# _chat_ TODO-list - [x] ~~server crash when a client quit~~ - [x] ~~clean client exit with ~~ - [x] ~~clean server exit with ~~ - [x] ~~broadcasting messages to all client connected~~ - [x] ~~show message on server when client use ~~ - [x] ~~crash after 2 in client~~ - [x] ~~sending welcome message only at 1st client connection FIX #20~~ - [x] ~~client freeze when sending empty string or spaces~~ - [x] ~~move closing connection at the script's end~~ - [x] ~~asking/using client-nickname~~ - [x] ~~clean the prompt and std.out a bit messy since broadcasting~~ - [ ] using wlist with select.select for hardening the script - [ ] convert logic to oreiented object - [ ] server crash witn opened connection with - [ ] add some commands: help, list user, disconnect user, etc. - [ ] add time logging - [ ] server crash if a client is killed - [ ] …