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# Copyright (C) 2001-2018, Python Software Foundation
# For licence information, see README file.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Python 3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-07-23 14:38+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-12-01 23:32+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: FRENCH <>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:2
msgid ":mod:`unittest.mock` --- getting started"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:27
msgid "Using Mock"
msgstr "Utilisation de Mock ou l'art de singer"
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:30
msgid "Mock Patching Methods"
msgstr "Simulation des méthodes"
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:32
msgid "Common uses for :class:`Mock` objects include:"
msgstr "Usages courant de :class:`Mock` :"
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:34
msgid "Patching methods"
msgstr "Substitution des méthodes"
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:35
msgid "Recording method calls on objects"
msgstr "Enregistrement des appels faits sur les objets"
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:37
msgid ""
"You might want to replace a method on an object to check that it is called "
"with the correct arguments by another part of the system:"
msgstr ""
"On peut remplacer une méthode sur un objet pour contrôler qu'elle est bien "
"appelée avec le nombre correct d'arguments :"
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:45
msgid ""
"Once our mock has been used (``real.method`` in this example) it has methods "
"and attributes that allow you to make assertions about how it has been used."
msgstr ""
"Une fois notre objet simulacre appelé (via ``real.method`` dans notre "
"exemple), il fournit des méthodes et attributs permettant de valider comment "
"il a été appelé."
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:50
msgid ""
"In most of these examples the :class:`Mock` and :class:`MagicMock` classes "
"are interchangeable. As the ``MagicMock`` is the more capable class it makes "
"a sensible one to use by default."
msgstr ""
"Dans la majeure partie des exemples donnés ici, les classes :class:`Mock` "
"et :class:`MagicMock` sont interchangeables. Étant donné que ``MagicMock`` "
"est la classe la plus puissante des deux, cela fait sens de l'utiliser par "
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:54
msgid ""
"Once the mock has been called its :attr:`~Mock.called` attribute is set to "
"``True``. More importantly we can use the :meth:`~Mock.assert_called_with` "
"or :meth:`~Mock.assert_called_once_with` method to check that it was called "
"with the correct arguments."
msgstr ""
"Une fois l'objet Mock appelé, son attribut :attr:`~Mock.called` est défini à "
"``True``. Qui plus est, nous pouvons utiliser les méthodes :meth:`~Mock."
"assert_called_with` ou :meth:`~Mock.assert_called_once_with` pour contrôler "
"qu'il a été appelé avec les bons arguments."
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:59
msgid ""
"This example tests that calling ``ProductionClass().method`` results in a "
"call to the ``something`` method:"
msgstr ""
"Cet exemple teste que l'appel de la méthode ``ProductionClass().method`` "
"implique bien celui de la méthode ``something`` :"
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:76
msgid "Mock for Method Calls on an Object"
msgstr "S'assurer de la bonne utilisation d'un objet"
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:78
msgid ""
"In the last example we patched a method directly on an object to check that "
"it was called correctly. Another common use case is to pass an object into a "
"method (or some part of the system under test) and then check that it is "
"used in the correct way."
msgstr ""
"Dans l'exemple précédent, nous avons directement remplacé une méthode par un "
"objet (afin de valider que l'appel était correct). Une autre façon de faire "
"est de passer un objet Mock en argument d'une méthode (ou de tout autre "
"partie du code à tester) et ensuite de contrôler que notre objet a été "
"utilisé de la façon attendue."
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:83
msgid ""
"The simple ``ProductionClass`` below has a ``closer`` method. If it is "
"called with an object then it calls ``close`` on it."
msgstr ""
"Ci-dessous, ``ProductionClass`` dispose d'une méthode ``closer``. Si on "
"l'appelle avec un objet, alors elle appelle la méthode ``close`` dessus."
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:91
msgid ""
"So to test it we need to pass in an object with a ``close`` method and check "
"that it was called correctly."
msgstr ""
"Ainsi, pour tester cette classe, nous devons lui passer un objet ayant une "
"méthode ``close``, puis vérifier qu'elle a bien été appelée."
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:99
msgid ""
"We don't have to do any work to provide the 'close' method on our mock. "
"Accessing close creates it. So, if 'close' hasn't already been called then "
"accessing it in the test will create it, but :meth:`~Mock."
"assert_called_with` will raise a failure exception."
msgstr ""
"En fait, nous n'avons pas à nous soucier de fournir la méthode ``close`` "
"dans notre objet « simulé ». Le simple fait d'accéder à la méthode ``close`` "
"l'a crée. Si par contre la méthode ``close`` n'a pas été appelée alors, bien "
"que le test la créée en y accédant, :meth:`~Mock.assert_called_with` lèvera "
"une exception."
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:106
msgid "Mocking Classes"
msgstr "Simulation des classes"
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:108
msgid ""
"A common use case is to mock out classes instantiated by your code under "
"test. When you patch a class, then that class is replaced with a mock. "
"Instances are created by *calling the class*. This means you access the "
"\"mock instance\" by looking at the return value of the mocked class."
msgstr ""
"Un cas d'utilisation courant consiste à émuler les classes instanciées par "
"le code que nous testons. Quand on *patch* une classe, alors cette classe "
"est remplacée par un objet *mock*. Les instances de la classe étant créées "
"en *appelant la classe*, on accède à « l'instance *mock* » via la valeur de "
"retour de la classe émulée."
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:113
msgid ""
"In the example below we have a function ``some_function`` that instantiates "
"``Foo`` and calls a method on it. The call to :func:`patch` replaces the "
"class ``Foo`` with a mock. The ``Foo`` instance is the result of calling the "
"mock, so it is configured by modifying the mock :attr:`~Mock."
"return_value`. ::"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:130
msgid "Naming your mocks"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:132
msgid ""
"It can be useful to give your mocks a name. The name is shown in the repr of "
"the mock and can be helpful when the mock appears in test failure messages. "
"The name is also propagated to attributes or methods of the mock:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:144
msgid "Tracking all Calls"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:146
msgid ""
"Often you want to track more than a single call to a method. The :attr:"
"`~Mock.mock_calls` attribute records all calls to child attributes of the "
"mock - and also to their children."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:158
msgid ""
"If you make an assertion about ``mock_calls`` and any unexpected methods "
"have been called, then the assertion will fail. This is useful because as "
"well as asserting that the calls you expected have been made, you are also "
"checking that they were made in the right order and with no additional calls:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:163
msgid ""
"You use the :data:`call` object to construct lists for comparing with "
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:170
msgid ""
"However, parameters to calls that return mocks are not recorded, which means "
"it is not possible to track nested calls where the parameters used to create "
"ancestors are important:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:181
msgid "Setting Return Values and Attributes"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:183
msgid "Setting the return values on a mock object is trivially easy:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:190
msgid "Of course you can do the same for methods on the mock:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:197
msgid "The return value can also be set in the constructor:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:203
msgid "If you need an attribute setting on your mock, just do it:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:210
msgid ""
"Sometimes you want to mock up a more complex situation, like for example "
"``mock.connection.cursor().execute(\"SELECT 1\")``. If we wanted this call "
"to return a list, then we have to configure the result of the nested call."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:214
msgid ""
"We can use :data:`call` to construct the set of calls in a \"chained call\" "
"like this for easy assertion afterwards:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:228
msgid ""
"It is the call to ``.call_list()`` that turns our call object into a list of "
"calls representing the chained calls."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:233
msgid "Raising exceptions with mocks"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:235
msgid ""
"A useful attribute is :attr:`~Mock.side_effect`. If you set this to an "
"exception class or instance then the exception will be raised when the mock "
"is called."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:247
msgid "Side effect functions and iterables"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:249
msgid ""
"``side_effect`` can also be set to a function or an iterable. The use case "
"for ``side_effect`` as an iterable is where your mock is going to be called "
"several times, and you want each call to return a different value. When you "
"set ``side_effect`` to an iterable every call to the mock returns the next "
"value from the iterable:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:264
msgid ""
"For more advanced use cases, like dynamically varying the return values "
"depending on what the mock is called with, ``side_effect`` can be a "
"function. The function will be called with the same arguments as the mock. "
"Whatever the function returns is what the call returns:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:281
msgid "Mocking asynchronous iterators"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:283
msgid ""
"Since Python 3.8, ``AsyncMock`` and ``MagicMock`` have support to mock :ref:"
"`async-iterators` through ``__aiter__``. The :attr:`~Mock.return_value` "
"attribute of ``__aiter__`` can be used to set the return values to be used "
"for iteration."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:298
msgid "Mocking asynchronous context manager"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:300
msgid ""
"Since Python 3.8, ``AsyncMock`` and ``MagicMock`` have support to mock :ref:"
"`async-context-managers` through ``__aenter__`` and ``__aexit__``. By "
"default, ``__aenter__`` and ``__aexit__`` are ``AsyncMock`` instances that "
"return an async function."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:322
msgid "Creating a Mock from an Existing Object"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:324
msgid ""
"One problem with over use of mocking is that it couples your tests to the "
"implementation of your mocks rather than your real code. Suppose you have a "
"class that implements ``some_method``. In a test for another class, you "
"provide a mock of this object that *also* provides ``some_method``. If later "
"you refactor the first class, so that it no longer has ``some_method`` - "
"then your tests will continue to pass even though your code is now broken!"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:331
msgid ""
":class:`Mock` allows you to provide an object as a specification for the "
"mock, using the *spec* keyword argument. Accessing methods / attributes on "
"the mock that don't exist on your specification object will immediately "
"raise an attribute error. If you change the implementation of your "
"specification, then tests that use that class will start failing immediately "
"without you having to instantiate the class in those tests."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:344
msgid ""
"Using a specification also enables a smarter matching of calls made to the "
"mock, regardless of whether some parameters were passed as positional or "
"named arguments::"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:355
msgid ""
"If you want this smarter matching to also work with method calls on the "
"mock, you can use :ref:`auto-speccing <auto-speccing>`."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:358
msgid ""
"If you want a stronger form of specification that prevents the setting of "
"arbitrary attributes as well as the getting of them then you can use "
"*spec_set* instead of *spec*."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:365
msgid "Patch Decorators"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:369
msgid ""
"With :func:`patch` it matters that you patch objects in the namespace where "
"they are looked up. This is normally straightforward, but for a quick guide "
"read :ref:`where to patch <where-to-patch>`."
msgstr ""
"Avec :func:`patch`, il est important de *patcher* les objets dans l'espace "
"de nommage où ils sont recherchés. C'est ce qui se fait normalement, mais "
"pour un guide rapide, lisez :ref:`où patcher <where-to-patch>`."
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:374
msgid ""
"A common need in tests is to patch a class attribute or a module attribute, "
"for example patching a builtin or patching a class in a module to test that "
"it is instantiated. Modules and classes are effectively global, so patching "
"on them has to be undone after the test or the patch will persist into other "
"tests and cause hard to diagnose problems."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:380
msgid ""
"mock provides three convenient decorators for this: :func:`patch`, :func:"
"`patch.object` and :func:`patch.dict`. ``patch`` takes a single string, of "
"the form ``package.module.Class.attribute`` to specify the attribute you are "
"patching. It also optionally takes a value that you want the attribute (or "
"class or whatever) to be replaced with. 'patch.object' takes an object and "
"the name of the attribute you would like patched, plus optionally the value "
"to patch it with."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:388
msgid "``patch.object``::"
msgstr "``patch.object`` ::"
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:405
msgid ""
"If you are patching a module (including :mod:`builtins`) then use :func:"
"`patch` instead of :func:`patch.object`:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:415
msgid ""
"The module name can be 'dotted', in the form ``package.module`` if needed::"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:424
msgid "A nice pattern is to actually decorate test methods themselves:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:435
msgid ""
"If you want to patch with a Mock, you can use :func:`patch` with only one "
"argument (or :func:`patch.object` with two arguments). The mock will be "
"created for you and passed into the test function / method:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:447
msgid "You can stack up multiple patch decorators using this pattern::"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:458
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"When you nest patch decorators the mocks are passed in to the decorated "
"function in the same order they applied (the normal *Python* order that "
"decorators are applied). This means from the bottom up, so in the example "
"above the mock for ``test_module.ClassName2`` is passed in first."
msgstr ""
"Lorsque l'on imbrique des décorateurs de patchs, les *mocks* sont transmis à "
"la fonction décorée dans le même ordre qu'ils ont été déclarés (l'ordre "
"normal *Python* des décorateurs est appliqué). Cela signifie du bas vers le "
"haut, donc dans l'exemple ci-dessus, l'objet simulacre pour ``module."
"ClassName1`` est passé en premier."
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:463
msgid ""
"There is also :func:`patch.dict` for setting values in a dictionary just "
"during a scope and restoring the dictionary to its original state when the "
"test ends:"
msgstr ""
"Il existe également :func:`patch.dict` pour définir des valeurs d'un "
"dictionnaire au sein d'une portée et restaurer ce dictionnaire à son état "
"d'origine lorsque le test se termine :"
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:474
msgid ""
"``patch``, ``patch.object`` and ``patch.dict`` can all be used as context "
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:476
msgid ""
"Where you use :func:`patch` to create a mock for you, you can get a "
"reference to the mock using the \"as\" form of the with statement:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:491
msgid ""
"As an alternative ``patch``, ``patch.object`` and ``patch.dict`` can be used "
"as class decorators. When used in this way it is the same as applying the "
"decorator individually to every method whose name starts with \"test\"."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:499
msgid "Further Examples"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:502
msgid "Here are some more examples for some slightly more advanced scenarios."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:506
msgid "Mocking chained calls"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:508
msgid ""
"Mocking chained calls is actually straightforward with mock once you "
"understand the :attr:`~Mock.return_value` attribute. When a mock is called "
"for the first time, or you fetch its ``return_value`` before it has been "
"called, a new :class:`Mock` is created."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:513
msgid ""
"This means that you can see how the object returned from a call to a mocked "
"object has been used by interrogating the ``return_value`` mock:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:521
msgid ""
"From here it is a simple step to configure and then make assertions about "
"chained calls. Of course another alternative is writing your code in a more "
"testable way in the first place..."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:525
msgid "So, suppose we have some code that looks a little bit like this:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:534
msgid ""
"Assuming that ``BackendProvider`` is already well tested, how do we test "
"``method()``? Specifically, we want to test that the code section ``# more "
"code`` uses the response object in the correct way."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:538
msgid ""
"As this chain of calls is made from an instance attribute we can monkey "
"patch the ``backend`` attribute on a ``Something`` instance. In this "
"particular case we are only interested in the return value from the final "
"call to ``start_call`` so we don't have much configuration to do. Let's "
"assume the object it returns is 'file-like', so we'll ensure that our "
"response object uses the builtin :func:`open` as its ``spec``."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:545
msgid ""
"To do this we create a mock instance as our mock backend and create a mock "
"response object for it. To set the response as the return value for that "
"final ``start_call`` we could do this::"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:551
msgid ""
"We can do that in a slightly nicer way using the :meth:`~Mock."
"configure_mock` method to directly set the return value for us::"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:560
msgid ""
"With these we monkey patch the \"mock backend\" in place and can make the "
"real call::"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:566
msgid ""
"Using :attr:`~Mock.mock_calls` we can check the chained call with a single "
"assert. A chained call is several calls in one line of code, so there will "
"be several entries in ``mock_calls``. We can use :meth:`call.call_list` to "
"create this list of calls for us::"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:577
msgid "Partial mocking"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:579
msgid ""
"In some tests I wanted to mock out a call to :meth:`` to "
"return a known date, but I didn't want to prevent the code under test from "
"creating new date objects. Unfortunately :class:`` is written "
"in C, and so I couldn't just monkey-patch out the static :meth:`` "
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:584
msgid ""
"I found a simple way of doing this that involved effectively wrapping the "
"date class with a mock, but passing through calls to the constructor to the "
"real class (and returning real instances)."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:588
msgid ""
"The :func:`patch decorator <patch>` is used here to mock out the ``date`` "
"class in the module under test. The :attr:`side_effect` attribute on the "
"mock date class is then set to a lambda function that returns a real date. "
"When the mock date class is called a real date will be constructed and "
"returned by ``side_effect``. ::"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:602
msgid ""
"Note that we don't patch :class:`` globally, we patch ``date`` "
"in the module that *uses* it. See :ref:`where to patch <where-to-patch>`."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:605
msgid ""
"When ```` is called a known date is returned, but calls to the "
"``date(...)`` constructor still return normal dates. Without this you can "
"find yourself having to calculate an expected result using exactly the same "
"algorithm as the code under test, which is a classic testing anti-pattern."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:610
msgid ""
"Calls to the date constructor are recorded in the ``mock_date`` attributes "
"(``call_count`` and friends) which may also be useful for your tests."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:613
msgid ""
"An alternative way of dealing with mocking dates, or other builtin classes, "
"is discussed in `this blog entry <"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:619
msgid "Mocking a Generator Method"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:621
msgid ""
"A Python generator is a function or method that uses the :keyword:`yield` "
"statement to return a series of values when iterated over [#]_."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:624
msgid ""
"A generator method / function is called to return the generator object. It "
"is the generator object that is then iterated over. The protocol method for "
"iteration is :meth:`~container.__iter__`, so we can mock this using a :class:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:629
msgid ""
"Here's an example class with an \"iter\" method implemented as a generator:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:641
msgid "How would we mock this class, and in particular its \"iter\" method?"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:643
msgid ""
"To configure the values returned from the iteration (implicit in the call "
"to :class:`list`), we need to configure the object returned by the call to "
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:651
msgid ""
"There are also generator expressions and more `advanced uses <http://www."
">`_ of generators, but we aren't concerned "
"about them here. A very good introduction to generators and how powerful "
"they are is: `Generator Tricks for Systems Programmers <http://www.dabeaz."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:659
msgid "Applying the same patch to every test method"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:661
msgid ""
"If you want several patches in place for multiple test methods the obvious "
"way is to apply the patch decorators to every method. This can feel like "
"unnecessary repetition. Instead, you can use :func:`patch` (in all its "
"various forms) as a class decorator. This applies the patches to all test "
"methods on the class. A test method is identified by methods whose names "
"start with ``test``::"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:685
msgid ""
"An alternative way of managing patches is to use the :ref:`start-and-stop`. "
"These allow you to move the patching into your ``setUp`` and ``tearDown`` "
"methods. ::"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:702
msgid ""
"If you use this technique you must ensure that the patching is \"undone\" by "
"calling ``stop``. This can be fiddlier than you might think, because if an "
"exception is raised in the setUp then tearDown is not called. :meth:"
"`unittest.TestCase.addCleanup` makes this easier::"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:720
msgid "Mocking Unbound Methods"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:722
msgid ""
"Whilst writing tests today I needed to patch an *unbound method* (patching "
"the method on the class rather than on the instance). I needed self to be "
"passed in as the first argument because I want to make asserts about which "
"objects were calling this particular method. The issue is that you can't "
"patch with a mock for this, because if you replace an unbound method with a "
"mock it doesn't become a bound method when fetched from the instance, and so "
"it doesn't get self passed in. The workaround is to patch the unbound method "
"with a real function instead. The :func:`patch` decorator makes it so simple "
"to patch out methods with a mock that having to create a real function "
"becomes a nuisance."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:733
msgid ""
"If you pass ``autospec=True`` to patch then it does the patching with a "
"*real* function object. This function object has the same signature as the "
"one it is replacing, but delegates to a mock under the hood. You still get "
"your mock auto-created in exactly the same way as before. What it means "
"though, is that if you use it to patch out an unbound method on a class the "
"mocked function will be turned into a bound method if it is fetched from an "
"instance. It will have ``self`` passed in as the first argument, which is "
"exactly what I wanted:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:754
msgid ""
"If we don't use ``autospec=True`` then the unbound method is patched out "
"with a Mock instance instead, and isn't called with ``self``."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:759
msgid "Checking multiple calls with mock"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:761
msgid ""
"mock has a nice API for making assertions about how your mock objects are "
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:768
msgid ""
"If your mock is only being called once you can use the :meth:"
"`assert_called_once_with` method that also asserts that the :attr:"
"`call_count` is one."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:779
msgid ""
"Both ``assert_called_with`` and ``assert_called_once_with`` make assertions "
"about the *most recent* call. If your mock is going to be called several "
"times, and you want to make assertions about *all* those calls you can use :"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:791
msgid ""
"The :data:`call` helper makes it easy to make assertions about these calls. "
"You can build up a list of expected calls and compare it to "
"``call_args_list``. This looks remarkably similar to the repr of the "
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:801
msgid "Coping with mutable arguments"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:803
msgid ""
"Another situation is rare, but can bite you, is when your mock is called "
"with mutable arguments. ``call_args`` and ``call_args_list`` store "
"*references* to the arguments. If the arguments are mutated by the code "
"under test then you can no longer make assertions about what the values were "
"when the mock was called."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:808
msgid ""
"Here's some example code that shows the problem. Imagine the following "
"functions defined in 'mymodule'::"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:819
msgid ""
"When we try to test that ``grob`` calls ``frob`` with the correct argument "
"look what happens::"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:834
msgid ""
"One possibility would be for mock to copy the arguments you pass in. This "
"could then cause problems if you do assertions that rely on object identity "
"for equality."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:838
msgid ""
"Here's one solution that uses the :attr:`side_effect` functionality. If you "
"provide a ``side_effect`` function for a mock then ``side_effect`` will be "
"called with the same args as the mock. This gives us an opportunity to copy "
"the arguments and store them for later assertions. In this example I'm using "
"*another* mock to store the arguments so that I can use the mock methods for "
"doing the assertion. Again a helper function sets this up for me. ::"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:867
msgid ""
"``copy_call_args`` is called with the mock that will be called. It returns a "
"new mock that we do the assertion on. The ``side_effect`` function makes a "
"copy of the args and calls our ``new_mock`` with the copy."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:873
msgid ""
"If your mock is only going to be used once there is an easier way of "
"checking arguments at the point they are called. You can simply do the "
"checking inside a ``side_effect`` function."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:887
msgid ""
"An alternative approach is to create a subclass of :class:`Mock` or :class:"
"`MagicMock` that copies (using :func:`copy.deepcopy`) the arguments. Here's "
"an example implementation:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:911
msgid ""
"When you subclass ``Mock`` or ``MagicMock`` all dynamically created "
"attributes, and the ``return_value`` will use your subclass automatically. "
"That means all children of a ``CopyingMock`` will also have the type "
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:917
msgid "Nesting Patches"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:919
msgid ""
"Using patch as a context manager is nice, but if you do multiple patches you "
"can end up with nested with statements indenting further and further to the "
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:937
msgid ""
"With unittest ``cleanup`` functions and the :ref:`start-and-stop` we can "
"achieve the same effect without the nested indentation. A simple helper "
"method, ``create_patch``, puts the patch in place and returns the created "
"mock for us::"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:965
msgid "Mocking a dictionary with MagicMock"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:967
msgid ""
"You may want to mock a dictionary, or other container object, recording all "
"access to it whilst having it still behave like a dictionary."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:970
msgid ""
"We can do this with :class:`MagicMock`, which will behave like a dictionary, "
"and using :data:`~Mock.side_effect` to delegate dictionary access to a real "
"underlying dictionary that is under our control."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:974
msgid ""
"When the :meth:`__getitem__` and :meth:`__setitem__` methods of our "
"``MagicMock`` are called (normal dictionary access) then ``side_effect`` is "
"called with the key (and in the case of ``__setitem__`` the value too). We "
"can also control what is returned."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:978
msgid ""
"After the ``MagicMock`` has been used we can use attributes like :data:"
"`~Mock.call_args_list` to assert about how the dictionary was used:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:994
msgid ""
"An alternative to using ``MagicMock`` is to use ``Mock`` and *only* provide "
"the magic methods you specifically want:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1001
msgid ""
"A *third* option is to use ``MagicMock`` but passing in ``dict`` as the "
"*spec* (or *spec_set*) argument so that the ``MagicMock`` created only has "
"dictionary magic methods available:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1009
msgid ""
"With these side effect functions in place, the ``mock`` will behave like a "
"normal dictionary but recording the access. It even raises a :exc:`KeyError` "
"if you try to access a key that doesn't exist."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1028
msgid ""
"After it has been used you can make assertions about the access using the "
"normal mock methods and attributes:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1040
msgid "Mock subclasses and their attributes"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1042
msgid ""
"There are various reasons why you might want to subclass :class:`Mock`. One "
"reason might be to add helper methods. Here's a silly example:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1058
msgid ""
"The standard behaviour for ``Mock`` instances is that attributes and the "
"return value mocks are of the same type as the mock they are accessed on. "
"This ensures that ``Mock`` attributes are ``Mocks`` and ``MagicMock`` "
"attributes are ``MagicMocks`` [#]_. So if you're subclassing to add helper "
"methods then they'll also be available on the attributes and return value "
"mock of instances of your subclass."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1074
msgid ""
"Sometimes this is inconvenient. For example, `one user <"
"com/archive/p/mock/issues/105>`_ is subclassing mock to created a `Twisted "
"adaptor <"
"html>`_. Having this applied to attributes too actually causes errors."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1080
msgid ""
"``Mock`` (in all its flavours) uses a method called ``_get_child_mock`` to "
"create these \"sub-mocks\" for attributes and return values. You can prevent "
"your subclass being used for attributes by overriding this method. The "
"signature is that it takes arbitrary keyword arguments (``**kwargs``) which "
"are then passed onto the mock constructor:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1097
msgid ""
"An exception to this rule are the non-callable mocks. Attributes use the "
"callable variant because otherwise non-callable mocks couldn't have callable "
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1103
msgid "Mocking imports with patch.dict"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1105
msgid ""
"One situation where mocking can be hard is where you have a local import "
"inside a function. These are harder to mock because they aren't using an "
"object from the module namespace that we can patch out."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1109
msgid ""
"Generally local imports are to be avoided. They are sometimes done to "
"prevent circular dependencies, for which there is *usually* a much better "
"way to solve the problem (refactor the code) or to prevent \"up front "
"costs\" by delaying the import. This can also be solved in better ways than "
"an unconditional local import (store the module as a class or module "
"attribute and only do the import on first use)."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1116
msgid ""
"That aside there is a way to use ``mock`` to affect the results of an "
"import. Importing fetches an *object* from the :data:`sys.modules` "
"dictionary. Note that it fetches an *object*, which need not be a module. "
"Importing a module for the first time results in a module object being put "
"in ``sys.modules``, so usually when you import something you get a module "
"back. This need not be the case however."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1123
msgid ""
"This means you can use :func:`patch.dict` to *temporarily* put a mock in "
"place in :data:`sys.modules`. Any imports whilst this patch is active will "
"fetch the mock. When the patch is complete (the decorated function exits, "
"the with statement body is complete or ``patcher.stop()`` is called) then "
"whatever was there previously will be restored safely."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1129
msgid "Here's an example that mocks out the 'fooble' module."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1141
msgid ""
"As you can see the ``import fooble`` succeeds, but on exit there is no "
"'fooble' left in :data:`sys.modules`."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1144
msgid "This also works for the ``from module import name`` form:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1154
msgid "With slightly more work you can also mock package imports:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1167
msgid "Tracking order of calls and less verbose call assertions"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1169
msgid ""
"The :class:`Mock` class allows you to track the *order* of method calls on "
"your mock objects through the :attr:`~Mock.method_calls` attribute. This "
"doesn't allow you to track the order of calls between separate mock objects, "
"however we can use :attr:`~Mock.mock_calls` to achieve the same effect."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1174
msgid ""
"Because mocks track calls to child mocks in ``mock_calls``, and accessing an "
"arbitrary attribute of a mock creates a child mock, we can create our "
"separate mocks from a parent one. Calls to those child mock will then all be "
"recorded, in order, in the ``mock_calls`` of the parent:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1191
msgid ""
"We can then assert about the calls, including the order, by comparing with "
"the ``mock_calls`` attribute on the manager mock:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1198
msgid ""
"If ``patch`` is creating, and putting in place, your mocks then you can "
"attach them to a manager mock using the :meth:`~Mock.attach_mock` method. "
"After attaching calls will be recorded in ``mock_calls`` of the manager. ::"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1217
msgid ""
"If many calls have been made, but you're only interested in a particular "
"sequence of them then an alternative is to use the :meth:`~Mock."
"assert_has_calls` method. This takes a list of calls (constructed with the :"
"data:`call` object). If that sequence of calls are in :attr:`~Mock."
"mock_calls` then the assert succeeds."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1231
msgid ""
"Even though the chained call ```` aren't the only calls "
"that have been made to the mock, the assert still succeeds."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1234
msgid ""
"Sometimes a mock may have several calls made to it, and you are only "
"interested in asserting about *some* of those calls. You may not even care "
"about the order. In this case you can pass ``any_order=True`` to "
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1246
msgid "More complex argument matching"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1248
msgid ""
"Using the same basic concept as :data:`ANY` we can implement matchers to do "
"more complex assertions on objects used as arguments to mocks."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1251
msgid ""
"Suppose we expect some object to be passed to a mock that by default "
"compares equal based on object identity (which is the Python default for "
"user defined classes). To use :meth:`~Mock.assert_called_with` we would need "
"to pass in the exact same object. If we are only interested in some of the "
"attributes of this object then we can create a matcher that will check these "
"attributes for us."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1258
msgid ""
"You can see in this example how a 'standard' call to ``assert_called_with`` "
"isn't sufficient:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1273
msgid ""
"A comparison function for our ``Foo`` class might look something like this:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1285
msgid ""
"And a matcher object that can use comparison functions like this for its "
"equality operation would look something like this:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1296
msgid "Putting all this together:"
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1301
msgid ""
"The ``Matcher`` is instantiated with our compare function and the ``Foo`` "
"object we want to compare against. In ``assert_called_with`` the ``Matcher`` "
"equality method will be called, which compares the object the mock was "
"called with against the one we created our matcher with. If they match then "
"``assert_called_with`` passes, and if they don't an :exc:`AssertionError` is "
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1314
msgid ""
"With a bit of tweaking you could have the comparison function raise the :exc:"
"`AssertionError` directly and provide a more useful failure message."
msgstr ""
#: library/unittest.mock-examples.rst:1317
msgid ""
"As of version 1.5, the Python testing library `PyHamcrest <https://"
">`_ provides similar functionality, that may be "
"useful here, in the form of its equality matcher (`hamcrest.library."
"integration.match_equality <"
msgstr ""