2021-10-13 14:40:31 +02:00

502 lines
14 KiB

import doc_utils.doc_tools as doc_tools
import doc_utils.api_tools as api_tools
import doc_utils.html_tools as html_tools
import search_index
from functools import partial
import argparse
import shutil
import sys
import os
import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict
gen_online_doc = None
version = "0.0.0"
def get_element_output_path(output_path, uid, ext='.html'):
return os.path.join(output_path, uid + ext)
def html_link_formatter(output_path, uid, is_img_link=False):
if is_img_link:
if gen_online_doc:
return "/documentations/%s/img/%s" % (version, uid)
return "img/" + uid
link, name, hint = get_element_output_path('', uid), uid, None
if uid in doc_tools.man:
return "[%s](%s)" % (doc_tools.get_element_title(uid), link)
if uid in api_tools.api:
tag = api_tools.api[uid][0]
parent = api_tools.api_parent_map[tag]
def format_enum_values(tag):
values = [val.get('name') for val in tag.iter('entry')]
return doc_tools.list_to_natural_string(values, "or")
def format_constants_values(tag):
values = [val.get('name') for val in tag.iter('entry')]
return doc_tools.list_to_natural_string(values, "and")
if tag.get("global") == "1": # global symbol link
global_type_pages = {"function": "man.Functions.html", "enum": "man.Enums.html", "constants": "man.Constants.html"}
if tag.tag in global_type_pages:
link = "%s#%s" % (global_type_pages[tag.tag], uid)
name = tag.get("name")
if tag.tag == "enum":
hint = format_enum_values(tag)
elif tag.tag == "constants":
hint = format_constants_values(tag)
if parent.tag == "class":
parent_uid = parent.get("uid")
link = "%s.html#%s" % (parent_uid, uid)
name = tag.get("name")
hint = "%s.%s" % (parent.get("name"), name)
if tag.tag == "enum":
hint += ' : ' + format_enum_values(tag)
if hint:
path = '<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>' % (link, hint, name)
path = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (link, name)
return path
def get_header(uid):
if not gen_online_doc:
title = 'Documentation'
if uid in doc_tools.man:
title = doc_tools.get_element_title(uid)
return '<h1>%s</h1>' % title
return ""
def get_footer(uid):
return '<hr><small id="version-footer">%s %s documentation. Generated %s.</small></hr>\n' % (args.project_name, version, datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%c'))
def format_complete_html_man_page(uid, body, header=get_header, footer=get_footer):
if not gen_online_doc:
html = '<html>\n'
html += '<head><meta charset="UTF-8"><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="markdown.css"></head>\n'
html += '<body>\n'
if header:
html += header(uid)
html += body
if footer:
html += footer(uid)
html += '</body>\n'
html += '</html>\n'
return html
html = ''
if header:
html += header(uid)
return html + body
def format_html_link(text, url):
if text in api_tools.api:
text = '<span class="text-default">%s</span>' % text
return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, text)
def format_html_breadcrumb(breadcrumb):
# convert from uid to HTML link
return ''
if len(breadcrumb) < 2:
if gen_online_doc:
return '<div class="doc-breadcrumb"><p></p></div>\n'
return '' # do not output empty breadcrumb
links = []
# for uid in reversed(breadcrumb[1:]):
for uid in reversed(breadcrumb):
title = doc_tools.get_element_title(uid)
path = get_element_output_path('', uid)
links.append(format_html_link(title, path))
# links.append(doc_tools.get_element_title(breadcrumb[0]))
return '<div markdown=1 class="doc-breadcrumb">%s</div>' % ' &gt; '.join(links) # offline breadcrumb
def get_class_header(uid):
breadcrumb = doc_tools.build_man_page_breadcrumb(man_tree, 'man.Classes')
breadcrumb.insert(0, uid)
return get_header(uid) + format_html_breadcrumb(breadcrumb)
def get_enum_header(uid):
breadcrumb = doc_tools.build_man_page_breadcrumb(man_tree, 'man.ScriptReference')
breadcrumb.insert(0, uid)
return get_header(uid) + format_html_breadcrumb(breadcrumb)
def get_man_header(uid):
breadcrumb = doc_tools.build_man_page_breadcrumb(man_tree, uid)
return get_header(uid) + format_html_breadcrumb(breadcrumb)
get_header_fn = {
'class': get_class_header,
'enum': get_enum_header
def save_page(output_path, uid, html):
with open(get_element_output_path(output_path, uid), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
man_tree = None
def build_doc_tree():
# build the final documentation tree
tree = OrderedDict()
def insert_in_tree(uid):
if uid not in man_tree: # insert root UID
if uid not in tree:
tree[uid] = OrderedDict()
return tree[uid]
sub_tree = insert_in_tree(man_tree[uid])
if uid not in sub_tree:
sub_tree[uid] = OrderedDict()
return sub_tree[uid]
for uid in man_tree:
if True:
# populate custom pages
def insert_in_uid_dict(uid, uids):
dict = insert_in_tree(uid)
for uid in uids:
if uid not in dict:
dict[uid] = {}
insert_in_uid_dict("man.Classes", doc_tools.get_all_classes())
insert_in_uid_dict("man.Functions", sorted(html_tools.get_tag_uids("function", True)))
insert_in_uid_dict("man.Enums", sorted(html_tools.get_tag_uids("enum", True)))
return tree
def output_tree_html(path):
""" Obsolete function that creates the documentation tree automatically """
tree = build_doc_tree()
with open(path, 'w') as file:
def output_tree(tree, depth):
for uid, sub_tree in tree.items():
title = doc_tools.get_element_title(uid)
if depth == 0:
file.write('<li class="first">\n')
file.write('<a href="%s"><abbr title="%s">%s</abbr></a>\n' % (uid + ".html", title, title))
if len(sub_tree) > 0:
output_tree(sub_tree, depth+1)
file.write('<ul id="tree" class="tree doc-index">\n')
output_tree(tree, 0)
return True
def create_tree_html(path):
""" New function to create the documentation tree from a simple input file """
with open(os.path.join(args.doc_path, "tree_desc.txt"), "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
tree_lines = file.read().splitlines()
class Node:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.children = []
def get_link(self):
return self.name
def __repr__(self):
return 'NODE %s' % self.name
def to_html(self):
if self.name == '':
return '<br>\n'
str = '<li>'
str += self.get_link()
if len(self.children) > 0:
str += '<ul>\n'
for child in self.children:
str += child.to_html()
str += '</ul>\n'
str += '</li>\n'
return str
class Link(Node):
def __init__(self, link):
def get_link(self):
name = doc_tools.get_element_title(self.name)
if gen_online_doc:
return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (self.name + '.html', name)
return '<a href="%s" target="content-frame">%s</a>' % (self.name + '.html', name)
def __repr__(self):
return 'LINK %s' % self.name
last_node = Link('man.Pyindex')
stack = [last_node]
for line in tree_lines:
current_depth = len(stack)
# determine target depth
target_depth = 0
while line[target_depth:target_depth+1] == '\t':
target_depth += 1
target_depth += 1
# create the new node
decl = line[target_depth-1:]
if decl.startswith("!"):
node = Node(decl[1:])
node = Link(decl)
# make sure we only go down one level at a time
assert target_depth <= current_depth + 1
if target_depth > current_depth:
elif target_depth < current_depth:
while target_depth < len(stack):
last_node = node
# output final tree
with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
if not gen_online_doc:
file.write('<head><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="markdown.css"></head>\n')
file.write('<h1>%s %s</h1>' % (args.project_name, version))
file.write('<ul id="tree" class="tree doc-index">')
for child in stack[0].children: # skip root entry
if not gen_online_doc:
def sanity_check():
report = {
'missing': {},
'obsolete': [],
'missing_pages': [],
'orphan_pages': []
ok = True
for uid in doc_tools.doc.keys():
if not uid in api_tools.api:
ok = ok and report['obsolete']
for uid, tag in api_tools.api.items():
if not uid in doc_tools.doc:
typename = tag[0].tag
if not typename in report['missing']:
report['missing'][typename] = []
ok = ok and report['missing']
link_list = ['man.Index']
for uid in doc_tools.man.keys():
for link in doc_tools.gather_manual_links(uid):
filename = '{0}.md'.format(link)
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(args.doc_path, filename)):
ok = ok and report['missing_pages']
with open(os.path.join(args.doc_path, "tree_desc.txt"), "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
tree_lines = file.read().splitlines()
for line in tree_lines:
line = line.strip()
for uid in doc_tools.man.keys():
if not uid in link_list:
ok = ok and report['orphan_pages']
return (ok, report)
def save_sanity_check_report(path, report):
with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
file.write('# Error report\n')
if report['missing']:
file.write(' * [missing](#missing) : undocumented symbols.\n')
for typename, items in report['missing'].items():
if not items:
file.write(' * [{0}](#{1})\n'.format(typename, typename))
if report['obsolete']:
file.write(' * [obsolete](#obsolete) : cannot find the symbol in the api. \n')
if report['missing_pages']:
file.write(' * [missing pages](#missing-pages) : broken link\n')
if report['orphan_pages']:
file.write(' * [orphan pages](#orphan-pages) : cannot find a reference to this file.\n')
if report['missing']:
file.write('## missing\n')
for typename, items in report['missing'].items():
if not items:
file.write('### {0}\n'.format(typename))
for uid in items:
file.write(' * {0}\n'.format(uid))
if report['obsolete']:
file.write('## obsolete\n')
for uid in report['obsolete']:
file.write(' * {0}\n'.format(uid))
if report['missing_pages']:
file.write('## missing pages\n')
for uid in report['missing_pages']:
file.write(' * {0}\n'.format(uid))
if report['orphan_pages']:
file.write('## orphan pages\n')
for uid in report['orphan_pages']:
file.write(' * {0}\n'.format(uid))
def doc_to_html(output_path, css=None, whitelist=None, callback=None):
"""Convert the complete documentation to HTML"""
os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok = True)
link_formatter = partial(html_link_formatter, output_path)
# gather symbol pages
doc_pages = []
for uid, tag in api_tools.api.items():
if whitelist is None or uid in whitelist:
if tag[0].tag in ['class']:
doc_pages.append((uid, tag))
# gather manual pages
man_pages = []
for uid, data in doc_tools.man.items():
if whitelist is None or uid in whitelist:
man_pages.append((uid, data))
page_count = len(doc_pages) + len(man_pages)
# generate manual pages hierarchy tree
tree_blacklist = []
global man_tree
man_tree = doc_tools.generate_manual_tree(tree_blacklist)
create_tree_html(os.path.join(output_path, "tree.html"))
# generate all pages
page_generated = 0
for uid, tag in doc_pages:
type = tag[0].tag
if callback and not callback(uid, page_generated, page_count):
return False
data = doc_tools.get_content_always(uid)
body = html_tools.format_page_content(uid, data, link_formatter)
html = format_complete_html_man_page(uid, body, get_header_fn[type])
save_page(output_path, uid, html)
search_index.parse(uid, version, html)
page_generated += 1
for uid, data in man_pages:
body = html_tools.format_page_content(uid, data, link_formatter)
html = format_complete_html_man_page(uid, body, get_man_header)
save_page(output_path, uid, html)
search_index.parse(uid, version, html)
page_generated += 1
# copy css
if css is not None:
shutil.copyfile(css, os.path.join(output_path, 'markdown.css'))
search_index.save(output_path, "search_index.json")
man_tree = None
return True
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert the internal documentation format to HTML")
parser.add_argument('--project_name', type=str, help="Project name", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--api_path', type=str, help="API path", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--doc_path', type=str, help="Documentation path", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--out_path', type=str, help="Output folder", required=True)
parser.add_argument('--uid', type=str, help="Generate the documentation for this specific UID")
parser.add_argument('--version', type=str, help="API version")
parser.add_argument('--online', action="store_true", help="Generate the online documentation")
args = parser.parse_args()
gen_online_doc = args.online
html_tools.gen_online_doc = gen_online_doc
if args.version: version = args.version
# determine CSS location
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
css = os.path.join(path, "markdown.css")
# load the API and documentation
# generate documentation
whitelist = None if args.uid is None else args.uid.split(',')
doc_to_html(args.out_path, css, whitelist)
ok, report = sanity_check()
save_sanity_check_report(os.path.join(args.out_path, 'sanity_report.md'), report)