VBIN=${VIRTUAL_ENV}/bin help: # Print help on Makefile @grep '^[^.#]\+:\s\+.*#' Makefile | \ sed "s/\(.\+\):\s*\(.*\) #\s*\(.*\)/`printf "\e[1;33;4;40m"`\1`printf "\033[0m"` \3/" | \ expand -t20 clean: # Remove files not tracked in source control find . -type f -name "*.orig" -delete find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete find . -type d -name "__pycache__" -delete find . -type d -empty -delete format: # Format the code and lint it ${VBIN}/black *.py .git/hooks/pre-commit init-pre_commit: # Set up git pre-commit hook echo "make --no-print-directory --quiet lint" > .git/hooks/pre-commit && chmod u+x .git/hooks/pre-commit lint: # Lint code ${VBIN}/black --quiet --check *.py && echo "✅ black" || echo "🚨 black" ${VBIN}/pflake8 --config=pyproject.toml && echo "✅ pflake8" || echo "🚨 pflake8" ${VBIN}/pydocstyle && echo "✅ pydocstyle" || echo "🚨 pydocstyle" ${VBIN}/pylint --rcfile=pyproject.toml *.py && echo "✅ pylint" || echo "🚨 pylint" open_all: # Open all projects files ${EDITOR} ${VBIN}/activate ${EDITOR} main.py Makefile pyproject.toml README.md requirements-dev.txt requirements.txt ${EDITOR} .git/hooks/p*-commit pre_commit: # Run the pre-commit hook bash .git/hooks/pre-commit