Title: Unset ZFS legacy mountpoints Date: 2022-12-12 23:38 Summary: Unset ZFS legacy mountpoints on an OVH baremetal server installed with Proxmox and ZFS Category: Bloc-notes Tags: zfs, proxmox, ovh, admin, shell, cli, storage, backup Status: Published Translation: true Lang: en Slug: unset-zfs-legacy-mountpoint-proxmox-ovh-installation [Proxmox][pve] with a [ZFS][openzfs] root file system on an [OVHcloud baremetal server][ovh-sd] use _Legacy mountpoints_ (managed via `/etc/fstab`). This is a valid setup but avoid using properties inheritance between datasets. Let’s get gives back to ZFS the mountpoint management with a few configuration. _initial situation on proxmox after installation_: ```bash root@server:~# zfs list NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT zp0 3.29G 1.75T 96K none zp0/zd0 91.8M 932M 91.8M legacy zp0/zd1 3.20G 1.75T 3.20G legacy zp0/zd2 104K 1024M 104K legacy root@server:~# grep zp0 /etc/fstab zp0/zd1 / zfs defaults 0 1 zp0/zd0 /boot zfs defaults,x-systemd.requires=zfs-import.target 0 0 zp0/zd2 /var/lib/vz zfs defaults,x-systemd.requires=zfs-import.target 0 0 ``` _reboot to customer rescue to set mountpoints_… ```bash root@rescue-customer-eu (nsxxxxx.ip-x-x-x.eu) ~ # modprobe zfs root@rescue-customer-eu (nsxxxxx.ip-x-x-x.eu) ~ # zpool import -f -N -R /mnt zp0 root@rescue-customer-eu (nsxxxxx.ip-x-x-x.eu) ~ # zfs set mountpoint=/ zp0/zd1 root@rescue-customer-eu (nsxxxxx.ip-x-x-x.eu) ~ # zfs set mountpoint=/boot zp0/zd0 root@rescue-customer-eu (nsxxxxx.ip-x-x-x.eu) ~ # zfs set mountpoint=/var/lib/vz zp0/zd2 root@rescue-customer-eu (nsxxxxx.ip-x-x-x.eu) ~ # zfs get -r mounted zp0 NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE zp0 mounted no - zp0/zd0 mounted yes - zp0/zd1 mounted yes - zp0/zd2 mounted yes - root@rescue-customer-eu (nsxxxxx.ip-x-x-x.eu) ~ # grep zp0 /mnt/etc/fstab zp0/zd1 / zfs defaults 0 1 zp0/zd0 /boot zfs defaults,x-systemd.requires=zfs-import.target 0 0 zp0/zd2 /var/lib/vz zfs defaults,x-systemd.requires=zfs-import.target 0 0 root@rescue-customer-eu (nsxxxxx.ip-x-x-x.eu) ~ # sed -i '/^zp0/d' /mnt/etc/fstab root@rescue-customer-eu (nsxxxxx.ip-x-x-x.eu) ~ # grep zp0 /mnt/etc/fstab root@rescue-customer-eu (nsxxxxx.ip-x-x-x.eu) ~ # zpool export -a ``` _reboot to proxmox, et voilà!_ ```bash root@server:~# zfs list -r NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT zp0 3.29G 1.75T 96K none zp0/zd0 91.8M 932M 91.8M /boot zp0/zd1 3.20G 1.75T 3.20G / zp0/zd2 104K 1024M 104K /var/lib/vz ``` _References_: - [FreeBSD Manual Pages - `ZFS(8)`](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=zfs&apropos=0&sektion=8&manpath=FreeBSD+14.0-CURRENT&arch=default&format=html) - [Oracle Solaris ZFS Administration Guide - Legacy Mount Points](https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19253-01/819-5461/gbaln/index.html) - Thank you _Louis_ 🤝 [openzfs]: https://openzfs.org [OVHcloud baremetal OS]: https://www.ovhcloud.com/en-ie/bare-metal/os/ [ovh-sd]: https://www.ovhcloud.com/en-ie/bare-metal/ [pve]: https://proxmox.com/en/