2021-10-13 14:40:31 +02:00

364 lines
10 KiB

// HARFANG(R) Copyright (C) 2021 Emmanuel Julien, NWNC HARFANG. Released under GPL/LGPL/Commercial Licence, see licence.txt for details.
#include "engine/font.h"
#include "engine/assets.h"
#include "engine/assets_rw_interface.h"
#include "foundation/file_rw_interface.h"
#include "foundation/format.h"
#include "foundation/log.h"
#include "foundation/rect_packer.h"
#include "foundation/vector3.h"
#include <stb_truetype/stb_truetype.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
namespace hg {
static Font LoadFont(const ReadProvider &ip, const Reader &ir, const char *name, float size, uint16_t resolution, int padding, const char *glyphs) {
ScopedReadHandle h(ip, name);
if (!ir.is_valid(h)) {
error(format("Failed to open '%1'").arg(name));
return {};
const auto data = LoadData(ir, h);
if (data.Empty()) {
error(format("Failed to read data from '%1'").arg(name));
return {};
const auto buffer = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(data.GetData());
// extract codepoint
if(!glyphs) {
glyphs = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789,;:!?./\\+-*()'\"&_={} ";
std::vector<utf32_cp> cps;
convert_utf8_to_utf32(glyphs, cps);
// remove duplicates
std::sort(cps.begin(), cps.end());
cps.erase(std::unique(cps.begin(), cps.end()), cps.end());
stbtt_fontinfo info;
stbtt_InitFont(&info, buffer, 0);
const auto scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&info, size);
int ascent;
stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&info, &ascent, 0, 0);
stbtt_pack_context spc;
uint8_t *pixels = nullptr;
Font font;
font.resolution = resolution;
font.ascent = float(ascent) * scale;
font.scale = scale;
auto new_page = [&]() {
__ASSERT__(pixels == nullptr);
pixels = new uint8_t[resolution * resolution];
stbtt_PackBegin(&spc, pixels, resolution, resolution, 0, padding, nullptr);
auto commit_page = [&]() {
__ASSERT__(pixels != nullptr);
const auto *mem = bgfx::makeRef(pixels, resolution * resolution, [](void *ptr, void *) { delete[] reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(ptr); });
font.pages.push_back(bgfx::createTexture2D(resolution, resolution, false, 1, bgfx::TextureFormat::A8, BGFX_SAMPLER_NONE, mem));
pixels = nullptr;
// stbtt_PackSetOversampling(&spc, 2, 2);
for (auto &cp : cps) {
if (!pixels)
stbtt_packedchar pc;
auto &glyph = font.glyphs[cp];
glyph.page = numeric_cast<uint16_t>(font.pages.size());
int ret = stbtt_PackFontRange(&spc, buffer, 0, size, cp, 1, &pc);
glyph.pc = {{pc.x0, pc.y0, pc.x1, pc.y1}, {{pc.xoff, pc.yoff}, {pc.xoff2, pc.yoff2}}, pc.xadvance};
if (!ret)
if (pixels)
// transfer kerning
for (auto i : cps)
for (auto j : cps)
if (auto kerning = stbtt_GetCodepointKernAdvance(&info, i, j) * scale)
font.kerning[i][j] = kerning;
return font;
Font LoadFontFromFile(const char *path, float size, uint16_t resolution, int padding, const char *glyphs) {
return LoadFont(g_file_read_provider, g_file_reader, path, size, resolution, padding, glyphs);
Font LoadFontFromAssets(const char *name, float size, uint16_t resolution, int padding, const char *glyphs) {
return LoadFont(g_assets_read_provider, g_assets_reader, name, size, resolution, padding, glyphs);
float GetKerning(const Font &font, uint32_t cp0, uint32_t cp1) {
const auto i = font.kerning.find(cp0);
if (i == std::end(font.kerning))
return 0.f;
const auto j = i->second.find(cp1);
if (j == std::end(i->second))
return 0.f;
return j->second;
static float ComputeTextWidth(const Font &font, const std::vector<utf32_cp> &cps) {
float width = 0.f;
float line_width = 0.f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cps.size(); ++i) {
const auto cp = cps[i];
if (cp == '\n') {
width = Max(width, line_width);
line_width = 0.f;
const auto j = font.glyphs.find(cp);
if (j != std::end(font.glyphs)) {
line_width += j->second.pc.advance;
return Max(width, line_width);
static void DrawText(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const Font &font, const std::vector<utf32_cp> &cps, bgfx::ProgramHandle program, const char *page_uniform,
uint8_t page_stage, const Mat4 *mtxs, size_t mtx_count, Vec3 pos, const std::vector<UniformSetValue> &values,
const std::vector<UniformSetTexture> &textures, RenderState state, uint32_t depth) {
const float xline = pos.x;
// prepare glyphs per page
bgfx::VertexLayout v_decl;
v_decl.begin().add(bgfx::Attrib::Position, 3, bgfx::AttribType::Float).add(bgfx::Attrib::TexCoord0, 2, bgfx::AttribType::Float).end();
struct Vert {
float pos[3];
float uv[2];
std::vector<std::vector<Vert>> pages_quads(font.pages.size());
for (auto &page_quads : pages_quads)
for (size_t i = 0; i < cps.size(); ++i) {
const auto cp = cps[i];
if (cp == '\n') {
pos.x = xline;
pos.y += font.ascent;
const auto j = font.glyphs.find(cp);
if (j == std::end(font.glyphs))
const auto &glyph = j->second;
stbtt_aligned_quad quad;
stbtt_packedchar pc = {glyph.pc.box.sx, glyph.pc.box.sy, glyph.pc.box.ex, glyph.pc.box.ey, glyph.pc.offsets[0].x, glyph.pc.offsets[0].y,
glyph.pc.advance, glyph.pc.offsets[1].x, glyph.pc.offsets[1].y};
stbtt_GetPackedQuad(&pc, font.resolution, font.resolution, 0, &pos.x, &pos.y, &quad, 1);
if ((i + 1) < cps.size())
pos.x += GetKerning(font, cp, cps[i + 1]);
auto &page_quads = pages_quads[glyph.page];
page_quads.push_back({quad.x0, quad.y0, pos.z, quad.s0, quad.t0});
page_quads.push_back({quad.x0, quad.y1, pos.z, quad.s0, quad.t1});
page_quads.push_back({quad.x1, quad.y1, pos.z, quad.s1, quad.t1});
page_quads.push_back({quad.x1, quad.y0, pos.z, quad.s1, quad.t0});
const auto u_page = bgfx::createUniform(page_uniform, bgfx::UniformType::Sampler);
std::vector<bgfxMatrix4> bgfx_mtx(mtx_count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < mtx_count; ++i)
bgfx_mtx[i] = to_bgfx(mtxs[i]);
const auto i_mtx = bgfx::setTransform(bgfx_mtx.data(), uint16_t(mtx_count));
for (size_t i = 0; i < pages_quads.size(); ++i) {
const auto &page_quads = pages_quads[i];
if (page_quads.empty())
const uint32_t num_vertices = numeric_cast<uint32_t>(page_quads.size());
const uint32_t quad_count = num_vertices / 4;
const uint32_t num_indices = quad_count * 6;
if (num_vertices != bgfx::getAvailTransientVertexBuffer(num_vertices, v_decl) || num_indices != bgfx::getAvailTransientIndexBuffer(num_indices)) {
debug("Out of transient buffer space while rendering font, reduce the amount of text displayed in one call");
bgfx::TransientVertexBuffer tvb;
bgfx::TransientIndexBuffer tib;
bgfx::allocTransientVertexBuffer(&tvb, num_vertices, v_decl);
bgfx::allocTransientIndexBuffer(&tib, num_indices);
auto vtx = reinterpret_cast<Vert *>(tvb.data);
std::copy(std::begin(page_quads), std::end(page_quads), vtx);
auto idx = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(tib.data);
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < num_vertices; j += 4) {
uint16_t k = (uint16_t)j;
*idx++ = k;
*idx++ = k + 1;
*idx++ = k + 2;
*idx++ = k + 2;
*idx++ = k + 3;
*idx++ = k;
bgfx::setTexture(page_stage, u_page, font.pages[i]);
SetUniforms(values, textures);
bgfx::setVertexBuffer(0, &tvb);
bgfx::setState(state.state, state.rgba);
bgfx::submit(view_id, program, depth);
static fRect ComputeTextRect(const Font &font, const std::vector<utf32_cp> &cps, float xpos, float ypos) {
float x = xpos;
fRect rect{};
rect.sx = xpos;
rect.sy = ypos;
rect.ex = xpos;
rect.ey = ypos + font.ascent;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cps.size(); ++i) {
const auto cp = cps[i];
if (cp == '\n') {
x = xpos;
rect.ey += font.ascent;
} else {
const auto j = font.glyphs.find(cp);
if (j != std::end(font.glyphs)) {
x += j->second.pc.advance;
rect.ex = Max(x, rect.ex);
return rect;
void DrawText(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const Font &font, const char *text, bgfx::ProgramHandle program, const char *page_uniform, uint8_t page_stage,
const Mat4 *mtxs, size_t mtx_count, Vec3 pos, DrawTextHAlign halign, DrawTextVAlign valign, const std::vector<UniformSetValue> &values,
const std::vector<UniformSetTexture> &textures, RenderState state, uint32_t depth) {
const auto xline = pos.x;
std::vector<utf32_cp> cps;
fRect box = ComputeTextRect(font, text);
const float width = GetWidth(box);
const float height = GetHeight(box);
if (valign == DTVA_Center)
pos.y -= -height * 0.5f;
else if (valign == DTVA_Bottom)
pos.y -= -height;
else // WVA_Top
while (*text) {
while (true) {
if (*text == '\n') {
break; // EOL
if (*text == '\0')
break; // EOS
utf32_cp cp;
text += utf8_to_utf32((const utf8_cp *)text, cp);
if (halign != DTHA_Left) {
float line_width = ComputeTextWidth(font, cps);
if (halign == DTHA_Center) {
pos.x = xline - line_width / 2.f;
} else { // WHA_Right
pos.x = xline - line_width;
} else {
pos.x = xline;
if (!cps.empty()) {
DrawText(view_id, font, cps, program, page_uniform, page_stage, mtxs, mtx_count, pos, values, textures, state, depth);
pos.y += font.ascent;
void DrawText(bgfx::ViewId view_id, const Font &font, const char *text, bgfx::ProgramHandle program, const char *page_uniform, uint8_t page_stage, const Mat4 &mtx,
Vec3 pos, DrawTextHAlign halign, DrawTextVAlign valign, const std::vector<UniformSetValue> &values, const std::vector<UniformSetTexture> &textures,
RenderState state, uint32_t depth) {
DrawText(view_id, font, text, program, page_uniform, page_stage, &mtx, 1, pos, halign, valign, values, textures, state, depth);
fRect ComputeTextRect(const Font &font, const char *text, float xpos, float ypos) {
std::vector<utf32_cp> cps;
convert_utf8_to_utf32(text, cps);
return ComputeTextRect(font, cps, xpos, ypos);
float ComputeTextHeight(const Font &font, const char *text) {
float line_count = 1.f;
while (*text)
if (*text++ == '\n')
line_count += 1.f;
return line_count * font.ascent;
} // namespace hg