"""Tool to merge cpython pot files to python-docs-fr po files for a given branch. """ import re import shutil from pathlib import Path import argparse import subprocess from subprocess import PIPE from tqdm import tqdm def run(*args: str | Path, **kwargs) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: """Run a shell command with subprocess.run() with check=True and encoding="UTF-8". """ return subprocess.run(list(args), encoding="UTF-8", check=True, **kwargs) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( "--cpython_repo", default=Path("venv/cpython"), type=Path, help="Use this given cpython clone.", ) parser.add_argument("branch", help="Merge from this branch") return parser.parse_args() def setup_repo(repo_path: Path, branch: str): """Ensure we're up-to-date.""" run("git", "-C", repo_path, "checkout", branch) run("git", "-C", repo_path, "pull", "--ff-only") def copy_new_files(new_files: set[Path], pot_path: Path) -> None: """Just copy new po files to our hierarchy.""" print(f"{len(new_files)} new files.") for file in new_files: file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) src = (pot_path / file).with_suffix(".pot") run("msgcat", "-o", file, src) def update_known_files(known_files: set[Path], pot_path: Path) -> None: """msgmerge updated pot files in our po files.""" print(f"{len(known_files)} files to update.") for file in tqdm(known_files, desc="merging pot files"): src = (pot_path / file).with_suffix(".pot") run("msgmerge", "-q", "--backup=off", "--force-po", "-U", file, src) def remove_old_files(old_files: set[Path]) -> None: """Remove files removed upstream.""" print(f"{len(old_files)} removed files.") for file in old_files: run("git", "rm", file) def clean_paths(files: set[Path]) -> None: """Ensure the path present in po files are always relative. This avoid having diffs on those paths when we change something in a script. """ for file in tqdm(files, desc="Cleaning rst path in pot files"): contents = file.read_text(encoding="UTF-8") contents = re.sub("^#: .*Doc/", "#: ", contents, flags=re.M) file.write_text(contents, encoding="UTF-8") def update_makefile(cpython_repo: Path) -> None: """Update CPYTHON_CURRENT_COMMIT in the Makefile. So that when we run `make` it use the same commit than the one used to generate the `po` files. """ makefile = Path("Makefile").read_text(encoding="UTF-8") head = run("git", "-C", cpython_repo, "rev-parse", "HEAD", stdout=PIPE).stdout makefile = re.sub( "^CPYTHON_CURRENT_COMMIT :=.*$", f"CPYTHON_CURRENT_COMMIT := {head}", makefile, flags=re.M, ) Path("Makefile").write_text(makefile, encoding="UTF-8") run("git", "add", "Makefile") def git_add_relevant_files(): """Add only files with relevant modifications. This only add files with actual modifications, not just metadata modifications, to avoid noise in history. """ modified_files = run("git", "ls-files", "-m", stdout=PIPE).stdout.split("\n") modified_po_files = [line for line in modified_files if line.endswith(".po")] for file in modified_po_files: diff = run("git", "diff", "-U0", file, stdout=PIPE).stdout if len(diff.split("\n")) > 8: run("git", "add", file) else: run("git", "checkout", "--", file) run("rm", "-f", "whatsnew/changelog.po") # We don't translate this file. def main(): args = parse_args() setup_repo(args.cpython_repo, args.branch) run( *["sphinx-build", "-jauto", "-QDgettext_compact=0", "-bgettext", ".", "../pot"], cwd=args.cpython_repo / "Doc", ) pot_path = args.cpython_repo / "pot" upstream = { file.relative_to(pot_path).with_suffix(".po") for file in pot_path.glob("**/*.pot") } downstream = { po for po in Path(".").glob("**/*.po") if not (po.is_relative_to(Path("locales")) or po.is_relative_to(Path(".git"))) } copy_new_files(upstream - downstream, pot_path=pot_path) update_known_files(upstream & downstream, pot_path=pot_path) remove_old_files(downstream - upstream) clean_paths((upstream - downstream) | (upstream & downstream)) shutil.rmtree(pot_path) run("powrap", "-m") update_makefile(args.cpython_repo) git_add_relevant_files() run("git", "commit", "-m", "Make merge") if __name__ == "__main__": main()