Rikiki is a small Wiki engine in python3 I built for [Shortest Wiki Contest](http://wiki.c2.com/?ShortestWikiContest). Rikiki means "tiny" in french. Fun fact: Rikiki source code is *three times smaller* than this readme file. # History * First verision : 532 bytes * Second version : 507 bytes # Usage **YOU SHALL NOT USE THIS CODE IN PRODUCTION!** This code is **NOT SECURE** and it is based onto CGI technology which is **OBSOLETE** for production. To run this wiki, you need python3 only : 1. Create a folder named "wiki" 2. Create a sub-folder named "cgi-bin" 3. Copy rikiki.py inside the "cgi-bin" folder 4. chmod +x on rikiki.py 5. Run this command from the wiki folder : PYTHONWARNINGS="ignore" python -m http.server --cgi Now, you can go and visit : http://localhost:8000/cgi-bin/rikiki.py?p=HomePage # Features As stated in the Shortest Wiki Contest consraints,there are some [Wiki Principles](http://wiki.c2.com/?WikiPrinciples) to obey : * Automatic Link Generation: Each page is in CamelCase. As soon as you write it in source, it is available via a link. * Content Editable By All: Totally open, **everyone** can change sources and create more pages. * EasyTextInput: Paragraphs are done with breaking lines, link to other pages are done in CamelCase. * Back Links: If a page A links to a page B, this page B will display a link to page A. ## Constraints In order to gain bytes, you can't do a lot : * Only ASCII characters are managed * Formating text is *highly* limited ;o) * Input textarea should be resized before typing * No versioning of sources