2021-10-13 14:40:31 +02:00

119 lines
4.1 KiB

import argparse
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ETree
import json
def publish_updates(parent, uid, name, status):
for key, value in status.items():
if value:
if uid not in parent:
parent[uid] = { name : { key: value } }
elif name not in parent[uid]:
parent[uid][name] = { key: value}
parent[uid][name][key] = value
def compare_attributes(parent, uid, e0, e1, attributes):
status = {
'removed': [],
'updated': [],
'added': []
for name in attributes:
attr0 = e0.get(name)
attr1 = e1.get(name)
if attr0 != attr1:
key = 'updated'
if attr0 is None:
key = 'added'
elif attr1 is None:
key = 'removed'
publish_updates(parent, uid, 'attributes', status)
def compare_element(status, source, target, tag, callback=None):
for it in target.findall(tag):
uid = it.get('uid')
if source.find(".//%s[@uid='%s']" % (tag, uid)) is None:
for it in source.findall(tag):
uid = it.get('uid')
other = target.find(".//%s[@uid='%s']" % (tag, uid))
if other is None:
elif callback is not None:
callback(it, other)
def compare_enum(status, e0, e1):
for it in e0.findall('entry'):
name = it.get('name')
other = e1.find(".//entry[@name='%s']" % name)
if other is None:
for it in e1.findall('entry'):
name = it.get('name')
other = e0.find(".//entry[@name='%s']" % name)
if other is None:
def compare_children(parent, uid, e0, e1, child, tag, attributes=None):
status = {
'removed': [],
'updated': {},
'added': []
for it in e0.findall(child):
name = it.get(tag)
other = e1.find(".//%s[@%s='%s']" % (child, tag, name))
if other is None:
elif attributes is not None:
compare_attributes(status['updated'], name, it, other, attributes)
for it in e1.findall(child):
name = it.get(tag)
other = e0.find(".//%s[@%s='%s']" % (child, tag, name))
if other is None:
publish_updates(parent, uid, child, status)
def compare_function(status, f0, f1):
uid = f0.get('uid')
compare_attributes(status['updated'], uid, f0, f1, ['returns', 'global', 'static'])
compare_children(status['updated'], uid, f0, f1, 'parm', 'name', ['type'])
def compare_class(status, c0, c1):
uid = c0.get('uid')
compare_element(status, c0, c1, 'function', lambda src, target : compare_function(status, src, target))
compare_children(status['updated'], uid, c0, c1, 'variable', 'name', ['type', 'static'])
compare_children(status['updated'], uid, c0, c1, 'inherits', 'uid')
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('previous', help='filename of the previous version of the API XML description')
parser.add_argument('current', help='filename of the current version of the API XML description')
parser.add_argument('--out', required=False, help='output file', default='diff.json')
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
status = {
'removed': [],
'updated': {},
'added': []
previous = ETree.parse(args['previous']).getroot()
current = ETree.parse(args['current']).getroot()
compare_element(status, previous, current, 'class', lambda source, target : compare_class(status, source, target))
compare_element(status, previous, current, 'function', lambda source, target : compare_function(status, source, target))
compare_element(status, previous, current, 'enum', lambda source, target: compare_enum(status, source, target))
with open(args['out'], 'w') as out:
json.dump(status, out, sort_keys=True, indent=4)