#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals AUTHOR = 'Fred' DEFAULT_LANG = 'fr' DEFAULT_PAGINATION = False PATH = 'content' SITEURL = '' RELATIVE_URLS = False SITENAME = 'pro.zind' SITE_SOURCE = "https://gitlab.com/free_zed/free_zed.gitlab.io" SITESUBTITLE = "Histoires d'un perfectioniste sous pression…" TIMEZONE = 'Europe/Paris' # Feed generation is usually not desired when developing FEED_ALL_ATOM = None CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM = None TRANSLATION_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_RSS = None # Blogroll LINKS = (('Archives', '/articles/'), ('Tags', '/tags/'), ('Mentions légales', '/mentions-legales/'),) # Social widget SOCIAL = (('gitlab', 'https://gitlab.com/free_zed'), ('stack-overflow', 'https://stackoverflow.com/users/6709630/freezed'), ('github', 'https://github.com/freezed/'), ('RSS', 'feeds/all.atom.xml'),) # my configuration DELETE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = True OUTPUT_PATH = 'public/' STATIC_PATHS = [ 'extra', ] EXTRA_PATH_METADATA = { 'extra/robots.txt': {'path': 'robots.txt'}, 'extra/favico.ico': {'path': 'favico.ico'}, } FAVICO = EXTRA_PATH_METADATA['extra/favico.ico']['path'] DISPLAY_CATEGORIES_ON_MENU = True THEME = 'theme-uberspot/' DEFAULT_METADATA = { 'Status': 'draft', 'Category': 'Bloc-notes', } # URL building ARCHIVES_SAVE_AS = 'articles/index.html' ARCHIVES_URL = 'articles/' ARTICLE_LANG_SAVE_AS = 'articles/{date:%Y}/{date:%m}/{slug}/{lang}/index.html' ARTICLE_LANG_URL = 'articles/{date:%Y}/{date:%m}/{slug}/{lang}/' ARTICLE_SAVE_AS = 'articles/{date:%Y}/{date:%m}/{slug}/index.html' ARTICLE_URL = 'articles/{date:%Y}/{date:%m}/{slug}/' AUTHOR_URL = 'a-propos/' CATEGORY_SAVE_AS = '{slug}/index.html' CATEGORY_URL = '{slug}/' PAGE_LANG_SAVE_AS = '{slug}/{lang}/index.html' PAGE_LANG_URL = '{slug}/{lang}/' PAGE_SAVE_AS = '{slug}/index.html' PAGE_URL = '{slug}/' TAGS_SAVE_AS = 'tags/index.html' TAGS_URL = 'tags/' TAG_SAVE_AS = 'tags/{slug}/index.html' TAG_URL = 'tags/{slug}/' YEAR_ARCHIVE_SAVE_AS = 'articles/{date:%Y}/index.html' YEAR_ARCHIVE_URL = 'articles/{date:%Y}/' # URL of the repo to link build commit REPO_COMMIT_URL = 'http://git.localhost/repo/commit' # Max number of tags displayed in achives # Used in template `taglist_sort.html` MAX_NB_TAG_IN_LIST = 8