2021-10-13 14:40:31 +02:00

349 lines
8.4 KiB

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ETree
import doc_utils.api_tools as api_tools
from doc_utils.metadata import parse_metadata, MetaData, Directive
from collections import OrderedDict
import os
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
builtin_types = {
'void': 'void',
'bool': 'bool',
'char': 'int',
'short': 'int',
'int': 'int',
'long': 'int',
'uchar': 'int',
'ushort': 'int',
'uint': 'int',
'uint8_t': 'int',
'uint16_t': 'int',
'uint32_t': 'int',
'int8_t': 'int',
'int16_t': 'int',
'int32_t': 'int',
'Int8': 'int',
'Int16': 'int',
'Int32': 'int',
'Int64': 'int',
'Char16': 'int',
'Char32': 'int',
'UInt8': 'int',
'UInt16': 'int',
'UInt32': 'int',
'UInt64': 'int',
'IntPtr': 'int',
'size_t': 'int',
'ptrdiff_t': 'int',
'float': 'float',
'double': 'float',
'string': 'string',
def format_array_type(uid):
return "[%s]" % format_uid_link(uid[7:-1])
def format_list_type(uid):
return "[%s]" % format_uid_link(uid[6:-1])
dynamic_types = {
'$array': format_array_type,
'$list': format_list_type,
def format_uid_link(uid):
# dynamic type
for pfx, fmt in dynamic_types.items():
if uid.startswith(pfx):
return fmt(uid)
# builtin type
if uid in builtin_types:
uid = builtin_types[uid]
# manual page
if uid in man or uid in api_tools.api:
return '[%s]' % uid
return uid # nothing special
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_all_classes():
return sorted([uid for uid, tag in api_tools.api.items() if tag[0].tag == 'class'])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def list_to_natural_string(l, separator):
return (' %s ' % separator).join([', '.join(l[:-1]), l[-1]]) if len(l) > 1 else l[0]
inheritance = None
def build_class_inheritance():
global inheritance
if inheritance is None:
inheritance = {}
for uid, t in api_tools.api.items():
tag = t[0]
if tag.tag == 'class':
inheritance[uid] = [i.get('uid') for i in tag.iter('inherits')]
return inheritance
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
default_value_reformat = {
"nullptr": "None"
def format_function_proto_rvalue(tag):
parms = []
returns_constants_group = tag.get('returns_constants_group')
if returns_constants_group:
parms.append(format_uid_link(tag.get('returns', 'void')))
for parm_tag in tag.iter('parm'):
parm = format_uid_link(parm_tag.get('type'))
display_name = parm_tag.get('name')
if display_name and (str(display_name).startswith("OUTPUT") or str(display_name).startswith("INOUT")):
# strip the first entry if it is a void
if len(parms) > 1 and parms[0] == "void":
del parms[0]
return ", ".join(parms)
def format_function_proto_parms(tag):
parms = []
for parm_tag in tag.iter('parm'):
constants_group = parm_tag.get('constants_group')
if constants_group:
parm = format_uid_link(constants_group)
parm = format_uid_link(parm_tag.get('type'))
# optional variable name
display_name = parm_tag.get('name')
if display_name:
if display_name.startswith("OUTPUT"): # skip OUTPUT parameters
if display_name.startswith("INOUT"):
parm += " _%s_" % "v"
parm += " _%s_" % display_name
# optional default value
value = parm_tag.get('default_value')
if value:
if value in default_value_reformat:
value = default_value_reformat[value]
# catch c++ floating point values
if value[-2:] == ".f":
value = value[:-2] + ".0"
# replace c++ namespace delimiter
value = value.replace("::", ".")
parm += "` = %s`" % value
return "(" + ", ".join(parms) + ")\n"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def generate_api_enum_autodoc(tag):
text = '# <span class="text-default">%s</span> Enumeration #\n\n' % tag.get('name')
text += '%EnumConstant%\n'
return text
def generate_api_class_autodoc(tag):
text = '# <span class="text-default">%s</span> Class #\n\n' % tag.get('name')
text += '%ClassInfo%\n'
text += '%ClassContentIndex%\n'
text += '%ClassContentDocumentation%\n'
return text
def generate_api_function_autodoc(tag):
autodoc = '.proto %s %s' % (format_uid_link(tag.get('returns')), tag.get('name'))
autodoc += format_function_proto_parms(tag)
return autodoc
def generate_api_tag_autodoc(uid):
"""Generate the autodoc for an API element."""
generators = {
'enum': generate_api_enum_autodoc,
'class': generate_api_class_autodoc,
'function': generate_api_function_autodoc,
autodoc = ""
for tag in api_tools.api[uid]:
if tag.tag in generators:
autodoc += generators[tag.tag](tag)
return autodoc
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def gather_manual_links(man_uid):
"""Retrieve all links to a manual page in a page body"""
text = man[man_uid]
uid_links = []
for uid, value in man.items():
if text.find("[%s]" % uid) != -1:
return uid_links
def generate_manual_tree(blacklist=[]):
parent_score = OrderedDict()
link_parent = OrderedDict()
def get_parent_score(link):
return parent_score[link] if link in parent_score else -1
for uid, value in man.items():
if uid in blacklist:
links = gather_manual_links(uid)
for link in links:
# increase link score
parent_score[uid] = parent_score.get(uid, 0) + 1
# build parent lookup
link_parent[link] = link_parent.get(link, []) + [uid]
# finalize the parent links
man_hierarchy = OrderedDict()
for link, parents in link_parent.items():
man_hierarchy[link] = sorted(parents, key=get_parent_score, reverse=True)[0]
return man_hierarchy
def build_man_page_breadcrumb(man_tree, uid):
breadcrumb = [uid]
while uid in man_tree:
uid = man_tree[uid] # fetch parent
if uid in breadcrumb:
break # prevent loop (A->B->A->B->A->B->...)
# all breadcrumbs should fallback to the documentation root page
if breadcrumb[-1] != 'man.Index':
return breadcrumb
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_content_always(uid):
"""Return the documentation for an element, generate it if necessary."""
if uid in man:
return man[uid]
if uid in doc:
return doc[uid]
if uid in api_tools.api:
return generate_api_tag_autodoc(uid)
return None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse_element_metadata(uid):
"""Parse the metadata for a given element from its UID"""
data = None
if uid in man:
data = man[uid]
if data is None and uid in doc:
data = doc[uid]
# TODO cache the parse result
return None if data is None else parse_metadata(data)
def get_metadata_object_directives(o, directive_name):
if isinstance(o, MetaData):
out = []
for s in o:
out += get_metadata_object_directives(s, directive_name)
return out
elif isinstance(o, Directive):
if o.name == directive_name:
return [o]
return []
def get_element_directives(uid, directive_name):
o = parse_element_metadata(uid)
return get_metadata_object_directives(o, directive_name)
def get_element_title(uid):
"""Return the title of an element from its UID"""
directives = get_element_directives(uid, 'title')
if len(directives) == 0:
return uid
return str(directives[0].content[0])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
doc, man = OrderedDict(), OrderedDict()
def load_doc_single_file(path):
with open(path, "r", encoding='utf-8') as file:
xml_root = ETree.fromstring(file.read())
# load documented elements
global doc
doc = OrderedDict()
for doc_elm in xml_root.iter('api'):
uid, data = doc_elm.get('uid'), doc_elm.get('data')
if uid is not None and data is not None:
doc[uid] = data.replace("<br>", "\n")
global man
man = OrderedDict()
for man_elm in xml_root.iter('man'):
uid, data = man_elm.get('uid'), man_elm.get('data')
if uid is not None and data is not None:
man[uid] = data.replace("<br>", "\n")
def load_doc_folder(path):
mds = [os.path.splitext(file)[0] for file in os.listdir(path) if file.endswith(".md")]
global doc, man
doc, man = OrderedDict(), OrderedDict()
for uid in mds:
md_path = os.path.join(path, uid + ".md")
with open(md_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
data = file.read()
if uid.startswith('man.'):
man[uid] = data
doc[uid] = data