2021-10-13 14:40:31 +02:00

265 lines
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// HARFANG(R) Copyright (C) 2021 Emmanuel Julien, NWNC HARFANG. Released under GPL/LGPL/Commercial Licence, see licence.txt for details.
#include "foundation/minmax.h"
#include "foundation/matrix4.h"
#include "foundation/math.h"
#include "foundation/obb.h"
#include <cfloat>
namespace hg {
enum {
ClipNone = 0,
ClipRight = 1,
ClipLeft = 2,
ClipTop = 4,
ClipBottom = 8,
ClipFront = 16,
ClipBack = 32
static uint32_t cc_oc(const Vec3 &min, const Vec3 &max, const Vec3 &p) {
uint32_t oc = ClipNone;
if (p.x > max.x)
oc |= ClipRight;
else if (p.x < min.x)
oc |= ClipLeft;
if (p.y > max.y)
oc |= ClipTop;
else if (p.y < min.y)
oc |= ClipBottom;
if (p.z > max.z)
oc |= ClipBack;
else if (p.z < min.z)
oc |= ClipFront;
return oc;
static uint32_t ss_oc(const Vec3 &p) {
uint32_t oc = ClipNone;
oc |= p.x > 0 ? ClipRight : ClipLeft;
oc |= p.y > 0 ? ClipTop : ClipBottom;
oc |= p.z > 0 ? ClipBack : ClipFront;
return oc;
bool IntersectRay(const MinMax &mm, const Vec3 &o, const Vec3 &d, float &tmin, float &tmax) {
tmin = 0;
tmax = FLT_MAX;
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < 3; ++n)
if (EqualZero(d[n])) {
if (o[n] < mm.mn[n] || o[n] > mm.mx[n])
return false;
} else {
float ood = 1.f / d[n];
float t0 = (mm.mn[n] - o[n]) * ood, t1 = (mm.mx[n] - o[n]) * ood;
if (t0 > t1) {
float swp = t1;
t1 = t0;
t0 = swp;
tmin = tmin < t0 ? t0 : tmin;
tmax = tmax < t1 ? tmax : t1;
if (tmin > tmax)
return false;
return true;
bool IntersectRay(const MinMax &mm, const Vec3 &o, const Vec3 &d) {
float tmin, tmax;
return IntersectRay(mm, o, d, tmin, tmax);
bool ClassifyLine(const MinMax &mm, const Vec3 &p1, const Vec3 &direction, Vec3 &itr, Vec3 *n) {
uint32_t oc1, oc2;
oc1 = cc_oc(mm.mn, mm.mx, p1);
if (oc1 == ClipNone) {
if (n)
*n = Vec3(0, 0, 0);
itr = p1;
return true; // point inside bounding box
oc2 = ss_oc(direction);
if ((oc1 & oc2) > ClipNone)
return false; // same side
if (oc1 & (ClipRight | ClipLeft)) {
if (oc1 & ClipRight) {
if (n)
*n = Vec3(1, 0, 0);
itr.x = mm.mx.x;
} else {
if (n)
*n = Vec3(-1, 0, 0);
itr.x = mm.mn.x;
float x1 = direction.x, x2 = itr.x - p1.x;
itr.y = p1.y + x2 * direction.y / x1;
itr.z = p1.z + x2 * direction.z / x1;
if (itr.y <= mm.mx.y && itr.y >= mm.mn.y && itr.z <= mm.mx.z && itr.z >= mm.mn.z)
return true;
if (oc1 & (ClipTop | ClipBottom)) {
if (oc1 & ClipTop) {
if (n)
*n = Vec3(0, 1, 0);
itr.y = mm.mx.y;
} else {
if (n)
*n = Vec3(0, -1, 0);
itr.y = mm.mn.y;
float y1 = direction.y, y2 = itr.y - p1.y;
itr.x = p1.x + y2 * direction.x / y1;
itr.z = p1.z + y2 * direction.z / y1;
if (itr.x <= mm.mx.x && itr.x >= mm.mn.x && itr.z <= mm.mx.z && itr.z >= mm.mn.z)
return true;
if (oc1 & (ClipFront | ClipBack)) {
if (oc1 & ClipBack) {
if (n)
*n = Vec3(0, 0, 1);
itr.z = mm.mx.z;
} else {
if (n)
*n = Vec3(0, 0, -1);
itr.z = mm.mn.z;
float z1 = direction.z, z2 = itr.z - p1.z;
itr.x = p1.x + z2 * direction.x / z1;
itr.y = p1.y + z2 * direction.y / z1;
if (itr.x <= mm.mx.x && itr.x >= mm.mn.x && itr.y <= mm.mx.y && itr.y >= mm.mn.y)
return true;
return false;
bool ClassifySegment(const MinMax &mm, const Vec3 &p1, const Vec3 &p2, Vec3 &itr, Vec3 *n) {
uint32_t oc1, oc2;
oc1 = cc_oc(mm.mn, mm.mx, p1);
if (oc1 == ClipNone) { // point inside bounding box
if (n)
*n = Vec3(0, 0, 0);
itr = p1;
return true;
oc2 = cc_oc(mm.mn, mm.mx, p2);
if (oc2 == ClipNone) { // point inside bounding box
itr = p2;
return true;
if ((oc1 & oc2) > ClipNone)
return false; // on the same side
if (oc1 & (ClipRight | ClipLeft)) {
if (oc1 & ClipRight) {
if (n)
*n = Vec3(1, 0, 0);
itr.x = mm.mx.x;
} else {
if (n)
*n = Vec3(-1, 0, 0);
itr.x = mm.mn.x;
float x1 = p2.x - p1.x, x2 = itr.x - p1.x;
itr.y = p1.y + x2 * (p2.y - p1.y) / x1;
itr.z = p1.z + x2 * (p2.z - p1.z) / x1;
if (itr.y <= mm.mx.y && itr.y >= mm.mn.y && itr.z <= mm.mx.z && itr.z >= mm.mn.z)
return true;
if (oc1 & (ClipTop | ClipBottom)) {
if (oc1 & ClipTop) {
if (n)
*n = Vec3(0, 1, 0);
itr.y = mm.mx.y;
} else {
if (n)
*n = Vec3(0, -1, 0);
itr.y = mm.mn.y;
float y1 = p2.y - p1.y, y2 = itr.y - p1.y;
itr.x = p1.x + y2 * (p2.x - p1.x) / y1;
itr.z = p1.z + y2 * (p2.z - p1.z) / y1;
if (itr.x <= mm.mx.x && itr.x >= mm.mn.x && itr.z <= mm.mx.z && itr.z >= mm.mn.z)
return true;
if (oc1 & (ClipFront | ClipBack)) {
if (oc1 & ClipBack) {
if (n)
*n = Vec3(0, 0, 1);
itr.z = mm.mx.z;
} else {
if (n)
*n = Vec3(0, 0, -1);
itr.z = mm.mn.z;
float z1 = p2.z - p1.z, z2 = itr.z - p1.z;
itr.x = p1.x + z2 * (p2.x - p1.x) / z1;
itr.y = p1.y + z2 * (p2.y - p1.y) / z1;
if (itr.x <= mm.mx.x && itr.x >= mm.mn.x && itr.y <= mm.mx.y && itr.y >= mm.mn.y)
return true;
return false;
MinMax operator*(const MinMax &mm, const Mat4 &m) {
MinMax out(GetT(m), GetT(m));
// find extreme points by considering product of min and max with each component of M
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
float a = m.m[j][i] * mm.mn[i], b = m.m[j][i] * mm.mx[i];
if (a < b) {
out.mn[j] += a;
out.mx[j] += b;
} else {
out.mn[j] += b;
out.mx[j] += a;
return out;
void GetMinMaxVertices(const MinMax &minmax, Vec3 out[8]) {
out[0] = Vec3(minmax.mn.x, minmax.mn.y, minmax.mn.z);
out[1] = Vec3(minmax.mx.x, minmax.mn.y, minmax.mn.z);
out[2] = Vec3(minmax.mx.x, minmax.mx.y, minmax.mn.z);
out[3] = Vec3(minmax.mn.x, minmax.mx.y, minmax.mn.z);
out[4] = Vec3(minmax.mn.x, minmax.mn.y, minmax.mx.z);
out[5] = Vec3(minmax.mx.x, minmax.mn.y, minmax.mx.z);
out[6] = Vec3(minmax.mx.x, minmax.mx.y, minmax.mx.z);
out[7] = Vec3(minmax.mn.x, minmax.mx.y, minmax.mx.z);
void ComputeMinMaxBoundingSphere(const MinMax &minmax, Vec3 &origin, float &radius) {
origin = (minmax.mn + minmax.mx) * 0.5f;
radius = Dist(minmax.mn, minmax.mx) * 0.5f;
} // namespace hg