2021-10-13 14:40:31 +02:00

379 lines
9.7 KiB

// HARFANG(R) Copyright (C) 2021 Emmanuel Julien, NWNC HARFANG. Released under GPL/LGPL/Commercial Licence, see licence.txt for details.
#include "fabgen.h"
#include "foundation/file_rw_interface.h"
#include "foundation/format.h"
#include "foundation/log.h"
#include "engine/assets_rw_interface.h"
#include "engine/physics.h"
#include "engine/scene.h"
#include "engine/scene_lua_vm.h"
#include "bind_Lua.h"
extern "C" {
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "lualib.h"
#include <set>
namespace hg {
ScriptParam ScriptParamFromLuaObject(const LuaObject &v) {
ScriptParam parm{SPT_Null};
if (v) {
auto L = v.L();
if (lua_isboolean(L, -1)) {
parm = {hg::SPT_Bool};
parm.bv = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
} else if (lua_isinteger(L, -1)) {
parm = {hg::SPT_Int};
parm.iv = numeric_cast<int>(lua_tointeger(L, -1));
} else if (lua_isnumber(L, -1)) {
parm = {hg::SPT_Float};
parm.fv = float(lua_tonumber(L, -1));
} else if (lua_isstring(L, -1)) {
parm = {hg::SPT_String};
parm.sv = lua_tostring(L, -1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
return parm;
LuaObject LuaObjectFromScriptParam(lua_State *L, const ScriptParam &p) {
if (p.type == SPT_Bool)
lua_pushboolean(L, p.bv);
else if (p.type == SPT_Int)
lua_pushinteger(L, p.iv);
else if (p.type == SPT_Float)
lua_pushnumber(L, p.fv);
else if (p.type == SPT_String)
lua_pushstring(L, p.sv.c_str());
return Pop(L);
bool SceneLuaVM::CreateScriptFromSource(Scene &scene, ComponentRef ref, const std::string &src) {
const auto i = lua_scripts.find(ref);
if (i != std::end(lua_scripts))
return false; // already in scene
const auto path = scene.GetScriptPath(ref);
if (!src.empty()) {
auto &env = lua_scripts[ref]; // create new env
env = CreateEnv(L, true);
Set(env, "G", G);
Set(env, "hg", hg);
if (Execute(L, src, path, &env))
for (auto i : scene.GetScriptParams(ref))
SetScriptValue(ref, i.first, hg::LuaObjectFromScriptParam(L, i.second));
} else {
error(format("Failed to load Lua file '%1'").arg(path));
return true;
bool SceneLuaVM::CreateScript(Scene &scene, ComponentRef ref, const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip) {
const auto path = scene.GetScriptPath(ref);
std::string src;
const auto j = src_overrides.find(ref);
if (j == std::end(src_overrides)) {
ScopedReadHandle h(ip, path.c_str());
src = LoadString(ir, h);
} else {
src = j->second;
return CreateScriptFromSource(scene, ref, src);
bool SceneLuaVM::CreateScriptFromFile(Scene &scene, ComponentRef ref) { return CreateScript(scene, ref, g_file_reader, g_file_read_provider); }
bool SceneLuaVM::CreateScriptFromAssets(Scene &scene, ComponentRef ref) { return CreateScript(scene, ref, g_assets_reader, g_assets_read_provider); }
std::vector<ComponentRef> SceneLuaVM::CreateNodeScripts(Scene &scene, NodeRef ref, const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip) {
std::vector<ComponentRef> components;
for (size_t i = 0; i < scene.GetNodeScriptCount(ref); ++i) {
auto script = scene.GetNodeScript(ref, i);
if (scene.IsValidScriptRef(script.ref))
if (CreateScript(scene, script.ref, ir, ip))
return components;
std::vector<ComponentRef> SceneLuaVM::CreateNodeScriptsFromFile(Scene &scene, NodeRef ref) {
return CreateNodeScripts(scene, ref, g_file_reader, g_file_read_provider);
std::vector<ComponentRef> SceneLuaVM::CreateNodeScriptsFromAssets(Scene &scene, NodeRef ref) {
return CreateNodeScripts(scene, ref, g_assets_reader, g_assets_read_provider);
std::vector<Script> SceneLuaVM::CreateNodeScriptsFromFile(Scene &scene, const Node &node) {
std::vector<Script> out;
for (auto script : CreateNodeScriptsFromFile(scene, node.ref))
return out;
std::vector<Script> SceneLuaVM::CreateNodeScriptsFromAssets(Scene &scene, const Node &node) {
std::vector<Script> out;
for (auto script : CreateNodeScriptsFromAssets(scene, node.ref))
return out;
std::vector<ComponentRef> SceneLuaVM::SceneCreateScripts(Scene &scene, const Reader &ir, const ReadProvider &ip) {
std::vector<ComponentRef> created_scripts;
for (auto ref : scene.GetScriptRefs())
if (CreateScript(scene, ref, ir, ip))
return created_scripts;
std::vector<ComponentRef> SceneLuaVM::SceneCreateScriptsFromFile(Scene &scene) { return SceneCreateScripts(scene, g_file_reader, g_file_read_provider); }
std::vector<ComponentRef> SceneLuaVM::SceneCreateScriptsFromAssets(Scene &scene) { return SceneCreateScripts(scene, g_assets_reader, g_assets_read_provider); }
LuaObject SceneLuaVM::GetScriptEnv(ComponentRef ref) const {
auto i = lua_scripts.find(ref);
return i != std::end(lua_scripts) ? i->second : LuaObject{};
LuaObject SceneLuaVM::GetScriptValue(ComponentRef ref, const std::string &name) const {
auto i = lua_scripts.find(ref);
return i == std::end(lua_scripts) ? LuaObject{} : Get(i->second, name);
bool SceneLuaVM::SetScriptValue(ComponentRef ref, const std::string &name, const LuaObject &v) {
auto i = lua_scripts.find(ref);
if (i == std::end(lua_scripts))
return false;
SetForeign(i->second, name, v);
return true;
bool SceneLuaVM::Call(const LuaObject &function, const std::vector<LuaObject> &args, std::vector<LuaObject> *ret_vals) {
const auto tgt_L = function.L();
// transfer any foreign argument to the target VM (the function VM)
std::vector<LuaObject> L_args;
for (auto &arg : args)
if (arg.L() != tgt_L) {
PushForeign(tgt_L, arg);
} else {
// execute call
return hg::Call(function, L_args, ret_vals);
bool SceneLuaVM::Call(ComponentRef ref, const std::string &function, const std::vector<LuaObject> &args, std::vector<LuaObject> *ret_vals) {
auto i = lua_scripts.find(ref);
if (i == std::end(lua_scripts))
return false;
if (auto fn = Get(i->second, function))
return Call(fn, args, ret_vals);
return false;
void SceneLuaVM::ForeachScripts(const std::function<void(const LuaObject &)> &cb) const {
for (auto i : lua_scripts)
void SceneLuaVM::ForeachScriptsInSceneContext(
Scene &scene, const std::vector<ComponentRef> &scripts, const std::function<void(Scene &, const LuaObject &)> &cb) const {
std::set<ComponentRef> scene_scripts;
for (auto i : scene.GetSceneScripts())
for (auto script : scripts) {
auto i = scene_scripts.find(script);
if (i != std::end(scene_scripts)) {
auto j = lua_scripts.find(script);
if (j != std::end(lua_scripts))
cb(scene, j->second);
void SceneLuaVM::ForeachScriptsInNodeContext(
const Scene &scene, const std::vector<ComponentRef> &scripts, const std::function<void(const Scene &, Node &, const LuaObject &)> &cb) const {
std::map<ComponentRef, std::vector<NodeRef>> script_to_node;
for (auto i : scene.GetNodeScripts())
for (auto j : i.second)
for (auto script : scripts) {
auto i = script_to_node.find(script);
if (i != std::end(script_to_node))
for (auto node_ref : i->second) {
auto node = scene.GetNode(node_ref);
auto j = lua_scripts.find(script);
if (j != std::end(lua_scripts))
cb(scene, node, j->second);
void SceneLuaVM::ForeachSceneScripts(Scene &scene, const std::function<void(Scene &, const LuaObject &)> &cb) const {
for (auto cref : scene.GetSceneScripts()) {
auto i = lua_scripts.find(cref);
if (i != std::end(lua_scripts))
cb(scene, i->second);
void SceneLuaVM::ForeachNodeScripts(const Scene &scene, NodeRef node_ref, const std::function<void(const Scene &, Node &, const LuaObject &)> &cb) const {
auto node = scene.GetNode(node_ref);
auto &node_scripts = scene.GetNodeScripts();
auto i = node_scripts.find(node_ref);
if (i != std::end(node_scripts))
for (auto cref : i->second) {
auto j = lua_scripts.find(cref);
if (j != std::end(lua_scripts))
cb(scene, node, j->second);
void SceneLuaVM::ForeachAllNodesScripts(const Scene &scene, const std::function<void(const Scene &, Node &, const LuaObject &)> &cb) const {
for (auto i : scene.GetNodeScripts()) {
auto node = scene.GetNode(i.first);
for (auto cref : i.second) {
auto j = lua_scripts.find(cref);
if (j != std::end(lua_scripts))
cb(scene, node, j->second);
std::vector<ComponentRef> SceneLuaVM::GarbageCollect(const Scene &scene) const {
std::vector<ComponentRef> garbage;
for (auto i : lua_scripts)
if (!scene.IsValidScriptRef(i.first)) // component not in scene anymore
return garbage;
void SceneLuaVM::DestroyScripts(const std::vector<ComponentRef> &scripts) {
for (auto ref : scripts) {
auto i = lua_scripts.find(ref);
if (i != std::end(lua_scripts))
std::vector<std::string> SceneLuaVM::GetScriptInterface(ComponentRef ref) const {
std::vector<std::string> vars;
auto i = lua_scripts.find(ref);
if (i != std::end(lua_scripts)) {
const auto itf = Get(i->second, "interface");
if (itf) {
lua_len(L, -1);
auto isnum = 0;
const auto len = lua_tointegerx(L, -1, &isnum);
if (isnum) {
for (auto i = 1; i <= len; ++i) {
const auto type = lua_geti(L, -2, i);
if (type == LUA_TSTRING)
vars.emplace_back(lua_tostring(L, -1));
lua_pop(L, 1);
lua_pop(L, 2);
return vars;
void SceneLuaVM::Clear() {
SceneLuaVM::SceneLuaVM() {
L = NewLuaVM();
SetVMName(L, "SceneVM");
G = CreateEnv(L, false); // empty shared environment
Set("G", G);
hg_lua_bind_harfang(L, "hg");
hg = Get(L, "hg");
SceneLuaVM::~SceneLuaVM() {
} // namespace hg