More detail about contributing with github.

This commit is contained in:
Julien Palard 2018-06-30 12:24:23 +02:00
parent 0d8c24f9db
commit 5e1dfe7201

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@ -32,16 +32,31 @@ Contributing to the Translation
How to Contribute
You can either contribute on `transifex/python-doc/public
<>`_, or by simply openning an
issue on this repository, or by editing the ``po`` files.
You contribute using:
To modify those files you first have to fork this project and follow
github instructions to clone it.
- github (preferred solution)
- `transifex <>`_
- Or just by opening `an issue on github <>`_
Next, to edit the files, you can use an editor of your choice, there's many:
- Highly recommended: `poedit <>`_
Contributing using Github
You'll first need a `github account <>`_.
Then you'll need to fork the project by clicking the ``Fork`` button
on `python-docs-fr <>`_. This
creates a copy of the whole project on your github account: a place
where you have the rights to do modifications.
To modify po files you'll need to synchronize the project files to
your computer by using ``git``:
Once the project ``git clone``ed, you'll be able to modify the files
containing the translations, those are ``.po`` files and can be
modified using various tools:
- `poedit <>`_ (recommended)
- gted
- gtranslator
- lokalize
@ -53,12 +68,13 @@ Next, to edit the files, you can use an editor of your choice, there's many:
Before commiting, you should use `grammalecte
<>`_ to check for your translations.
Finally, once your contribution is done, do a ``pull request`` so we
can review and merge it.
After commiting (this is just "naming the modification"), synchronize
the file back to github using ``git push``.
Please write your issues and pull requests in english for consistency
with the python github organization and because non-french people may
receive github notifications about our activity.
And now, from your github project, a buttun should appear "Create a
pull requests", this is asking us, the main project, to pull your
modifications. This step may take some time as we'll review your
modifications before accepting them, and we may ask for modifications.
What to translate
@ -86,8 +102,9 @@ Where to get help
The coordinator for this translation is `mdk <>`_.
Feel free to ask your questions on ``#python-fr`` on `freenode
Feel free to ask your questions on the ``#python-fr`` channel on `freenode
<>`_ (does not require registration) or the
`AFPy traductions mailing list <>`_.
Translation Resources