Title: Contact Lang: en Slug: contact Status: published Summary: Contact me! Hopla ! ------- Welcome to this page, my name is _Frédéric Zind_. Professional in **vehicle maintenance** and **software development**, I share here : - some [notes][notes] - things [I've done][real] - as well as my [talkative performances][conf] To contact me : - mail : [pro@zind.fr](mailto:pro@zind.fr) - phone : [+336 59 44 28 36](tel:+33659442836) - [my _resume_][cvdown] I'm on the networks mentioned in the footer and member of the [_Gitlab Hero_][glh] community since November 2019. --- [conf]: /conferences/ [cvdown]: https://freezed.me/index.php/s/VM3F2r0wNXsOJDj/download# [glh]: https://about.gitlab.com/community/heroes/members/ [notes]: /bloc-notes/ [real]: /realisations/