2022-06-05 14:04:47 +02:00

1716 lines
64 KiB

// HARFANG(R) Copyright (C) 2021 Emmanuel Julien, NWNC HARFANG. Released under GPL/LGPL/Commercial Licence, see licence.txt for details.
#include <fbxsdk.h>
#include <engine/geometry.h>
#include <engine/model_builder.h>
#include <engine/node.h>
#include <engine/physics.h>
#include <engine/render_pipeline.h>
#include <engine/scene.h>
#include <foundation/build_info.h>
#include <foundation/cext.h>
#include <foundation/cmd_line.h>
#include <foundation/dir.h>
#include <foundation/file.h>
#include <foundation/format.h>
#include <foundation/log.h>
#include <foundation/math.h>
#include <foundation/matrix3.h>
#include <foundation/matrix4.h>
#include <foundation/pack_float.h>
#include <foundation/path_tools.h>
#include <foundation/projection.h>
#include <foundation/string.h>
#include <foundation/time.h>
#include <foundation/vector3.h>
#include "fabgen.h"
#include "bind_Lua.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
FBX matrix order: C = A * B => C = B then A
The FBX SDK documentation says the opposite and is wrong, demonstration:
FbxAMatrix _A(FbxVector4(0, 0, 0), FbxVector4(0, 0, 0), FbxVector4(2, 1, 1));
FbxAMatrix _B(FbxVector4(0, 0, 0), FbxVector4(0, 0, 90), FbxVector4(1, 1, 1));
auto _C = _A * _B; // B then A
auto _D = _B * _A; // A then B
enum class ImportPolicy { SkipExisting, Overwrite, Rename, SkipAlways };
struct Config {
ImportPolicy import_policy_geometry{ImportPolicy::SkipExisting}, import_policy_material{ImportPolicy::SkipExisting},
import_policy_texture{ImportPolicy::SkipExisting}, import_policy_scene{ImportPolicy::SkipExisting}, import_policy_anim{ImportPolicy::SkipExisting};
std::string name; // output name (may be empty)
std::string base_output_path{"./"};
std::string prj_path;
std::string prefix;
std::string profile, shader;
float scale{1.f};
float geometry_scale{1.f};
bool import_animation{true};
int frames_per_second{24};
float anim_simplify_translation_tolerance = 0.001f;
float anim_simplify_rotation_tolerance = 0.05f; // in degrees
float anim_simplify_scale_tolerance = 0.001f;
float anim_simplify_color_tolerance = 0.001f;
bool fix_geo_orientation{false}; // FBX fix
float max_smoothing_angle{45.f};
bool recalculate_normal{false}, recalculate_tangent{false};
bool calculate_normal_if_missing{false}, calculate_tangent_if_missing{false};
bool detect_geometry_instances{false};
bool anim_to_file{false};
std::string finalizer_script;
// static hg::LuaVM vm;
// [EJ] Y-Up is handled by the FBX SDK, RHS->LHS is handled by these matrices
FbxAMatrix scn_export_mtx(FbxVector4(0, 0, 0), FbxVector4(0, 0, 0), FbxVector4(1, 1, -1)); // convert scene from RHS to LHS
FbxAMatrix msh_export_mtx(FbxVector4(0, 0, 0), FbxVector4(-90, 0, 0), FbxVector4(1, -1, 1));
FbxAMatrix node_export_mtx(FbxVector4(0, 0, 0), FbxVector4(-90, 0, 0), FbxVector4(1, -1, 1));
static void SetMeshExportMatrix(bool fix, float scale) {
node_export_mtx = FbxAMatrix(FbxVector4(0, 0, 0), FbxVector4(0, 0, 0), FbxVector4(1, 1, -1) * scale);
if (fix)
msh_export_mtx = FbxAMatrix(FbxVector4(0, 0, 0), FbxVector4(-90, 0, 0), FbxVector4(1, -1, 1) * scale);
msh_export_mtx = node_export_mtx;
static FbxAMatrix ConvertGlobalMatrix(const FbxAMatrix &m) { return scn_export_mtx * m * msh_export_mtx.Inverse(); }
static hg::Mat4 FBXMatrixToMatrix4(const FbxAMatrix &fbx_m) {
hg::Mat4 m;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
m.m[i][j] = float(fbx_m[j][i]);
return m;
static bool GetOutputPath(
std::string &path, const std::string &base, const std::string &name, const std::string &prefix, const std::string &ext, ImportPolicy import_policy) {
if (base.empty())
return false;
const auto filename = name.empty() ? prefix : (prefix.empty() ? name : prefix + "-" + name);
path = hg::CleanPath(base + "/" + hg::CleanFileName(filename) + "." + ext);
switch (import_policy) {
return false;
case ImportPolicy::SkipAlways:
return false; // WARNING do not move to the start of the function, we need the path for the resource even if it is not exported
case ImportPolicy::SkipExisting:
if (hg::Exists(path.c_str()))
return false;
case ImportPolicy::Overwrite:
return true;
case ImportPolicy::Rename:
for (auto n = 0; hg::Exists(path.c_str()) && n < 10000; ++n) {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << base << "/" << filename << "-" << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << n << "." << ext;
path = ss.str();
return true;
static bool LoadFinalizerScript(const std::string &path) {
const auto source = hg::FileToString(path.c_str());
if (source.empty())
return false;
// if (!hg_lua_bind_harfang(vm, "hg") || !hg::Execute(vm, source, path))
// return false;
return true;
static void FinalizeMaterial(hg::Material &mat, const std::string &name, const std::string &geo_name) {
if (vm->IsOpen()) {
auto fn = vm->Get("FinalizeMaterial");
if (fn.IsValidAndNonNull())
if (!vm->Call(fn, {vm->ValueToObject(hg::TypeValue(mat)), vm->CreateObject(name), vm->CreateObject(geo_name)}))
failed = true;
static void FinalizeGeometry(hg::Geometry &geo, const std::string &name) {
if (vm) {
auto fn = ng::Get(vm, "FinalizeModel");
if (fn.IsValidAndNonNull())
if (!ng::Call(vm, fn, {ng::ValueToObject(vm, geo), ng::ValueToObject(vm, name)}))
failed = true;
static void FinalizeNode(hg::Node &node) {
if (vm->IsOpen()) {
auto fn = vm->Get("FinalizeNode");
if (fn.IsValidAndNonNull())
if (!vm->Call(fn, {vm->ValueToObject(hg::TypeValue(node))}))
failed = true;
static void FinalizeScene(hg::Scene &scene) {
if (vm->IsOpen()) {
auto fn = vm->Get("FinalizeScene");
if (fn.IsValidAndNonNull())
if (!vm->Call(fn, {vm->ValueToObject(hg::TypeValue(scene))}))
failed = true;
static std::string MakeRelativeResourceName(const std::string &name, const std::string &base_path, const std::string &prefix) {
if (hg::starts_with(name, base_path, hg::case_sensitivity::insensitive)) {
const auto stripped_name = hg::lstrip(hg::slice(name, base_path.length()), "/");
return prefix.empty() ? stripped_name : prefix + "/" + stripped_name;
return name;
static void ExportMotions(
FbxScene *fbx_scene, std::map<FbxNode *, hg::Node> &exported_nodes, hg::Scene &scene, const Config &config, hg::PipelineResources &resources) {
if (!config.import_animation)
for (int n = 0; n < fbx_scene->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxAnimStack>(); ++n) {
// switch to FBX animation stack
FbxAnimStack *anim_stack = FbxCast<FbxAnimStack>(fbx_scene->GetSrcObject<FbxAnimStack>(n));
auto anim_eval = fbx_scene->GetAnimationEvaluator();
// determine motion take range
FbxTime tStart = anim_stack->LocalStart.Get(), tEnd = anim_stack->LocalStop.Get(), tStep;
tStep.SetSecondDouble(1.0 / double(config.frames_per_second));
// create Harfang take
hg::SceneAnim scene_anim;
scene_anim.name = anim_stack->GetNameOnly();
const bool force_start_at_0 = true;
if (force_start_at_0) {
scene_anim.t_start = 0;
scene_anim.t_end = hg::time_from_ms((tEnd - tStart).GetMilliSeconds());
} else {
scene_anim.t_start = hg::time_from_ms(tStart.GetMilliSeconds());
scene_anim.t_end = hg::time_from_ms(tEnd.GetMilliSeconds());
// for each exported node, bake motion
hg::Vec3 p, s;
hg::Mat3 r;
for (auto i : exported_nodes) {
if (!i.second)
// create animation default tracks
auto pos_track = hg::AnimTrackHermiteT<hg::Vec3>(); // or AnimKeyHermiteT?
pos_track.target = "Position";
// auto rot_track = std::make_shared<hg::AnimTrackRotation>("Transform.Rotation");
auto rot_track = hg::AnimTrackT<hg::Quaternion>();
rot_track.target = "Rotation";
auto scl_track = hg::AnimTrackHermiteT<hg::Vec3>();
scl_track.target = "Scale";
auto light = i.first->GetLight();
auto diffuse_track = hg::AnimTrackHermiteT<hg::Color>();
diffuse_track.target = "Light.Diffuse";
auto specular_track = hg::AnimTrackHermiteT<hg::Color>();
specular_track.target = "Light.Specular";
auto diffuse_intensity_track = hg::AnimTrackHermiteT<float>();
diffuse_intensity_track.target = "Light.DiffuseIntensity";
auto specular_intensity_track = hg::AnimTrackHermiteT<float>();
specular_intensity_track.target = "Light.SpecularIntensity";
// bake the animation track
for (FbxTime t = tStart; t < tEnd + tStep; t += tStep) {
FbxAMatrix m;
FbxAMatrix node_global_transform = i.first->EvaluateGlobalTransform(t);
if (i.first->GetParent()) {
FbxAMatrix parent_global_transform = i.first->GetParent()->EvaluateGlobalTransform(t);
m = ConvertGlobalMatrix(parent_global_transform).Inverse() * ConvertGlobalMatrix(node_global_transform);
} else {
m = ConvertGlobalMatrix(node_global_transform);
Decompose(FBXMatrixToMatrix4(m), &p, &r, &s);
// output transformation to animation tracks
hg::time_ns hg_t = force_start_at_0 ? hg::time_from_ms((t - tStart).GetMilliSeconds()) : hg::time_from_ms(t.GetMilliSeconds());
hg::AnimKeyHermiteT<hg::Vec3> pos_key;
pos_key.v = p;
pos_key.t = hg_t;
hg::AnimKeyT<hg::Quaternion> rot_key;
rot_key.v = QuaternionFromMatrix3(r);
rot_key.t = hg_t;
hg::AnimKeyHermiteT<hg::Vec3> scl_key;
scl_key.v = s;
scl_key.t = hg_t;
if (light != nullptr) {
auto light_color = light->Color.EvaluateValue(t);
// float hsv[3];
// float rgb[3] = {light_color[0], light_color[1], light_color[2]};
// bx::rgbToHsv(hsv, rgb);
// auto light_intensity = light->Intensity.EvaluateValue(t);
// hsv[2] *= light_intensity / 100.0f; // make this an importer option ?
// bx::hsvToRgb(rgb, hsv);
// light_color[0] = rgb[0];
// light_color[1] = rgb[1];
// light_color[2] = rgb[2];
hg::AnimKeyHermiteT<hg::Color> diffuse_key;
diffuse_key.v.r = light_color[0];
diffuse_key.v.g = light_color[1];
diffuse_key.v.b = light_color[2];
diffuse_key.v.a = 1.0f;
diffuse_key.t = hg_t;
hg::AnimKeyHermiteT<hg::Color> specular_key;
specular_key.v = diffuse_key.v;
specular_key.t = hg_t;
auto light_intensity = light->Intensity.EvaluateValue(t);
hg::AnimKeyHermiteT<float> diffuse_intensity_key;
diffuse_intensity_key.v = light_intensity;
diffuse_intensity_key.t = hg_t;
hg::AnimKeyHermiteT<float> specular_intensity_key;
specular_intensity_key.v = light_intensity;
specular_intensity_key.t = hg_t;
// cleanup tracks
float simplify_translation_tolerance = config.anim_simplify_translation_tolerance;
float simplify_rotation_tolerance = config.anim_simplify_rotation_tolerance * hg::Pi / 180.0f;
float simplify_scale_tolerance = config.anim_simplify_scale_tolerance;
float simplify_color_tolerance = config.anim_simplify_color_tolerance;
if (simplify_translation_tolerance > 0) {
auto removed = hg::SimplifyAnimTrackT<hg::AnimTrackHermiteT<hg::Vec3>, hg::Vec3>(pos_track, simplify_translation_tolerance);
hg::debug(hg::format("Clean position track: %1").arg(removed));
if (simplify_rotation_tolerance > 0) {
auto removed = hg::SimplifyAnimTrackT<hg::AnimTrackT<hg::Quaternion>, hg::Quaternion>(rot_track, simplify_rotation_tolerance);
hg::debug(hg::format("Clean rotation track: %1").arg(removed));
if (simplify_scale_tolerance > 0) {
auto removed = hg::SimplifyAnimTrackT<hg::AnimTrackHermiteT<hg::Vec3>, hg::Vec3>(scl_track, simplify_scale_tolerance);
hg::debug(hg::format("Clean rotation track: %1").arg(removed));
if (light != nullptr && simplify_color_tolerance > 0) {
auto removed0 = hg::SimplifyAnimTrackT<hg::AnimTrackHermiteT<hg::Color>, hg::Color>(diffuse_track, simplify_color_tolerance);
auto removed1 = hg::SimplifyAnimTrackT<hg::AnimTrackHermiteT<hg::Color>, hg::Color>(specular_track, simplify_color_tolerance);
hg::debug(hg::format("Clean light tracks: %1").arg(removed0 + removed1));
// create node animation
auto anim = hg::Anim();
if (light != nullptr) {
bool is_empty_anim = true;
for (auto &track : anim.vec3_tracks)
if (track.keys.size() > 1) {
is_empty_anim = false;
for (auto &track : anim.quat_tracks)
if (track.keys.size() > 1) {
anim.flags |= hg::AF_UseQuaternionForRotation;
is_empty_anim = false;
for (auto &track : anim.color_tracks)
if (track.keys.size() > 1) {
is_empty_anim = false;
if (is_empty_anim) {
hg::debug(hg::format("Skipping animation for target '%1' as it contains no animation").arg(i.second.GetName().c_str()));
// store animation
auto anim_ref = scene.AddAnim(std::move(anim));
// add anim_node to the scene_anim
hg::NodeAnim node_anim;
node_anim.anim = anim_ref;
node_anim.node = i.second.ref;
// add animation take to the scene
// if (config.anim_to_file) {
// std::string anim_output_path;
// if (GetOutputPath(anim_output_path, config.base_output_path, "all", {}, "anm", config.import_policy_anim)) {
// std::unique_ptr<DocumentWriter> doc(NewResourceDocumentWriter(anim_output_path));
// if (hg::SerializeAnimationTakes(*doc, scene->anim_takes, nullptr))
// doc->Save(anim_output_path);
// }
// scene->anim_takes.clear();
static void ExportGeometrySkin(FbxSkin *fbx_skin, hg::Geometry &geo) {
for (size_t n = 0; n < geo.vtx.size(); ++n)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
geo.skin[n].index[j] = 0;
geo.skin[n].weight[j] = 0;
// for each skin entry select the clusters with the largest weight
const auto bone_count = fbx_skin->GetClusterCount();
for (int n = 0; n < bone_count; ++n) {
const auto cluster = fbx_skin->GetCluster(n);
// import bind pose
FbxAMatrix cluster_matrix, bind_matrix;
geo.bind_pose[n] = FBXMatrixToMatrix4((ConvertGlobalMatrix(cluster_matrix).Inverse() * ConvertGlobalMatrix(bind_matrix)).Inverse());
// import weights
const auto fbx_index = cluster->GetControlPointIndices();
const auto fbx_weight = cluster->GetControlPointWeights();
for (int i = 0; i < cluster->GetControlPointIndicesCount(); ++i) {
auto skin = &geo.skin[fbx_index[i]];
// perform insertion
uint8_t weight = hg::pack_float<uint8_t>(float(fbx_weight[i]));
for (int c = 0; c < 4; ++c)
if (weight > skin->weight[c]) {
// shift the lower influences out
for (int j = 4 - 1; j > c; --j) {
skin->index[j] = skin->index[j - 1];
skin->weight[j] = skin->weight[j - 1];
// insert new influence
skin->index[c] = hg::numeric_cast<uint16_t>(n);
skin->weight[c] = weight;
static hg::TextureRef ExportTexture(FbxFileTexture *fbx_texture, const Config &config, hg::PipelineResources &resources) {
std::string src_path = fbx_texture->GetFileName();
if (!hg::Exists(src_path.c_str())) {
src_path = hg::CutFilePath(src_path);
if (!hg::Exists(src_path.c_str())) {
hg::error(hg::format("Missing texture file '%1'").arg(src_path));
return {};
uint32_t flags = BGFX_SAMPLER_NONE;
switch (fbx_texture->GetWrapModeU()) {
case FbxTexture::eRepeat:
break; // default
case FbxTexture::eClamp:
switch (fbx_texture->GetWrapModeV()) {
case FbxTexture::eRepeat:
break; // default
case FbxTexture::eClamp:
std::string dst_path;
if (GetOutputPath(dst_path, config.base_output_path, hg::GetFileName(src_path), {}, hg::GetFileExtension(src_path), config.import_policy_texture))
if (!hg::CopyFile(src_path.c_str(), dst_path.c_str())) {
hg::error(hg::format("Failed to copy texture file '%1' to '%2'").arg(src_path).arg(dst_path));
return {};
dst_path = MakeRelativeResourceName(dst_path, config.prj_path, config.prefix);
return resources.textures.Add(dst_path.c_str(), {flags, BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE});
enum Property {
static const char *fbx_properties[LastProperty] = {FbxSurfaceMaterial::sDiffuse, FbxSurfaceMaterial::sDiffuseFactor, FbxSurfaceMaterial::sEmissive,
FbxSurfaceMaterial::sAmbient, FbxSurfaceMaterial::sSpecular, FbxSurfaceMaterial::sNormalMap, FbxSurfaceMaterial::sShininess, FbxSurfaceMaterial::sBump,
FbxSurfaceMaterial::sTransparentColor, FbxSurfaceMaterial::sReflection, "roughness_map", "metalness_map", "base_color_map", "bump_map", "reflectivity_map",
"emission_map", "emit_color_map", "refl_color_map"};
static void _ExportLayeredTexture(
FbxLayeredTexture *object, Property property, std::array<hg::TextureRef, LastProperty> &texture, const Config &config, hg::PipelineResources &resources) {
int texture_count = object->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxTexture>();
if (property == Diffuse) {
if (const auto tex = object->GetSrcObject<FbxFileTexture>(0))
texture[property] = ExportTexture(tex, config, resources);
if (const auto tex = object->GetSrcObject<FbxFileTexture>(1)) {
FbxLayeredTexture::EBlendMode blend_mode;
if (object->GetTextureBlendMode(1, blend_mode))
if (blend_mode == FbxLayeredTexture::eModulate)
texture[Lightmap] = ExportTexture(tex, config, resources); // second multiplicative layer over diffuse is considered light map
} else {
if (const auto tex = object->GetSrcObject<FbxFileTexture>(0))
texture[property] = ExportTexture(tex, config, resources);
static const bool PictureHasTransparency(const hg::Picture &pic) {
if (pic.GetFormat() != hg::PF_RGBA32)
return false;
const size_t size = size_of(pic.GetFormat());
uint8_t *data = pic.GetData();
for (int i = 0; i < pic.GetWidth() * pic.GetHeight(); ++i)
if (data[3] < 255)
return true;
data += size;
return false;
static FbxProperty FindObjectProperty(FbxObject *fbx_object, const char *name) {
auto prop = fbx_object->GetFirstProperty();
while (true) {
if (prop.GetName() == name)
return prop;
prop = fbx_object->GetNextProperty(prop);
if (!prop.IsValid())
return FbxProperty();
static hg::Material ExportMaterial(FbxSurfaceMaterial *fbx_material, FbxMesh *fbx_mesh, bool use_skin, const Config &config, hg::PipelineResources &resources) {
hg::Color diffuse = {0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f}, emissive = {0, 0, 0, 1}, specular = {0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f}, ambient = {0, 0, 0, 1};
float glossiness{1.f};
float reflection{1.f};
hg::debug(hg::format("Exporting material '%1'").arg(fbx_material->GetName()));
auto class_id = fbx_material->GetClassId();
if (fbx_material->GetClassId().Is(FbxSurfacePhong::ClassId)) {
hg::debug(" - Has Phong");
const auto fbx_phong = (FbxSurfacePhong *)fbx_material;
specular = {float(fbx_phong->Specular.Get()[0] * fbx_phong->SpecularFactor.Get()),
float(fbx_phong->Specular.Get()[1] * fbx_phong->SpecularFactor.Get()), float(fbx_phong->Specular.Get()[2] * fbx_phong->SpecularFactor.Get())};
glossiness = hg::Clamp(float(fbx_phong->Shininess.Get()) / 64.f, 0.01f, 0.5f); // completely random conversion factor
reflection = static_cast<float>(fbx_phong->ReflectionFactor);
if (fbx_material->GetClassId().Is(FbxSurfacePhong::ClassId) || fbx_material->GetClassId().Is(FbxSurfaceLambert::ClassId)) {
hg::debug(" - Has Lambert");
const auto fbx_lambert = (FbxSurfaceLambert *)fbx_material;
ambient = {float(fbx_lambert->Ambient.Get()[0] * fbx_lambert->AmbientFactor.Get()),
float(fbx_lambert->Ambient.Get()[1] * fbx_lambert->AmbientFactor.Get()), float(fbx_lambert->Ambient.Get()[2] * fbx_lambert->AmbientFactor.Get())};
diffuse = {float(fbx_lambert->Diffuse.Get()[0] * fbx_lambert->DiffuseFactor.Get()),
float(fbx_lambert->Diffuse.Get()[1] * fbx_lambert->DiffuseFactor.Get()), float(fbx_lambert->Diffuse.Get()[2] * fbx_lambert->DiffuseFactor.Get())};
const hg::Color emissive_color = {float(fbx_lambert->Emissive.Get()[0]), float(fbx_lambert->Emissive.Get()[1]), float(fbx_lambert->Emissive.Get()[2])};
const auto emissive_factor = float(fbx_lambert->EmissiveFactor.Get());
emissive = emissive_color * emissive_factor;
diffuse.a = 1.f - static_cast<float>(fbx_lambert->TransparencyFactor.Get());
std::array<hg::TextureRef, LastProperty> texture;
for (auto n = 0; n < LastProperty; ++n) {
if (fbx_properties[n] == nullptr)
const auto fbx_texture_prop = FindObjectProperty(fbx_material, fbx_properties[n]);
if (const auto fbx_texture = fbx_texture_prop.GetSrcObject<FbxTexture>(0)) {
if (const auto tex = fbx_texture_prop.GetSrcObject<FbxFileTexture>(0)) {
// check if it's a color correction and get the map (for roughnness, metalness, ao)
const auto tex_prop = FindObjectProperty(tex, "map");
if (const auto sub_tex = tex_prop.GetSrcObject<FbxFileTexture>(0)) {
texture[n] = ExportTexture(sub_tex, config, resources);
} else {
const auto tex1_prop = FindObjectProperty(tex, "map1");
if (const auto sub1_tex = tex1_prop.GetSrcObject<FbxFileTexture>(0)) {
texture[n] = ExportTexture(sub1_tex, config, resources);
} else {
texture[n] = ExportTexture(tex, config, resources);
if (const auto tex = fbx_texture_prop.GetSrcObject<FbxLayeredTexture>(0))
_ExportLayeredTexture(tex, Property(n), texture, config, resources);
hg::Material mat;
if (use_skin)
mat.flags |= hg::MF_EnableSkinning;
const bool has_diffuse_map = texture[Diffuse] != hg::InvalidTextureRef || texture[BaseColorMap] != hg::InvalidTextureRef;
const bool has_specular_map = texture[Specular] != hg::InvalidTextureRef || texture[ReflColorMap] != hg::InvalidTextureRef;
const bool has_normal_map = texture[Normal] != hg::InvalidTextureRef;
const bool has_light_map = texture[Lightmap] != hg::InvalidTextureRef;
const bool has_self_map =
texture[Emissive] != hg::InvalidTextureRef || texture[EmissionMap] != hg::InvalidTextureRef || texture[EmitColorMap] != hg::InvalidTextureRef;
const bool has_opacity_map = texture[TransparentColor] != hg::InvalidTextureRef;
const bool has_shininess_map = texture[Shininess] != hg::InvalidTextureRef;
const bool has_reflection_map = texture[Reflection] != hg::InvalidTextureRef;
const bool has_ambient_map = texture[Ambient] != hg::InvalidTextureRef;
const bool has_bump_map = texture[Bump] != hg::InvalidTextureRef || texture[BumpMap] != hg::InvalidTextureRef;
const bool has_roughness_map = texture[RoughnessMap] != hg::InvalidTextureRef;
const bool has_metalness_map = texture[MetalnessMap] != hg::InvalidTextureRef;
std::string shader;
if (config.profile == "pbr_default") {
shader = "core/shader/pbr.hps";
const auto occlusion = 1.f;
const auto roughness = 0.5f;
const auto metalness = 0.25f;
mat.values["uBaseOpacityColor"] = {bgfx::UniformType::Vec4, {diffuse.r, diffuse.g, diffuse.b, diffuse.a}};
mat.values["uOcclusionRoughnessMetalnessColor"] = {bgfx::UniformType::Vec4, {occlusion, roughness, metalness, 0.f}};
mat.values["uSelfColor"] = {bgfx::UniformType::Vec4, {emissive.r, emissive.g, emissive.b, -1.f}};
if (has_diffuse_map) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uBaseOpacityMap: %1").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[Diffuse])));
mat.textures["uBaseOpacityMap"] = {texture[Diffuse], 0};
} else if (diffuse.a < 1.f) {
SetMaterialBlendMode(mat, hg::BM_Alpha);
if (has_specular_map) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uOcclusionRoughnessMetalnessMap: %1").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[Specular])));
mat.textures["uOcclusionRoughnessMetalnessMap"] = {texture[Specular], 1};
if (has_normal_map) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uNormalMap: %1").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[Normal])));
mat.textures["uNormalMap"] = {texture[Normal], 2};
if (has_self_map) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uSelfMap: %1").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[Emissive])));
mat.textures["uSelfMap"] = {texture[Emissive], 4};
} else if (config.profile == "pbr_physical") {
shader = "core/shader/pbr.hps";
// get the values from the properties
const auto base_color_prop = FindObjectProperty(fbx_material, "base_color");
if (base_color_prop.IsValid())
diffuse = {float(base_color_prop.Get<FbxColor>().mRed), float(base_color_prop.Get<FbxColor>().mGreen), float(base_color_prop.Get<FbxColor>().mBlue),
const auto emit_color_prop = FindObjectProperty(fbx_material, "emit_color");
const auto emission_prop = FindObjectProperty(fbx_material, "emission");
if (emit_color_prop.IsValid() && emission_prop.IsValid()) {
auto emission_factor = float(emission_prop.Get<FbxDouble>());
emissive = {float(emit_color_prop.Get<FbxColor>().mRed) * emission_factor, float(emit_color_prop.Get<FbxColor>().mGreen) * emission_factor,
float(emit_color_prop.Get<FbxColor>().mBlue) * emission_factor, -1.f};
// set occlusion to 1
const auto occlusion = 1.f;
const auto roughness_prop = FindObjectProperty(fbx_material, "roughness");
const auto roughness = roughness_prop.IsValid() ? float(roughness_prop.Get<FbxDouble>()) : 0.5f;
const auto metalness_prop = FindObjectProperty(fbx_material, "metalness");
const auto metalness = metalness_prop.IsValid() ? float(metalness_prop.Get<FbxDouble>()) : 0.25f;
mat.values["uBaseOpacityColor"] = {bgfx::UniformType::Vec4, {diffuse.r, diffuse.g, diffuse.b, diffuse.a}};
mat.values["uOcclusionRoughnessMetalnessColor"] = {bgfx::UniformType::Vec4, {occlusion, roughness, metalness, 0.f}};
mat.values["uSelfColor"] = {bgfx::UniformType::Vec4, {emissive.r, emissive.g, emissive.b, -1.f}};
if (has_diffuse_map) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uBaseOpacityMap: %1").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[BaseColorMap])));
mat.textures["uBaseOpacityMap"] = {texture[BaseColorMap], 0};
} else if (diffuse.a < 1.f) {
SetMaterialBlendMode(mat, hg::BM_Alpha);
if (has_opacity_map)
SetMaterialBlendMode(mat, hg::BM_Alpha);
else {
// check if there is alpha in the base color map
hg::Picture pic;
if (LoadPicture(pic, (config.prj_path + "/" + resources.textures.GetName(texture[BaseColorMap])).c_str()) && PictureHasTransparency(pic))
SetMaterialBlendMode(mat, hg::BM_Alpha);
if (has_roughness_map || has_metalness_map) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uOcclusionRoughnessMetalnessMap: %1").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[RoughnessMap])));
mat.textures["uOcclusionRoughnessMetalnessMap"] = {texture[RoughnessMap], 1};
if (has_bump_map) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uNormalMap: %1").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[BumpMap])));
mat.textures["uNormalMap"] = {texture[BumpMap], 2};
if (has_self_map) {
if (texture[EmissionMap] != hg::InvalidTextureRef) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uSelfMap: %1").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[EmissionMap])));
mat.textures["uSelfMap"] = {texture[EmissionMap], 4};
} else {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uSelfMap: %1").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[EmitColorMap])));
mat.textures["uSelfMap"] = {texture[EmitColorMap], 4};
} else {
if (config.profile != "default")
hg::warn(hg::format("Unknown material profile '%1', using 'default' profile").arg(config.profile));
shader = "core/shader/default.hps";
mat.values["uDiffuseColor"] = {bgfx::UniformType::Vec4, {diffuse.r, diffuse.g, diffuse.b, diffuse.a}};
mat.values["uSpecularColor"] = {bgfx::UniformType::Vec4, {specular.r, specular.g, specular.b, glossiness}};
mat.values["uSelfColor"] = {bgfx::UniformType::Vec4, {emissive.r, emissive.g, emissive.b, -1.f}};
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uDiffuseColor: %1, %2, %3 - Alpha: %4").arg(diffuse.r).arg(diffuse.g).arg(diffuse.b).arg(diffuse.a));
hg::debug(hg::format(" - SpecularColor: %1, %2, %3 - Glossiness: %4").arg(specular.r).arg(specular.g).arg(specular.b).arg(glossiness));
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uSelfColor: %1, %2, %3 - Reserved").arg(emissive.r).arg(emissive.g).arg(emissive.b));
if (has_diffuse_map) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uDiffuseMap: %1").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[Diffuse])));
mat.textures["uDiffuseMap"] = {texture[Diffuse], 0};
} else if (diffuse.a < 1.f) {
SetMaterialBlendMode(mat, hg::BM_Alpha);
if (has_specular_map) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uSpecularMap: %1").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[Specular])));
mat.textures["uSpecularMap"] = {texture[Specular], 1};
if (has_normal_map) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uNormalMap: %1").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[Normal])));
mat.textures["uNormalMap"] = {texture[Normal], 2};
if (has_light_map) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uLightMap: %1").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[Lightmap])));
mat.textures["uLightMap"] = {texture[Lightmap], 3};
if (has_self_map) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uSelfMap: %1").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[Emissive])));
mat.textures["uSelfMap"] = {texture[Emissive], 4};
if (has_opacity_map) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uOpacityMap: %1").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[TransparentColor])));
mat.textures["uOpacityMap"] = {texture[TransparentColor], 5};
SetMaterialBlendMode(mat, hg::BM_Alpha);
if (has_ambient_map) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uAmbientMap: %1").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[Ambient])));
mat.textures["uAmbientMap"] = {texture[Ambient], 6};
if (has_reflection_map) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uReflectionMap: %1").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[Reflection])));
mat.textures["uReflectionMap"] = {texture[Reflection], 7};
if (has_shininess_map) { // UNMAPPED
hg::format(" - uShininessMap: %1 (IGNORED, use alpha channel of diffuse map instead)").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[Shininess])));
// mat.textures.push_back({"uShininessMap", texture[Shininess], 7});
if (has_bump_map) { // UNMAPPED
hg::debug(hg::format(" - uBumpMap: %1 (IGNORED, use normal map instead").arg(resources.textures.GetName(texture[Bump])));
// mat.textures.push_back({"uBumpMap", texture[Bump], 9});
if (!config.shader.empty())
shader = config.shader; // use override
hg::debug(hg::format(" - Using pipeline shader '%1'").arg(shader));
mat.program = resources.programs.Add(shader.c_str(), {});
// FinalizeMaterial(mat, fbx_material->GetName(), geo_name);
return mat;
#define __PolIndex (pol_index[p] + v)
#define __PolRemapIndex (pol_index[p] + (geo.pol[p].vtx_count - 1 - v))
hg::ModelRef DoExportGeometry(FbxMesh *fbx_mesh, FbxNode *pNode, hg::Object &object, FbxAMatrix mesh_matrix, FbxAMatrix mesh_rmatrix, const Config &config,
hg::PipelineResources &resources) {
hg::Geometry geo;
hg::debug(hg::format("Exporting geometry '%1'").arg(pNode->GetName()));
// transfer topology
for (size_t n = 0; n < geo.vtx.size(); ++n) {
const FbxVector4 v = mesh_matrix.MultT(fbx_mesh->GetControlPoints()[n]);
geo.vtx[n] = {float(v[0]), float(v[1]), float(v[2])};
for (size_t n = 0; n < geo.pol.size(); ++n) {
geo.pol[n].vtx_count = uint8_t(fbx_mesh->GetPolygonSize(n));
geo.pol[n].material = 0;
const auto pol_index = hg::ComputePolygonIndex(geo);
for (size_t p = 0; p < geo.pol.size(); ++p)
for (auto v = 0; v < geo.pol[p].vtx_count; ++v)
geo.binding[pol_index[p] + v] = fbx_mesh->GetPolygonVertices()[__PolRemapIndex];
// export materials
const auto fbx_layer = fbx_mesh->GetLayer(0);
// normal
if (const auto normal_layer = fbx_layer->GetNormals()) {
hg::debug(" - Has normal layer");
for (size_t p = 0; p < geo.pol.size(); ++p)
for (auto v = 0; v < geo.pol[p].vtx_count; ++v) {
FbxVector4 N;
fbx_mesh->GetPolygonVertexNormal(p, v, N);
N = mesh_rmatrix.MultT(N);
geo.normal[__PolRemapIndex] = {float(N[0]), float(N[1]), float(N[2])};
// tangent and bi-normal
const auto tangent_layer = fbx_layer->GetTangents();
const auto binormal_layer = fbx_layer->GetBinormals();
if (tangent_layer && binormal_layer) {
hg::debug(" - Has tangent and binormal layer");
if (tangent_layer->GetMappingMode() == FbxLayerElement::eByPolygonVertex && binormal_layer->GetMappingMode() == FbxLayerElement::eByPolygonVertex) {
for (size_t p = 0; p < geo.pol.size(); ++p)
for (auto v = 0; v < geo.pol[p].vtx_count; ++v) {
auto T = tangent_layer->GetReferenceMode() == FbxLayerElement::eIndexToDirect
? tangent_layer->GetDirectArray()[tangent_layer->GetIndexArray()[__PolRemapIndex]]
: tangent_layer->GetDirectArray()[__PolRemapIndex];
T = mesh_rmatrix.MultT(T);
geo.tangent[__PolIndex].T = {float(T[0]), float(-T[1]), float(T[2])}; // this is UV dependent and textures are reversed on V
auto B = binormal_layer->GetReferenceMode() == FbxLayerElement::eIndexToDirect
? binormal_layer->GetDirectArray()[binormal_layer->GetIndexArray()[__PolRemapIndex]]
: binormal_layer->GetDirectArray()[__PolRemapIndex];
B = mesh_rmatrix.MultT(T);
geo.tangent[__PolIndex].B = {float(B[0]), float(-B[1]), float(B[2])}; // this is UV dependent and textures are reversed on V
} else {
hg::warn(hg::format("Unsupported tangent layer mapping mode (%1)").arg(tangent_layer->GetMappingMode()));
// vertex color
if (const auto color_layer = fbx_layer->GetVertexColors()) {
hg::debug(" - Has color layer");
switch (color_layer->GetMappingMode()) {
case FbxLayerElement::eByControlPoint:
for (size_t p = 0; p < geo.pol.size(); ++p)
for (auto v = 0; v < geo.pol[p].vtx_count; ++v) {
const auto v_idx = geo.binding[pol_index[p] + v];
const auto &cl = color_layer->GetReferenceMode() == FbxLayerElement::eIndexToDirect
? color_layer->GetDirectArray()[color_layer->GetIndexArray()[v_idx]]
: color_layer->GetDirectArray()[v_idx];
geo.color[__PolIndex] = {float(cl.mRed), float(cl.mGreen), float(cl.mBlue)};
case FbxLayerElement::eByPolygonVertex:
for (size_t p = 0; p < geo.pol.size(); ++p)
for (auto v = 0; v < geo.pol[p].vtx_count; ++v) {
const auto &cl = color_layer->GetReferenceMode() == FbxLayerElement::eIndexToDirect
? color_layer->GetDirectArray()[color_layer->GetIndexArray()[__PolRemapIndex]]
: color_layer->GetDirectArray()[__PolRemapIndex];
geo.color[__PolIndex] = {float(cl.mRed), float(cl.mGreen), float(cl.mBlue)};
hg::warn(hg::format("Unsupported vertex color layer mapping mode (%1)").arg(color_layer->GetMappingMode()));
// UV channel (searched for on all available layers)
const auto layer_count_to_export = hg::Min<size_t>(fbx_mesh->GetLayerCount(), geo.uv.size());
for (size_t l = 0; l < layer_count_to_export; ++l) {
auto fbx_layer = fbx_mesh->GetLayer(l);
auto &uv = geo.uv[l];
for (auto n = 0; n < fbx_layer->GetUVSetCount(); ++n) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - Has UV%1").arg(l));
const auto uv_layer = fbx_layer->GetUVSets()[n];
switch (uv_layer->GetMappingMode()) {
case FbxLayerElement::eByControlPoint:
for (size_t p = 0; p < geo.pol.size(); ++p)
for (auto v = 0; v < geo.pol[p].vtx_count; ++v) {
const auto v_idx = geo.binding[pol_index[p] + v];
const auto UV = uv_layer->GetReferenceMode() == FbxLayerElement::eIndexToDirect
? uv_layer->GetDirectArray()[uv_layer->GetIndexArray()[v_idx]]
: uv_layer->GetDirectArray()[v_idx];
uv[__PolIndex] = {float(UV[0]), 1.f - float(UV[1])};
case FbxLayerElement::eByPolygonVertex:
for (size_t p = 0; p < geo.pol.size(); ++p)
for (auto v = 0; v < geo.pol[p].vtx_count; ++v) {
const auto &UV = uv_layer->GetReferenceMode() == FbxLayerElement::eIndexToDirect
? uv_layer->GetDirectArray()[uv_layer->GetIndexArray()[__PolRemapIndex]]
: uv_layer->GetDirectArray()[__PolRemapIndex];
uv[__PolIndex] = {float(UV[0]), 1.f - float(UV[1])};
hg::warn(hg::format("Unsupported UV layer mapping mode (%1)").arg(uv_layer->GetMappingMode()));
const auto fbx_skin = static_cast<FbxSkin *>(fbx_mesh->GetDeformer(0, FbxDeformer::eSkin));
const bool use_skin = fbx_skin != nullptr;
if (use_skin)
ExportGeometrySkin(fbx_skin, geo);
float max_smoothing_angle = hg::Deg(config.max_smoothing_angle);
const auto vtx_to_pol = hg::ComputeVertexToPolygon(geo);
const auto vtx_normal = hg::ComputeVertexNormal(geo, vtx_to_pol, max_smoothing_angle);
// recalculate normals
bool recalculate_normal = config.recalculate_normal;
if (geo.normal.empty() || config.calculate_normal_if_missing)
recalculate_normal = true;
if (recalculate_normal) {
hg::debug(" - Recalculate normals");
geo.normal = vtx_normal;
// recalculate tangent frame
bool recalculate_tangent = config.recalculate_tangent;
if (geo.tangent.empty() || config.calculate_normal_if_missing)
recalculate_tangent = true;
if (recalculate_tangent) {
hg::debug(" - Recalculate tangent frames (MikkT)");
if (!geo.uv[0].empty())
geo.tangent = hg::ComputeVertexTangent(geo, vtx_normal, 0, max_smoothing_angle);
// materials
const int material_count = fbx_mesh->GetNode()->GetMaterialCount();
if (material_count > 0) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - Has %1 material").arg(material_count));
for (int i = 0; i < material_count; ++i)
if (auto fbx_mat = static_cast<FbxSurfaceMaterial *>(fbx_mesh->GetNode()->GetMaterial(i))) {
auto mat = ExportMaterial(fbx_mat, fbx_mesh, use_skin, config, resources);
object.SetMaterial(i, std::move(mat));
object.SetMaterialName(i, std::string(fbx_mat->GetNameOnly()));
// export the material mapping to polygon
const auto material_layer = fbx_layer->GetMaterials();
if (material_layer)
switch (material_layer->GetMappingMode()) {
case FbxLayerElement::eByPolygon: {
if (material_layer->GetReferenceMode() == FbxLayerElement::eIndexToDirect)
for (size_t n = 0; n < geo.pol.size(); ++n)
geo.pol[n].material = uint8_t(material_layer->GetIndexArray().GetAt(n));
for (size_t n = 0; n < geo.pol.size(); ++n)
geo.pol[n].material = uint8_t(n);
} break;
case FbxLayerElement::eAllSame: {
if (material_layer->GetReferenceMode() == FbxLayerElement::eIndexToDirect)
for (size_t n = 0; n < geo.pol.size(); ++n)
geo.pol[n].material = uint8_t(material_layer->GetIndexArray().GetAt(0));
for (size_t n = 0; n < geo.pol.size(); ++n)
geo.pol[n].material = 0;
} break;
hg::warn(hg::format("Unsupported material mapping mode (%1)").arg(material_layer->GetMappingMode()));
} else { // make a dummy material to see the object in the engine
hg::debug(hg::format(" - Has no material, set a dummy one"));
hg::Material mat;
std::string shader;
if (config.profile == "default")
shader = "core/shader/default.hps";
shader = "core/shader/pbr.hps";
if (!config.shader.empty())
shader = config.shader; // use override
hg::debug(hg::format(" - Using pipeline shader '%1'").arg(shader));
mat.program = resources.programs.Add(shader.c_str(), {});
object.SetMaterial(0, std::move(mat));
object.SetMaterialName(0, "dummy_mat");
// connect material to polygons
for (size_t n = 0; n < geo.pol.size(); ++n)
geo.pol[n].material = 0;
// FinalizeGeometry(geo, name);
const std::string name = hg::format("%1_%2").arg(pNode->GetName()).arg(pNode->GetUniqueID()).str();
auto path = name;
if (GetOutputPath(path, config.base_output_path, name, {}, "geo", config.import_policy_geometry)) {
hg::debug(hg::format(" - Saving to '%1'").arg(path));
hg::SaveGeometryToFile(path.c_str(), geo);
path = MakeRelativeResourceName(path, config.prj_path, config.prefix);
return resources.models.Add(path.c_str(), {}); // note: no need to perform any conversion, use a mock model
static hg::ModelRef ExportGeometry(FbxMesh *fbx_mesh, FbxNode *pNode, hg::Object &object, const Config &config, hg::PipelineResources &resources) {
FbxAMatrix mesh_matrix, mesh_rmatrix;
if (pNode) {
mesh_matrix.SetTRS(pNode->GetGeometricTranslation(FbxNode::eSourcePivot), pNode->GetGeometricRotation(FbxNode::eSourcePivot),
mesh_matrix = msh_export_mtx * mesh_matrix;
FbxAMatrix msh_export_rmatrix = msh_export_mtx;
FbxVector4 S = msh_export_mtx.GetS();
mesh_rmatrix = msh_export_rmatrix * mesh_rmatrix;
// TODO detect instancing (using SHA1 on model)
return DoExportGeometry(fbx_mesh, pNode, object, mesh_matrix, mesh_rmatrix, config, resources);
static hg::Node ExportObject(FbxNodeAttribute *pAttr, FbxNode *pNode, hg::Scene &scene, const Config &config, hg::PipelineResources &resources) {
auto fbx_mesh = static_cast<FbxMesh *>(pAttr);
auto node = scene.CreateNode(pNode->GetNameOnly().Buffer());
auto object = scene.CreateObject();
auto mdl = ExportGeometry(fbx_mesh, pNode, object, config, resources);
return node;
static hg::Node ExportCamera(FbxNodeAttribute *pAttr, FbxNode *pNode, hg::Scene &scene, const Config &config, hg::PipelineResources &resources) {
auto fbx_camera = static_cast<FbxCamera *>(pAttr);
auto node = scene.CreateNode(pNode->GetNameOnly().Buffer());
auto transform = scene.CreateTransform();
auto camera = scene.CreateCamera();
if (fbx_camera->GetNearPlane() != 10)
if (fbx_camera->GetFarPlane() != 4000)
auto aperture_mode = fbx_camera->ApertureMode.Get();
auto fov = hg::DegreeToRadian(float(fbx_camera->FieldOfView.Get()));
auto aspect = float(fbx_camera->GetApertureWidth()) / float(fbx_camera->GetApertureHeight()); // TODO use PixelAspectRatio.Get() ?
if (aperture_mode == FbxCamera::eHorizontal) {
fov = 2.f * atan(tan(fov * 0.5f) / aspect);
} else if (aperture_mode == FbxCamera::eVertical) {
// nothing to do
} else if (aperture_mode == FbxCamera::eFocalLength) {
fov = hg::DegreeToRadian(float(fbx_camera->ComputeFieldOfView(fbx_camera->FocalLength.Get()))); // always returns fovx
fov = 2.f * atan(tan(fov * 0.5f) / aspect);
} else if (aperture_mode == FbxCamera::eHorizAndVert) {
// TODO Unhandled case atm. fovx is ignored.
hg::warn(hg::format("Unsupported aperture mode. Fov X will be ignored."));
fov = hg::DegreeToRadian(float(fbx_camera->FieldOfViewY.Get()));
camera.SetIsOrthographic(fbx_camera->ProjectionType.Get() == FbxCamera::eOrthogonal);
// TODO hack [EJ] Why is this a hack?
if (!pNode->GetTarget()) {
FbxAMatrix r;
pNode->PostRotation.Set(r.MultR(FbxVector4(0., 90., 0.)));
return node;
static hg::Node ExportLight(FbxNodeAttribute *pAttr, FbxNode *pNode, hg::Scene &scene, const Config &config, hg::PipelineResources &resources) {
auto fbx_light = static_cast<FbxLight *>(pAttr);
auto node = scene.CreateNode(pNode->GetNameOnly().Buffer());
auto transform = scene.CreateTransform();
auto light = scene.CreateLight();
const auto type = fbx_light->LightType.Get();
if (type == FbxLight::ePoint)
else if (type == FbxLight::eDirectional)
else if (type == FbxLight::eSpot)
auto intensity = float(fbx_light->Intensity.Get()) / 100.f;
if (!fbx_light->CastLight.Get())
intensity = 0.f; // force intensity to 0 on disabled lights
light.SetDiffuseColor({float(fbx_light->Color.Get()[0]), float(fbx_light->Color.Get()[1]), float(fbx_light->Color.Get()[2])});
if (fbx_light->EnableFarAttenuation.Get())
// if (fbx_light->CastShadows.Get())
// light->SetShadow(Light::ShadowMap);
// light->SetShadowColor(Color(float(fbx_light->ShadowColor.Get()[0]), float(fbx_light->ShadowColor.Get()[1]), float(fbx_light->ShadowColor.Get()[2])));
light.SetInnerAngle(float(FBXSDK_DEG_TO_RAD * fbx_light->InnerAngle / 2.));
light.SetOuterAngle(float(FBXSDK_DEG_TO_RAD * fbx_light->OuterAngle / 2.));
FbxAMatrix r;
pNode->PostRotation.Set(r.MultR(FbxVector4(90., 0., 0.)));
return node;
static FbxAMatrix ComputeLocalMatrix(const FbxNode *pNode) {
FbxVector4 t = pNode->LclTranslation.Get();
FbxVector4 rOff = pNode->RotationOffset.Get();
FbxVector4 rPiv = pNode->RotationPivot.Get();
FbxVector4 rPre = pNode->PreRotation.Get();
FbxVector4 r = pNode->LclRotation.Get();
FbxVector4 rPost = pNode->PostRotation.Get();
FbxVector4 rPivInv = -rPiv;
FbxVector4 sOff = pNode->ScalingOffset.Get();
FbxVector4 sPiv = pNode->ScalingPivot.Get();
FbxVector4 s = pNode->LclScaling.Get();
FbxVector4 sPivInv = -sPiv;
FbxAMatrix m;
if (t.SquareLength() > 1e-6f) {
FbxAMatrix n;
m = m * n;
if (rOff.SquareLength() > 1e-6f) {
FbxAMatrix n;
m = m * n;
if (rPiv.SquareLength() > 1e-6f) {
FbxAMatrix n;
m = m * n;
if (rPre.SquareLength() > 1e-6f) {
FbxAMatrix n;
m = m * n;
if (r.SquareLength() > 1e-6f) {
FbxAMatrix n;
m = m * n;
if (rPost.SquareLength() > 1e-6f) {
FbxAMatrix n;
m = m * n;
if (rPivInv.SquareLength() > 1e-6f) {
FbxAMatrix n;
m = m * n;
if (sOff.SquareLength() > 1e-6f) {
FbxAMatrix n;
m = m * n;
if (sPiv.SquareLength() > 1e-6f) {
FbxAMatrix n;
m = m * n;
if (std::fabs(s.SquareLength() - 1.f)) {
FbxAMatrix n;
m = m * n;
if (sPivInv.SquareLength() > 1e-6f) {
FbxAMatrix n;
m = m * n;
return m;
static FbxAMatrix GetNodeLocalMatrix(FbxScene *scene, FbxNode *pNode) {
const FbxAMatrix m = ComputeLocalMatrix(pNode);
const FbxNode *pParent = pNode->GetParent();
FbxAMatrix prefix;
if (pParent == scene->GetRootNode()) {
prefix = scn_export_mtx * ComputeLocalMatrix(scene->GetRootNode());
} else {
if (pParent->GetNodeAttribute() && (pParent->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh))
prefix = msh_export_mtx;
prefix = node_export_mtx;
if (pNode->GetNodeAttribute() && (pNode->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh))
return prefix * m * msh_export_mtx.Inverse();
return prefix * m * node_export_mtx.Inverse();
static hg::Node ExportNode(FbxScene *fbx_scene, FbxNode *pNode, std::map<FbxNode *, hg::Node> &exported_nodes, hg::Scene &scene, const Config &config,
hg::PipelineResources &resources) {
auto i = exported_nodes.find(pNode);
if (i != std::end(exported_nodes))
return i->second;
hg::Node node;
if (pNode != fbx_scene->GetRootNode()) {
if (pNode->GetNodeAttribute()) {
FbxNodeAttribute::EType type = pNode->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType();
switch (type) {
case FbxNodeAttribute::eUnknown:
case FbxNodeAttribute::eNull:
case FbxNodeAttribute::eMarker:
case FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbs:
case FbxNodeAttribute::ePatch:
case FbxNodeAttribute::eCameraStereo:
case FbxNodeAttribute::eCameraSwitcher:
case FbxNodeAttribute::eOpticalReference:
case FbxNodeAttribute::eOpticalMarker:
case FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbsCurve:
case FbxNodeAttribute::eTrimNurbsSurface:
case FbxNodeAttribute::eBoundary:
case FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbsSurface:
case FbxNodeAttribute::eShape:
case FbxNodeAttribute::eLODGroup:
case FbxNodeAttribute::eSubDiv:
case FbxNodeAttribute::eSkeleton: {
node = scene.CreateNode(pNode->GetNameOnly().Buffer());
} break;
case FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh:
node = ExportObject(pNode->GetNodeAttribute(), pNode, scene, config, resources);
// export object skin binding
if (auto object = node.GetObject())
if (auto fbx_mesh = static_cast<FbxMesh *>(pNode->GetNodeAttribute()))
if (auto fbx_skin = static_cast<FbxSkin *>(fbx_mesh->GetDeformer(0, FbxDeformer::eSkin))) {
for (int i = 0; i < fbx_skin->GetClusterCount(); ++i)
if (auto bone = ExportNode(fbx_scene, fbx_skin->GetCluster(i)->GetLink(), exported_nodes, scene, config, resources))
object.SetBone(i, bone.ref);
case FbxNodeAttribute::eCamera:
node = ExportCamera(pNode->GetNodeAttribute(), pNode, scene, config, resources);
case FbxNodeAttribute::eLight:
node = ExportLight(pNode->GetNodeAttribute(), pNode, scene, config, resources);
} else {
node = scene.CreateNode(pNode->GetNameOnly().Buffer());
// if (!pNode->Show.Get()) // TODO
// node->SetEnabled(false);
exported_nodes[pNode] = node;
if (node) {
hg::Vec3 pos, rot, scl;
Decompose(FBXMatrixToMatrix4(GetNodeLocalMatrix(fbx_scene, pNode)), &pos, &rot, &scl);
node.GetTransform().SetTRS({pos, rot, scl});
// FinalizeNode(node);
for (int i = 0; i < pNode->GetChildCount(); ++i) {
auto child = ExportNode(fbx_scene, pNode->GetChild(i), exported_nodes, scene, config, resources);
if (child && node)
return node;
static FbxScene *LoadFbxScene(FbxManager *manager, const Config &config, const std::string &fbx_path) {
auto ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(manager, IOSROOT);
ios->SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_MATERIAL, true);
ios->SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_TEXTURE, true);
ios->SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_LINK, false);
ios->SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_SHAPE, false);
ios->SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_GOBO, false);
ios->SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_ANIMATION, true);
ios->SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_GLOBAL_SETTINGS, true);
auto fbx_scene = FbxScene::Create(manager, "");
auto fbx_importer = FbxImporter::Create(manager, "");
if (fbx_importer->Initialize(fbx_path.c_str(), -1, ios) && fbx_importer->Import(fbx_scene)) {
FbxAxisSystem axis_system(FbxAxisSystem::eYAxis, FbxAxisSystem::eParityOdd, FbxAxisSystem::eRightHanded);
axis_system.ConvertScene(fbx_scene); // convert to Harfang axis system and scale (attempt to actually)
const FbxSystemUnit::ConversionOptions options = {false, true, true, true, true, true};
FbxSystemUnit unit_system(100.f / config.scale);
unit_system.ConvertScene(fbx_scene, options);
} else {
fbx_scene = nullptr;
// FbxGeometryConverter converter(sdk_manager);
// converter.Triangulate(fbx_scene, true, false);
return fbx_scene;
static void ExportEnvironment(FbxScene *fbx_scene, hg::Scene &scene) {
const auto &gsettings = fbx_scene->GetGlobalSettings();
scene.environment.ambient = {(float)gsettings.GetAmbientColor().mRed, (float)gsettings.GetAmbientColor().mGreen, (float)gsettings.GetAmbientColor().mBlue};
const auto &glsettings = fbx_scene->GlobalLightSettings();
scene.environment.fog_color = {(float)glsettings.GetFogColor().mRed, (float)glsettings.GetFogColor().mGreen, (float)glsettings.GetFogColor().mBlue};
if (glsettings.GetFogEnable()) {
scene.environment.fog_near = (float)glsettings.GetFogStart();
scene.environment.fog_far = (float)glsettings.GetFogEnd();
static bool ImportFbxScene(const std::string &path, const Config &config) {
const auto t_start = hg::time_now();
// create output directory if missing
if (hg::Exists(config.base_output_path.c_str())) {
if (!hg::IsDir(config.base_output_path.c_str()))
return false; // can't output to this path
} else {
if (!hg::MkDir(config.base_output_path.c_str()))
return false;
auto sdk_manager = FbxManager::Create();
auto ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(sdk_manager, IOSROOT);
FbxProperty prop;
FbxDataType type;
prop = ios->GetProperty(IMP_UP_AXIS);
type = prop.GetPropertyDataType();
hg::warn(hg::format("IMP_UP_AXIS %1 %2").arg(type.GetName()).arg(type.GetType()));
prop = ios->GetProperty(IMP_AXISCONVERSION);
type = prop.GetPropertyDataType();
hg::warn(hg::format("IMP_AXISCONVERSION %1 %2").arg(type.GetName()).arg(type.GetType()));
prop = ios->GetProperty(IMP_AUTO_AXIS);
type = prop.GetPropertyDataType();
hg::warn(hg::format("IMP_AUTO_AXIS %1 %2").arg(type.GetName()).arg(type.GetType()));
if (config.base_output_path.empty())
return false;
if (!config.finalizer_script.empty())
if (!LoadFinalizerScript(config.finalizer_script))
return false;
SetMeshExportMatrix(config.fix_geo_orientation, config.geometry_scale);
FbxScene *fbx_scene;
if ((fbx_scene = LoadFbxScene(sdk_manager, config, path)) == nullptr)
return false;
std::map<FbxNode *, hg::Node> exported_nodes;
hg::Scene scene;
hg::PipelineResources resources;
ExportNode(fbx_scene, fbx_scene->GetRootNode(), exported_nodes, scene, config, resources);
ExportMotions(fbx_scene, exported_nodes, scene, config, resources);
ExportEnvironment(fbx_scene, scene);
// add default pbr map
scene.environment.brdf_map = resources.textures.Add("core/pbr/brdf.dds", {BGFX_SAMPLER_NONE, BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE});
scene.environment.probe = {};
scene.environment.probe.irradiance_map = resources.textures.Add("core/pbr/probe.hdr.irradiance", {BGFX_SAMPLER_NONE, BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE});
scene.environment.probe.radiance_map = resources.textures.Add("core/pbr/probe.hdr.radiance", {BGFX_SAMPLER_NONE, BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE});
std::string out_path;
if (GetOutputPath(out_path, config.base_output_path, config.name.empty() ? hg::GetFileName(path) : config.name, {}, "scn", config.import_policy_scene))
SaveSceneJsonToFile(out_path.c_str(), scene, resources);
hg::log(hg::format("Import complete, took %1 ms").arg(hg::time_to_ms(hg::time_now() - t_start)));
return true;
static ImportPolicy ImportPolicyFromString(const std::string &v) {
if (v == "skip")
return ImportPolicy::SkipExisting;
if (v == "overwrite")
return ImportPolicy::Overwrite;
if (v == "rename")
return ImportPolicy::Rename;
if (v == "skip_always")
return ImportPolicy::SkipAlways;
return ImportPolicy::SkipExisting;
static void OutputUsage(const hg::CmdLineFormat &cmd_format) {
std::cout << "Usage: fbx_converter " << hg::word_wrap(hg::FormatCmdLineArgs(cmd_format), 80, 21) << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << hg::FormatCmdLineArgsDescription(cmd_format);
<< std::endl
<< hg::word_wrap(
"This software contains Autodesk(r) FBX(r) code developed by Autodesk, Inc. Copyright 2014 Autodesk, Inc. All rights, reserved. Such code is "
"provided \"as is\" and Autodesk, Inc. disclaims any and all warranties, whether express or implied, including without limitation the implied "
"warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of third party rights. In no event shall Autodesk, Inc. be "
"liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of "
"substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether "
"in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of such code.",
<< std::endl;
static std::mutex log_mutex;
static bool quiet = false;
int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
[](const char *msg, int mask, const char *details, void *user) {
if (quiet && !(mask & hg::LL_Error))
return; // skip masked entries
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(log_mutex);
std::cout << msg << std::endl;
std::cout << hg::format("FBX->GS Converter %1 (%2)").arg(hg::get_version_string()).arg(hg::get_build_sha()).str() << std::endl;
hg::CmdLineFormat cmd_format = {
{"-fix-geometry-orientation", "Bake a 90° rotation on the X axis of exported geometries"},
{"-recalculate-normal", "Recreate the vertex normals of exported geometries"},
{"-recalculate-tangent", "Recreate the vertex tangent frames of exported geometries"},
{"-calculate-normal-if-missing", "Compute missing vertex normals"},
{"-calculate-tangent-if-missing", "Compute missing vertex tangents"},
{"-detect-geometry-instances", "Detect and optimize geometry instances"},
{"-import-animation", "Detect and optimize geometry instances"},
//{"-anim-to-file", "Scene animations will be exported to separate files and not embedded in scene", true}, // not supported for now
{"-quiet", "Quiet log, only log errors"},
{"-out", "Output directory", true},
{"-base-resource-path", "Transform references to assets in this directory to be relative", true},
{"-name", "Specify the output scene name", true},
{"-prefix", "Specify the file system prefix from which relative assets are to be loaded from", true},
{"-all-policy", "All file output policy (skip, overwrite, rename or skip_always) [default=skip]", true},
{"-geometry-policy", "Geometry file output policy (skip, overwrite, rename or skip_always) [default=skip]", true},
{"-material-policy", "Material file output policy (skip, overwrite, rename or skip_always) [default=skip]", true},
{"-texture-policy", "Texture file output policy (skip, overwrite, rename or skip_always) [default=skip]", true},
{"-scene-policy", "Scene file output policy (skip, overwrite, rename or skip_always) [default=skip]", true},
"Animation file output policy (skip, overwrite, rename or skip_always) (note: only applies when saving animations to their own "
"file) [default=skip]",
{"-scale", "Factor used to scale the scene nodes", true},
{"-geometry-scale", "Factor used to scale exported geometries", true},
{"-max-smoothing-angle", "Maximum smoothing angle between two faces when computing vertex normals", true},
{"-frames-per-second", "Frames per second [default=24]", true},
{"-anim-simplify-translation-tolerance", "Tolerance on translation animations [default=0.001]", true},
{"-anim-simplify-rotation-tolerance", "Tolerance on rotation animations[default=0.1]", true},
{"-anim-simplify-scale-tolerance", "Tolerance on scale animations[default=0.001]", true},
{"-anim-simplify-color-tolerance", "Tolerance on color animations[default=0.001]", true},
{"-finalizer-script", "Path to the Lua finalizer script", true},
{"-profile", "Material conversion profile (default or pbr_default or pbr_physical) [default=default]", true},
{"-shader", "Material pipeline shader [default=core/shader/<profile>.hps]", true},
{"input", "Input FBX file to convert"},
{"-o", "-out"},
{"-h", "-help"},
{"-q", "-quiet"},
{"-p", "-profile"},
{"-s", "-shader"},
hg::CmdLineContent cmd_content;
if (!hg::ParseCmdLine({argv + 1, argv + argc}, cmd_format, cmd_content)) {
return -1;
Config config;
config.base_output_path = hg::CleanPath(hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-out", "./"));
config.prj_path = hg::CleanPath(hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-base-resource-path", ""));
config.name = hg::CleanPath(hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-name", ""));
config.prefix = hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-prefix", "");
config.import_policy_anim = config.import_policy_geometry = config.import_policy_material = config.import_policy_scene = config.import_policy_texture =
ImportPolicyFromString(hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-all-policy", "skip"));
config.import_policy_geometry = ImportPolicyFromString(hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-geometry-policy", "skip"));
config.import_policy_material = ImportPolicyFromString(hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-material-policy", "skip"));
config.import_policy_texture = ImportPolicyFromString(hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-texture-policy", "skip"));
config.import_policy_scene = ImportPolicyFromString(hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-scene-policy", "skip"));
config.import_policy_anim = ImportPolicyFromString(hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-anim-policy", "skip"));
config.scale = hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-scale", 1.f);
config.geometry_scale = hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-geometry-scale", 1.f);
config.fix_geo_orientation = hg::GetCmdLineFlagValue(cmd_content, "-fix-geometry-orientation");
config.recalculate_normal = hg::GetCmdLineFlagValue(cmd_content, "-recalculate-normal");
config.recalculate_tangent = hg::GetCmdLineFlagValue(cmd_content, "-recalculate-tangent");
config.calculate_normal_if_missing = hg::GetCmdLineFlagValue(cmd_content, "-calculate-normal-if-missing");
config.calculate_tangent_if_missing = hg::GetCmdLineFlagValue(cmd_content, "-calculate-tangent-if-missing");
config.max_smoothing_angle = hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-max-smoothing-angle", config.max_smoothing_angle);
config.calculate_tangent_if_missing = hg::GetCmdLineFlagValue(cmd_content, "-calculate-tangent-if-missing");
config.detect_geometry_instances = hg::GetCmdLineFlagValue(cmd_content, "-detect-geometry-instances");
config.finalizer_script = hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-finalizer-script", "");
config.profile = hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-profile", "default");
config.shader = hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-shader", "");
config.import_animation = hg::GetCmdLineFlagValue(cmd_content, "-import-animation");
config.anim_to_file = hg::GetCmdLineFlagValue(cmd_content, "-anim-to-file");
config.frames_per_second = hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-frames-per-second", config.frames_per_second);
config.anim_simplify_translation_tolerance =
hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-anim-simplify-translation-tolerance", config.anim_simplify_translation_tolerance);
config.anim_simplify_rotation_tolerance =
hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-anim-simplify-rotation-tolerance", config.anim_simplify_rotation_tolerance);
config.anim_simplify_scale_tolerance = hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-anim-simplify-scale-tolerance", config.anim_simplify_scale_tolerance);
config.anim_simplify_color_tolerance = hg::GetCmdLineSingleValue(cmd_content, "-anim-simplify-color-tolerance", config.anim_simplify_color_tolerance);
quiet = hg::GetCmdLineFlagValue(cmd_content, "-quiet");
if (cmd_content.positionals.size() != 1) {
std::cout << "No input file" << std::endl;
return -2;
const auto res = ImportFbxScene(cmd_content.positionals[0], config);
const auto msg = std::string("[ImportScene") + std::string(res ? ": OK]" : ": KO]");
return res ? 0 : 1;