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2016-10-30 09:46:26 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 1990-2016, Python Software Foundation
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Python 2.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-10-30 10:44+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:3
msgid ":mod:`resource` --- Resource usage information"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:12
msgid ""
"This module provides basic mechanisms for measuring and controlling system "
"resources utilized by a program."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:15
msgid ""
"Symbolic constants are used to specify particular system resources and to "
"request usage information about either the current process or its children."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:18
msgid "A single exception is defined for errors:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:23
msgid ""
"The functions described below may raise this error if the underlying system "
"call failures unexpectedly."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:28
msgid "Resource Limits"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:30
msgid ""
"Resources usage can be limited using the :func:`setrlimit` function "
"described below. Each resource is controlled by a pair of limits: a soft "
"limit and a hard limit. The soft limit is the current limit, and may be "
"lowered or raised by a process over time. The soft limit can never exceed "
"the hard limit. The hard limit can be lowered to any value greater than the "
"soft limit, but not raised. (Only processes with the effective UID of the "
"super-user can raise a hard limit.)"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:38
msgid ""
"The specific resources that can be limited are system dependent. They are "
"described in the :manpage:`getrlimit(2)` man page. The resources listed "
"below are supported when the underlying operating system supports them; "
"resources which cannot be checked or controlled by the operating system are "
"not defined in this module for those platforms."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:47
msgid "Constant used to represent the limit for an unlimited resource."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:52
msgid ""
"Returns a tuple ``(soft, hard)`` with the current soft and hard limits of "
"*resource*. Raises :exc:`ValueError` if an invalid resource is specified, "
"or :exc:`error` if the underlying system call fails unexpectedly."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:59
msgid ""
"Sets new limits of consumption of *resource*. The *limits* argument must be "
"a tuple ``(soft, hard)`` of two integers describing the new limits. A value "
"of :data:`~resource.RLIM_INFINITY` can be used to request a limit that is "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:64
msgid ""
"Raises :exc:`ValueError` if an invalid resource is specified, if the new "
"soft limit exceeds the hard limit, or if a process tries to raise its hard "
"limit. Specifying a limit of :data:`~resource.RLIM_INFINITY` when the hard "
"or system limit for that resource is not unlimited will result in a :exc:"
"`ValueError`. A process with the effective UID of super-user can request "
"any valid limit value, including unlimited, but :exc:`ValueError` will still "
"be raised if the requested limit exceeds the system imposed limit."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:73
msgid ""
"``setrlimit`` may also raise :exc:`error` if the underlying system call "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:76
msgid ""
"These symbols define resources whose consumption can be controlled using "
"the :func:`setrlimit` and :func:`getrlimit` functions described below. The "
"values of these symbols are exactly the constants used by C programs."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:80
msgid ""
"The Unix man page for :manpage:`getrlimit(2)` lists the available resources. "
"Note that not all systems use the same symbol or same value to denote the "
"same resource. This module does not attempt to mask platform differences "
"--- symbols not defined for a platform will not be available from this "
"module on that platform."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:89
msgid ""
"The maximum size (in bytes) of a core file that the current process can "
"create. This may result in the creation of a partial core file if a larger "
"core would be required to contain the entire process image."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:96
msgid ""
"The maximum amount of processor time (in seconds) that a process can use. If "
"this limit is exceeded, a :const:`SIGXCPU` signal is sent to the process. "
"(See the :mod:`signal` module documentation for information about how to "
"catch this signal and do something useful, e.g. flush open files to disk.)"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:104
msgid "The maximum size of a file which the process may create."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:109
msgid "The maximum size (in bytes) of the process's heap."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:114
msgid ""
"The maximum size (in bytes) of the call stack for the current process. This "
"only affects the stack of the main thread in a multi-threaded process."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:120
msgid ""
"The maximum resident set size that should be made available to the process."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:125
msgid "The maximum number of processes the current process may create."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:130
msgid "The maximum number of open file descriptors for the current process."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:135
msgid "The BSD name for :const:`RLIMIT_NOFILE`."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:140
msgid "The maximum address space which may be locked in memory."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:145
msgid "The largest area of mapped memory which the process may occupy."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:150
msgid ""
"The maximum area (in bytes) of address space which may be taken by the "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:154
msgid "Resource Usage"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:156
msgid "These functions are used to retrieve resource usage information:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:161
msgid ""
"This function returns an object that describes the resources consumed by "
"either the current process or its children, as specified by the *who* "
"parameter. The *who* parameter should be specified using one of the :const:"
"`RUSAGE_\\*` constants described below."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:166
msgid ""
"The fields of the return value each describe how a particular system "
"resource has been used, e.g. amount of time spent running is user mode or "
"number of times the process was swapped out of main memory. Some values are "
"dependent on the clock tick internal, e.g. the amount of memory the process "
"is using."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:171
msgid ""
"For backward compatibility, the return value is also accessible as a tuple "
"of 16 elements."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:174
msgid ""
"The fields :attr:`ru_utime` and :attr:`ru_stime` of the return value are "
"floating point values representing the amount of time spent executing in "
"user mode and the amount of time spent executing in system mode, "
"respectively. The remaining values are integers. Consult the :manpage:"
"`getrusage(2)` man page for detailed information about these values. A brief "
"summary is presented here:"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:181
msgid "Index"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:181
msgid "Field"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:181
msgid "Resource"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:183
msgid "``0``"
msgstr "``0``"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:183
msgid ":attr:`ru_utime`"
msgstr ":attr:`ru_utime`"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:183
msgid "time in user mode (float)"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:185
msgid "``1``"
msgstr "``1``"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:185
msgid ":attr:`ru_stime`"
msgstr ":attr:`ru_stime`"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:185
msgid "time in system mode (float)"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:187
msgid "``2``"
msgstr "``2``"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:187
msgid ":attr:`ru_maxrss`"
msgstr ":attr:`ru_maxrss`"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:187
msgid "maximum resident set size"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:189
msgid "``3``"
msgstr "``3``"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:189
msgid ":attr:`ru_ixrss`"
msgstr ":attr:`ru_ixrss`"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:189
msgid "shared memory size"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:191
msgid "``4``"
msgstr "``4``"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:191
msgid ":attr:`ru_idrss`"
msgstr ":attr:`ru_idrss`"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:191
msgid "unshared memory size"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:193
msgid "``5``"
msgstr "``5``"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:193
msgid ":attr:`ru_isrss`"
msgstr ":attr:`ru_isrss`"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:193
msgid "unshared stack size"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:195
msgid "``6``"
msgstr "``6``"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:195
msgid ":attr:`ru_minflt`"
msgstr ":attr:`ru_minflt`"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:195
msgid "page faults not requiring I/O"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:197
msgid "``7``"
msgstr "``7``"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:197
msgid ":attr:`ru_majflt`"
msgstr ":attr:`ru_majflt`"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:197
msgid "page faults requiring I/O"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:199
msgid "``8``"
msgstr "``8``"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:199
msgid ":attr:`ru_nswap`"
msgstr ":attr:`ru_nswap`"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:199
msgid "number of swap outs"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:201
msgid "``9``"
msgstr "``9``"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:201
msgid ":attr:`ru_inblock`"
msgstr ":attr:`ru_inblock`"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:201
msgid "block input operations"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:203
msgid "``10``"
msgstr "``10``"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:203
msgid ":attr:`ru_oublock`"
msgstr ":attr:`ru_oublock`"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:203
msgid "block output operations"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:205
msgid "``11``"
msgstr "``11``"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:205
msgid ":attr:`ru_msgsnd`"
msgstr ":attr:`ru_msgsnd`"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:205
msgid "messages sent"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:207
msgid "``12``"
msgstr "``12``"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:207
msgid ":attr:`ru_msgrcv`"
msgstr ":attr:`ru_msgrcv`"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:207
msgid "messages received"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:209
msgid "``13``"
msgstr "``13``"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:209
msgid ":attr:`ru_nsignals`"
msgstr ":attr:`ru_nsignals`"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:209
msgid "signals received"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:211
msgid "``14``"
msgstr "``14``"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:211
msgid ":attr:`ru_nvcsw`"
msgstr ":attr:`ru_nvcsw`"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:211
msgid "voluntary context switches"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:213
msgid "``15``"
msgstr "``15``"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:213
msgid ":attr:`ru_nivcsw`"
msgstr ":attr:`ru_nivcsw`"
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:213
msgid "involuntary context switches"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:216
msgid ""
"This function will raise a :exc:`ValueError` if an invalid *who* parameter "
"is specified. It may also raise :exc:`error` exception in unusual "
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:219
msgid "Added access to values as attributes of the returned object."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:225
msgid ""
"Returns the number of bytes in a system page. (This need not be the same as "
"the hardware page size.)"
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:228
msgid ""
"The following :const:`RUSAGE_\\*` symbols are passed to the :func:"
"`getrusage` function to specify which processes information should be "
"provided for."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:234
msgid ""
":const:`RUSAGE_SELF` should be used to request information pertaining only "
"to the process itself."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:240
msgid ""
"Pass to :func:`getrusage` to request resource information for child "
"processes of the calling process."
msgstr ""
#: ../Doc/library/resource.rst:246
msgid ""
"Pass to :func:`getrusage` to request resources consumed by both the current "
"process and child processes. May not be available on all systems."
msgstr ""