# Makefile for French Python Documentation # # Here is what you can do: # # - make # Automatically build an html local version # - make todo # To list remaining tasks # - make verifs # To check for correctness: wrapping, spelling # - make wrap # To check for wrapping # - make spell # To check for spelling # - make merge # To merge pot from upstream # - make fuzzy # To find fuzzy strings # - make progress # To compute current progression # # Modes are: autobuild-stable, autobuild-dev, and autobuild-html, # documented in gen/src/3.6/Doc/Makefile as we're only delegating the # real work to the Python Doc Makefile. # Configuration # The CPYTHON_CURRENT_COMMIT is the commit, in the cpython repository, # from which we generated our po files. We use it here so when we # test build, we're building with the .rst files that generated our # .po files. CPYTHON_CURRENT_COMMIT := e21aa61e96f8343200e765d119ebe778873a6bf1 CPYTHON_PATH := $(realpath ../cpython/) LANGUAGE := fr BRANCH := 3.8 # Internal variables UPSTREAM := https://github.com/python/cpython VENV := $(shell pwd)/venv/ PYTHON := $(shell which python3) MODE := html WORKTREES := $(VENV)/worktrees/ WORKTREE := $(WORKTREES)/$(CPYTHON_CURRENT_COMMIT)/ JOBS := auto .PHONY: all all: setup mkdir -p $(WORKTREE)/locales/$(LANGUAGE)/LC_MESSAGES/ cp --parents *.po */*.po $(WORKTREE)/locales/$(LANGUAGE)/LC_MESSAGES/ $(MAKE) -C $(WORKTREE)/Doc/ VENVDIR=$(WORKTREE)/Doc/venv/ PYTHON=$(PYTHON) \ SPHINXOPTS='-qW -j$(JOBS) \ -D locale_dirs=../locales \ -D language=$(LANGUAGE) \ -D gettext_compact=0 \ -D latex_engine=xelatex \ -D latex_elements.inputenc= \ -D latex_elements.fontenc=' \ $(MODE) && echo "Build success, open file://$(WORKTREE)/Doc/build/html/index.html or run 'make serve' to see them." .PHONY: setup setup: venv # Setup the main clone if ! [ -d $(CPYTHON_PATH) ]; then \ git clone --depth 16 --branch $(BRANCH) $(UPSTREAM) $(CPYTHON_PATH); \ fi # Setup the current worktree if ! [ -d $(WORKTREE) ]; then \ rm -fr $(WORKTREES); \ git -C $(CPYTHON_PATH) worktree prune; \ mkdir -p $(WORKTREES); \ if [ -n "$(CPYTHON_CURRENT_COMMIT)" ]; \ then \ depth=32; \ while ! git -C $(CPYTHON_PATH) rev-parse $(CPYTHON_CURRENT_COMMIT); \ do \ depth=$$((depth * 2)); \ git -C $(CPYTHON_PATH) fetch --depth $$depth $(UPSTREAM); \ done \ else \ git -C $(CPYTHON_PATH) fetch --depth 1 $(UPSTREAM); \ fi; \ git -C $(CPYTHON_PATH) worktree add $(WORKTREE)/ $(CPYTHON_CURRENT_COMMIT); \ $(MAKE) -C $(WORKTREE)/Doc/ VENVDIR=$(WORKTREE)/Doc/venv/ PYTHON=$(PYTHON) venv; \ fi .PHONY: venv venv: if [ ! -d $(VENV) ]; then $(PYTHON) -m venv --prompt python-docs-fr $(VENV); fi $(VENV)/bin/pip install -q -U -r requirements.txt .PHONY: serve serve: $(MAKE) -C $(WORKTREE)/Doc/ serve .PHONY: progress progress: @python3 -c 'import sys; print("{:.1%}".format(int(sys.argv[1]) / int(sys.argv[2])))' \ $(shell msgcat *.po */*.po | msgattrib --translated | grep -c '^msgid') \ $(shell msgcat *.po */*.po | grep -c '^msgid') .PHONY: todo todo: venv $(VENV)/bin/potodo .PHONY: wrap wrap: venv $(VENV)/bin/powrap --check --quiet *.po **/*.po .PHONY: spell spell: venv $(VENV)/bin/pospell -p dict -l fr_FR *.po **/*.po .PHONY: fuzzy fuzzy: venv $(VENV)/bin/potodo -f .PHONY: verifs verifs: wrap spell .PHONY: merge merge: setup git -C $(CPYTHON_PATH) fetch $(UPSTREAM) rm -fr $(WORKTREES)/$(BRANCH) git -C $(CPYTHON_PATH) worktree prune git -C $(CPYTHON_PATH) worktree add $(WORKTREES)/$(BRANCH) $(word 1,$(shell git -C $(CPYTHON_PATH) remote -v | grep python/cpython))/$(BRANCH) $(MAKE) -C $(WORKTREES)/$(BRANCH)/Doc/ VENVDIR=$(WORKTREES)/$(BRANCH)/Doc/venv/ PYTHON=$(PYTHON) venv; (cd $(WORKTREES)/$(BRANCH); $(WORKTREES)/$(BRANCH)/Doc/venv/bin/sphinx-build -Q -b gettext -D gettext_compact=0 Doc pot/) find $(WORKTREES)/$(BRANCH) -name '*.pot' |\ while read -r POT;\ do\ PO="./$$(echo "$$POT" | sed "s#$(WORKTREES)/$(BRANCH)/pot/##; s#\.pot\$$#.po#")";\ mkdir -p "$$(dirname "$$PO")";\ if [ -f "$$PO" ];\ then\ case "$$POT" in\ *whatsnew*) msgmerge --backup=off --force-po --no-fuzzy-matching -U "$$PO" "$$POT" ;;\ *) msgmerge --backup=off --force-po -U "$$PO" "$$POT" ;;\ esac\ else\ msgcat -o "$$PO" "$$POT";\ fi\ done sed -i 's/^CPYTHON_CURRENT_COMMIT :=.*/CPYTHON_CURRENT_COMMIT := $(shell git -C $(WORKTREES)/$(BRANCH) rev-parse HEAD)/' Makefile rm -fr $(WORKTREES)/$(BRANCH) git -C $(CPYTHON_PATH) worktree prune .PHONY: clean clean: rm -fr venv find -name '*.mo' -delete