
728 lines
34 KiB

// HARFANG(R) Copyright (C) 2021 Emmanuel Julien, NWNC HARFANG. Released under GPL/LGPL/Commercial Licence, see licence.txt for details.
#pragma once
#include "engine/meta.h"
#include "engine/picture.h"
#include "engine/resource_cache.h"
#include "foundation/cext.h"
#include "foundation/color.h"
#include "foundation/data.h"
#include "foundation/frustum.h"
#include "foundation/generational_vector_list.h"
#include "foundation/matrix4.h"
#include "foundation/matrix44.h"
#include "foundation/minmax.h"
#include "foundation/rw_interface.h"
#include "foundation/time.h"
#include "foundation/vector2.h"
#include <bgfx/bgfx.h>
#include <bimg/bimg.h>
#include <deque>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#if WIN32
#undef GetObject // stop Windows.h from polluting global namespace
namespace hg {
class Data;
static constexpr int max_skinned_model_matrix_count = 32; // make sure this stays in sync with bgfx_shader.sh
using bgfxMatrix3 = std::array<float, 9>;
using bgfxMatrix4 = std::array<float, 16>;
bgfxMatrix3 to_bgfx(const Mat3 &m);
bgfxMatrix4 to_bgfx(const Mat4 &m);
bgfxMatrix4 to_bgfx(const Mat44 &m);
#define bgfx_Destroy(V) \
{ \
if (bgfx::isValid(V)) \
bgfx::destroy(V); \
struct ViewState {
Frustum frustum;
Mat44 proj;
Mat4 view;
ViewState ComputeOrthographicViewState(const Mat4 &world, float size, float znear, float zfar, const Vec2 &aspect_ratio, const Vec2 &offset = {});
ViewState ComputePerspectiveViewState(const Mat4 &world, float fov, float znear, float zfar, const Vec2 &aspect_ratio, const Vec2 &offset = {}, const Vec2 &center_offset = {});
Mat4 ComputeBillboardMat4(const Vec3 &pos, const ViewState &view_state, const Vec3 &scale = {1, 1, 1});
struct Window;
bool RenderInit(Window *window, bgfx::RendererType::Enum type, bgfx::CallbackI *callback = nullptr);
bool RenderInit(Window *window, bgfx::CallbackI *callback = nullptr);
Window *RenderInit(int width, int height, bgfx::RendererType::Enum type, uint32_t reset_flags = 0,
bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum format = bgfx::TextureFormat::Count, uint32_t debug_flags = 0, bgfx::CallbackI *callback = nullptr);
Window *RenderInit(int width, int height, uint32_t reset_flags = 0, bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum format = bgfx::TextureFormat::Count, uint32_t debug_flags = 0,
bgfx::CallbackI *callback = nullptr);
Window *RenderInit(const char *window_title, int width, int height, bgfx::RendererType::Enum type, uint32_t reset_flags = 0,
bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum format = bgfx::TextureFormat::Count, uint32_t debug_flags = 0, bgfx::CallbackI *callback = nullptr);
Window *RenderInit(const char *window_title, int width, int height, uint32_t reset_flags = 0, bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum format = bgfx::TextureFormat::Count,
uint32_t debug_flags = 0, bgfx::CallbackI *callback = nullptr);
void RenderShutdown();
bool IsRenderUp();
/// Fit the backbuffer to the specified window client area dimensions, return true if resizing was carried out.
bool RenderResetToWindow(Window *win, int &width, int &height, uint32_t reset_flags = 0);
void SetView2D(bgfx::ViewId id, int x, int y, int res_x, int res_y, float znear = -1.f, float zfar = 1.f,
uint16_t clear_flags = BGFX_CLEAR_COLOR | BGFX_CLEAR_DEPTH, const Color &clear_color = Color::Black, float depth = 1.f, uint8_t stencil = 0,
bool y_up = false);
void SetViewPerspective(bgfx::ViewId id, int x, int y, int res_x, int res_y, const Mat4 &world, float znear = 0.01f, float zfar = 1000.f,
float zoom_factor = 1.8, uint16_t clear_flags = BGFX_CLEAR_COLOR | BGFX_CLEAR_DEPTH, const Color &clear_color = Color::Black, float depth = 1.f,
uint8_t stencil = 0, const Vec2 &aspect_ratio = {});
void SetViewOrthographic(bgfx::ViewId id, int x, int y, int res_x, int res_y, const Mat4 &world, float znear = 0.01f, float zfar = 1000.f, float size = 1.f,
uint16_t clear_flags = BGFX_CLEAR_COLOR | BGFX_CLEAR_DEPTH, const Color &clear_color = Color::Black, float depth = 1.f, uint8_t stencil = 0,
const Vec2 &aspect_ratio = {});
bgfx::ProgramHandle LoadProgram(const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const char *vs_name, const char *fs_name, bool silent = false);
bgfx::ProgramHandle LoadProgram(const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const char *name, bool silent = false);
bgfx::ProgramHandle LoadComputeProgram(const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const char *cs_name, bool silent = false);
bgfx::ProgramHandle LoadProgramFromFile(const char *vs_path, const char *fs_path, bool silent = false);
bgfx::ProgramHandle LoadProgramFromAssets(const char *vs_name, const char *fs_name, bool silent = false);
bgfx::ProgramHandle LoadProgramFromFile(const char *path, bool silent = false);
bgfx::ProgramHandle LoadProgramFromAssets(const char *name, bool silent = false);
bgfx::ProgramHandle LoadComputeProgramFromFile(const char *cs_path, bool silent = false);
bgfx::ProgramHandle LoadComputeProgramFromAssets(const char *cs_name, bool silent = false);
std::vector<bgfx::ShaderHandle> GetProgramShaders(bgfx::ProgramHandle prg_h);
json LoadResourceMeta(const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const std::string &name);
json LoadResourceMetaFromFile(const std::string &path);
json LoadResourceMetaFromAssets(const std::string &name);
bool SaveResourceMetaToFile(const std::string &path, const json &meta);
struct PipelineInfo {
std::string name;
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> configs;
struct PipelineResources;
enum PipelineProgramFeature {
OptionalBaseColorOpacityMap, // USE_BASE_COLOR_OPACITY_MAP
OptionalOcclusionRoughnessMetalnessMap, // USE_OCCLUSION_ROUGHNESS_METALNESS_MAP
OptionalDiffuseMap, // USE_DIFFUSE_MAP
OptionalSpecularMap, // USE_SPECULAR_MAP
OptionalLightMap, // USE_LIGHT_MAP
OptionalSelfMap, // USE_SELF_MAP
OptionalOpacityMap, // USE_OPACITY_MAP
OptionalAmbientMap, // USE_AMBIENT_MAP
OptionalReflectionMap, // USE_REFLECTION_MAP
OptionalNormalMap, // USE_NORMAL_MAP
OptionalSkinning, // ENABLE_SKINNING
OptionalAlphaCut, // ENABLE_ALPHA_CUT
std::vector<PipelineProgramFeature> LoadPipelineProgramFeatures(const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const char *name, bool &success, bool silent = false);
std::vector<PipelineProgramFeature> LoadPipelineProgramFeaturesFromFile(const char *path, bool &success, bool silent = false);
std::vector<PipelineProgramFeature> LoadPipelineProgramFeaturesFromAssets(const char *name, bool &success, bool silent = false);
struct PipelineProgram;
struct Material;
struct Texture;
struct Model;
using PipelineProgramRef = ResourceRef<PipelineProgram>;
using MaterialRef = ResourceRef<Material>;
using TextureRef = ResourceRef<Texture>;
using ModelRef = ResourceRef<Model>;
static const PipelineProgramRef InvalidPipelineProgramRef;
static const MaterialRef InvalidMaterialRef;
static const TextureRef InvalidTextureRef;
static const ModelRef InvalidModelRef;
struct ProgramHandle {
bgfx::ProgramHandle handle = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE;
bool loaded{false};
struct TextureUniform {
bgfx::UniformHandle handle;
TextureRef tex_ref;
uint8_t channel{0xff};
struct Vec4Uniform {
bgfx::UniformHandle handle;
Vec4 value = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f};
bool is_color = false;
struct PipelineProgram {
std::vector<PipelineProgramFeature> features; // features imply associated uniforms
std::vector<TextureUniform> texture_uniforms; // naked texture uniforms
std::vector<Vec4Uniform> vec4_uniforms; // naked vec4/color uniforms
std::vector<ProgramHandle> programs; // program variants (dependent on feature set)
std::string name;
PipelineInfo pipeline;
ReadProvider ip;
Reader ir;
PipelineProgram LoadPipelineProgram(
const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const char *name, PipelineResources &resources, const PipelineInfo &pipeline, bool silent = false);
PipelineProgram LoadPipelineProgramFromFile(const char *path, PipelineResources &resources, const PipelineInfo &pipeline, bool silent = false);
PipelineProgram LoadPipelineProgramFromAssets(const char *name, PipelineResources &resources, const PipelineInfo &pipeline, bool silent = false);
void Destroy(PipelineProgram &pipeline_program);
bool LoadPipelineProgramUniforms(const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const char *name, std::vector<TextureUniform> &texs, std::vector<Vec4Uniform> &vecs,
PipelineResources &resources, bool silent = false);
bool LoadPipelineProgramUniformsFromFile(
const char *path, std::vector<TextureUniform> &texs, std::vector<Vec4Uniform> &vecs, PipelineResources &resources, bool silent = false);
bool LoadPipelineProgramUniformsFromAssets(
const char *name, std::vector<TextureUniform> &texs, std::vector<Vec4Uniform> &vecs, PipelineResources &resources, bool silent = false);
struct DisplayList { // 4B
bgfx::IndexBufferHandle index_buffer;
bgfx::VertexBufferHandle vertex_buffer;
std::vector<uint16_t> bones_table;
/// Create an empty texture.
/// @see CreateTextureFromPicture and UpdateTextureFromPicture.
Texture CreateTexture(int width, int height, const char *name, uint64_t flags, bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum format = bgfx::TextureFormat::RGBA8);
/// Create a texture from a picture.
/// @see Picture, CreateTexture and UpdateTextureFromPicture.
Texture CreateTextureFromPicture(const Picture &pic, const char *name, uint64_t flags, bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum format = bgfx::TextureFormat::RGBA8);
void UpdateTextureFromPicture(Texture &tex, const Picture &pic);
uint64_t LoadTextureFlags(const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const std::string &name, bool silent = false);
uint64_t LoadTextureFlagsFromFile(const std::string &path, bool silent = false);
uint64_t LoadTextureFlagsFromAssets(const std::string &name, bool silent = false);
Texture LoadTexture(const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const char *name, uint64_t flags, bgfx::TextureInfo *info = nullptr,
bimg::Orientation::Enum *orientation = nullptr, bool silent = false);
Texture LoadTextureFromFile(
const char *path, uint64_t flags, bgfx::TextureInfo *info = nullptr, bimg::Orientation::Enum *orientation = nullptr, bool silent = false);
Texture LoadTextureFromAssets(
const char *name, uint64_t flags, bgfx::TextureInfo *info = nullptr, bimg::Orientation::Enum *orientation = nullptr, bool silent = false);
void Destroy(Texture &texture);
struct Texture { // 8B
bgfx::TextureHandle handle = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE;
inline Texture MakeTexture(bgfx::TextureHandle handle, uint64_t flags = BGFX_TEXTURE_NONE | BGFX_SAMPLER_NONE) { return {flags, handle}; }
// for engine internal use
struct RenderBufferResourceFactory {
std::function<bgfx::TextureHandle(bgfx::BackbufferRatio::Enum ratio, bool hasMips, uint16_t numLayers, bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum format, uint64_t flags)>
std::function<bgfx::FrameBufferHandle(bgfx::BackbufferRatio::Enum ratio, bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum format, uint64_t textureFlags)> create_framebuffer;
// resources will be created in terms of this custom size
static RenderBufferResourceFactory Custom(uint16_t width, uint16_t height);
// resources will be created in terms of the backbuffer's size
static RenderBufferResourceFactory Backbuffer();
struct UniformSetValue { // burn it with fire, complete insanity
UniformSetValue() = default;
UniformSetValue(const UniformSetValue &v);
UniformSetValue &operator=(const UniformSetValue &v);
bgfx::UniformHandle uniform = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE;
std::vector<float> value;
uint16_t count{1};
UniformSetValue MakeUniformSetValue(const char *name, float v, uint16_t count = 1);
UniformSetValue MakeUniformSetValue(const char *name, const Vec2 &v, uint16_t count = 1);
UniformSetValue MakeUniformSetValue(const char *name, const Vec3 &v, uint16_t count = 1);
UniformSetValue MakeUniformSetValue(const char *name, const Vec4 &v, uint16_t count = 1);
UniformSetValue MakeUniformSetValue(const char *name, const Mat3 &mtx, uint16_t count = 1);
UniformSetValue MakeUniformSetValue(const char *name, const Mat4 &mtx, uint16_t count = 1);
UniformSetValue MakeUniformSetValue(const char *name, const Mat44 &mtx, uint16_t count = 1);
struct UniformSetTexture { // burn it with fire, complete insanity
UniformSetTexture() = default;
UniformSetTexture(const UniformSetTexture &v);
UniformSetTexture &operator=(const UniformSetTexture &v);
bgfx::UniformHandle uniform = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE;
Texture texture;
uint8_t stage{0};
UniformSetTexture MakeUniformSetTexture(const char *name, const Texture &texture, uint8_t stage);
struct RenderState {
uint64_t state{BGFX_STATE_DEFAULT};
uint32_t rgba{0};
static const int MF_EnableSkinning = 0x01;
static const int MF_DiffuseUV1 = 0x02;
static const int MF_SpecularUV1 = 0x04;
static const int MF_AmbientUV1 = 0x08;
static const int MF_NormalMapInWorldSpace = 0x10;
static const int MF_EnableAlphaCut = 0x20;
struct Material { // 56B
PipelineProgramRef program;
uint32_t variant_idx{0};
struct Value {
bgfx::UniformType::Enum type{bgfx::UniformType::Vec4};
std::vector<float> value;
uint16_t count{1};
bgfx::UniformHandle uniform = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE;
std::map<std::string, Value> values;
struct Texture {
TextureRef texture;
uint8_t channel{0};
bgfx::UniformHandle uniform = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE;
std::map<std::string, Texture> textures;
RenderState state;
uint8_t flags{0};
Material CreateMaterial(PipelineProgramRef prg);
Material CreateMaterial(PipelineProgramRef prg, const char *value_name, const Vec4 &value);
Material CreateMaterial(PipelineProgramRef prg, const char *value_name_0, const Vec4 &value_0, const char *value_name_1, const Vec4 &value_1);
void SetMaterialProgram(Material &mat, PipelineProgramRef prg);
void SetMaterialValue(Material &mat, const char *name, float v);
void SetMaterialValue(Material &mat, const char *name, const Vec2 &v);
void SetMaterialValue(Material &mat, const char *name, const Vec3 &v);
void SetMaterialValue(Material &mat, const char *name, const Vec4 &v);
void SetMaterialValue(Material &mat, const char *name, const Mat3 &m);
void SetMaterialValue(Material &mat, const char *name, const Mat4 &m);
void SetMaterialValue(Material &mat, const char *name, const Mat44 &m);
void SetMaterialTexture(Material &mat, const char *name, TextureRef tex, uint8_t stage);
bool SetMaterialTextureRef(Material &mat, const char *name, TextureRef tex);
TextureRef GetMaterialTexture(Material &mat, const char *name);
std::vector<std::string> GetMaterialTextures(Material &mat);
std::vector<std::string> GetMaterialValues(Material &mat);
enum FaceCulling { FC_Disabled, FC_Clockwise, FC_CounterClockwise };
FaceCulling GetMaterialFaceCulling(const Material &mat);
void SetMaterialFaceCulling(Material &mat, FaceCulling mode);
enum DepthTest { DT_Less, DT_LessEqual, DT_Equal, DT_GreaterEqual, DT_Greater, DT_NotEqual, DT_Never, DT_Always, DT_Disabled };
DepthTest GetMaterialDepthTest(const Material &mat);
void SetMaterialDepthTest(Material &mat, DepthTest test);
/// Control the compositing mode used to draw primitives.
enum BlendMode { BM_Additive, BM_Alpha, BM_Darken, BM_Lighten, BM_Multiply, BM_Opaque, BM_Screen, BM_LinearBurn, BM_AlphaRGB_AddAlpha, BM_Undefined };
BlendMode GetMaterialBlendMode(const Material &mat);
void SetMaterialBlendMode(Material &mat, BlendMode mode);
void GetMaterialWriteRGBA(const Material &m_, bool &write_r, bool &write_g, bool &write_b, bool &write_a);
void SetMaterialWriteRGBA(Material &m_, bool write_r, bool write_g, bool write_b, bool write_a);
bool GetMaterialWriteZ(const Material &m);
void SetMaterialWriteZ(Material &m, bool enable);
bool GetMaterialNormalMapInWorldSpace(const Material &m);
void SetMaterialNormalMapInWorldSpace(Material &m, bool enable);
bool GetMaterialDiffuseUsesUV1(const Material &m);
void SetMaterialDiffuseUsesUV1(Material &m, bool enable);
bool GetMaterialSpecularUsesUV1(const Material &m);
void SetMaterialSpecularUsesUV1(Material &m, bool enable);
bool GetMaterialAmbientUsesUV1(const Material &m);
void SetMaterialAmbientUsesUV1(Material &m, bool enable);
bool GetMaterialSkinning(const Material &m);
void SetMaterialSkinning(Material &m, bool enable);
bool GetMaterialAlphaCut(const Material &m);
void SetMaterialAlphaCut(Material &m, bool enable);
/// Compute a render state to control subsequent render calls culling mode, blending mode, Z mask, etc... The same render state can be used by different render
/// calls.
/// @see DrawLines, DrawTriangles and DrawModel.
RenderState ComputeRenderState(BlendMode blend, bool write_z, bool write_r = true, bool write_g = true, bool write_b = true, bool write_a = true);
RenderState ComputeRenderState(BlendMode blend, DepthTest test = DT_Less, FaceCulling culling = FC_Clockwise, bool write_z = true, bool write_r = true,
bool write_g = true, bool write_b = true, bool write_a = true);
bgfx::VertexLayout VertexLayoutPosFloatNormFloat();
bgfx::VertexLayout VertexLayoutPosFloatNormUInt8();
bgfx::VertexLayout VertexLayoutPosFloatColorFloat();
bgfx::VertexLayout VertexLayoutPosFloatColorUInt8();
bgfx::VertexLayout VertexLayoutPosFloatTexCoord0UInt8();
bgfx::VertexLayout VertexLayoutPosFloatNormUInt8TexCoord0UInt8();
struct Model { // 96B (+heap)
std::vector<MinMax> bounds; // minmax/list
std::vector<DisplayList> lists;
std::vector<uint16_t> mats; // material/list
std::vector<Mat4> bind_pose; // bind pose matrices
struct ModelInfo {
bgfx::VertexLayout vs_decl{};
uint32_t tri_count{};
Model LoadModel(const Reader &ir, const Handle &h, const char *name, ModelInfo *info = nullptr, bool silent = false);
Model LoadModelFromFile(const char *path, ModelInfo *info = nullptr, bool silent = false);
Model LoadModelFromAssets(const char *name, ModelInfo *info = nullptr, bool silent = false);
size_t GetModelMaterialCount(const Model &model);
void Destroy(Model &model);
void Destroy(Material &material);
struct TextureLoad {
Reader ir;
ReadProvider ip;
TextureRef ref;
struct ModelLoad {
Reader ir;
ReadProvider ip;
ModelRef ref;
struct PipelineResources {
PipelineResources() : programs(Destroy), textures(Destroy), materials(Destroy), models(Destroy) {}
~PipelineResources() { DestroyAll(); }
ResourceCache<PipelineProgram, PipelineProgramRef> programs;
ResourceCache<Texture, TextureRef> textures;
ResourceCache<Material, MaterialRef> materials;
ResourceCache<Model, ModelRef> models;
std::deque<TextureLoad> texture_loads;
std::map<gen_ref, bgfx::TextureInfo> texture_infos;
std::deque<ModelLoad> model_loads;
std::map<gen_ref, ModelInfo> model_infos;
void DestroyAll();
size_t ProcessTextureLoadQueue(PipelineResources &resources, time_ns t_budget = time_from_ms(4), bool silent = false);
TextureRef QueueLoadTexture(const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const char *name, uint64_t flags, PipelineResources &resources);
TextureRef QueueLoadTextureFromFile(const char *path, uint64_t flags, PipelineResources &resources);
TextureRef QueueLoadTextureFromAssets(const char *name, uint64_t flags, PipelineResources &resources);
TextureRef SkipLoadOrQueueTextureLoad(
const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const char *path, PipelineResources &resources, bool queue_load, bool do_not_load, bool silent = false);
size_t ProcessModelLoadQueue(PipelineResources &resources, time_ns t_budget = time_from_ms(4), bool silent = false);
ModelRef QueueLoadModel(const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const char *name, PipelineResources &resources);
ModelRef QueueLoadModelFromFile(const char *path, PipelineResources &resources);
ModelRef QueueLoadModelFromAssets(const char *name, PipelineResources &resources);
ModelRef SkipLoadOrQueueModelLoad(
const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const char *path, PipelineResources &resources, bool queue_load, bool do_not_load, bool silent = false);
Material LoadMaterial(const json &js, const Reader &deps_ir, const ReadProvider &deps_ip, PipelineResources &resources, const PipelineInfo &pipeline,
bool queue_texture_loads, bool do_not_load_resources, bool silent = false);
Material LoadMaterial(const Reader &ir, const Handle &h, const Reader &deps_ir, const ReadProvider &deps_ip, PipelineResources &resources,
const PipelineInfo &pipeline, bool queue_texture_loads, bool do_not_load_resources, bool silent = false);
Material LoadMaterialFromFile(
const char *path, PipelineResources &resources, const PipelineInfo &pipeline, bool queue_texture_loads, bool do_not_load_resources, bool silent = false);
Material LoadMaterialFromAssets(
const char *path, PipelineResources &resources, const PipelineInfo &pipeline, bool queue_texture_loads, bool do_not_load_resources, bool silent = false);
bool SaveMaterial(const Material &mat, json &js, const PipelineResources &resources);
bool SaveMaterial(const Material &mat, const Writer &iw, const Handle &h, const PipelineResources &resources);
bool SaveMaterialToFile(const char *path, const Material &m, const PipelineResources &resources);
PipelineProgramRef LoadPipelineProgramRef(
const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const char *name, PipelineResources &resources, const PipelineInfo &pipeline, bool silent = false);
PipelineProgramRef LoadPipelineProgramRefFromFile(const char *path, PipelineResources &resources, const PipelineInfo &pipeline, bool silent = false);
PipelineProgramRef LoadPipelineProgramRefFromAssets(const char *name, PipelineResources &resources, const PipelineInfo &pipeline, bool silent = false);
ModelRef LoadModel(const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const char *path, PipelineResources &resources, bool silent = false);
ModelRef LoadModelFromFile(const char *path, PipelineResources &resources, bool silent = false);
ModelRef LoadModelFromAssets(const char *path, PipelineResources &resources, bool silent = false);
struct TextureMeta {
uint64_t flags{};
TextureMeta LoadTextureMeta(const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const std::string &name, bool silent = false);
TextureMeta LoadTextureMetaFromFile(const std::string &path, bool silent = false);
TextureMeta LoadTextureMetaFromAssets(const std::string &name, bool silent = false);
TextureRef LoadTexture(const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const char *path, uint64_t flags, PipelineResources &resources, bool silent = false);
TextureRef LoadTextureFromFile(const char *path, uint64_t flags, PipelineResources &resources, bool silent = false);
TextureRef LoadTextureFromAssets(const char *path, uint64_t flags, PipelineResources &resources, bool silent = false);
/// Capture a texture content to a Picture. Return the frame counter at which the capture will be complete.
/// A Picture object can be accessed by the CPU.
/// This function is asynchronous and its result will not be available until the returned frame counter is equal or greater to the frame counter returned by
/// Frame.
uint32_t CaptureTexture(const PipelineResources &resources, const TextureRef &t, Picture &pic);
MaterialRef LoadMaterialRef(const Reader &ir, const Handle &h, const char *path, const Reader &deps_ir, const ReadProvider &deps_ip,
PipelineResources &resources, const PipelineInfo &pipeline, bool queue_texture_loads, bool do_not_load_resources, bool silent = false);
MaterialRef LoadMaterialRefFromFile(
const char *path, PipelineResources &resources, const PipelineInfo &pipeline, bool queue_texture_loads, bool do_not_load_resources, bool silent = false);
MaterialRef LoadMaterialRefFromAssets(
const char *path, PipelineResources &resources, const PipelineInfo &pipeline, bool queue_texture_loads, bool do_not_load_resources, bool silent = false);
size_t GetQueuedResourceCount(const PipelineResources &res);
size_t ProcessLoadQueues(PipelineResources &res, time_ns t_budget = time_from_ms(4), bool silent = false);
std::vector<int> GetMaterialPipelineProgramFeatureStates(const Material &mat, const std::vector<PipelineProgramFeature> &features);
std::string GetPipelineProgramVariantName(const char *name, const std::vector<PipelineProgramFeature> &features, const std::vector<int> &states);
int GetPipelineProgramFeatureStateCount(PipelineProgramFeature feat);
int GetPipelineProgramVariantCount(const std::vector<PipelineProgramFeature> &feats);
int GetPipelineProgramVariantIndex(const std::vector<PipelineProgramFeature> &feats, const std::vector<int> &states);
void UpdateMaterialPipelineProgramVariant(Material &mat, const PipelineResources &resources);
void CreateMissingMaterialProgramValues(Material &mat, PipelineResources &resources, const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip);
void CreateMissingMaterialProgramValuesFromFile(Material &mat, PipelineResources &resources);
void CreateMissingMaterialProgramValuesFromAssets(Material &mat, PipelineResources &resources);
/// Compute a sorting key to control the rendering order of a display list, `view_depth` is expected in view space.
uint32_t ComputeSortKey(float view_depth);
/// Compute a sorting key to control the rendering order of a display list.
uint32_t ComputeSortKeyFromWorld(const Vec3 &T, const Mat4 &view);
uint32_t ComputeSortKeyFromWorld(const Vec3 &T, const Mat4 &view, const Mat4 &model);
void DrawDisplayList(bgfx::ViewId view_id, bgfx::IndexBufferHandle idx, bgfx::VertexBufferHandle vtx, bgfx::ProgramHandle prg,
const std::vector<UniformSetValue> &values = {}, const std::vector<UniformSetTexture> &textures = {}, RenderState state = {}, uint32_t depth = 0);
/// Draw a model to the specified view.
/// @see UniformSetValueList and UniformSetTextureList to pass uniform values to the shader program.
void DrawModel(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const Model &mdl, bgfx::ProgramHandle prg, const std::vector<UniformSetValue> &values,
const std::vector<UniformSetTexture> &textures, const Mat4 *mtxs, size_t mtx_count = 1, RenderState state = {}, uint32_t depth = 0);
struct ModelDisplayList { // 16B
const Material *mat; // 8
uint32_t mtx_idx; // 4
uint16_t mdl_idx; // 2
uint16_t lst_idx; // 2
void CullModelDisplayLists(const Frustum &frustum, std::vector<ModelDisplayList> &display_lists, const std::vector<Mat4> &mtxs, const PipelineResources &res);
void DrawModelDisplayLists(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const std::vector<ModelDisplayList> &display_lists, uint8_t pipeline_config_idx,
const std::vector<UniformSetValue> &values, const std::vector<UniformSetTexture> &textures, const std::vector<Mat4> &mtxs, const PipelineResources &res);
void DrawModelDisplayLists(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const std::vector<ModelDisplayList> &display_lists, const std::vector<uint32_t> &depths,
uint8_t pipeline_config_idx, const std::vector<UniformSetValue> &values, const std::vector<UniformSetTexture> &textures, const std::vector<Mat4> &mtxs,
const PipelineResources &res);
void DrawModelDisplayLists(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const std::vector<ModelDisplayList> &display_lists, uint8_t pipeline_config_idx,
const std::vector<UniformSetValue> &values, const std::vector<UniformSetTexture> &textures, const std::vector<Mat4> &mtxs,
const std::vector<Mat4> &prv_mtxs, const PipelineResources &res);
struct SkinnedModelDisplayList { // 782B
const Material *mat; // 8
uint32_t mtx_idxs[max_skinned_model_matrix_count]; // 384
uint32_t bones_idxs[max_skinned_model_matrix_count]; // 384
uint16_t bone_count; // 2
uint16_t mdl_idx; // 2
uint16_t lst_idx; // 2
void DrawSkinnedModelDisplayLists(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const std::vector<SkinnedModelDisplayList> &display_lists, uint8_t pipeline_config_idx,
const std::vector<UniformSetValue> &values, const std::vector<UniformSetTexture> &textures, const std::vector<Mat4> &mtxs, const PipelineResources &res);
void DrawSkinnedModelDisplayLists(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const std::vector<SkinnedModelDisplayList> &display_lists, const std::vector<uint32_t> &depths,
uint8_t pipeline_config_idx, const std::vector<UniformSetValue> &values, const std::vector<UniformSetTexture> &textures, const std::vector<Mat4> &mtxs,
const PipelineResources &res);
void DrawSkinnedModelDisplayLists(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const std::vector<SkinnedModelDisplayList> &display_lists, uint8_t pipeline_config_idx,
const std::vector<UniformSetValue> &values, const std::vector<UniformSetTexture> &textures, const std::vector<Mat4> &mtxs,
const std::vector<Mat4> &prv_mtxs, const PipelineResources &res);
using Indices = std::vector<uint16_t>;
struct Vertices {
Vertices(const bgfx::VertexLayout &decl, size_t count);
const bgfx::VertexLayout &GetDecl() const { return decl; }
Vertices &Begin(size_t i);
Vertices &SetPos(const Vec3 &pos);
Vertices &SetNormal(const Vec3 &normal);
Vertices &SetTangent(const Vec3 &tangent);
Vertices &SetBinormal(const Vec3 &binormal);
Vertices &SetTexCoord0(const Vec2 &uv);
Vertices &SetTexCoord1(const Vec2 &uv);
Vertices &SetTexCoord2(const Vec2 &uv);
Vertices &SetTexCoord3(const Vec2 &uv);
Vertices &SetTexCoord4(const Vec2 &uv);
Vertices &SetTexCoord5(const Vec2 &uv);
Vertices &SetTexCoord6(const Vec2 &uv);
Vertices &SetTexCoord7(const Vec2 &uv);
Vertices &SetColor0(const Color &color);
Vertices &SetColor1(const Color &color);
Vertices &SetColor2(const Color &color);
Vertices &SetColor3(const Color &color);
void End(bool validate = false);
void Clear();
void Reserve(size_t count);
void Resize(size_t count);
const void *GetData() const { return data.data(); }
size_t GetSize() const { return data.size(); }
size_t GetCount() const { return data.size() / decl.getStride(); }
size_t GetCapacity() const { return data.capacity() / decl.getStride(); }
bgfx::VertexLayout decl;
std::vector<char> data;
int idx{-1};
uint32_t vtx_attr_flag{};
void SetTransform(const Mat4 &world);
void SetUniforms(const std::vector<UniformSetValue> &values, const std::vector<UniformSetTexture> &textures);
/// Draw a list of lines to the specified view.
/// @see UniformSetValueList and UniformSetTextureList to pass uniform values to the shader program.
void DrawLines(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const Vertices &vtx, bgfx::ProgramHandle prg, RenderState = {}, uint32_t depth = 0);
void DrawLines(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const Vertices &vtx, bgfx::ProgramHandle prg, const std::vector<UniformSetValue> &values,
const std::vector<UniformSetTexture> &textures, RenderState = {}, uint32_t depth = 0);
void DrawLines(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const Indices &idx, const Vertices &vtx, bgfx::ProgramHandle prg, const std::vector<UniformSetValue> &values,
const std::vector<UniformSetTexture> &textures, RenderState = {}, uint32_t depth = 0);
Draw a list of sprites to the specified view.
@see UniformSetValueList and UniformSetTextureList to pass uniform values to the shader program.
@note This function prepares the sprite on the CPU before submitting them all to the GPU as a single draw call.
void DrawSprites(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const Mat3 &inv_view_R, bgfx::VertexLayout &decl, const std::vector<Vec3> &pos, const Vec2 &size,
bgfx::ProgramHandle prg, RenderState state = {}, uint32_t depth = 0);
/// Draw a list of triangles to the specified view.
/// @see UniformSetValueList and UniformSetTextureList to pass uniform values to the shader program.
void DrawTriangles(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const Vertices &vtx, bgfx::ProgramHandle prg, RenderState = {}, uint32_t depth = 0);
void DrawTriangles(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const Vertices &vtx, bgfx::ProgramHandle prg, const std::vector<UniformSetValue> &values,
const std::vector<UniformSetTexture> &textures, RenderState = {}, uint32_t depth = 0);
void DrawTriangles(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const Indices &idx, const Vertices &vtx, bgfx::ProgramHandle prg, const std::vector<UniformSetValue> &values,
const std::vector<UniformSetTexture> &textures, RenderState = {}, uint32_t depth = 0);
void DrawSprites(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const Mat3 &inv_view_R, bgfx::VertexLayout &decl, const std::vector<Vec3> &pos, const Vec2 &size,
bgfx::ProgramHandle prg, const std::vector<UniformSetValue> &values, const std::vector<UniformSetTexture> &textures, RenderState state = {},
uint32_t depth = 0);
static const float default_shadow_bias = 0.0001f;
static const Vec4 default_pssm_split = {10.f, 50.f, 100.f, 500.f};
struct Pipeline {
std::map<std::string, bgfx::TextureHandle> textures;
std::map<std::string, bgfx::FrameBufferHandle> framebuffers;
std::vector<UniformSetValue> uniform_values;
std::vector<UniformSetTexture> uniform_textures;
void DestroyPipeline(Pipeline &pipeline);
struct FrameBuffer {
bgfx::FrameBufferHandle handle = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE;
FrameBuffer CreateFrameBuffer(const Texture &color, const Texture &depth, const char *name);
FrameBuffer CreateFrameBuffer(bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum color_format, bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum depth_format, int aa, const char *name);
FrameBuffer CreateFrameBuffer(int width, int height, bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum color_format, bgfx::TextureFormat::Enum depth_format, int aa, const char *name);
Texture GetColorTexture(FrameBuffer &frameBuffer);
Texture GetDepthTexture(FrameBuffer &frameBuffer);
/// Destroy a frame buffer and its resources.
void DestroyFrameBuffer(FrameBuffer &frameBuffer);
bool CreateFullscreenQuad(bgfx::TransientIndexBuffer &idx, bgfx::TransientVertexBuffer &vtx);
bimg::ImageContainer *LoadImage(const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip, const char *name);
bimg::ImageContainer *LoadImageFromFile(const char *name);
bimg::ImageContainer *LoadImageFromAssets(const char *name);
void UpdateTextureFromImage(Texture &tex, bimg::ImageContainer *img, bool auto_delete = true);
} // namespace hg