import email import locale import time from pathlib import Path from xml.etree import ElementTree import docutils.core import docutils.writers.html5_polyglot import feedparser from dateutil.parser import parse from flask import ( Flask, abort, redirect, render_template, request, send_from_directory, url_for) from flask_cache import Cache from jinja2 import TemplateNotFound locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'fr_FR.UTF-8') cache = Cache(config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'simple', 'CACHE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT': 600}) app = Flask(__name__) cache.init_app(app) PLANET = { 'Emplois AFPy': '', 'Nouvelles AFPy': '', 'Anybox': '', 'Ascendances': '', 'Code en Seine': '', 'Yaal': '' } MEETUPS = { 'bruxelles': ( '' 'Belgium-Python-Meetup-aka-AperoPythonBe/'), 'grenoble': ( ''), 'lille': '', 'lyon': '', 'nantes': '', 'montpellier': '', } POSTS = { 'actualites': 'Actualités', 'emplois': 'Offres d’emploi', } root = Path(__file__).parent / 'posts' for category in POSTS: for status in ('waiting', 'published'): (root / category / status).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): return render_template('404.html'), 404 @app.route('/') def index(): posts = {} path = root / 'actualites' / 'published' timestamps = sorted(path.iterdir(), reverse=True)[:4] for timestamp in timestamps: tree = ElementTree.parse(timestamp / 'post.xml') posts[] = {item.tag: item.text for item in tree.iter()} if (timestamp / 'post.jpg').is_file(): posts[]['image'] = '/'.join(( 'actualites', 'published', return render_template( 'index.html', body_id='index', name='actualites', posts=posts) @app.route('/') def pages(name): if name == 'index': return redirect(url_for('index')) try: return render_template(f'{name}.html', body_id=name, meetups=MEETUPS) except TemplateNotFound: abort(404) @app.route('/docs/') def rest(name): try: with open(f'templates/{name}.rst') as fd: parts = docutils.core.publish_parts(, writer=docutils.writers.html5_polyglot.Writer(), settings_overrides={'initial_header_level': 2}) except FileNotFoundError: abort(404) return render_template( 'rst.html', body_id=name, html=parts['body'], title=parts['title']) @app.route('/post/edit/') @app.route('/admin/post/edit//') def edit_post(name, timestamp=None): if name not in POSTS: abort(404) if timestamp is None: state = 'waiting' post = {} else: for state in ('published', 'waiting'): path = (root / name / state / timestamp / 'post.xml') if path.is_file(): break else: abort(404) tree = ElementTree.parse(path) post = {item.tag: (item.text or '').strip() for item in tree.iter()} return render_template( 'edit_post.html', body_id='edit-post', post=post, name=name, state=state) @app.route('/post/edit/', methods=['post']) @app.route('/admin/post/edit//', methods=['post']) def save_post(name, timestamp=None): original_timestamp = timestamp if name not in POSTS: abort(404) if timestamp is None: timestamp = str(int(time.time())) status = 'waiting' folder = root / name / 'waiting' / timestamp folder.mkdir() post = folder / 'post.xml' elif (root / name / 'waiting' / timestamp / 'post.xml').is_file(): status = 'waiting' elif (root / name / 'published' / timestamp / 'post.xml').is_file(): status = 'published' else: abort(404) post = root / name / status / timestamp / 'post.xml' tree = ElementTree.Element('item') for key, value in request.form.items(): element = ElementTree.SubElement(tree, key) element.text = value element = ElementTree.SubElement(tree, 'published') element.text = email.utils.formatdate( int(timestamp) if timestamp else time.time()) ElementTree.ElementTree(tree).write(post) if original_timestamp: if 'publish' in request.form and status == 'waiting': (root / name / 'waiting' / timestamp).rename( root / name / 'published' / timestamp) elif 'unpublish' in request.form and status == 'published': (root / name / 'published' / timestamp).rename( root / name / 'waiting' / timestamp) return redirect(url_for('admin', name=name)) return redirect(url_for('rest', name='confirmation')) @app.route('/posts/') def posts(name): if name not in POSTS: abort(404) path = root / name / 'published' timestamps = sorted(path.iterdir(), reverse=True)[:12] posts = {} for timestamp in timestamps: tree = ElementTree.parse(timestamp / 'post.xml') posts[] = {item.tag: item.text for item in tree.iter()} if (timestamp / 'post.jpg').is_file(): posts[]['image'] = '/'.join(( name, 'published', return render_template( 'posts.html', body_id=name, posts=posts, title=POSTS[name], name=name) @app.route('/admin/posts/') def admin(name): if name not in POSTS: abort(404) posts = {} for state in ('waiting', 'published'): posts[state] = state_posts = {} timestamps = sorted((root / name / state).iterdir(), reverse=True) for timestamp in timestamps: tree = ElementTree.parse(timestamp / 'post.xml') state_posts[] = { item.tag: item.text for item in tree.iter()} return render_template( 'admin.html', body_id='admin', posts=posts, title=POSTS[name], name=name) @app.route('/posts//') def post(name, timestamp): if name not in POSTS: abort(404) try: path = root / name / 'published' / timestamp tree = ElementTree.parse(path / 'post.xml') except Exception: abort(404) post = {item.tag: item.text for item in tree.iter()} if (path / 'post.jpg').is_file(): post['image'] = '/'.join((name, 'published', timestamp)) return render_template('post.html', body_id='post', post=post, name=name) @app.route('/post_image//post.jpg') def post_image(path): if path.count('/') != 2: abort(404) name, status, timestamp = path.split('/') if name not in POSTS: abort(404) if status not in ('published', 'waiting'): abort(404) return send_from_directory(root / path, 'post.jpg') @app.route('/feed//rss.xml') @cache.cached() def feed(name): if name not in POSTS: abort(404) path = root / name / 'published' timestamps = sorted(path.iterdir(), reverse=True)[:50] entries = [] for timestamp in timestamps: tree = ElementTree.parse(timestamp / 'post.xml') entry = {item.tag: item.text for item in tree.iter()} entry['timestamp'] = int( entry['link'] = url_for( 'post', name=name,, _external=True) entries.append({'content': entry}) title = f'{POSTS[name]}' return render_template( 'rss.xml', entries=entries, title=title, description=title, link=url_for('feed', name=name, _external=True)) @app.route('/planet/') @app.route('/planet/rss.xml') @cache.cached() def planet(): entries = [] for name, url in PLANET.items(): for entry in feedparser.parse(url).entries: date = getattr(entry, 'published_parsed', entry.updated_parsed) entry['timestamp'] = time.mktime(date) entries.append({'feed': name, 'content': entry}) entries.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda entry: entry['content']['timestamp']) return render_template( 'rss.xml', entries=entries, title='Planet Python francophone', description='Nouvelles autour de Python en français', link=url_for('planet', _external=True)) @app.route('/rss-jobs/RSS') def jobs(): return redirect('', code=307) @app.template_filter('rfc822_datetime') def format_rfc822_datetime(timestamp): return email.utils.formatdate(timestamp) @app.template_filter('parse_iso_datetime') def parse_iso_datetime(iso_datetime, format_): return parse(iso_datetime).strftime(format_) if app.env == 'development': # pragma: no cover from sassutils.wsgi import SassMiddleware app.wsgi_app = SassMiddleware( app.wsgi_app, {'afpy': ('sass', 'static/css', '/static/css')})