2021-10-13 14:40:31 +02:00

274 lines
7.9 KiB

// HARFANG(R) Copyright (C) 2021 Emmanuel Julien, NWNC HARFANG. Released under GPL/LGPL/Commercial Licence, see licence.txt for details.
#pragma once
#include "foundation/cext.h"
#include "foundation/color.h"
#include "foundation/math.h"
#include "foundation/quaternion.h"
#include "foundation/rw_interface.h"
#include "foundation/time.h"
#include "foundation/vector2.h"
#include "foundation/vector3.h"
#include "foundation/vector4.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <json/json_fwd.hpp>
namespace hg {
enum AnimLoopMode : uint8_t { ALM_Once, ALM_Infinite, ALM_Loop };
template <typename T> struct AnimKeyT {
time_ns t;
T v;
template <typename T> struct AnimTrackT {
std::string target;
std::deque<AnimKeyT<T>> keys;
template <typename T> struct AnimKeyHermiteT {
time_ns t;
T v;
float tension{0}, bias{0};
template <typename T> struct AnimTrackHermiteT {
std::string target;
std::deque<AnimKeyHermiteT<T>> keys;
// AnimTrackT is expected to be sorted
template <typename AnimTrack> int GetKey(const AnimTrack &track, time_ns t) {
const auto key_count = track.keys.size();
if (key_count == 0)
return -1;
int lo = 0, hi = hg::numeric_cast<int>(key_count) - 1;
while (true) {
const int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (track.keys[mid].t == t)
return mid; // match
if (mid == lo) { // won't converge any further
if (track.keys[hi].t == t)
return hi; // match
if (t < track.keys[mid].t)
hi = mid;
lo = mid;
return -1;
template <typename AnimTrack, typename T> void SetKey(AnimTrack &track, time_ns t, T v) {
const int idx = GetKey(track, t);
if (idx != -1) {
track.keys[idx].v = std::move(v);
} else {
auto i = std::begin(track.keys), e = std::end(track.keys);
for (; i != e; ++i)
if (i->t > t)
track.keys.insert(i, {t, std::move(v)});
template <typename AnimTrack, typename T> bool GetIntervalKeys(const AnimTrack &track, time_ns t, int &kf0, int &kf1) {
const auto key_count = numeric_cast<int>(track.keys.size());
int i = 0;
for (; i < key_count; ++i)
if (track.keys[i].t > t)
if (i == 0) {
kf0 = 0;
return false;
} else if (i == key_count) {
kf0 = i - 1;
return false;
kf0 = i - 1;
kf1 = i;
return true;
template <typename AnimTrack, typename T> bool EvaluateStep(const AnimTrack &track, time_ns t, T &v) {
if (track.keys.empty())
return false;
int kf0, kf1;
GetIntervalKeys<AnimTrack, T>(track, t, kf0, kf1);
v = track.keys[kf0].v;
return true;
template <typename AnimTrack, typename T> bool EvaluateLinear(const AnimTrack &track, time_ns t, T &v) {
if (track.keys.empty())
return false;
int kf0, kf1;
if (GetIntervalKeys<AnimTrack, T>(track, t, kf0, kf1)) {
const auto k = time_to_sec_f(t - track.keys[kf0].t) / time_to_sec_f(track.keys[kf1].t - track.keys[kf0].t);
v = LinearInterpolate(track.keys[kf0].v, track.keys[kf1].v, k);
} else {
v = track.keys[kf0].v;
return true;
template <typename T> bool EvaluateHermite(const AnimTrackHermiteT<T> &track, time_ns t, T &v) {
if (track.keys.empty())
return false;
int kf1, kf2;
if (GetIntervalKeys<AnimTrackHermiteT<T>, T>(track, t, kf1, kf2)) {
const auto u = time_to_sec_f(t - track.keys[kf1].t) / time_to_sec_f(track.keys[kf2].t - track.keys[kf1].t);
const int kf0 = Max<int>(kf1 - 1, 0), kf3 = Min<int>(kf2 + 1, numeric_cast<int>(track.keys.size()) - 1);
v = HermiteInterpolate(track.keys[kf0].v, track.keys[kf1].v, track.keys[kf2].v, track.keys[kf3].v, u, track.keys[kf1].tension, track.keys[kf1].bias);
} else {
v = track.keys[kf1].v;
return true;
template <typename Track> void SortAnimTrackKeys(Track &track) {
std::sort(std::begin(track.keys), std::end(track.keys), [](decltype(*std::cbegin(track.keys)) &a, decltype(a) &b) { return a.t < b.t; });
template <typename Track> void ConformAnimTrackKeys(Track &track) {}
void ConformAnimTrackKeys(AnimTrackT<Quaternion> &track);
template <typename T> bool Evaluate(const AnimTrackT<T> &track, time_ns t, T &v) { return EvaluateLinear<AnimTrackT<T>, T>(track, t, v); }
template <typename T> bool Evaluate(const AnimTrackHermiteT<T> &track, time_ns t, T &v) { return EvaluateHermite<T>(track, t, v); }
template <> bool Evaluate(const AnimTrackT<bool> &track, time_ns t, bool &v);
template <> bool Evaluate(const AnimTrackT<std::string> &track, time_ns t, std::string &v);
struct InstanceAnimKey {
std::string anim_name;
AnimLoopMode loop_mode{ALM_Once};
float t_scale{1.f};
template <> bool Evaluate(const AnimTrackT<InstanceAnimKey> &track, time_ns t, InstanceAnimKey &v);
static const uint8_t AF_UseQuaternionForRotation = 0x01;
// non-serialized flags
static const uint8_t AF_Instantiated = 0x10;
struct Anim {
std::vector<AnimTrackT<bool>> bool_tracks;
std::vector<AnimTrackT<int>> int_tracks;
std::vector<AnimTrackHermiteT<float>> float_tracks;
std::vector<AnimTrackHermiteT<Vec2>> vec2_tracks;
std::vector<AnimTrackHermiteT<Vec3>> vec3_tracks;
std::vector<AnimTrackHermiteT<Vec4>> vec4_tracks;
std::vector<AnimTrackT<Quaternion>> quat_tracks;
std::vector<AnimTrackHermiteT<Color>> color_tracks;
std::vector<AnimTrackT<std::string>> string_tracks;
AnimTrackT<InstanceAnimKey> instance_anim_track;
time_ns t_start, t_end;
uint8_t flags{};
void SaveAnimToJson(nlohmann::json &js, const Anim &anim);
void LoadAnimFromJson(const nlohmann::json &js, Anim &anim);
void SaveAnimToBinary(const Writer &iw, const Handle &h, const Anim &anim);
void LoadAnimFromBinary(const Reader &ir, const Handle &h, Anim &anim);
template <typename Track> void ResampleAnimTrack(Track &track, time_ns old_start, time_ns new_start, time_ns scale, time_ns frame_duration) {
// resample/quantize
for (auto &key : track.keys) {
key.t = ((key.t - old_start) * scale) / 1000000 + new_start;
key.t = time_ns((key.t + frame_duration / 2) / frame_duration) * frame_duration;
// remove duplicate timecode
for (auto i = std::begin(track.keys); i < std::end(track.keys);) {
if ((i != std::begin(track.keys)) && (i->t == (i - 1)->t))
i = track.keys.erase(i);
void ResampleAnim(Anim &anim, time_ns old_start, time_ns old_end, time_ns new_start, time_ns new_end, time_ns frame_duration);
void ReverseAnim(Anim &anim, time_ns t_start, time_ns t_end);
static bool CompareKeyValue(const Vec3 &v_a, const Vec3 &v_b, float epsilon) { return Len(v_a - v_b) <= epsilon; }
static bool CompareKeyValue(const Quaternion &v_a, const Quaternion &v_b, float epsilon) { return Abs(ACos(Dot(v_a, v_b))) <= epsilon * 0.5f; }
static bool CompareKeyValue(const Color &v_a, const Color &v_b, float epsilon) {
return Max(Abs(v_a.r - v_b.r), Max(Abs(v_a.g - v_b.g), Max(Abs(v_a.b - v_b.b), Abs(v_a.a - v_b.a)))) <= epsilon;
template <typename AnimTrack, typename T> size_t SimplifyAnimTrackT(AnimTrack &track, float epsilon) {
AnimTrack track_ref = track;
// copy keys that can't be interpolated from the others
int last_copied = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < track_ref.keys.size(); i++) {
if (i == 0 || i == track_ref.keys.size() - 1) {
last_copied = i;
} else {
const auto &prev = track_ref.keys[last_copied];
const auto &next = track_ref.keys[i + 1];
for (int j = last_copied + 1; j <= i; j++) {
const auto &src_key = track_ref.keys[j];
T interpolated;
hg::Evaluate(track, src_key.t, interpolated);
if (!CompareKeyValue(interpolated, src_key.v, epsilon)) {
last_copied = i;
// erase last key if it's the same as the first and there's just the two of them
if (track.keys.size() == 2 && CompareKeyValue(track.keys[0].v, track.keys[1].v, epsilon))
__ASSERT__(track.keys.size() <= track_ref.keys.size());
return track_ref.keys.size() - track.keys.size();
void MigrateLegacyAnimationTracks(Anim &anim);
} // namespace hg