Better formatting for our glossary (avoid *italics* (in italics)).

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Julien Palard 2017-09-22 11:36:48 +02:00
parent dbac1cf67d
commit 1625cd334b

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@ -156,34 +156,37 @@ For consistency in our translations, here are some propositions and
reminders for frequent terms you'll have to translate, don't hesitate reminders for frequent terms you'll have to translate, don't hesitate
to open an issue if you disagree. to open an issue if you disagree.
- -like: *-compatible* (when appropriate) ========================== ===========================================
- abstract data type: *type abstrait* Term Proposed Translation
- argument: *argument* (Don't mix with parameter) ========================== ===========================================
- backslash: *antislash*, *backslash* (in italics) -like -compatible
- bound: *lier* abstract data type type abstrait
- bug: *bogue*, *bug* (in italics) argument argument (Don't mix with parameter)
- built-in: *primitive*, *native* backslash antislash, *backslash*
- debugging: *débogage* bound lier
- double quote: *guillemet* bug bogue, *bug*
- identifier: *identifiant* built-in primitive, native
- immutable: *immuable* debugging débogage
- interpreter: *interpréteur* double quote guillemet
- library: *bibliothèque* identifier identifiant
- list compréhension: *liste en compréhension* immutable immuable
- little-endian, big-endian: `petit-boutise, gros-boutiste interpreter interpréteur
<>`_ library bibliothèque
- mutable: *variable* list compréhension liste en compréhension
- parameter: *paramètre* little-endian, big-endian `petit-boutiste, gros-boutiste
- prompt: *invite* <>`_
- regular expression: *expression rationnelle*, *expression régulière* mutable variable
- return: Renvoie, ou parfois donne. On évite "retourne" qui pourrait parameter paramètre
porter à confusion. prompt invite
- simple quote: *guillemet simple*, *apostrophe* (*apostrophe* is to regular expression expression rationnelle, expression régulière
glue, *guillemet* is to surround, use when appropriate) return Renvoie, ou parfois donne. On évite
- socket: *socket* (in italics) "retourne" qui pourrait porter à confusion.
- statement: *instruction* simple quote guillemet simple, apostrophe (apostrophe
- underscore: *tiret bas*, *underscore* (in italics) is to glue, guillemet is to surround)
socket *socket*
statement instruction
underscore tiret bas, *underscore*
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