.title DearImGui Harfang embeds the [dear imGui](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui) library. Dear imgui is an immediate GUI library designed to quickly build debugging/profiling user interface. It is available at all time through the ImGui* function and only requires a [Renderer] instance to work. Only a single instance of the library is available and its output is displayed right before executing a [Renderer_ShowFrame] call. Accessing ImGui from multiple threads require synchronization using the [ImGuiLock] and [ImGuiUnlock] functions. ### Minimal sample code showing a window ```python import harfang as hg hg.LoadPlugins() renderer = hg.CreateRenderer() renderer.Open() win = hg.NewWindow(640, 480) surface = renderer.NewOutputSurface(win) renderer.SetOutputSurface(surface) hg.ImGuiSetOutputSurface(surface) while True: hg.ImGuiBegin("window"): hg.ImGuiEnd() renderer.Clear(hg.Color.Red) renderer.ShowFrame() hg.UpdateWindow(win) hg.EndFrame() renderer.DestroyOutputSurface(surface) hg.DestroyWindow(win) renderer.Close() ```