Python Boilerplate ================== Stuff used for a new python project 🐍 💡 Idea ------- 1. Keep in mind the **Standalone Python script** proposed by _Vincent Bernat_ ( [🇫🇷]( | [🇬🇧]( ). 1. Ease new project start 1. Give a try to the _GitLab_ group organisation 🚀 Use quick-start ----------------- Get the source & edit settings: ```bash git clone git@:.git && cd cp ${EDITOR} ``` Set up environment & run help: ```bash mkdir ~/.venvs && python3 -m venv ~/.venvs/ source ~/.venvs//bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt ./ -h ``` 🚧 Development -------------- ### 🚀 Quick-start - Built with `Python 3.8` - Code linting with [`flake8`](, [`pylint`](, [`black`]( & [`pydocstyle`]( - Install development tools: * `pip install -r requirements-dev.txt` - A `Makefile` with tools : run `make help` to have a look - Use the `pre-commit` git hook * `make init-pre-commit` ### 📌 Dependences Details in [`requirements.txt`](requirements.txt) & [`requirements-dev.txt`](requirements-dev.txt) ### 🤝 Contributing - Roadmap ➡️ [_project kanban_]( - Question, suggestion, issue ➡️ [_project issues_]( - Code submission ➡️ [_project merge request_](