2021-10-13 14:40:31 +02:00

724 lines
20 KiB

// HARFANG(R) Copyright (C) 2021 Emmanuel Julien, NWNC HARFANG. Released under GPL/LGPL/Commercial Licence, see licence.txt for details.
#include "engine/geometry.h"
#include "engine/file_format.h"
#include "engine/mikktspace.h"
#include "foundation/file.h"
#include "foundation/file_rw_interface.h"
#include "foundation/format.h"
#include "foundation/log.h"
#include "foundation/math.h"
#include "foundation/pack_float.h"
#include "foundation/time.h"
#include <bgfx/bgfx.h>
#include <numeric>
namespace hg {
uint8_t GetModelBinaryFormatVersion() { return 2; }
size_t ComputeBindingCount(const Geometry &geo) {
return std::accumulate(std::begin(geo.pol), std::end(geo.pol), 0, [](int v, const Geometry::Polygon &pol) { return v + pol.vtx_count; });
size_t ComputeTriangleCount(const Geometry &geo) {
return std::accumulate(
std::begin(geo.pol), std::end(geo.pol), 0, [](int v, const Geometry::Polygon &pol) { return v + (pol.vtx_count > 2 ? pol.vtx_count - 2 : 0); });
std::vector<uint32_t> ComputePolygonIndex(const Geometry &geo) {
std::vector<uint32_t> out;
uint32_t idx = 0;
for (auto &pol : geo.pol) {
idx += pol.vtx_count;
return out;
std::vector<VertexToPolygon> ComputeVertexToPolygon(const Geometry &geo) {
std::vector<VertexToPolygon> vtx_to_pol(geo.vtx.size());
size_t tt = 0;
for (auto &p : geo.pol) {
for (auto j = 0; j < p.vtx_count; ++j)
++vtx_to_pol[geo.binding[tt + j]].pol_count;
tt += p.vtx_count;
for (auto j = 0; j < geo.vtx.size(); ++j) {
vtx_to_pol[j].pol_count = 0;
tt = 0;
for (auto i = 0; i < geo.pol.size(); ++i) {
for (auto j = 0; j < geo.pol[i].vtx_count; ++j) {
const auto v = geo.binding[tt + j];
vtx_to_pol[v].pol_index[vtx_to_pol[v].pol_count] = numeric_cast<uint32_t>(i);
vtx_to_pol[v].vtx_index[vtx_to_pol[v].pol_count] = j;
tt += geo.pol[i].vtx_count;
return vtx_to_pol;
std::vector<VertexToVertex> ComputeVertexToVertex(const Geometry &geo, const std::vector<VertexToPolygon> &vtx_to_pol) {
std::vector<VertexToVertex> vtx_to_vtx(geo.vtx.size());
static const int __VertexToVertexTempListSize = 1024;
std::array<VertexToVertex::PolygonVertex, __VertexToVertexTempListSize> tmp_vtx_to_vtx;
for (auto pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass)
for (auto v = 0; v < geo.vtx.size(); ++v) {
vtx_to_vtx[v].vtx_count = 0;
size_t vtx_vtx_count = 0, tt = 0;
for (auto p = 0; p < vtx_to_pol[v].pol_count; ++p) {
const uint32_t pol_index = vtx_to_pol[v].pol_index[p];
const auto &pol = geo.pol[pol_index];
int ci = 0;
for (; ci < pol.vtx_count; ++ci)
if (geo.binding[tt + ci] == v)
for (auto _c = ci - 1; _c <= ci + 1; _c += 2) {
int vtx_index = _c;
if (vtx_index < 0)
vtx_index += pol.vtx_count;
if (vtx_index >= pol.vtx_count)
vtx_index -= pol.vtx_count;
// invalidate already registered candidate
bool insert = true;
for (auto nl = 0; nl < vtx_vtx_count; ++nl)
if (tmp_vtx_to_vtx[nl].pol_index == pol_index && tmp_vtx_to_vtx[nl].vtx_index == uint32_t(vtx_index)) {
insert = false;
if (insert) {
if (vtx_vtx_count == __VertexToVertexTempListSize) {
error("Temporary list exceeded, vertex to vertex LUT corrupted");
vtx_vtx_count = __VertexToVertexTempListSize - 1;
tmp_vtx_to_vtx[vtx_vtx_count].pol_index = pol_index;
tmp_vtx_to_vtx[vtx_vtx_count].vtx_index = vtx_index;
if (pass == 1) {
vtx_to_vtx[v].vtx[vtx_vtx_count].pol_index = pol_index;
vtx_to_vtx[v].vtx[vtx_vtx_count].vtx_index = vtx_index;
tt += pol.vtx_count;
// allocate vertex container for this vertex
if (pass == 0)
return vtx_to_vtx;
std::vector<Vec3> ComputePolygonNormal(const Geometry &geo) {
std::vector<Vec3> out(geo.pol.size());
size_t tt = 0;
for (auto c = 0; c < geo.pol.size(); ++c) {
const auto &pol = geo.pol[c];
if (pol.vtx_count > 2) {
const auto va = geo.vtx[geo.binding[tt + 2]] - geo.vtx[geo.binding[tt + 0]], vb = geo.vtx[geo.binding[tt + 1]] - geo.vtx[geo.binding[tt + 0]];
out[c] = Normalize(Cross(vb, va));
} else {
out[c] = {0, 0, 0};
tt += pol.vtx_count;
return out;
std::vector<Vec3> ComputeVertexNormal(const Geometry &geo, const std::vector<VertexToPolygon> &vtx_to_pol, float msa) {
const auto pol_normal = ComputePolygonNormal(geo);
std::vector<Vec3> out(geo.binding.size());
msa = Cos(msa);
size_t tt = 0;
for (auto cp = 0, ttp = 0; cp < geo.pol.size(); ++cp) {
const auto &pol = geo.pol[cp];
for (auto cv = 0; cv < pol.vtx_count; ++cv) {
const auto gv = geo.binding[tt + cv];
auto normal = pol_normal[cp];
for (auto cg = 0; cg < vtx_to_pol[gv].pol_count; ++cg) {
const auto cc = vtx_to_pol[gv].pol_index[cg];
if (cc != cp)
if (Dot(pol_normal[cp], pol_normal[cc]) >= msa)
normal += pol_normal[cc];
out[ttp++] = Normalize(normal);
tt += pol.vtx_count;
return out;
struct SMikkTSpaceContextData {
const hg::Geometry &geo;
const std::vector<Vec3> &nrm;
std::vector<uint32_t> pol_idx;
std::vector<Geometry::TangentFrame> &out;
uint32_t uv_index{0};
static int MikkT_getNumFace(const SMikkTSpaceContext *pContext) {
const auto data = reinterpret_cast<SMikkTSpaceContextData *>(pContext->m_pUserData);
return int(data->geo.pol.size());
static int MikkT_getNumVerticesOfFace(const SMikkTSpaceContext *pContext, const int iFace) {
const auto data = reinterpret_cast<SMikkTSpaceContextData *>(pContext->m_pUserData);
return data->geo.pol[iFace].vtx_count;
static void MikkT_getPosition(const SMikkTSpaceContext *pContext, float fvPosOut[], const int iFace, const int iVert) {
const auto data = reinterpret_cast<SMikkTSpaceContextData *>(pContext->m_pUserData);
const auto &T = data->geo.vtx[data->geo.binding[data->pol_idx[iFace] + iVert]];
fvPosOut[0] = T.x;
fvPosOut[1] = T.y;
fvPosOut[2] = T.z;
static void MikkT_getNormal(const SMikkTSpaceContext *pContext, float fvNormOut[], const int iFace, const int iVert) {
const auto data = reinterpret_cast<SMikkTSpaceContextData *>(pContext->m_pUserData);
const auto &N = data->nrm[data->pol_idx[iFace] + iVert];
fvNormOut[0] = N.x;
fvNormOut[1] = N.y;
fvNormOut[2] = N.z;
static void MikkT_getTexCoord(const SMikkTSpaceContext *pContext, float fvTexcOut[], const int iFace, const int iVert) {
const auto data = reinterpret_cast<SMikkTSpaceContextData *>(pContext->m_pUserData);
if (data->uv_index < data->geo.uv.size()) {
const auto &UV = data->geo.uv[data->uv_index][data->pol_idx[iFace] + iVert];
fvTexcOut[0] = UV.x;
fvTexcOut[1] = UV.y;
} else {
fvTexcOut[0] = 0.f;
fvTexcOut[1] = 0.f;
static void MikkT_setTSpaceBasic(const SMikkTSpaceContext *pContext, const float fvTangent[], const float fSign, const int iFace, const int iVert) {
const auto data = reinterpret_cast<SMikkTSpaceContextData *>(pContext->m_pUserData);
const auto i = data->pol_idx[iFace] + iVert;
auto &F = data->out[i];
F.T.x = fvTangent[0];
F.T.y = fvTangent[1];
F.T.z = fvTangent[2];
F.B = Cross(data->nrm[i], F.T) * fSign;
std::vector<Geometry::TangentFrame> ComputeVertexTangent(const Geometry &geo, const std::vector<Vec3> &vtx_normal, uint32_t uv_index, float msa) {
std::vector<Geometry::TangentFrame> out(geo.binding.size());
SMikkTSpaceInterface itf = {
MikkT_getNumFace, MikkT_getNumVerticesOfFace, MikkT_getPosition, MikkT_getNormal, MikkT_getTexCoord, MikkT_setTSpaceBasic, nullptr};
SMikkTSpaceContextData data = {geo, vtx_normal, ComputePolygonIndex(geo), out, uv_index};
SMikkTSpaceContext ctx = {&itf, &data};
genTangSpace(&ctx, RadianToDegree(msa));
return out;
void ReverseTangentFrame(Geometry &geo, bool T, bool B) {
if (T)
for (auto &v : geo.tangent)
v.T = Reverse(v.T);
if (B)
for (auto &v : geo.tangent)
v.B = Reverse(v.B);
void SmoothVertexColor(Geometry &geo, const std::vector<uint32_t> &pol_index, const std::vector<VertexToVertex> &vtx_to_vtx) {
std::vector<Color> out(geo.color.size());
size_t tt = 0;
for (auto np = 0; np < geo.pol.size(); ++np) {
const auto &pol = geo.pol[np];
for (auto nv = 0; nv < pol.vtx_count; ++nv) {
const size_t imv = geo.binding[tt + nv], iv = tt + nv;
out[iv] = geo.color[iv] * 4.f;
float nrgb = 4.f;
for (auto nvv = 0; nvv < vtx_to_vtx[imv].vtx_count; ++nvv)
if (geo.pol[vtx_to_vtx[imv].vtx[nvv].pol_index].material == geo.pol[np].material) {
out[iv] += geo.color[pol_index[vtx_to_vtx[imv].vtx[nvv].pol_index] + vtx_to_vtx[imv].vtx[nvv].vtx_index];
nrgb += 1.f;
out[iv] /= float(nrgb);
tt += pol.vtx_count;
geo.color = std::move(out);
bool Validate(const Geometry &geo) {
const size_t binding_count = ComputeBindingCount(geo);
int error_count = 0;
const auto validation_error = [&](const char *msg) {
if (++error_count == 32) {
error("Too many errors in geometry, aborting validation");
return false;
return true;
if (geo.binding.size() != binding_count)
if (!validation_error("Invalid polygon vertex index count"))
return false;
if (!geo.color.empty() && (geo.color.size() != binding_count))
if (!validation_error("Invalid vertex color count"))
return false;
if (!geo.normal.empty() && (geo.normal.size() != binding_count))
if (!validation_error("Invalid vertex normal count"))
return false;
if (!geo.tangent.empty() && (geo.tangent.size() != binding_count))
if (!validation_error("Invalid tangent frame count"))
return false;
for (auto &uv : geo.uv)
if (!uv.empty() && (uv.size() != binding_count))
if (!validation_error("Invalid UV count"))
return false;
for (auto &vtx_idx : geo.binding)
if (vtx_idx >= geo.vtx.size())
if (!validation_error("Invalid reference to non-existing vertex"))
return false;
const auto bone_count = geo.bind_pose.size();
for (const auto &s : geo.skin)
for (auto i : s.index)
if (i >= bone_count)
if (!validation_error("Invalid reference to non-existing bone"))
return false;
return error_count == 0;
template <typename T> bool ReadStdVector(const Reader &ir, const Handle &h, std::vector<T> &v) {
const auto size = Read<uint32_t>(ir, h);
return ir.read(h, v.data(), size * sizeof(T)) == size * sizeof(T);
Geometry LoadGeometry(const Reader &ir, const Handle &h, const char *name) {
Geometry geo;
if (!ir.is_valid(h)) {
error(format("Cannot load model '%1', invalid file handle").arg(name));
return geo;
if (Read<uint32_t>(ir, h) != HarfangMagic) {
error(format("Cannot load model '%1', invalid magic marker").arg(name));
return geo;
if (Read<uint8_t>(ir, h) != ModelMarker) {
error(format("Cannot load model '%1', invalid model marker").arg(name));
return geo;
version 0: initial
version 1: add skin weights & bind pose
version 2: added arbitrary number of bones
const auto version = Read<uint32_t>(ir, h);
if (version > 2) {
error(format("Cannot load model '%1', unsupported version").arg(name));
return geo;
ReadStdVector(ir, h, geo.vtx);
ReadStdVector(ir, h, geo.pol);
ReadStdVector(ir, h, geo.binding);
ReadStdVector(ir, h, geo.normal);
ReadStdVector(ir, h, geo.color);
ReadStdVector(ir, h, geo.tangent);
for (auto &uv : geo.uv)
ReadStdVector(ir, h, uv);
if (version > 0) {
if (version == 1) {
// backward compat
struct Skin_v1 { // 8B
uint8_t index[4];
uint8_t weight[4];
std::vector<Skin_v1> skin1;
ReadStdVector(ir, h, skin1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < skin1.size(); i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
geo.skin[i].index[j] = skin1[i].index[j];
geo.skin[i].weight[j] = skin1[i].weight[j];
} else {
ReadStdVector(ir, h, geo.skin);
ReadStdVector(ir, h, geo.bind_pose);
return geo;
Geometry LoadGeometryFromFile(const char *path) { return LoadGeometry(g_file_reader, ScopedReadHandle(g_file_read_provider, path), path); }
template <typename T> void WriteStdVector(const Writer &iw, const Handle &h, const std::vector<T> &v) {
Write(iw, h, uint32_t(v.size()));
iw.write(h, v.data(), v.size() * sizeof(T));
bool SaveGeometry(const Writer &iw, const Handle &h, const Geometry &geo) {
if (!iw.is_valid(h))
return false;
Write(iw, h, HarfangMagic);
Write(iw, h, ModelMarker);
version 0: initial
version 1: add skin weights & bind pose
version 2: added arbitrary number of bones
Write<uint32_t>(iw, h, 2); // version
WriteStdVector(iw, h, geo.vtx);
WriteStdVector(iw, h, geo.pol);
WriteStdVector(iw, h, geo.binding);
WriteStdVector(iw, h, geo.normal);
WriteStdVector(iw, h, geo.color);
WriteStdVector(iw, h, geo.tangent);
for (auto &uv : geo.uv)
WriteStdVector(iw, h, uv);
WriteStdVector(iw, h, geo.skin);
WriteStdVector(iw, h, geo.bind_pose);
return true;
bool SaveGeometryToFile(const char *path, const Geometry &geo) { return SaveGeometry(g_file_writer, ScopedWriteHandle(g_file_write_provider, path), geo); }
static Vertex PreparePolygonVertex(const Geometry &geo, size_t i_bind, size_t i_vtp, const std::map<uint16_t, uint16_t>& bone_map) {
Vertex vtx = {};
const auto i_vtx = geo.binding[i_bind + i_vtp];
vtx.pos = geo.vtx[i_vtx];
if (!geo.normal.empty())
vtx.normal = geo.normal[i_bind + i_vtp];
if (!geo.tangent.empty()) {
vtx.tangent = geo.tangent[i_bind + i_vtp].T;
vtx.binormal = geo.tangent[i_bind + i_vtp].B;
if (!geo.color.empty())
vtx.color0 = geo.color[i_bind + i_vtp];
for (auto i = 0; i < geo.uv.size(); ++i)
if (!geo.uv[i].empty())
*(&vtx.uv0 + i) = geo.uv[i][i_bind + i_vtp];
if (!geo.skin.empty())
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
auto bone_idx = geo.skin[i_vtx].index[i];
auto bone_map_it = bone_map.find(bone_idx);
__ASSERT__(bone_map_it != bone_map.end());
vtx.index[i] = hg::numeric_cast<uint8_t>(bone_map_it->second);
vtx.weight[i] = unpack_float(geo.skin[i_vtx].weight[i]);
return vtx;
static bgfx::VertexLayout GetGeometryVertexDeclaration(const hg::Geometry &geo) {
bgfx::VertexLayout vs_decl;
vs_decl.add(bgfx::Attrib::Position, 3, bgfx::AttribType::Float);
if (!geo.normal.empty())
vs_decl.add(bgfx::Attrib::Normal, 3, bgfx::AttribType::Uint8, true, true);
if (!geo.tangent.empty()) {
vs_decl.add(bgfx::Attrib::Tangent, 3, bgfx::AttribType::Uint8, true, true);
vs_decl.add(bgfx::Attrib::Bitangent, 3, bgfx::AttribType::Uint8, true, true);
if (!geo.color.empty())
vs_decl.add(bgfx::Attrib::Color0, 3, bgfx::AttribType::Uint8, true);
for (auto i = 0; i < geo.uv.size(); ++i)
if (!geo.uv[i].empty())
vs_decl.add(bgfx::Attrib::Enum(bgfx::Attrib::TexCoord0 + i), 2, bgfx::AttribType::Float);
if (!geo.skin.empty()) {
vs_decl.add(bgfx::Attrib::Indices, 4, bgfx::AttribType::Uint8, true, false);
vs_decl.add(bgfx::Attrib::Weight, 4, bgfx::AttribType::Uint8, true, false);
return vs_decl;
uint8_t GetMaterialCount(const Geometry &geo) {
uint8_t count = 0;
for (auto &p : geo.pol)
if (p.material >= count)
count = p.material + 1;
return count;
static void GeometryToModelBuilder(const Geometry &geo, ModelBuilder &builder) {
const time_ns t = time_now();
const uint8_t mat_count = GetMaterialCount(geo);
for (auto i_mat = 0; i_mat < mat_count; ++i_mat) {
size_t i_bind = 0;
std::map<uint16_t, uint16_t> bone_map;
std::vector<uint16_t> bone_indices_to_add;
for (auto &pol : geo.pol) {
if (pol.material == i_mat) {
if (builder.GetCurrentListIndexCount() + (pol.vtx_count - 2) * 3 > 65535) {
bool bone_map_ready = false;
if (!geo.skin.empty()) {
while (!bone_map_ready) {
// if the bones on this polygon don't fit our max bones,
// we'll clear this flag and start again with a new list
bone_map_ready = true;
for (auto i_vtp = 0; i_vtp < pol.vtx_count; ++i_vtp) {
// make sure our bone_map contains those bones
// the bone limit has to be < 255 as long as we have a uint8_t vtx format for bone indices
hg::max_skinned_model_matrix_count <= std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max() + 1, "max_skinned_model_matrix_count <= 256");
const auto i_vtx = geo.binding[i_bind + i_vtp];
bool need_new_list = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
auto bone_idx = geo.skin[i_vtx].index[i];
if (bone_map.find(bone_idx) == bone_map.end()) {
auto redir_idx = uint16_t(bone_map.size());
if (redir_idx < hg::max_skinned_model_matrix_count) {
bone_map[bone_idx] = redir_idx;
} else {
need_new_list = true;
if (need_new_list) {
// too many bones, start a new list
bone_map_ready = false;
for (auto bone_idx : bone_indices_to_add)
for (auto i_vtp = 1; i_vtp < pol.vtx_count - 1; ++i_vtp) {
const auto a = builder.AddVertex(PreparePolygonVertex(geo, i_bind, 0, bone_map));
const auto b = builder.AddVertex(PreparePolygonVertex(geo, i_bind, i_vtp + 1, bone_map));
const auto c = builder.AddVertex(PreparePolygonVertex(geo, i_bind, i_vtp, bone_map));
builder.AddTriangle(a, b, c);
i_bind += pol.vtx_count;
log(format("Geometry to model builder took %1 ms").arg(time_to_ms(time_now() - t)));
Model GeometryToModel(const hg::Geometry &geo, ModelOptimisationLevel optimisation_level) {
ModelBuilder builder;
GeometryToModelBuilder(geo, builder);
const auto vs_decl = GetGeometryVertexDeclaration(geo);
Model model = builder.MakeModel(vs_decl, optimisation_level);
model.bind_pose = geo.bind_pose; // copy bind pose over to model
return model;
bool SaveGeometryModelToFile(const char *path, const hg::Geometry &geo, ModelOptimisationLevel optimisation_level) {
ScopedFile file(OpenWrite(path));
if (!file)
return false;
Write(file, HarfangMagic);
Write(file, ModelMarker);
version 0: initial
version 1: add bind poses
version 2: add indices size
const auto version = GetModelBinaryFormatVersion();
Write<uint8_t>(file, version); // version
const auto decl = GetGeometryVertexDeclaration(geo);
Write(file, decl); // write vertex declaration
ModelBuilder builder;
GeometryToModelBuilder(geo, builder);
auto on_end_list = [](const bgfx::VertexLayout &,
const MinMax &minmax, const std::vector<uint32_t> &idx32, const std::vector<uint8_t> &vtx,
const std::vector<uint16_t> &bones_table, uint16_t mat, void *userdata) {
const auto &file = *reinterpret_cast<File *>(userdata);
uint8_t idx_type_size = 2;
for (auto idx : idx32)
if (idx > 65535) {
idx_type_size = 4;
Write<uint8_t>(file, idx_type_size); // version 2: indices size in bytes
size_t idx_size;
if (idx_type_size == 4) {
idx_size = idx32.size() * sizeof(uint32_t);
Write(file, uint32_t(idx_size));
Write(file, idx32.data(), idx_size); // 32 bit index buffer
} else {
std::vector<uint16_t> idx16(idx32.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < idx32.size(); ++i)
idx16[i] = idx32[i];
idx_size = idx16.size() * sizeof(uint16_t);
Write(file, uint32_t(idx_size));
Write(file, idx16.data(), idx_size); // 16 bit index buffer
const size_t vtx_size = vtx.size();
Write(file, uint32_t(vtx_size));
Write(file, vtx.data(), vtx_size); // vertex buffer
Write(file, uint32_t(bones_table.size()));
Write(file, bones_table.data(), bones_table.size() * sizeof(bones_table[0])); // bones table
Write(file, minmax);
Write(file, mat);
hg::log(hg::format("Index size: %1, vertex size: %2").arg(idx_size).arg(vtx_size));
builder.Make(decl, on_end_list, &file.f, optimisation_level);
Write<uint8_t>(file, 0); // EOLists
Write(file, numeric_cast<uint32_t>(geo.bind_pose.size())); // version 1: add bind poses
for (auto &mtx : geo.bind_pose)
Write(file, mtx);
return true;
} // namespace hg