from math import ceil from django.core.mail import send_mail from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect, render from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.views.generic import FormView, TemplateView from django.contrib import messages from django.db.models import Q from django.views.generic import CreateView, DetailView, ListView, UpdateView from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404 from django.utils import timezone from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from django_select2.views import AutoResponseView from functools import reduce from mailing.models import Message from mailing.forms import MessageForm from .planning import Program from .decorators import staff_required from .mixins import StaffRequiredMixin, OnSiteMixin, OnSiteFormMixin from .utils import is_staff from .models import Participant, Talk, TalkCategory, Vote, Track, Tag, Room, Volunteer, Activity from .forms import TalkForm, TalkStaffForm, TalkFilterForm, TalkActionForm, \ ParticipantForm, ParticipantStaffForm, ParticipantFilterForm, \ ConferenceForm, CreateUserForm, TrackForm, RoomForm, VolunteerForm, \ ACCEPTATION_VALUES, CONFIRMATION_VALUES def home(request): if request.conference.home: return render(request, 'cfp/home.html') else: return redirect(reverse('talk-proposal')) def volunteer_enrole(request): if not request.conference.volunteers_enrollment_is_open(): raise PermissionDenied form = VolunteerForm(request.POST or None, conference=request.conference) if request.method == 'POST' and form.is_valid(): volunteer = volunteer.language = request.LANGUAGE_CODE messages.success(request, _('Thank you for your participation! You can now subscribe to some activities.')) return redirect(reverse('volunteer', kwargs=dict(volunteer_id=volunteer.token))) return render(request, 'cfp/volunteer_enrole.html', { 'activities': Activity.objects.filter(, 'form': form, }) def volunteer(request, volunteer_id): volunteer = get_object_or_404(Volunteer, token=volunteer_id, return render(request, 'cfp/volunteer.html', { 'activities': Activity.objects.filter(, 'volunteer': volunteer, }) def volunteer_activity(request, volunteer_id, activity, join): if not request.conference.volunteers_enrollment_is_open(): raise PermissionDenied volunteer = get_object_or_404(Volunteer, token=volunteer_id, activity = get_object_or_404(Activity, slug=activity, if join: activity.volunteers.add(volunteer) messages.success(request, _('Thank you for your participation!')) else: activity.volunteers.remove(volunteer) messages.success(request, _('Okay, no problem!')) return redirect(reverse('volunteer', kwargs=dict(volunteer_id=volunteer.token))) def talk_proposal(request, talk_id=None, participant_id=None): conference = request.conference site = if is_staff(request, request.user): categories = TalkCategory.objects.filter(site=site) else: categories = conference.opened_categories talk = None participant = None if talk_id and participant_id: talk = get_object_or_404(Talk, token=talk_id, site=site) participant = get_object_or_404(Participant, token=participant_id, site=site) elif not categories.exists(): return render(request, 'cfp/closed.html') participant_form = ParticipantForm(request.POST or None, instance=participant) talk_form = TalkForm(request.POST or None, categories=categories, instance=talk) if request.method == 'POST' and talk_form.is_valid() and participant_form.is_valid(): talk = = site participant, created = Participant.objects.get_or_create(email=participant_form.cleaned_data['email'], site=site) participant_form = ParticipantForm(request.POST, instance=participant) participant = participant.language = request.LANGUAGE_CODE talk.speakers.add(participant) protocol = 'https' if request.is_secure() else 'http' base_url = protocol+'://'+site.domain url_talk_proposal_edit = base_url + reverse('talk-proposal-edit', args=[talk.token, participant.token]) url_talk_proposal_speaker_add = base_url + reverse('talk-proposal-speaker-add', args=[talk.token]) url_talk_proposal_speaker_edit = base_url + reverse('talk-proposal-speaker-edit', args=[talk.token, participant.token]) body = _("""Hi {}, Your talk has been submitted for {}. Here are the details of your talk: Title: {} Description: {} You can at anytime: - edit your talk: {} - add a new co-speaker: {} - edit your profile: {} If you have any question, your can answer to this email. Thanks! {} """).format(,, talk.title, talk.description, url_talk_proposal_edit, url_talk_proposal_speaker_add, url_talk_proposal_speaker_edit, Message.objects.create( thread=participant.conversation, author=conference, from_email=conference.contact_email, content=body, ) return render(request, 'cfp/complete.html', {'talk': talk, 'participant': participant}) return render(request, 'cfp/propose.html', { 'participant_form': participant_form, 'site': site, 'talk_form': talk_form, }) def talk_proposal_speaker_edit(request, talk_id, participant_id=None): talk = get_object_or_404(Talk, token=talk_id, participant = None if participant_id: participant = get_object_or_404(Participant, token=participant_id, participant_form = ParticipantForm(request.POST or None, instance=participant) if request.method == 'POST' and participant_form.is_valid(): participant, created = Participant.objects.get_or_create(email=participant_form.cleaned_data['email'], participant_form = ParticipantForm(request.POST, instance=participant) participant = talk.speakers.add(participant) return render(request,'cfp/complete.html', {'talk': talk, 'participant': participant}) return render(request, 'cfp/speaker.html', { 'participant_form': participant_form, }) def talk_acknowledgment(request, talk_id, confirm, participant_id=None): # TODO: handle multiple speakers case talk = get_object_or_404(Talk, token=talk_id, if participant_id: participant = get_object_or_404(Participant, token=participant_id, elif not is_staff(request, request.user): raise PermissionDenied else: participant = None if not talk.accepted: raise PermissionDenied if talk.confirmed != confirm: talk.confirmed = confirm if confirm: confirmation_message= _('Your participation has been taken into account, thank you!') if participant: thread_note = _('Speaker %(speaker)s confirmed his/her participation.') else: thread_note = _('The talk have been confirmed.') else: confirmation_message = _('We have noted your unavailability.') if participant: thread_note = _('Speaker %(speaker)s CANCELLED his/her participation.') else: thread_note = _('The talk have been cancelled.') if participant_id: thread_note = thread_note % {'speaker': participant} Message.objects.create(thread=talk.conversation, author=participant or request.user, content=thread_note) messages.success(request, confirmation_message) else: if confirm: messages.warning(request, _('You already confirmed your participation to this talk.')) else: messages.warning(request, _('You already cancelled your participation to this talk.')) if participant: return redirect(reverse('talk-proposal-edit', kwargs=dict(talk_id=talk_id, participant_id=participant_id))) else: return redirect(reverse('talk-details', kwargs=dict(talk_id=talk_id))) @staff_required def staff(request): return render(request, 'cfp/staff/base.html') @staff_required def admin(request): return render(request, 'cfp/admin/base.html') @staff_required def talk_list(request): talks = Talk.objects.filter( # Filtering show_filters = False filter_form = TalkFilterForm(request.GET or None, if filter_form.is_valid(): data = filter_form.cleaned_data if len(data['category']): show_filters = True talks = talks.filter(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, [Q(category__pk=pk) for pk in data['category']])) if len(data['accepted']): show_filters = True talks = talks.filter(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, [Q(accepted=dict(ACCEPTATION_VALUES)[status]) for status in data['accepted']])) if len(data['confirmed']): show_filters = True talks = talks.filter(accepted=True) talks = talks.filter(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, [Q(confirmed=dict(CONFIRMATION_VALUES)[status]) for status in data['confirmed']])) if data['room'] != None: show_filters = True talks = talks.filter(room__isnull=not data['room']) if data['scheduled'] != None: show_filters = True talks = talks.filter(start_date__isnull=not data['scheduled']) if len(data['tag']): show_filters = True talks = talks.filter(tags__slug__in=data['tag']) if len(data['track']): show_filters = True q = Q() if 'none' in data['track']: data['track'].remove('none') q |= Q(track__isnull=True) if len(data['track']): q |= Q(track__slug__in=data['track']) talks = talks.filter(q) if data['vote'] != None: show_filters = True if data['vote']: talks = talks.filter(vote__user=request.user) else: talks = talks.exclude(vote__user=request.user) if data['materials'] != None: show_filters = True talks = talks.filter(materials__isnull=not data['materials']) if data['video'] != None: show_filters = True if data['video']: talks = talks.exclude(video__exact='') else: talks = talks.filter(video__exact='') # Action action_form = TalkActionForm(request.POST or None, talks=talks, if request.method == 'POST' and action_form.is_valid(): data = action_form.cleaned_data for talk in data['talks']: talk = Talk.objects.get(, token=talk) if data['decision'] != None and data['decision'] != talk.accepted: if data['decision']: note = _("The talk has been accepted.") else: note = _("The talk has been declined.") Message.objects.create(thread=talk.conversation, author=request.user, content=note) talk.accepted = data['decision'] if data['track']: talk.track = Track.objects.get(, slug=data['track']) if data['tag']: talk.tags.add(Tag.objects.get(, slug=data['tag'])) if data['room']: = Room.objects.get(, slug=data['room']) return redirect(request.get_full_path()) # Sorting if request.GET.get('order') == 'desc': sort_reverse = True else: sort_reverse = False SORT_MAPPING = { 'title': 'title', 'category': 'category', 'status': 'accepted', } sort = request.GET.get('sort') if sort in SORT_MAPPING.keys(): if sort_reverse: talks = talks.order_by('-' + SORT_MAPPING[sort]) else: talks = talks.order_by(SORT_MAPPING[sort]) # Sorting URLs sort_urls = dict() sort_glyphicons = dict() for c in SORT_MAPPING.keys(): url = request.GET.copy() url['sort'] = c if c == sort: if sort_reverse: del url['order'] glyphicon = 'sort-by-attributes-alt' else: url['order'] = 'desc' glyphicon = 'sort-by-attributes' else: glyphicon = 'sort' sort_urls[c] = url.urlencode() sort_glyphicons[c] = glyphicon talks = talks.prefetch_related('category', 'speakers', 'track', 'tags') return render(request, 'cfp/staff/talk_list.html', { 'show_filters': show_filters, 'talk_list': talks, 'filter_form': filter_form, 'action_form': action_form, 'sort_urls': sort_urls, 'sort_glyphicons': sort_glyphicons, }) @staff_required def talk_details(request, talk_id): talk = get_object_or_404(Talk, token=talk_id, message_form = MessageForm(request.POST or None) if request.method == 'POST' and message_form.is_valid(): message = = request.user message.from_email = message.thread = talk.conversation messages.success(request, _('Message sent!')) return redirect(reverse('talk-details', args=[talk.token])) return render(request, 'cfp/staff/talk_details.html', { 'talk': talk, }) @staff_required def talk_vote(request, talk_id, score): talk = get_object_or_404(Talk, token=talk_id, vote, created = Vote.objects.get_or_create(talk=talk, user=request.user) = int(score) messages.success(request, _('Vote successfully created') if created else _('Vote successfully updated')) return redirect(talk.get_absolute_url()) @staff_required def talk_decide(request, talk_id, accept): talk = get_object_or_404(Talk, token=talk_id, if request.method == 'POST': talk.accepted = accept # Does we need to send a notification to the proposer? m = request.POST.get('message', '').strip() if m: for participant in talk.speakers.all(): Message.objects.create(thread=talk.conversation, author=request.user, content=m) # Save the decision in the talk's conversation if accept: note = _("The talk has been accepted.") else: note = _("The talk has been declined.") Message.objects.create(thread=talk.conversation, author=request.user, content=note) messages.success(request, _('Decision taken in account')) return redirect(talk.get_absolute_url()) return render(request, 'cfp/staff/talk_decide.html', { 'talk': talk, 'accept': accept, }) @staff_required def participant_list(request): participants = Participant.objects.filter( \ .extra(select={'lower_name': 'lower(name)'}) \ .order_by('lower_name') # Filtering show_filters = False filter_form = ParticipantFilterForm(request.GET or None, if filter_form.is_valid(): data = filter_form.cleaned_data talks = Talk.objects.filter( if len(data['category']): show_filters = True talks = talks.filter(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, [Q(category__pk=pk) for pk in data['category']])) if len(data['accepted']): show_filters = True talks = talks.filter(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, [Q(accepted=dict(ACCEPTATION_VALUES)[status]) for status in data['accepted']])) if len(data['confirmed']): show_filters = True talks = talks.filter(accepted=True) talks = talks.filter(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, [Q(confirmed=dict(CONFIRMATION_VALUES)[status]) for status in data['confirmed']])) if len(data['track']): show_filters = True q = Q() if 'none' in data['track']: data['track'].remove('none') q |= Q(track__isnull=True) if len(data['track']): q |= Q(track__slug__in=data['track']) talks = talks.filter(q) participants = participants.filter(talk__in=talks) contact_link = 'mailto:' + ','.join([ for participant in participants.all()]) return render(request, 'cfp/staff/participant_list.html', { 'filter_form': filter_form, 'participant_list': participants, 'show_filters': show_filters, 'contact_link': contact_link, }) @staff_required def participant_details(request, participant_id): participant = get_object_or_404(Participant, token=participant_id, message_form = MessageForm(request.POST or None) if request.method == 'POST' and message_form.is_valid(): message = = request.user message.from_email = message.thread = participant.conversation messages.success(request, _('Message sent!')) return redirect(reverse('participant-details', args=[participant.token])) return render(request, 'cfp/staff/participant_details.html', { 'participant': participant, }) class ParticipantUpdate(StaffRequiredMixin, OnSiteMixin, UpdateView): model = Participant slug_field = 'token' slug_url_kwarg = 'participant_id' form_class = ParticipantStaffForm template_name = 'cfp/staff/participant_form.html' @staff_required def conference(request): form = ConferenceForm(request.POST or None, instance=request.conference) if request.method == 'POST' and form.is_valid(): old_staff = set(request.conference.staff.all()) new_conference = new_staff = set(new_conference.staff.all()) added_staff = new_staff - old_staff protocol = 'https' if request.is_secure() else 'http' base_url = protocol+'://' url_login = base_url + reverse('login') url_password_reset = base_url + reverse('password_reset') msg_title = _('[{}] You have been added to the staff team').format( msg_body_template = _("""Hi {}, You have been added to the staff team. You can now: - login: {} - reset your password: {} {} """) # TODO: send bulk emails for user in added_staff: msg_body = msg_body_template.format(user.get_full_name(), url_login, url_password_reset, send_mail( msg_title, msg_body, request.conference.from_email(), [], fail_silently=False, ) messages.success(request, _('Modifications successfully saved.')) return redirect(reverse('conference')) return render(request, 'cfp/admin/conference.html', { 'form': form, }) class TalkUpdate(StaffRequiredMixin, OnSiteMixin, OnSiteFormMixin, UpdateView): model = Talk slug_field = 'token' slug_url_kwarg = 'talk_id' form_class = TalkStaffForm template_name = 'cfp/staff/talk_form.html' class TrackMixin(OnSiteMixin): model = Track class TrackList(StaffRequiredMixin, TrackMixin, ListView): template_name = 'cfp/staff/track_list.html' class TrackFormMixin(OnSiteFormMixin, TrackMixin): template_name = 'cfp/staff/track_form.html' form_class = TrackForm success_url = reverse_lazy('track-list') class TrackCreate(StaffRequiredMixin, TrackFormMixin, CreateView): pass class TrackUpdate(StaffRequiredMixin, TrackFormMixin, UpdateView): pass class RoomMixin(OnSiteMixin): model = Room class RoomList(StaffRequiredMixin, RoomMixin, ListView): template_name = 'cfp/staff/room_list.html' class RoomDetail(StaffRequiredMixin, RoomMixin, DetailView): template_name = 'cfp/staff/room_details.html' class RoomFormMixin(RoomMixin): template_name = 'cfp/staff/room_form.html' form_class = RoomForm success_url = reverse_lazy('room-list') def get_form_kwargs(self): kwargs = super().get_form_kwargs() kwargs.update({ 'conference': self.request.conference, }) return kwargs class RoomCreate(StaffRequiredMixin, RoomFormMixin, CreateView): pass class RoomUpdate(StaffRequiredMixin, RoomFormMixin, UpdateView): pass @staff_required def create_user(request): form = CreateUserForm(request.POST or None) if request.method == 'POST' and form.is_valid(): messages.success(request, _('User created successfully.')) return redirect(reverse('create-user')) return render(request, 'cfp/staff/create_user.html', { 'form': form, }) def schedule(request, program_format, pending, cache, template): program = Program(, pending=pending, cache=cache) if program_format is None: return render(request, template, {'program': program.render('html')}) elif program_format == 'html': return HttpResponse(program.render('html')) elif program_format == 'xml': return HttpResponse(program.render('xml'), content_type="application/xml") elif program_format == 'ics': response = HttpResponse(program.render('ics'), content_type='text/calendar') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="planning.ics"' return response else: raise Http404(_("Format '%s' not available" % program_format)) def public_schedule(request, program_format): if not request.conference.schedule_available and not is_staff(request, request.user): raise PermissionDenied if request.conference.schedule_redirection_url and program_format is None: return redirect(request.conference.schedule_redirection_url) else: return schedule(request, program_format=program_format, pending=False, cache=True, template='cfp/schedule.html') @staff_required def staff_schedule(request, program_format): return schedule(request, program_format=program_format, pending=True, cache=False, template='cfp/staff/schedule.html') class Select2View(StaffRequiredMixin, AutoResponseView): pass