3 and a commercial license:
https://www.harfang3d.com/license # More screenshots... ![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/harfang3d/image-storage/main/portfolio/3.1.1/sun_temple_aaa.png) ![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/harfang3d/image-storage/main/portfolio/3.1.1/sun_temple_aaa_2.png) *(Sun Temple, courtesy of the Open Research Content Archive (ORCA))* ![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/harfang3d/image-storage/main/portfolio/3.1.1/cafe_exterior_aaa.png) ![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/harfang3d/image-storage/main/portfolio/3.1.1/cafe_exterior_aaa_2.png) *(Bistro, courtesy of the Open Research Content Archive (ORCA))* ![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/harfang3d/image-storage/main/portfolio/3.1.1/sponza_atrium_aaa.png) ![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/harfang3d/image-storage/main/portfolio/3.1.1/sponza_atrium_aaa_2.png) *(Sponza Atrium GLTF, courtesy of Crytek/Themaister)*