# Copyright (C) 2001-2018, Python Software Foundation # For licence information, see README file. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python 3.6\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-28 15:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "Language: fr\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:2 msgid ":mod:`http.server` --- HTTP servers" msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:7 msgid "**Source code:** :source:`Lib/http/server.py`" msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:17 msgid "" "This module defines classes for implementing HTTP servers (Web servers)." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:19 msgid "" "One class, :class:`HTTPServer`, is a :class:`socketserver.TCPServer` " "subclass. It creates and listens at the HTTP socket, dispatching the " "requests to a handler. Code to create and run the server looks like this::" msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:31 msgid "" "This class builds on the :class:`~socketserver.TCPServer` class by storing " "the server address as instance variables named :attr:`server_name` and :attr:" "`server_port`. The server is accessible by the handler, typically through " "the handler's :attr:`server` instance variable." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:38 msgid "" "This class is identical to HTTPServer but uses threads to handle requests by " "using the :class:`~socketserver.ThreadingMixIn`. This is useful to handle " "web browsers pre-opening sockets, on which :class:`HTTPServer` would wait " "indefinitely." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:46 msgid "" "The :class:`HTTPServer` and :class:`ThreadingHTTPServer` must be given a " "*RequestHandlerClass* on instantiation, of which this module provides three " "different variants:" msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:52 msgid "" "This class is used to handle the HTTP requests that arrive at the server. " "By itself, it cannot respond to any actual HTTP requests; it must be " "subclassed to handle each request method (e.g. GET or POST). :class:" "`BaseHTTPRequestHandler` provides a number of class and instance variables, " "and methods for use by subclasses." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:58 msgid "" "The handler will parse the request and the headers, then call a method " "specific to the request type. The method name is constructed from the " "request. For example, for the request method ``SPAM``, the :meth:`do_SPAM` " "method will be called with no arguments. All of the relevant information is " "stored in instance variables of the handler. Subclasses should not need to " "override or extend the :meth:`__init__` method." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:65 msgid ":class:`BaseHTTPRequestHandler` has the following instance variables:" msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:69 msgid "" "Contains a tuple of the form ``(host, port)`` referring to the client's " "address." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:74 msgid "Contains the server instance." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:78 msgid "" "Boolean that should be set before :meth:`handle_one_request` returns, " "indicating if another request may be expected, or if the connection should " "be shut down." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:84 msgid "" "Contains the string representation of the HTTP request line. The terminating " "CRLF is stripped. This attribute should be set by :meth:" "`handle_one_request`. If no valid request line was processed, it should be " "set to the empty string." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:91 msgid "Contains the command (request type). For example, ``'GET'``." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:95 msgid "Contains the request path." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:99 msgid "" "Contains the version string from the request. For example, ``'HTTP/1.0'``." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:103 msgid "" "Holds an instance of the class specified by the :attr:`MessageClass` class " "variable. This instance parses and manages the headers in the HTTP request. " "The :func:`~http.client.parse_headers` function from :mod:`http.client` is " "used to parse the headers and it requires that the HTTP request provide a " "valid :rfc:`2822` style header." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:111 msgid "" "An :class:`io.BufferedIOBase` input stream, ready to read from the start of " "the optional input data." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:116 msgid "" "Contains the output stream for writing a response back to the client. Proper " "adherence to the HTTP protocol must be used when writing to this stream in " "order to achieve successful interoperation with HTTP clients." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:121 msgid "This is an :class:`io.BufferedIOBase` stream." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:124 msgid ":class:`BaseHTTPRequestHandler` has the following attributes:" msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:128 msgid "" "Specifies the server software version. You may want to override this. The " "format is multiple whitespace-separated strings, where each string is of the " "form name[/version]. For example, ``'BaseHTTP/0.2'``." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:134 msgid "" "Contains the Python system version, in a form usable by the :attr:" "`version_string` method and the :attr:`server_version` class variable. For " "example, ``'Python/1.4'``." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:140 msgid "" "Specifies a format string that should be used by :meth:`send_error` method " "for building an error response to the client. The string is filled by " "default with variables from :attr:`responses` based on the status code that " "passed to :meth:`send_error`." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:147 msgid "" "Specifies the Content-Type HTTP header of error responses sent to the " "client. The default value is ``'text/html'``." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:152 msgid "" "This specifies the HTTP protocol version used in responses. If set to " "``'HTTP/1.1'``, the server will permit HTTP persistent connections; however, " "your server *must* then include an accurate ``Content-Length`` header " "(using :meth:`send_header`) in all of its responses to clients. For " "backwards compatibility, the setting defaults to ``'HTTP/1.0'``." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:160 msgid "" "Specifies an :class:`email.message.Message`\\ -like class to parse HTTP " "headers. Typically, this is not overridden, and it defaults to :class:`http." "client.HTTPMessage`." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:166 msgid "" "This attribute contains a mapping of error code integers to two-element " "tuples containing a short and long message. For example, ``{code: " "(shortmessage, longmessage)}``. The *shortmessage* is usually used as the " "*message* key in an error response, and *longmessage* as the *explain* key. " "It is used by :meth:`send_response_only` and :meth:`send_error` methods." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:172 msgid "A :class:`BaseHTTPRequestHandler` instance has the following methods:" msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:176 msgid "" "Calls :meth:`handle_one_request` once (or, if persistent connections are " "enabled, multiple times) to handle incoming HTTP requests. You should never " "need to override it; instead, implement appropriate :meth:`do_\\*` methods." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:183 msgid "" "This method will parse and dispatch the request to the appropriate :meth:`do_" "\\*` method. You should never need to override it." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:188 msgid "" "When a HTTP/1.1 compliant server receives an ``Expect: 100-continue`` " "request header it responds back with a ``100 Continue`` followed by ``200 " "OK`` headers. This method can be overridden to raise an error if the server " "does not want the client to continue. For e.g. server can chose to send " "``417 Expectation Failed`` as a response header and ``return False``." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:199 msgid "" "Sends and logs a complete error reply to the client. The numeric *code* " "specifies the HTTP error code, with *message* as an optional, short, human " "readable description of the error. The *explain* argument can be used to " "provide more detailed information about the error; it will be formatted " "using the :attr:`error_message_format` attribute and emitted, after a " "complete set of headers, as the response body. The :attr:`responses` " "attribute holds the default values for *message* and *explain* that will be " "used if no value is provided; for unknown codes the default value for both " "is the string ``???``. The body will be empty if the method is HEAD or the " "response code is one of the following: ``1xx``, ``204 No Content``, ``205 " "Reset Content``, ``304 Not Modified``." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:211 msgid "" "The error response includes a Content-Length header. Added the *explain* " "argument." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:217 msgid "" "Adds a response header to the headers buffer and logs the accepted request. " "The HTTP response line is written to the internal buffer, followed by " "*Server* and *Date* headers. The values for these two headers are picked up " "from the :meth:`version_string` and :meth:`date_time_string` methods, " "respectively. If the server does not intend to send any other headers using " "the :meth:`send_header` method, then :meth:`send_response` should be " "followed by an :meth:`end_headers` call." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:226 msgid "" "Headers are stored to an internal buffer and :meth:`end_headers` needs to be " "called explicitly." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:232 msgid "" "Adds the HTTP header to an internal buffer which will be written to the " "output stream when either :meth:`end_headers` or :meth:`flush_headers` is " "invoked. *keyword* should specify the header keyword, with *value* " "specifying its value. Note that, after the send_header calls are done, :meth:" "`end_headers` MUST BE called in order to complete the operation." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:238 msgid "Headers are stored in an internal buffer." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:243 msgid "" "Sends the response header only, used for the purposes when ``100 Continue`` " "response is sent by the server to the client. The headers not buffered and " "sent directly the output stream.If the *message* is not specified, the HTTP " "message corresponding the response *code* is sent." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:252 msgid "" "Adds a blank line (indicating the end of the HTTP headers in the response) " "to the headers buffer and calls :meth:`flush_headers()`." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:256 msgid "The buffered headers are written to the output stream." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:261 msgid "" "Finally send the headers to the output stream and flush the internal headers " "buffer." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:268 msgid "" "Logs an accepted (successful) request. *code* should specify the numeric " "HTTP code associated with the response. If a size of the response is " "available, then it should be passed as the *size* parameter." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:274 msgid "" "Logs an error when a request cannot be fulfilled. By default, it passes the " "message to :meth:`log_message`, so it takes the same arguments (*format* and " "additional values)." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:281 msgid "" "Logs an arbitrary message to ``sys.stderr``. This is typically overridden to " "create custom error logging mechanisms. The *format* argument is a standard " "printf-style format string, where the additional arguments to :meth:" "`log_message` are applied as inputs to the formatting. The client ip address " "and current date and time are prefixed to every message logged." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:289 msgid "" "Returns the server software's version string. This is a combination of the :" "attr:`server_version` and :attr:`sys_version` attributes." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:294 msgid "" "Returns the date and time given by *timestamp* (which must be ``None`` or in " "the format returned by :func:`time.time`), formatted for a message header. " "If *timestamp* is omitted, it uses the current date and time." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:298 msgid "The result looks like ``'Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT'``." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:302 msgid "Returns the current date and time, formatted for logging." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:306 msgid "Returns the client address." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:308 msgid "" "Previously, a name lookup was performed. To avoid name resolution delays, it " "now always returns the IP address." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:315 msgid "" "This class serves files from the current directory and below, directly " "mapping the directory structure to HTTP requests." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:318 msgid "" "A lot of the work, such as parsing the request, is done by the base class :" "class:`BaseHTTPRequestHandler`. This class implements the :func:`do_GET` " "and :func:`do_HEAD` functions." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:322 msgid "" "The following are defined as class-level attributes of :class:" "`SimpleHTTPRequestHandler`:" msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:327 msgid "" "This will be ``\"SimpleHTTP/\" + __version__``, where ``__version__`` is " "defined at the module level." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:332 msgid "" "A dictionary mapping suffixes into MIME types. The default is signified by " "an empty string, and is considered to be ``application/octet-stream``. The " "mapping is used case-insensitively, and so should contain only lower-cased " "keys." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:339 msgid "" "If not specified, the directory to serve is the current working directory." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:341 msgid "" "The :class:`SimpleHTTPRequestHandler` class defines the following methods:" msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:345 msgid "" "This method serves the ``'HEAD'`` request type: it sends the headers it " "would send for the equivalent ``GET`` request. See the :meth:`do_GET` method " "for a more complete explanation of the possible headers." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:351 msgid "" "The request is mapped to a local file by interpreting the request as a path " "relative to the current working directory." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:354 msgid "" "If the request was mapped to a directory, the directory is checked for a " "file named ``index.html`` or ``index.htm`` (in that order). If found, the " "file's contents are returned; otherwise a directory listing is generated by " "calling the :meth:`list_directory` method. This method uses :func:`os." "listdir` to scan the directory, and returns a ``404`` error response if the :" "func:`~os.listdir` fails." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:361 msgid "" "If the request was mapped to a file, it is opened. Any :exc:`OSError` " "exception in opening the requested file is mapped to a ``404``, ``'File not " "found'`` error. If there was a ``'If-Modified-Since'`` header in the " "request, and the file was not modified after this time, a ``304``, ``'Not " "Modified'`` response is sent. Otherwise, the content type is guessed by " "calling the :meth:`guess_type` method, which in turn uses the " "*extensions_map* variable, and the file contents are returned." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:369 msgid "" "A ``'Content-type:'`` header with the guessed content type is output, " "followed by a ``'Content-Length:'`` header with the file's size and a " "``'Last-Modified:'`` header with the file's modification time." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:373 msgid "" "Then follows a blank line signifying the end of the headers, and then the " "contents of the file are output. If the file's MIME type starts with ``text/" "`` the file is opened in text mode; otherwise binary mode is used." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:377 msgid "" "For example usage, see the implementation of the :func:`test` function " "invocation in the :mod:`http.server` module." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:380 msgid "Support of the ``'If-Modified-Since'`` header." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:383 msgid "" "The :class:`SimpleHTTPRequestHandler` class can be used in the following " "manner in order to create a very basic webserver serving files relative to " "the current directory::" msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:400 msgid "" ":mod:`http.server` can also be invoked directly using the :option:`-m` " "switch of the interpreter with a ``port number`` argument. Similar to the " "previous example, this serves files relative to the current directory::" msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:406 msgid "" "By default, server binds itself to all interfaces. The option ``-b/--bind`` " "specifies a specific address to which it should bind. For example, the " "following command causes the server to bind to localhost only::" msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:412 msgid "``--bind`` argument was introduced." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:415 msgid "" "By default, server uses the current directory. The option ``-d/--directory`` " "specifies a directory to which it should serve the files. For example, the " "following command uses a specific directory::" msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:421 msgid "``--directory`` specify alternate directory" msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:426 msgid "" "This class is used to serve either files or output of CGI scripts from the " "current directory and below. Note that mapping HTTP hierarchic structure to " "local directory structure is exactly as in :class:`SimpleHTTPRequestHandler`." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:432 msgid "" "CGI scripts run by the :class:`CGIHTTPRequestHandler` class cannot execute " "redirects (HTTP code 302), because code 200 (script output follows) is sent " "prior to execution of the CGI script. This pre-empts the status code." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:437 msgid "" "The class will however, run the CGI script, instead of serving it as a file, " "if it guesses it to be a CGI script. Only directory-based CGI are used --- " "the other common server configuration is to treat special extensions as " "denoting CGI scripts." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:442 msgid "" "The :func:`do_GET` and :func:`do_HEAD` functions are modified to run CGI " "scripts and serve the output, instead of serving files, if the request leads " "to somewhere below the ``cgi_directories`` path." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:446 msgid "The :class:`CGIHTTPRequestHandler` defines the following data member:" msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:450 msgid "" "This defaults to ``['/cgi-bin', '/htbin']`` and describes directories to " "treat as containing CGI scripts." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:453 msgid "The :class:`CGIHTTPRequestHandler` defines the following method:" msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:457 msgid "" "This method serves the ``'POST'`` request type, only allowed for CGI " "scripts. Error 501, \"Can only POST to CGI scripts\", is output when trying " "to POST to a non-CGI url." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:461 msgid "" "Note that CGI scripts will be run with UID of user nobody, for security " "reasons. Problems with the CGI script will be translated to error 403." msgstr "" #: ../Doc/library/http.server.rst:464 msgid "" ":class:`CGIHTTPRequestHandler` can be enabled in the command line by passing " "the ``--cgi`` option::" msgstr ""