harfang3dadmin 0b5f0481fc 3.2.3 release.
contributors.md update.
2022-07-20 17:56:22 +02:00

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// HARFANG(R) Copyright (C) 2021 Emmanuel Julien, NWNC HARFANG. Released under GPL/LGPL/Commercial Licence, see licence.txt for details.
#pragma once
#include "engine/render_pipeline.h"
#include "foundation/color.h"
#include "foundation/matrix4.h"
#include "foundation/matrix44.h"
#include "foundation/rect.h"
#include "foundation/unit.h"
#include "foundation/vector4.h"
#include <bgfx/bgfx.h>
#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace hg {
static const int forward_light_count = 8;
enum ForwardPipelineLightType { FPLT_None, FPLT_Point, FPLT_Spot, FPLT_Linear };
enum ForwardPipelineShadowType { FPST_None, FPST_Map };
Single light for the forward pipeline.
@note The complete lighting rig is passed as a ForwardPipelineLights.
@see PrepareForwardPipelineLights.
struct ForwardPipelineLight { // 112B
ForwardPipelineLightType type;
ForwardPipelineShadowType shadow_type;
Mat4 world; // 48B
Color diffuse, specular;
float radius;
float inner_angle, outer_angle;
Vec4 pssm_split;
float priority;
float shadow_bias;
ForwardPipelineLight MakeForwardPipelinePointLight(const Mat4 &world, const Color &diffuse, const Color &specular, float radius = 0.f, float priority = 0.f,
ForwardPipelineShadowType shadow_type = FPST_None, float shadow_bias = default_shadow_bias);
ForwardPipelineLight MakeForwardPipelineSpotLight(const Mat4 &world, const Color &diffuse, const Color &specular, float radius = 0.f,
float inner_angle = Deg(40.f), float outer_angle = Deg(45.f), float priority = 0.f, ForwardPipelineShadowType shadow_type = FPST_None,
float shadow_bias = default_shadow_bias);
ForwardPipelineLight MakeForwardPipelineLinearLight(const Mat4 &world, const Color &diffuse, const Color &specular,
const Vec4 &pssm_split = {10.f, 50.f, 100.f, 500.f}, float priority = 0.f, ForwardPipelineShadowType shadow_type = FPST_None,
float shadow_bias = default_shadow_bias);
struct ForwardPipelineLights {
std::array<Vec4, forward_light_count> pos, dir, diff, spec; // shader uniforms
std::array<ForwardPipelineLight, forward_light_count> lights; // lights that were used to fill uniform values
ForwardPipelineLights PrepareForwardPipelineLights(const std::vector<ForwardPipelineLight> &lights);
struct ForwardPipelineShadowData {
Mat44 linear_shadow_mtx[4]; // slot 0: 4 split PSSM linear light
Vec4 linear_shadow_slice; // slot 0: PSSM slice distances linear light
Mat44 spot_shadow_mtx; // slot 1: spot light
/// Fog properties for the forward pipeline.
struct ForwardPipelineFog {
float near{}, far{};
Color color{};
Rendering pipeline implementing a forward rendering strategy.
The main characteristics of this pipeline are:
- Render in two passes: opaque display lists then transparent ones.
- Fixed 8 light slots supporting 1 linear light with PSSM shadow mapping, 1 spot with shadow mapping and up to 6 point lights with no shadow mapping.
struct ForwardPipeline : Pipeline {
int shadow_map_resolution{1024};
/// Create a forward pipeline and its resources.
/// @see DestroyForwardPipeline.
ForwardPipeline CreateForwardPipeline(int shadow_map_resolution = 1024, bool spot_16bit_shadow_map = true);
/// Destroy a forward pipeline object.
inline void DestroyForwardPipeline(ForwardPipeline &pipeline) { DestroyPipeline(pipeline); }
const PipelineInfo &GetForwardPipelineInfo();
enum ForwardPipelineStage { FPS_AttributeBuffers, FPS_Basic, FPS_Advanced, FPS_DepthOnly };
enum ForwardPipelineShadowPass { FPSP_Slot0LinearSplit0, FPSP_Slot0LinearSplit1, FPSP_Slot0LinearSplit2, FPSP_Slot0LinearSplit3, FPSP_Slot1Spot, FPSP_Count };
using ForwardPipelineShadowPassViewId = std::array<bgfx::ViewId, FPSP_Count>;
void GenerateLinearShadowMapForForwardPipeline(bgfx::ViewId &view_id, const ViewState &view_state, const std::vector<ModelDisplayList> &display_lists,
const std::vector<SkinnedModelDisplayList> &skinned_display_lists, const std::vector<Mat4> &mtxs, const ForwardPipelineLights &lights,
const ForwardPipeline &pipeline, const PipelineResources &resources, ForwardPipelineShadowPassViewId &views, ForwardPipelineShadowData &shadow_data,
const char *debug_name = nullptr);
void GenerateSpotShadowMapForForwardPipeline(bgfx::ViewId &view_id, const std::vector<ModelDisplayList> &display_lists,
const std::vector<SkinnedModelDisplayList> &skinned_display_lists, const std::vector<Mat4> &mtxs, const ForwardPipelineLights &lights,
const ForwardPipeline &pipeline, const PipelineResources &resources, ForwardPipelineShadowPassViewId &view, ForwardPipelineShadowData &shadow_data,
const char *debug_name = nullptr);
} // namespace hg