2022-12-07 09:51:01 +01:00

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// HARFANG(R) Copyright (C) 2022 NWNC. Released under GPL/LGPL/Commercial Licence, see licence.txt for details.
#pragma once
#include "foundation/cext.h"
#include "foundation/rotation_order.h"
#include "foundation/vector3.h"
namespace hg {
struct Vec3;
struct Vec4;
struct Mat3;
// Matrix 4x3 (for affine transform)
struct Mat4 {
static const Mat4 Zero;
static const Mat4 Identity;
Mat4() = default;
explicit Mat4(const float *v);
explicit Mat4(const Mat3 &m);
Mat4(float m00, float m10, float m20, float m01, float m11, float m21, float m02, float m12, float m22, float m03, float m13, float m23);
float m[3][4];
bool operator==(const Mat4 &a, const Mat4 &b);
bool operator!=(const Mat4 &a, const Mat4 &b);
Mat4 operator*(const Mat4 &a, const Mat4 &b);
Mat4 operator*(const Mat4 &m, float v);
Mat4 operator/(const Mat4 &m, float v);
Mat4 operator+(const Mat4 &a, const Mat4 &b);
Mat4 operator-(const Mat4 &a, const Mat4 &b);
Vec3 operator*(const Mat4 &m, const Vec3 &v);
Vec4 operator*(const Mat4 &m, const Vec4 &v);
/// Inverse matrix.
bool Inverse(const Mat4 &m, Mat4 &i);
/// Return the inverse of an affine transformation matrix.
Mat4 InverseFast(const Mat4 &m);
/// Ortho-normalize matrix.
Mat4 Orthonormalize(const Mat4 &m);
/// Normalize matrix.
Mat4 Normalize(const Mat4 &m);
/// Decompose a transformation matrix into a position vector, a scale vector and a 3x3 rotation matrix.
void Decompose(const Mat4 &m, Vec3 *position, Mat3 *rotation = nullptr, Vec3 *scale = nullptr);
/// Decompose a transformation matrix into a position vector, a scale vector and a rotation vector.
void Decompose(const Mat4 &m, Vec3 *position, Vec3 *rotation, Vec3 *scale, RotationOrder order = RO_Default);
/// Transform a series of vector.
void TransformVec3(const Mat4 &__restrict m, Vec3 *__restrict out, const Vec3 *__restrict in, unsigned int count = 1);
/// Transform a series of vector.
void TransformVec3(const Mat4 &__restrict m, Vec4 *__restrict out, const Vec3 *__restrict in, unsigned int count = 1);
/// Transform a vector array by the matrix upper-left 3x3 matrix.
void RotateVec3(const Mat4 &__restrict m, Vec3 *__restrict out, const Vec3 *__restrict in, unsigned int count = 1);
Vec3 GetX(const Mat4 &m);
Vec3 GetY(const Mat4 &m);
Vec3 GetZ(const Mat4 &m);
Vec3 GetT(const Mat4 &m);
Vec3 GetTranslation(const Mat4 &m);
Vec3 GetR(const Mat4 &m, RotationOrder order = RO_Default);
Vec3 GetRotation(const Mat4 &m, RotationOrder order = RO_Default);
Mat3 GetRMatrix(const Mat4 &m);
Mat3 GetRotationMatrix(const Mat4 &m);
Vec3 GetS(const Mat4 &m);
Vec3 GetScale(const Mat4 &m);
void SetX(Mat4 &m, const Vec3 &X);
void SetY(Mat4 &m, const Vec3 &Y);
void SetZ(Mat4 &m, const Vec3 &Z);
void SetT(Mat4 &m, const Vec3 &T);
void SetTranslation(Mat4 &m, const Vec3 &);
void SetS(Mat4 &m, const Vec3 &);
void SetScale(Mat4 &m, const Vec3 &);
/// Set from float array (ordered per column).
void Set(Mat4 &m, const float *v);
/// Set values.
void Set(Mat4 &m, float m00, float m10, float m20, float m01, float m11, float m21, float m02, float m12, float m22, float m03, float m13, float m23);
/// Return the nth row.
Vec4 GetRow(const Mat4 &m, unsigned int n);
/// Return the nth column.
Vec3 GetColumn(const Mat4 &m, unsigned int n);
/// Set the nth row.
void SetRow(Mat4 &m, unsigned int n, const Vec4 &v);
/// Set the nth column.
void SetColumn(Mat4 &m, unsigned int n, const Vec3 &v);
/// Interpolate between two 4x4 transformation matrices.
Mat4 LerpAsOrthonormalBase(const Mat4 &a, const Mat4 &b, float k, bool fast = false);
@short Look at.
Return this matrix modified so that it looks toward a world space position.
The up vector in world space of the final matrix can be specified.
Mat4 Mat4LookAt(const Vec3 &p, const Vec3 &at, const Vec3 &s = Vec3::One);
Mat4 Mat4LookAtUp(const Vec3 &p, const Vec3 &at, const Vec3 &up, const Vec3 &s = Vec3::One);
Mat4 Mat4LookToward(const Vec3 &p, const Vec3 &d, const Vec3 &s = Vec3::One);
Mat4 Mat4LookTowardUp(const Vec3 &p, const Vec3 &d, const Vec3 &up, const Vec3 &s = Vec3::One);
/// Translation matrix.
Mat4 TranslationMat4(const Vec3 &t);
/// Rotation matrix.
Mat4 RotationMat4(const Vec3 &euler, RotationOrder rorder = RO_Default);
/// Scale matrix.
Mat4 ScaleMat4(const Vec3 &s);
Mat4 ScaleMat4(float s);
/// Position/scale/rotation matrix.
Mat4 TransformationMat4(const Vec3 &p, const Vec3 &r);
Mat4 TransformationMat4(const Vec3 &p, const Vec3 &r, const Vec3 &s);
/// Position/scale/rotation matrix.
Mat4 TransformationMat4(const Vec3 &p, const Mat3 &r);
Mat4 TransformationMat4(const Vec3 &p, const Mat3 &r, const Vec3 &s);
Mat4 Mat4FromFloat16Transposed(const float m[16]);
void Mat4ToFloat16Transposed(const Mat4 &m, float t[16]);
Mat4 ComputeBillboardMat4(const Vec3 &pos, const Mat3 &camera, const Vec3 &scale = {1, 1, 1});
} // namespace hg